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Really Bad Shard Ideas


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Shard of Mustaches

Shard of Orange

Shard of Nausea (which, now that I think about it, could at least be somewhat close to the Silence Shard)

Shard of Peckishness

Shard of Phobias (Actually, this one could be good)

Shard of Montages

Shard of Confident-ish

(Yes, i'm just cribbing the Stanley Parable, deal with it)

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  • 7 months later...

The Shard of Pain. 


Imagine. Every time you touched wood, you got a splinter. Stubbing your toes on each individual piece of furniture. Tree branches appearing out of no where. Individual LEGO pieces lining the streets. 



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The Shard of Recursion.


Oh, wait. He just shattered himself so he could hold the Shard of the Shard of Recursion. 

When I first read this, I thought you wrote "he just shartted himself..." Maybe it's my dyslexia getting in the way, but I'm now inspired to come up with my own really bad shard ideas:


1) Shard of Incontinence 

    This shard yields power to people who cannot control themselves and yields even more power to people who are really good at shartting. In this world, the most powerful will usually be babies and really old people. The company that owns Depends diapers is the Google of the world. 


2) Shard of Incompetence 

    The dumb and foolish receive vast amounts of investiture. For example, the leader of the world would probably be someone like Waren Harding or James Buchanan. Those who walk and text at the same time, without any sense of awareness, are highly invested as well. 

Edited by Titan Arum
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  • 3 weeks later...

Is a Shard like what a world is based off of? Or how everything is set out? A theme?



May I refer you to a page here? It contains heavy spoilers for Mistborn, so don't read the page if you haven't read those books. Some of the information is outdated or slightly incorrect, but it's not big stuff. One thing that I think is crucial to understand (and isn't in the opening post) is that Adonalsium is the power of creation (and is still considered as such in any form). The Coppermind wiki is also a great place to look stuff up and it's mostly accurate except where we haven't updated it yet... If you have any other questions, this thread is the place to ask. There's people like Moogle and Weiry (and me, I guess) who like to answer questions like this. 


I think that this particular thread doesn't actually reflect the exact nature of Shards. Their names are their Intents, the overall concept which drives the Shards to act. However, I think that the thread reflects the idea of focuses for magic systems better than Intents (metal on Scadrial, commands on Nalthis, etc.). Magic systems arise from interaction of the Intent of the Shard and the nature of the planet on which the Shard settles. 


Of course, this conversation is better for laughs than it is Realmatic accuracy, so just try to figure it out for yourself using the data instead of listening to my rambling. ;) As far as this thread is concerned, just ignore my sudden lecture and keep going.  :ph34r:

Edited by Curiosity
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Odium paid little attention once he shattered the Amity. The fact that she was solely responsible for holding the chaos of her shard world at bay meant less than nothing to him- in fact, the feelings of distrust and hatred the shattering sowed amongst the worlds inhabitants were amusing.

In his absence, the world fell to discord and ruin, until, by chance, the greater part of Amity's power was discovered and held by two, worthy bearers: sisters, who used the power they acquired to restore harmony to the world. Much of Amity was lost, but the Sisters gathered the fragments of the shard which remained and, with their great power, reshape them into something new: mystical artefacts that could amplify and unlock the power of Amity, sealed in her creations as her Intent, the spark which formed them.

Amity may be gone, but her Shardworld thrives. And if Odium returns, he will have to learn a hard lesson:

Amity is Magic.

Hoid's Letter:

Fausta is dead, and the power she held diffused.

Also, ponies wat?

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  • 2 weeks later...



Shard of Fiber. The magic to get things moving.


Upvote because I seriously laughed for about five minutes because of the Shard of Fiber.



Shard of Fabulousness- obviously, the more fabulous, the more invested. Sadeas could totally hold this shard. (Sadeas speaking) "'...his fashion sense is absolutely repulsive. Red and orange? Not even a burnt orange, but a blatant, eye-breaking orange. And the rent style hasn't been fashionable for ages.'" (WoK, Ch 58, pg. 821, paragraph 4)  Sadeas is just too fabulous for Roshar.

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