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Long Game 14: To Shatter a Shard

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Night Eight: So long, and thanks for all the Lifeless.

Maliss’s grip tightened on his dagger as the burnt Stick again called for his death. It was nothing if not set it’s it’s belief. He had paid it no mind previously, but today it had managed to convince others to join against him. The farmer and Wilkin were both muttering to each other, though their gazes were on him. He had already saved Wikin’s life once before! But how was he repaid?


Suspicion. Threats and Accusations. He’d not stand for it.


He still had a bit of time before they worked themselves up to killing him, time enough for him to make a run for it. Maybe call upon a lifeless to protect him. He wouldn’t kill any of them of course, they were needed to fight Odium, well, other than that colourless Stick. No one needed him.


As if in reply to his thoughts, the stick started rolling across the floor towards him, followed by several others. It was time to escape.


Maliss did what any sane man would do in that situation. He pulled his dagger out and dived head first out the nearest window.


Over the sound of Shattering glass, he could hear the yells of the others as they set out in pursuit of him. He pushed himself up, and sprinted for where he had stashed his Lifeless. He could still get out of this alive if he could reach it in time.


Something got caught between his feet, and he stumbled yelping in surprise as the ground crashed against his hastily raised arms. He looked back over his shoulder, and found that Shardamn Stick had tripped him. Frustrated, he kicked it away from him and grabbed his dagger from where it had fallen.


A great weight crushed him flat and expelled all the breath from his lungs. “So Maliss, thought you could outrun me?” Maw leaned over from atop him and grinned.


Wilkin ran up to them, barely stopping himself from crashing into them. He bent over, resting his arms on his knees and panting for breath before straightening. “Right. RIght then. Maliss. You stand accused of treachery and murder. How do you plead?”


Maliss locked eyes with him and spoke as clearly as he could. “Howl of the sun. Attack Maw. Howl of the Sun.” Maw and Wilkin both grabbed their weapons and looked around. When nothing materialized, they looked back.


Maliss frowned in thought. “Oh wait, that was the last Command. Um, Verdant Bells, attack Maw? Twisted Dagger? Velveteen Rabbit? Shardamn it, i forgot what I changed the command to.”


“Can I just kill him now?”


“He’s proven willing to attack us. Do it Maw.”


The Farmer pulled his fist back, and slammed it into his captive’s head, cracking his skull on the ungiving ground. Maliss screamed in pain as Maw pulled back for another blow. And another. And another.


As the world faded away, the command finally came to him. “So long, and thanks for all the fish.”


Paranoid King was Lynched! He was a Lifeless Operator!



Paranoid King(6): Wilson, Kipper, Mailliw, Seonid, Badger, Lopen

Kipper(1): Paraonid King


Player List:

  1. (IrulelikeSTINK) Leyton

  2. (LittleWilson) Wilkin

  3. (Mailliw73) Maw

  4. (Shallan) Nacoti Diniv

  5. (RavenRadiant7) Nyra

  6. (Kipper) Stick

  7. (Clanky) Clink Jr.

  8. (Nicocoberru) Coco

  9. (The Honey Badger) Eon Begherd

  10. (Seonid) Sheon Idris

  11. (Dowanx) Dow

  12. (TheMightyLopen) Chilinko

  13. (Phattemer) DanStar

  14. (Surgebound Rainspren) Karlin



  1. (Winter CloudRuin

  2. (OrlokTsubodaiDevotion

  3. (PhattemerPoisoner

  4. (Araris ValerianWorldHopper

  5. (Alvom HalbinLifeless Operator

  6. (OstrichofEvilWorldhopper

  7. (AlvronDominion

  8. (EolhondrasChampion

  9. (MacenDominion

  10. (QuiverEndowment

  11. (Antillar MaximusAwakener, Ruin

  12. (HaelbardeOdium

  13. (Paranoid Emperor) Lifeless Operator


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This is why you don't kill Haelbarde. And DO kill Cultivation.


Hey! I haven't requested any PMs in forever, and most of the ones that I did request aren't even being used now! I've had 3 attempts on my life. 3! And now you're upping the bounty? I thought you were on my side, Joe. I see I was mistaken. :(

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Day Nine: The road to Braize


Nacoti Diniv’s neck prickled, as if someone was watching her. A careful look around her revealed no one however. The street was empty of everyone.


Completely Empty.


That never happened. She stopped walking, and searched her surrounding with other senses. A terrible malevolence surrounded this place. Small wonder everyone had fled. Something Hateful was here.


Some instinct in her made her drop, barely missing a bolt of red smoke that came hissing of out the darkness. She jumped to her feet and whirled to face her attacker, a figure wreathed in red smoke.


“Brightness Diniv, I’m surprised to see you of all people at this time of night.”


“I’m surprised you would dare fight me face to face Odium”


The figure chuckled, amused at something. “Why wouldn’t I? You’re no threat.” The figure took a step forward and threw another bolt of power. She jumped to the side, dodging it easily.


“It doesn’t appear you are either.”


Again, the figure chuckled. “You can dodge any attack you can see coming, can’t you? Well you forget that my power always returns to me.”


Something struck her from behind, knocking her off her feet. She tried to scream, but only increased her pain. Her lungs had been destroyed.


She could barely see the figure look around itself, then leave, its power fading away. When it was out of sight, she let her investiture go to work. It spread through her sternum, healing her burned corpse and restoring her breath. She got her knees under her body and pushed herself to her feet.


She fled into the night without a backwards glance.


Eon Bergherd carefully slashed the last line of the massive sigil, connecting it to his will. If anyone stepped outside the house in the center with the Intent to kill someone, his Pet would hunt them down and slaughter them. Of course, if anyone entered with the intent to kill, they would do nothing. He stepped back from the sigil, his job done.


Endowment, glowing with green and red power, crossed over the sigil and approached the household. Eon watched as she kicked down the door and left his line of sight. there were muffled cries, then a scream, and then Coco was blasted out of her house by a final burst of Ruin’s power. She rolled to a stop, badly burned, but still breathing.


A quick check of his pet showed that she never intended to kill tonight, which was bad. Eon hurried over to her side and checked her wounds. They were scabbing over far too quickly. Pewter healing perhaps? As he watched, they stopped, no longer healing. She would undoubtedly die soon. But what to do? He had been wrong about her intentions, so now what?


A clattering from behind drew his attention, and he whirled about to see his last Skeletal collapsing into a pile. Behind it, a figure grinned at him, it’s naked sword gleaming in the pre-dawn light. “Hello Eon. You were quite the help to us, killing Ruin as you did. But now?” The figure moved so quickly as to appear to teleport, its sword running him through before he could react.


“Now, you’re just a hindrance.”


Shallan was Attacked!

Nicocoberru was a Thug! She will die when they run out of Pewter.

The Honey Badger was a Bloodsealer!


Player List:

  1. (IrulelikeSTINK) Leyton

  2. (LittleWilson) Wilkin

  3. (Mailliw73) Maw

  4. (Shallan) Nacoti Diniv

  5. (RavenRadiant7) Nyra

  6. (Kipper) Stick

  7. (Clanky) Clink Jr.

  8. (Seonid) Sheon Idris

  9. (Dowanx) Dow

  10. (TheMightyLopen) Chilinko

  11. (Phattemer) DanStar

  12. (Surgebound Rainspren) Karlin


  1. (Nicocoberru) Thug


  1. (Winter Cloud) Ruin

  2. (OrlokTsubodai) Devotion

  3. (Phattemer) Poisoner

  4. (Araris Valerian) WorldHopper

  5. (Alvom Halbin) Lifeless Operator

  6. (OstrichofEvil) Worldhopper

  7. (Alvron) Dominion

  8. (Eolhondras) Champion

  9. (Macen) Dominion

  10. (Quiver) Endowment

  11. (Antillar Maximus) Awakener, Ruin

  12. (Haelbarde) Odium

  13. (Paranoid Emperor) Lifeless Operator

  14. (The Honey Badger) Bloodsealer


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It's been eleven days since I last posted? I could have sworn I'd posted more than that.


I've been trying to keep an eye on events here, when I've had the time, but I haven't really had anything to say. From what I can tell, the last few lynches have been the majority of us following one lead or another from one of the more experienced players, and as far as I could tell, adding another vote wouldn't change how events played out.


With luck, I'll have time to actually vote this cycle.

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Just so everyone is aware, Ruin, who I happen to trust rather implicitly, roleblocked Phatt last night, so he can't be an OC. Lopen knows this, so I find it curious that he's voting for Phatt even though he knows that Phatt can't be an eliminator. What's the logic, Lopen? How could Phatt possibly have made one of the OC kills last night if he was roleblocked?

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