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Long Game 14: To Shatter a Shard

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Mail isn't evil. He invested me during the last day cycle, with the message "well you ever be good again." If he claims he didn't, then we might need to take a long, hard look at whether dominion and endowment have been with the same person recently. For myself, I'm looking at Clanky. I think kipper's analysis was right, and I confirmed his alignment by investing in him last night.

And mail, the answer to your question is "this cycle." My investment of Kipper happened after your investment of me. :P

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I removed my vote from Maill. If he did invest in you he can't be OC aligned. Also Seonid, do you actually still think I am an OC? That would make 7 OCs with the potential for two players to change sides. We could just not lynch anyone this cycle and wait to see if Karlins death ends the game

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Mail isn't evil. He invested me during the last day cycle, with the message "well you ever be good again." If he claims he didn't, then we might need to take a long, hard look at whether dominion and endowment have been with the same person recently. For myself, I'm looking at Clanky. I think kipper's analysis was right, and I confirmed his alignment by investing in him last night.

And mail, the answer to your question is "this cycle." My investment of Kipper happened after your investment of me. :P

What did you Invest Clanky with? How do you know he's evil?
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Sorry for the poor wording. I meant that I had confirmed kipper's alignment. If I had confirmed clanky's, I wouldn't be voting for him.

Clanky, I'm voting for you because karlin can't be the last oc. Somebody made a kill on Wilson the night cycle after we lynched phattemer. Marlin had to have been inactive for 72 hours (there were roughly 48 hours between the write up when Wilson died and the write up when karlin lost Odium). Somebody active had to have Odium the previous night cycle, and it's either you, me, or Kipper. I've just certified Kipper. If I were the last, mail's investment in me would have ended the game. That leaves you. Stink, Dow, raven, and mail all had unbroken shards that cycle, which would have caused Odium top go to another holder.

Stink, with endowment, technically could have held Odium, but he couldn't have been invested, and so couldn't have made the kill on Wilson, who was only a regular worldhopper at that point.

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You are right Seonid there was an attack on Wilson that couldn't have been done by Karlin. However it also couldn't have been done by me since you yourself role-blocked me.   Also since Karlin wasn't active then she couldn't have invested in anyone else if she held Odium at that point. That leaves two possibilities:


1) A different player held Odium and decided they didn't want it anymore so they gave it Karlin just for fun. Why would the OCs want a kill  anyways?


2) Someone else has a kill ability. Maybe someone who got invested by Odium earlier in the game and who has the ability to use the kill later. Now who has that ability this game?

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Well...that was embarrassing. I just checked Joe's message, and there was white text. I pay this on mobile normally, so highlighting isn't an option, and quoting everything gets tedious, so I tend to miss a lot of white text. My bad.

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Night Twelve:  Death of a Salesman.


The Silence was loud enough to hurt.


The remaining members of the Seventeenth Shard waited, hoping for others to tell them what to do. Without Wilkin, they were helpless. Fishes out of water, trapped in an Empty barrel. They all looked around the small circle, moving from face to face, trying to decide which among them was Evil. They passed quickly over Sheon’s face. none of them wanted to make eye-contact with him after last night. They didn’t exactly have a choice once he started talking though.


“Clink Jr, you’re the only one who could have killed Wilkin. And I intend to see that you don’t kill another one of us.”


The salesman’s son stood up fast enough to knock his chair over backwards. “Is that a threat, Champion?”


“A threat implies a possibility. This is a promise.” Sheon rose to his feet, glaring at Clink. “Tell me, why did you betray us? Why did you choose to serve Odium of all shards? Why?!”


Clink practically spat his words out. “I never betrayed anyone Oat-breaker!”


Sheon turned to face the others. “Is there anyone who would object to me killing this crem?”


The Seventeenth Shards looked down, none willing to look either of the arguers in the face.


“Then by the Power Invested in me by this Circle of Shards, I declare you A Champion of HAtred Clink, and Sentence you to death.”


Clink snarled and whipped a dagger out of his belt. He took a step forward and swung his arm towards Sheon’s face, but stopped midstroke. He struggled, trying to push the dagger further, but to no avail. Slowly his arm twisted in, redirecting the blade towards himself. He tried to resist, but the power dominating his arm was too strong.


With a scream of fear, he buried his dagger in his own throat. The onlookers jumped as his body hit the floor.


Sheon folded his arms and stared hard at the body, waiting for Odium’s power to leave it. But nothing happened. No smoke materialed. No shard appeared.


“Well then, back to Square one.”



Clanky(2): Seonid, Clanky


Clanky was an Awakener!


Player List:

  1. (IrulelikeSTINK) Leyton

  2. (Mailliw73) Maw

  3. (RavenRadiant7) Nyra

  4. (Kipper) Stick

  5. (Seonid) Sheon Idris

  6. (Dowanx) Dow


  1. (Surgebound Rainspren) Thug


  1. (Winter Cloud) Ruin

  2. (OrlokTsubodai) Devotion

  3. (Phattemer) Poisoner

  4. (Araris Valerian) WorldHopper

  5. (Alvom Halbin) Lifeless Operator

  6. (OstrichofEvil) Worldhopper

  7. (Alvron) Dominion

  8. (Eolhondras) Champion

  9. (Macen) Dominion

  10. (Quiver) Endowment

  11. (Antillar Maximus) Awakener, Ruin

  12. (Haelbarde) Odium

  13. (Paranoid Emperor) Lifeless Operator

  14. (The Honey Badger) Bloodsealer

  15. (TheMightyLopen) Lifeless Operator

  16. (Nicocoberru) Thug

  17. (Phattemer) Poisoner, Odium

  18. (Shallan) Honour

  19. (Clanky) Awakener

  20. (LittleWilson) Worldhopper.


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Well that didn't work the way I thought it was going to. Sorry Clanky. My gut said you were innocent, but the data said you had to be guilty. I spent the whole cycle trying to figure out a way that you weren't the one who did it. I asked Joe questions near the end of the cycle that would have changed my actions, but I didn't get answers until after Joe had called time on the cycle. So you died. My fault.


Anyways, here is what I have learned - specifically, that neither Dow, Raven, nor Stink can be considered cleared. We should have known that when Odium turned out to go to Karlin.


My thoughts are all jumbled right now - it's too late to think - but here's the framework of what I'm looking at. I still think that the cycle that Wilson died is key to finding the killer.


Information gained from Joe - A Shard can swap their shard with another shard, each giving up their shard to the other, without problem. Many of you likely already knew that, and it should be setting off alarm bells about clearing someone just because they hold a shard.


A shard may also invest in another shard successfully if that player gives up their shard the same cycle. Example: Alvron is Dominion, Hael is Odium. Hael invests in Alvron. Alv passes Dominion to phattemer. Next cycle, Alv may make the Champion kill.


Also, a Shard can invest a person and give them their shard in the same cycle, causing the person to have both abilities. Wilson knew this, and talked about it with Kipper and I. What we didn't realize, though, was that this was possible even if the investee held a shard, if they were doing a shard swap. Example - Odium and Dominion are the last 2 players left on Team Evil. They want to be able to do a double-tap. Odium invests Dominion, and passes his shard to him. Dominion passes his shard to Odium. The next cycle, all 3 abilities are available.


A Shard can invest in themselves, and if they pass the shard that cycle, they will have the investment ability.


Also, anytime Endowment holds a broken shard, they can use the Shardic ability. (Contra Kipper, in my PM - this means that there is a redirect action out there, as well as potentially a Ruin kill :P)


Also, Ruin kills will always be distinguishable in the write-up from Champion kills/Odium kills.


* * * * * * * * * *


So, with this in mind, let's see what might have happened on the night Wilson died. Odium obviously eventually went to Karlin (who hasn't died yet - either he has more than 1 vial of pewter or is a super-Devotion!Thug). However, Karlin has been off of the Shard since the 10th of September. Can't have made the kill. Obviously, Clanky didn't either. (Can't believe how wrong I was about that :() I don't have a kill ability, so I couldn't have (I recognize a lot of you don't believe it. All I have to say is LAFO - lynch and find out. But you do it at your peril.) Now, if Endowment held Dominion at the time, Endowment could have redirected Karlin's kill ability to Wilson. Problem is, I know what Dominion redirected that cycle, and it was my investment action. That was the round I stayed Neutral, despite investing in Wilson. Mail couldn't have invested me (because I now know what happens when we both invest, and mine takes precedence). Roleblocking doesn't block investment. That leaves redirection.


This actually significantly reduces the number of possible scenarios. I'm waiting on clarification from Joe as to how long he would wait if a Shard was given to an already inactive player. The cutoff is 72 hours, but if you've already been inactive for 72 hours, is it a next-cycle thing, or does the recipient always hold it for 72 hours before losing it due to inactivity?


From the assumption that it is 72 hours regardless: Karlin had therefore been holding the Shard of Odium since phatt was lynched. This is either because phatt invested in him and the shard followed the investment, or because phatt passed it there. If phatt had invested, the only way for Wilson to die would be because of Dominion's redirection. But that's already accounted for (see above).


So phatt must have passed the shard there. Smart, because it avoids the problem of being invested in and found out. He must also have invested in his compatriot to give them the kill. Who could that have been? Stink had Endowment (but this is not a full and complete clearing, as we shall see). Dow was given Cultivation that cycle. Raven was given Preservation during the day. This seems to indicate that either of them could have been invested in by Odium, and gotten their Shard simultaneously. So either of them could have made the kill.


What about Stink? Well, if Stink was evil, then Endowment would have been available to Team Evil since day 6. The only shard available for a while was Dominion, but that was conclusively in the hands of Raven by night 9. No guarantee it didn't come back, and a rather strong indication that either Endowment was passed to Raven or Raven passed dominion back to Stink by night 10, when my investment was redirected.


Assume that evil!Stink wouldn't have given Endowment up, so Dominion got moved back to Stink. Likely because the redirect ability is so valuable. So, in this scenario, Stink and phatt likely swapped Odium and Endowment between them to let them still make Champion kills. Under this option, phatt held both shards that day, but invested in Stink, passed Endowment to him, and passed Odium to Karlin. Stink then killed Wilson.


This is the most understandable of the options to me. The OC's would not want to give up Odium, and their ability to kill. But if they gave it to an inactive, they knew that they would get it back so long as they had Endowment. If Endowment is evil, then Odium is back in their hands easily. No risk. Just reward.


* * * * * * * * * *


So, what's the final verdict? I don't know. I strongly suspect that that will be yours to reach without me. I can't imagine any way that I won't be lynched tomorrow, with Clanky dead. If I survive the night, of course. I think I will. After you lynch me, though, and find out that I was on your side all along, read through this again. Hopefully it will help. Either Stink, Dow, or Raven is the last one. I don't know which. My money's on Stink, though. Kipper's guaranteed good. I invested him and was put on Team Village again. Mail tried investing in me day 11, which means that he was still neutral up until then. There are 3 good players left (not counting me, because I can become neutral at any time), which means at most 2 turns until the OCs have parity (less if Mail decides to join them - if I decided to join them with Mail, there would be voting parity right now, and this would be the last cycle. I haven't and won't, and so this isn't the last cycle.)


My best bet is Stink. The gambit with giving Odium to Karlin makes the most sense if they are guaranteed to get it back because of Endowment. I'm not conclusive on any of them, though.


Final question: What planet was Surgebound on during Night 1? If it was Scadrial, then he could be either a super!Thug or just a Thug with 2 vials. If not Scadrial, then he's a Thug with 2 vials. Orlok intended to invest in Mailliw Night 1, but died that round. So if Orlok's investment was redirected by Alvron to Surgebound, then that's where he got the extra vial from.


That's my analysis, thanks for reading. Hope you find it helpful. Sorry if it's incoherent. I'm going to sleep now. G'night.

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Never mind. I forgot that. I shouldn't have, because that's what happened with nico. I blame lack of sleep.

Also, Joe confirmed that karlin would have kept his shard for 72 hours, so he's had it since phatt was lynched. Unfortunately, that means that any of the three could be the last OC.

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I shared that information with Wilson really early in the game and with Seonid being Hoid I am sure he was privy to most of the information Wilson had.  Which means he knew about that scan and yet posted a long analysis about you being an OC.  I will most likely be voting for Seonid next cycle.

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Newsflash: Wilson didn't share everything with me. For a period if at least a couple of cycles, possibly ending on our around the first time mail invested in me, she was worried that I had gone over to the other side. I am pretty sure I earned her trust back - at least, she told me I did. But a lot of stuff happened in the meantime that she never got around to filling me in. For several cycles, I thought raven held endowment. Even after she let me know that stink actually held it, I didn't know that raven held endowment until my vote was manipulated.

So no, I don't know everything Wilson knew. I might have a chance tonight to go back and find if she told me that particular piece of information, but I have 31 pages of PMs to search through and only a mobile to do it on. It's tedious work, so I rely on memory as much as I can. And sometimes I get that wrong.

Heck, often I get it wrong. But whatever. I wasn't going to get out of getting lynched tomorrow anyways, and you should probably still have enough players to win after I die.

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