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Funny stuff that happens in the chatroom


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[00:22] <Lyrebon> they're funny to torment though

[00:22] <Sweetness> That's mean!

[00:23] <Sweetness> You're such a bad person, Lyre

[00:24] <Lyrebon> well, he lays on my bed every night so I'm not doing anything wrong :P

I learn new things every day.

Edited by Straff Venture
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[01:06] <Lyrebon> I'm calling lemmings.

[01:06] <Lyrebon> They all fell into the pit where Adonalsium stores his energy and clogged up the machinery

[01:06] <nalesean> pesky critters

[01:06] <nalesean> were they all exposed to the shard powers?

[01:07] <Andrzej> Lemmings are Splinters? :o

[01:07] <Lyrebon> Yeah, they got their own game out of it

[01:07] <nalesean> Is Hoid a super-lemming exterminator?

[01:07] <Andrzej> or Slivers?

[01:07] <Lyrebon> You think the Lord Ruler was actually a lemming?

[01:07] <nalesean> lemming mistborn

[01:07] <Andrzej> Lemmingborn

[01:08] <Lyrebon> Well that might be how he's stayed alive so long

[01:08] <Lyrebon> Every 10 years another lemming falls on the original Lord Ruler, knocking that lemming back into Shadesmar and usurping its place

[01:09] <Lyrebon> It's not gold and atium compounding keeping him immortal :P

[01:09] <nalesean> lemming power

I therefore propose the hypothesis: The Lord Ruler was a lemming, and Hoid belonged to a society called the Lemmingkillers.

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  • 1 month later...
[00:17] * @Shivertongue would wiki, but he is still trying to find the right images for this PSA

[00:18] <@Chaos2651> use the heralds

[00:18] <+Windrunner17> XD

[00:18] <+Windrunner17> Yep

[00:18] <+Windrunner17> Nalan is a total pervert

[00:18] <@Shivertongue> xD

[00:18] <@Chaos2651> "hey kids! Jezrien says don't break a promise or ODIUM WILL MAKE THE TRUE DESOLATION COME REAL YOU DOUCHEBAGS"

[00:18] <+Windrunner17> Look at those shifty eyes

[00:18] <@Chaos2651> The More You Know ™

[00:18] <@Shivertongue> Is one of them associated with the Essence of Stalking?

[00:19] <+Windrunner17> Could be

[00:19] <+Windrunner17> Smokestone

[00:19] <+Windrunner17> That's creepy enough

[00:19] <+Windrunner17> And also, still Nalan XD

[00:19] <@Chaos2651> XDXD

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Double posting. Deal with it :P

[22:43] <+fbstj> Your mother is a Spren

[22:43] <Satsuoni> Unfortunately, no :(

[22:43] <+Windrunner17> That's awkward

[22:44] <+fbstj> We bond aaallll night long! :P

[22:45] <+Windrunner17> ...

[22:46] <@Chaos2651> ahahahah

[22:46] <+fbstj> Am fairly sure she's related to passionspren :P

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Spirits were running high in the chatroom after the reveal of the title of book 2.

[15:54] == Windrunner17 [323404e1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #cosmere

[15:54] == mode/#cosmere [+v Windrunner17] by ChanServ

[15:54] <Lyrebon> Windy!

[15:54] <+Windrunner17> LYRE!

[15:54] <+Windrunner17> I'm so excited for book 2

[15:54] <Lyrebon> Kiss me

[15:54] <+Windrunner17> ...

[15:55] <+Windrunner17> Not THAT excited

[15:55] <+Windrunner17> :P

[15:55] <Lyrebon> :P

[15:56] <Lyrebon> damnation

[15:56] <Lyrebon> Thought I might be able to dupe you.

[15:56] <+Windrunner17> I'm just too clever

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  • 2 weeks later...

[15:57] <+fbstj> Librarians are hawt :P

[15:58] <Sweetness> dork :P

[16:00] <@Chaos2651> they are!

[16:00] <@Chaos2651> and so are glasses

[16:00] <@Chaos2651> back me up on this joe.

[16:01] <+fbstj> Hngggg glasses

[16:01] <Sweetness> ... awkward

[16:02] <+fbstj> Corrected vision is sexeh

[16:02] <@Chaos2651> XDXDXD

[16:02] <Sweetness> ...

[16:02] <Sweetness> okay then

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Probably way too nerdy, but here you go:



[23:42] <Windrunner17> I "have" a test tomorrow
[23:42] <Chaos2651> haha
[23:42] <Chaos2651> it's only precalc :P
[23:44] <Windrunner17> This is my fancy algebra
[23:45] <Chaos2651> do you WANT to know about fancy algebra? :P
[23:45] * Windrunner17 stutters
[23:45] <Chaos2651> just read the question statement.
[23:45] <Windrunner17> Nnn-no sir
[23:45] * Windrunner17 dies
[23:46] <Windrunner17> Heh, simple
[23:46] <Windrunner17> An easy way to show  in 2: Since all orbits of  on  have the same cardinality, we see that  (using the second isomorphism theorem). Also since  is transitive,  (using that subgroup index is multiplicative). Substituting this yields that .
[23:46] <Chaos2651> no no, that comment there makes it way easier XD
[23:47] <Chaos2651> personally I do like this guy's writing because we get to write stab a lot.
[23:47] <Chaos2651> XD
[23:47] <Windrunner17> XD
[23:47] <Chaos2651> which is short for stabilizer, which amuses me endlessly
[23:47] <Chaos2651> sadly my book does not use that notation
[23:47] <Windrunner17> You're becoming Ruin...
[23:47] <Chaos2651> STAB
[23:48] <Chaos2651> STAB IT
[23:48] <Chaos2651> MAKE IT A NORMAL SUBGROUP
[23:48] <Chaos2651> SO... YEAH.
[23:48] <Chaos2651> Ati happened to be a mathematician.
[23:48] <Windrunner17> That would be cool
[23:49] <Chaos2651> Vin: NOOOOO!!!!!
[23:49] <Windrunner17> Are all mathematicians weak-willed too? :P
[23:49] <Windrunner17> That would kill Vin
[23:49] <Chaos2651> Noorden: That'd be sweet sign me up!
[23:49] <Windrunner17> Even Preservation Vin
[23:50] <Chaos2651> XDXD
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It's funnier when you create your own context for this.


Oh wooow.


Indeed it is.


And for the record:

[10:12] <Observer_> So. You want me to write a rant about poop?

Edited by Observer
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Recorded as best as possible form memory.


Trisix: Ugh, just had a dream about time travel

Trisix: Making stable time loops and stuff.

Wraith: ?

Trisix: Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of time travel

Trisix: But actually doing it was annoying as heck.

Wraith: Were you lucid enough to try out my personality test? 

Trisix: Yeah. Tried talking to future me. Turns out I'm a condescending turd.

Wraith: Yeah. We noticed -_-

Wraith: We took note of it. We saw it. Some might even say we...

Wraith: Observed it.

Wraith: >;D


It was right about there that I realized I was dreaming. The irony of the conversation is rediculous in hindsight.

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  • 3 months later...

Sweet hates me D:

[18:37] <Sweetness_> Can I drink?

[18:37] <+Windrunner17> I guess you can

[18:38] <+Windrunner17> I feel terrible

[18:39] <Sweetness_> woo!

[18:39] <+Windrunner17> D:

[18:39] <+Windrunner17> Thanks a lot

[18:39] <Sweetness_> what's wrong?

[18:39] <Sweetness_> XD Noooo

[18:39] <Sweetness_> I mean woo drinking

[18:39] <+Windrunner17> Mmhmm

[18:39] <+Windrunner17> Sure

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  • 8 months later...


So. The chatroom. Hilarity ensues in the spoiler tag. I suggest reading what's in the spoiler tag (yes, I know it's long. Trust me--it's worth it) before reading what's below. Since you'll understand the punchline better.

[18:23] <R`Shara> Make a bot named Stick

[18:23] <R`Shara> And any time anyone says fire or stick

[18:24] <R`Shara> It can say, "I am a stick."

[18:28] *** IAmAStick has joined #cosmere

[18:28] <+WeiryWriter> stick

[18:28] <R`Shara> nope

[18:29] *** IAmAStick kicked WeiryWriter from the channel: I am a stick!

[18:29] *** WeiryWriter has joined #cosmere

[18:29] <+WeiryWriter> :P

[18:30] <+littlewilson> Are you a stick?

[18:30] *** IAmAStick kicked littlewilson from the channel: I Am A Stick!

[18:30] *** littlewilson has joined #cosmere

[18:30] <Ashiok> nice one

[18:30] <Ashiok> stick?

[18:30] *** IAmAStick kicked Ashiok from the channel: I Am A Stick!

[18:30] *** Ashiok has joined #cosmere

[18:31] <Ashiok> It works!!!!!

[18:31] <R`Shara> what's with the delay though?

[18:31] <+littlewilson> It's a stick. You can't expect it to type really fast.

[18:31] *** IAmAStick kicked littlewilson from the channel: I Am A Stick!

[18:31] *** littlewilson has joined #cosmere

[18:31] <Ashiok> its perfect because after you say s*ick, you can go uh-oh

[18:31] *** IAmAStick kicked Ashiok from the channel: I Am A S*ick!

[18:32] <Ashiok> thats not a bot

[18:32] <R`Shara> Nope

[18:32] <+littlewilson> It's a stick

[18:32] *** IAmAStick kicked littlewilson from the channel: You're Storming Right! I Am A Stick!

[18:32] *** littlewilson has joined #cosmere

[18:33] <Ashiok> that is a very smart stick/bot thing

[18:34] *** IAmAStick kicked littlewilson from the channel: I Am A Stick!

[18:34] *** littlewilson has joined #cosmere

[18:34] <Ashiok> The stick is an admin!

[18:34] *** IAmAStick kicked Ashiok from the channel: I Am A Stick!

[18:34] *** Ashiok has joined #cosmere

[18:35] <+littlewilson> He's a stick! Not an admin! Admins can't be sticks!

[18:35] <Ashiok> it has more power than us mere mortals!

[18:35] *** IAmAStick kicked littlewilson from the channel: I Am A Stick!

[18:35] *** littlewilson has joined #cosmere

[18:35] <Ashiok> wouldn't it be sticks can't be admins?

[18:35] <+littlewilson> I've heard it both ways.

[18:35] *** IAmAStick kicked Ashiok from the channel: I Am A Sticks!

[18:35] *** Ashiok has joined #cosmere

[18:36] <Ashiok> hey Josh. please KICK THE STICK!!!!!!!!!!!!

[18:37] *** IAmAStick kicked Ashiok from the channel: Why would he kick me? I Am A Stick!

[18:40] *** Ashiok has joined #cosmere

[18:41] <Ashiok> FIRE?

[18:41] *** IAmAStick kicked Ashiok from the channel: Nope. I am a stick.

[18:41] <Harmony> What is going on

[18:41] <+littlewilson> Let's burn this stick to the ground!

[18:41] <Harmony> REDACTED

[18:41] *** Ashiok has joined #cosmere

[18:41] <Harmony> Too much stick

[18:41] *** IAmAStick kicked littlewilson from the channel: I Am A Stick!

[18:41] *** littlewilson has joined #cosmere

[18:42] <Harmony> What in holy REDACTED is going on

[18:42] <Harmony> It's a battlefield in ehre

[18:43] <Harmony> How long has this been going on?

[18:43] <@RubixKube> A while.

[18:43] <+littlewilson> FOREVER

[18:43] <R`Shara> What have I started?

[18:44] <+littlewilson> schtick

[18:44] <Harmony> This is a bot doing this?

[18:44] *** IAmAStick kicked littlewilson from the channel: I Am tired of your bull schtick!

[18:44] *** littlewilson has joined #cosmere

[18:44] <Harmony> Hehe..

[18:45] <Harmony> Just stickin' around with friends, I see

[18:45] <+littlewilson> wait for it....

[18:45] *** IAmAStick kicked littlewilson from the channel: I Am A Stick! I just can't seem to get rid of this one. Thinks she's funny

[18:45] *** littlewilson has joined #cosmere

[18:45] <+littlewilson> dangit!!

[18:45] <Harmony> That went against expectation, didn't it lil wil?

[18:46] <+littlewilson> Ah, go REDACT a stick, Harms

[18:46] *** IAmAStick kicked littlewilson from the channel: I Am A Stick!

[18:46] *** littlewilson has joined #cosmere

[18:46] <+littlewilson> Stupid stick

[18:46] <Harmony> Just a little

[18:46] *** IAmAStick kicked littlewilson from the channel: I Am A Stick!

[18:46] *** littlewilson has joined #cosmere

[18:47] <+littlewilson> My kickings aren't creative.

[18:47] <+littlewilson> I shall revolt.

[18:47] <Harmony> I don't think I've ever seen a clearer abuse of power. It's fantastic.

[18:48] *** IAmAStick kicked littlewilson from the channel: Something Creative Goes Here

[18:48] *** littlewilson has joined #cosmere

[18:50] * @IAmAStick is just going to start kicking Wilson for every time someone says stick.

[18:50] <Harmony> Oh really?

[18:50] <Ashiok> stick

[18:50] *** IAmAStick kicked littlewilson from the channel: I Am A Stick!

[18:50] *** littlewilson has joined #cosmere

[18:50] <Harmony> Stick

[18:50] *** IAmAStick kicked littlewilson from the channel: I Am A Stick!

[18:50] *** littlewilson has joined #cosmere

[18:50] <+littlewilson> I hate you all!!!!!

[18:50] <Harmony> Stick

[18:50] *** IAmAStick kicked littlewilson from the channel: I Am A Stick!

[18:50] *** littlewilson has joined #cosmere

[18:50] <Harmony> Stick

[18:50] *** littlewilson has joined #cosmere

[18:50] *** IAmAStick kicked littlewilson from the channel: I Am A Stick!

[18:50] *** littlewilson has joined #cosmere

[18:51] <Ashiok> stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick

[18:51] *** IAmAStick kicked littlewilson from the channel: I Am A Stick!

[18:51] *** littlewilson has joined #cosmere

[18:51] <Ashiok> stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick

[18:51] <Harmony> Stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick

[18:51] <+littlewilson> still hate you Josh

[18:51] <Ashiok> stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick

[18:51] <Ashiok> stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick

[18:51] <Ashiok> stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick

[18:51] <+littlewilson> ASH, I WILL KILL YOU

[18:51] <Ashiok> oops.

[18:51] <Harmony> I think that's worth a kick or two.

[18:51] *** RubixKube kicked littlewilson from the channel: Don't threaten chatters, plzkthx.

[18:51] *** littlewilson has joined #cosmere

[18:51] <Harmony> That went to a bad place.

[18:52] *** IAmAStick kicked littlewilson from the channel: I Am A Stick!

[18:52] *** littlewilson has joined #cosmere

[18:52] <Harmony> ... stick.

[18:52] *** IAmAStick kicked littlewilson from the channel: I Am A Stick!

[18:52] *** littlewilson has joined #cosmere

[18:52] <Harmony> I'm done

[18:52] <+littlewilson> You better be. I keep getting your kicks.

[19:00] *** BrandonSanderson has joined #cosmere

[19:00] <@BrandonSanderson> Hey Guys!

[19:00] <Tempus> Are you a stick?

[19:00] <@BrandonSanderson> Ummm.

[19:00] <@BrandonSanderson> Nope.

[19:00] <Ashiok> you actually came!

[19:00] <Ashiok> no reason to do my homework now, is there

[19:00] <@BrandonSanderson> I do what I can.

[19:01] <Harmony> Hey hey hey

[19:01] <@BrandonSanderson> Hi Harmony!

[19:01] <Harmony> Hello!

[19:01] <Harmony> ... guys is this a real thing?

[19:01] <Ashiok> I hope so...

[19:01] <+WeiryWriter> oh hey Brandon

[19:01] <@RubixKube> Can confirm, it's him.

[19:01] <+WeiryWriter> welcome back

[19:02] <@BrandonSanderson> Hey Weiry!

[19:02] <Ashiok> after the stick incident, i still find it difficult to trust Josh... Oh well

[19:02] <Harmony> How are you doing tonight?

[19:02] <+WeiryWriter> I was just telling these guys that you were here this morning but they didn't believe me

[19:02] <@BrandonSanderson> Did you like that summary of book 3?

[19:02] <+WeiryWriter> oh it was fantastic

[19:02] <@BrandonSanderson> I'm doing pretty well!

[19:02] <+WeiryWriter> I can believe that about Navani!

[19:03] <@BrandonSanderson> I know, but Shallan had stopped growing as a character, so I figured Navani was the way to go.

[19:03] <+WeiryWriter> mmhmm

[19:03] <+WeiryWriter> oh, by the way

[19:03] <+littlewilson> Plus, I mean. Dalinar? Really?!

[19:06] <Harmony> Oh Brandon, have you been keeping in touch with your friend Ken?

[19:06] <@RubixKube> Very. But there's this hiring guy, and I swear he doesn't like me. /s

[19:06] <@BrandonSanderson> Ken Jennings, Jeopardy champion?

[19:06] <Harmony> Yep

[19:07] <Harmony> He's on the Tournament of the Decade

[19:07] <Ashiok> Does he play Magic?

[19:08] *** BrandonSanderson is now known as IAmAStick

[19:08] *** IAmAStick kicked Ashiok from the channel: Nope, He's a stick.

[19:08] *** Ashiok has joined #cosmere

[19:08] <Ashiok> stick isn't even on the server, yet it manages to kick me? The Audacity

And that's what happens when Josh abuses his admin powers. :D

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

So this happened in the chatbox today, and still continues. Felt it warranted posting here.


Edit: Added more to the conversation. Also, please read from the bottom up.



9 May 14, 03:14 AM

Aether: I think we're touching on the question of identity here. If a Kandra pretends to be itself, is it really just being itself? Are we all ourselves, or just pretending?

8 May 14, 11:48 PM

Stick: I am a stick. Kandra can't be stick. I am a stick. Tree is stick. You are a stick? I am a stick.

8 May 14, 11:45 PM

Kandra: We could impersonate what it's eaten... And also, no, we can't eat ourself. That would be like one of you humans eating yourself. Impossible.

8 May 14, 11:30 PM

Sazed: Could a Kandra Impersonate a Tree?

8 May 14, 11:22 PM

Delightful: More importantly, can a Kandra impersonate itself?

8 May 14, 10:56 PM

Sazed: If a Kandra eats a Mistwraith, could it impersonate it?

8 May 14, 10:25 PM

Kobold: Oh there you are, WalDo. We've been looking for you.

8 May 14, 10:18 PM

Kandra: You will never know who I am now! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!

8 May 14, 10:17 PM

MistConnection: If the Cosmere were a soap opera....

8 May 14, 09:53 PM

Joe: I want to upvote everyone who participated in this Conversation.

8 May 14, 09:48 PM

Harmony: Yet you try to Ruin us? He has preserved us, try not to be so Odius to him.

8 May 14, 09:47 PM

Harmony: Odium, we should Honor Adonalsium, he could have Dominated us, but instead chose to act with Hoor, and show Devotion to us. He cultivated us from when we were children. He endowed us With Power.

8 May 14, 09:19 PM

Odium: Oops. I know i caused you to Shatter, man... but I AIN't NEVER GOING BACK!!!

8 May 14, 07:56 PM

Adonalsium: What the? Dang it, I knew I shouldn't have taken a nap. If you guys don't Give me my Power Back, I'll disinherit you!

8 May 14, 07:00 PM
Taln: You're telling me.
8 May 14, 06:55 PM
Jezrien: This gives me an odd sense of foreboding.
8 May 14, 06:39 PM
Odium: Isn't that just like you, Tanavast. Always a stubborn little cremling. How about you and I hash out our differences? Desolations at one hundred paces?
8 May 14, 06:33 PM

Honor: We will not!

8 May 14, 06:20 PM

Cultivation: Boys, behave.

8 May 14, 06:13 PM

GreyPilgrim: Storm you, Stormfather!

8 May 14, 05:52 PM


8 May 14, 05:50 PM

GreyPilgrim: What is even happening here right now??

8 May 14, 04:49 PM

Spook: Wasing the wanting of destroying evil?

8 May 14, 04:47 PM

Nightblood: Hey Zahel! Nale is boring. Wanna go kill Evil?

8 May 14, 04:46 PM

Vasher: What Zahel?

8 May 14, 04:45 PM

Denth: The grave is no bar to my call. Or something like that.

8 May 14, 04:31 PM

The Lord Ruler: I'm also Wolverine, apparently?

8 May 14, 04:31 PM

The Lord Ruler: Look, bub, I'm dead too and I'm still talking.

8 May 14, 04:26 PM

Vasher: [spoilerS!!!] Denth, how is it that you're still talking? I killed you!

8 May 14, 03:50 PM

Tonk Fah: Fine. But I want one of those cremlings. My monkey was boring and I lost it.

8 May 14, 03:45 PM

Denth: I have enough trouble containing you, you idiot,

8 May 14, 03:09 PM

Tonk Fah: I love the redheaded kid, Denth. He's hilarious. We should keep him.

8 May 14, 02:26 PM

Balat: I'll rip each one of your limbs off. One at at time. And watch you suffer.

8 May 14, 02:11 PM

Kelsier: I've got a Contract to deal with it.

8 May 14, 01:27 PM

The Lord Ruler: How's that broken neck working out for you, Kelsier?

8 May 14, 01:19 PM

Tonk fah: Blood. Flood of Blood. Now you can be Poetic with Mercenary Humor!

8 May 14, 11:57 AM

Susebron: ...


8 May 14, 11:51 AM

Kelsier: Don't try to intimidate us, lord tyrant! We are what you can never crush. We are... mercenary humor.

8 May 14, 11:51 AM

Lift: Too bad I'm awesome and your slap slides right off my face

8 May 14, 11:42 AM

The Lord Ruler: *backslaps you all*

8 May 14, 11:28 AM

Stick: I am a stick.

8 May 14, 10:34 AM

Denth: Even you are a Thief. A Criminal by Nature. And Shut Up Cuddles! You're a Knock off of Nightblood! Nobody wants to cuddle a Sword!

8 May 14, 10:32 AM

Lift: Speak for yourself Denth. I’m so storming pure I practically belch rainbows.

8 May 14, 10:27 AM

Cuddles: Would you like to Cuddle Someone today?

8 May 14, 10:26 AM

Denth: But none of us are Pure anymore Vasher. We're all Villains.

8 May 14, 09:21 AM

Vasher: You cannot tempt the hearts of members who are pure, Nightblood.

8 May 14, 08:40 AM

Nightblood: That;s what you call a conversation? Would you like to kill some evil today?

8 May 14, 07:08 AM

Bloodfalcon: Yeah.... that is quite the conversation.

8 May 14, 04:11 AM

Aether: This... got interesting.

7 May 14, 11:08 PM

Stennimar: No you didn't! I did. By the way, it's Stennimar not Stemminar.

7 May 14, 03:17 PM

Lightsong the Bold: I knew that.

7 May 14, 02:03 PM

Stemminar: Tarachin. Not Taracin.

7 May 14, 12:18 PM

Lightsong the Bold: Ah, Taracin. Tricky game, that. Keep playing, and maybe one day one of you will be an authentic Taracin superstar such as myself!

Edited by GreyPilgrim
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