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New York City, 11/16


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I thought I might be able to attend, but no dice.

If anyone is on the lookout for questions, the healing discussion has brought one to the forefront:

Can AonDor heal chronic conditions like poor eyesight?

-If so, does it strictly require the drawing of specialized Aons, or will enough Aon Iens get the job done eventually?

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I am going to go! For some reason I thought it was during the week...now that I know it is on Saturday, I am in!!!


Bring on the questions! I will do my best to  ask as many as I can, and will try to record as much as I can. Not sure how close I will get...not sure if I am going to get an "premium" ticket or not.


I have been to author events at the 92nd St Y before, and they are usually very strict about keeping the signing line moving, with professional security to make sure you aren't taking time asking questions. I might email Peter to see if there will be an opportunity to chat with Brandon afterwards. 


Here is my first question: Why did Nohadon make a distinction between Soulcasters and Surgebinders?

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If you are able to take enough time, I think you should take a copy of the surgebinding table and see if we can't get some of the last three orders or that last surge.

One question that for some reason, I've always been interested in is a name for a full Feruchemist Mistborn combination. Feel free to not ask this if you get better ideas, though. It's really not all that important.

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Not to shut you down, Mailliw, but I think Brandon's said what he means to say on the table. At the point where he suddenly fills in the majority of it, then stops, he's probably drawn a line.


Also, the name is Twinawesome. This is known.  :D  B)

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Figures. For the past week I've been noting interesting things in various threads, telling myself "hey, that would be a cool question for Brandon." And now I remember none of them... Let's come up with one for each world, plus a few general/realmatic ones. I've tried to make them as RAFOless as possible, but... well, who knows.


Elantris: Why does the Shaod tend to take people during nighttime?

Mistborn: Does Sazed automatically get to have a god metal now that he is a Shard? If so, what's its name? I'd probably be pushing my luck here, but what does it do?

The Stormlight Archive: Is inhaling Stormlight a process reserved for Windrunners, or can more / all orders do it?

The Rithmatist: Brandon has said that he originally planned this to be a cosmere novel. Hypothetically, if there were a Shard on this world, what would its name be? In other words, what's the overarching intent behind the magic system?

Steelheart: Are people turning into Epics everywhere in the world?

Warbreaker: Was Endowment's Shardholder male or female?

The Wheel of Time: Brandon has said that he doesn't know what the ending of AMoL really means and signifies. What does he think it means, though?

Hoid: Does Hoid know how each Shard's magic system works, or does he have to learn them every time he hops to a new world?

Realmatics: It's been a while since we learned the name of a Shard. Can we get a new one, a hint of one, or some interesting information about the ones we already know about?

Brandon: If he could choose an Intent / Shard, not necessarily one of the sixteen, what would he choose?


You are obviously not obligated to ask any of those, but I've tried to make my selection varied enough to suit your - or anyone's - taste :)

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Ah, I think I'll add some questions from myself, then. Of course, I have the same problem as Argent :)

But I'll try:



1. Do Inquisitors have to constantly burn Iron/Steel to see?

2. Is it possible, by repeatedly granting cats sentience with spikes and then breeding them, to create a race of naturally sentient (Mistborn) cats?



Nothing much here... Any new info on Dakhor?



Umm... Do living beings regenerate color if it is drained from them?


Does sphere charge only at a single moment during Highstorm?


Well, just those, I guess.

You know, if we only could convince each and every attendee to ask but one Cosmere question...

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Argent: 1) interesting, but I don't see what it gains us 2) I'm pretty sure the answer is no, he would have to choose to do so (but scadrial is not my specialty) 3) interesting, but I would rephrase as "do all surgebinders absorb stormlight via inhalation, or are there other mechanisms? If so, are they tied to the body foci?" 4) didn't read yet 5) didn't read yet 6) I thought this was confirmed as female? 7) I think this was asked, and he didn't want to speculate 8) I think this was asked, and he has to learn them 9/10) how about this instead: if Adonalsium shattered in a parallel universe, would it necessarily divide into the same 16 intents? If not, was there something that determined which intents were formed? Can you give us an example of an intent that could have been formed, but wasn't?

Satsuoni: I like your roshar question! I was just re reading the storm judgement chapter the other day, and noted the fact that it looked like the stormlight came all at once (right after the big face smiled), which I never suspected before. Is that where your question comes from? Also, I wonder how that would work...it wouldn't be all at once everywhere, since the storm moves. My guess is it would be a band in the storm; like the stormwall, but probably in the middle of the storm. When that band passes over you, boom, stormlight. Question is, what would that mean?

Darnam: In the past, signings have taken place in a different room, so the premium ticket might not get you a better spot in the signing line. I look forward to maybe meeting you! I will be wearing a blue "Tower Guard" shirt :-)

Masuri: Excellent question! (I think it's what Brandon would say, and nothing more...lol)

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If you add the third Elantris book (it's supposed to be a trilogy I think) and Liar of Partinel and its sequel (I'm pretty sure it is supposed to have a sequel, I want to say it is supposed to be called Lightweaver of Rens?)  That adds up to 36.  Of course that isn't counting The Silence Divine...


For the OP, have you any idea what questions you are planning on asking?


I'm probably just going to ask about Fedik and the mist creature that stabbed him.


Darnam: In the past, signings have taken place in a different room, so the premium ticket might not get you a better spot in the signing line. I look forward to maybe meeting you! I will be wearing a blue "Tower Guard" shirt :-)


I figured the ticket wasn't actually going to help me, but I'm hopefully going to get an Elantrian costume by Saturday. At a minimum, at least either myself or my friend going with me will be carrying a Seon (a balloon with an Aon drawn on it, hanging with fishing wire from a stick). Hopefully that will be enough to warrant getting a Steelhunt code; I'm hoping he sees me at the panel and saves me a Code, so he doesn't run out before I get to the front of the line.

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Do helium for the Seon - and maybe something to light it up from the inside. I'd say the liquid from a few glowsticks, but that will probably weigh it down too much.


Also, I still think you'll be able to ask a lot more than one or two questions if you stick around until the end.

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It seems people tend to record the audio of the questions and answers. Any advice on how that's done? A dictophone is hardly the best tool for people speaking across a crowded room, but I doubt I'll be able to convince Mr. Sanderson to wear a lav. Can anyone give me a helpful hint or two that they've learned from these attempts?


I don't know that I want the Seon to float, and it will be a million times easier to just fill it with breath (and yes, I will say "My life to yours, my Breath become yours" before I inflate it) and let it hang down from a stick. And this way if the string breaks or the knot slips, I can pick the balloon up instead of losing it or having it fly into a light and pop or something.


I'm trying to think of what could get the balloon to glow, I worry the liquid from a glowstick would all settle at the bottom and look odd. I've got a few small LEDs I plan to try to bring and fit inside, hopefully if I get a white balloon rather than clear it'll diffuse the light around the entire ball.

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Chaos and I use a dictaphone.  Proximity is nice.  Brandon is frequently on mic (especially at an event like this, I would expect).  During face-to-face Q&A (like in a signing line), proximity should not be an issue.  If you go out and get one, make sure you can download the files directly to your computer.  Mine does not which makes for a bit of hassle since I have to basically record it onto my computer from my recorder and then mess with it on my computer to make it more friendly.  I do not know of any good alternatives to a dictaphone.  Video camera with a directional mic?

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Figures. For the past week I've been noting interesting things in various threads, telling myself "hey, that would be a cool question for Brandon." And now I remember none of them... 


I used to be forgetful like you, then I took to writing questions in a .txt. ;)


Ahem. Feel free to pick and choose, just laying out some options that might interest you:


"Can AonDor heal chronic conditions like poor eyesight?"
-"If so, does it strictly require specialized Aon-drawing to work, or will enough Aon Ien's do the job eventually?"
--[Yes, I asked this just above your post in this thread, I just wanted to make sure you saw it ;)]
"Is it possible for an Augor to Compound a goldmind if it's proper owner messed around with his Identity in the right way?"
"What is the Realmatic composition of Investiture? Is is primarily Spiritual, an even mix of Spiritual and Cognitive, or something else?"
"Do Surgebinders have gemhearts?"
-In the sense of having them exist within their bodies naturally, rather than asking if they happen to carry around the gemheart from another creature's body.
"How, exactly, does Hemalurgic decay work for Feruchemy?"
-"Do Inquisitors have a cap on how much they can store at a time, or do they "waste Health when they store (so they'd be lying around at 80% health but only storing 10%, for instance), or do they draw it out less efficiently than real Feruchemists?"
"Why does Feruchemical Gold sometimes leave scars and sometimes not?"
So, as background, we have from Brandon that Inquisitors are capable of burning their own eyespikes, but at the expense of excruciating pain and/or weird soul-splicing. Either way, this tells us that Hemalurgic spikes (and potentially any piercing) are available as Allomantic reserves.
If that is the case, then why didn't Vin lose her earring? It was Bronze, as it turns out, and she burned Duralumin and Bronze at the same time at least once, so shouldn't she have burned the earring away too?
-I think that she might have had the earring in when she burned Aluminum in the first book, but I can't recall if the Inquisitors might have taken it. So I'll just go with the Duralumin instance.
--We also have Marsh the Steel Inquisitor burning Steel and Duralumin and not dying.
On that note, why don't spikes seem to show up as reserves, given that they are accessible? Also, do normal piercings follow the same burn rules as spikes, whatever they may be?
"How do the surfaces of time bubbles behave when you poke them with sticks? When someone touches one and is immediately 'affected by it'? Does the bubble "distend" or something?"
Do Feruchemists store their attributes in the physical metal itself, or in that metal's Spiritual Aspect?
If Dalinar were a Feruchemist, would he be able to tap a metalmind (in either world) while experiencing one of his visions?
How is a Feruchemist storing, say, 10% weight for ten hours different from him storing 100% weight for one hour?
So what's up with frame of reference for time bubbles?
Would an embedded Brass metalmind melt at high temperatures? What about one that's completely buried in the skin?
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So I'm going to collect all the questions suggested in the thread and my thoughts on them (if I have any) as well as the addition of some of my own.  Ones I think are worth asking will have a "+"


+Can AonDor heal chronic conditions like poor eyesight?  If so, does it strictly require the drawing of specialized Aons, or will enough Aon Iens get the job done eventually?


+Why did Nohadon make a distinction between Soulcasters and Surgebinders?


more info for the Surgebinding Table

I'd say no for the same reasons brought up before.  He has likely said all he is willing to at this point. 


name for a full Feruchemist Mistborn combination


Why does the Shaod tend to take people during nighttime?


Does Sazed automatically get to have a god metal now that he is a Shard? If so, what's its name? I'd probably be pushing my luck here, but what does it do?

I'm really sceptical of the idea that Sazed/Harmony would get their own god metal.  By rights it would be an alloy of atium/lerasium, after all Harmony isn't really a "new" shard just an alloy of Ruin/Preservation.


Is inhaling Stormlight a process reserved for Windrunners, or can more / all orders do it?


+Brandon has said that he originally planned Rithmatist to be a cosmere novel. Hypothetically, if there were a Shard on this world, what would its name be? In other words, what's the overarching intent behind the magic system?


Are people turning into Epics everywhere in the world?

I want to say that it was mentioned in the book that they are showing up everywhere.


Was Endowment's Shardholder male or female?

This has not been answered, it might be worth it though?


Brandon has said that he doesn't know what the ending of AMoL really means and signifies. What does he think it means, though?


Does Hoid know how each Shard's magic system works, or does he have to learn them every time he hops to a new world?


It's been a while since we learned the name of a Shard. Can we get a new one, a hint of one, or some interesting information about the ones we already know about?

I'd recommend against this.  I remember a quote with someone asking Brandon for a new hint for a new shardworld/shard and Brandon saying no.  Anyway we already have 2 maybe 3 shards without confirmed intents we can theorize about.


If he could choose an Intent / Shard, not necessarily one of the sixteen, what would he choose?


Do Inquisitors have to constantly burn Iron/Steel to see?


Is it possible, by repeatedly granting cats sentience with spikes and then breeding them, to create a race of naturally sentient (Mistborn) cats?


Any new info on Dakhor?


Do living beings regenerate color if it is drained from them?

Does sphere charge only at a single moment during Highstorm?

I believe this has been confirmed "yes"


Is it possible for an Augor to Compound a goldmind if it's proper owner messed around with his Identity in the right way?

What is the Realmatic composition of Investiture? Is is primarily Spiritual, an even mix of Spiritual and Cognitive, or something else?


Do Surgebinders have gemhearts?  In the sense of having them exist within their bodies naturally, rather than asking if they happen to carry around the gemheart from another creature's body.

+How, exactly, does Hemalurgic decay work for Feruchemy?  Do Inquisitors have a cap on how much they can store at a time, or do they "waste Health when they store (so they'd be lying around at 80% health but only storing 10%, for instance), or do they draw it out less efficiently than real Feruchemists?

Why does Feruchemical Gold sometimes leave scars and sometimes not?

So, as background, we have from Brandon that Inquisitors are capable of burning their own eyespikes, but at the expense of excruciating pain and/or weird soul-splicing. Either way, this tells us that Hemalurgic spikes (and potentially any piercing) are available as Allomantic reserves.  If that is the case, then why didn't Vin lose her earring? It was Bronze, as it turns out, and she burned Duralumin and Bronze at the same time at least once, so shouldn't she have burned the earring away too? I think that she might have had the earring in when she burned Aluminum in the first book, but I can't recall if the Inquisitors might have taken it. So I'll just go with the Duralumin instance.  We also have Marsh the Steel Inquisitor burning Steel and Duralumin and not dying.

On that note, why don't spikes seem to show up as reserves, given that they are accessible? Also, do normal piercings follow the same burn rules as spikes, whatever they may be?

"How do the surfaces of time bubbles behave when you poke them with sticks? When someone touches one and is immediately 'affected by it'? Does the bubble "distend" or something?"

Do Feruchemists store their attributes in the physical metal itself, or in that metal's Spiritual Aspect?

+If Dalinar were a Feruchemist, would he be able to tap a metalmind (in either world) while experiencing one of his visions?

+How is a Feruchemist storing, say, 10% weight for ten hours different from him storing 100% weight for one hour?

So what's up with frame of reference for time bubbles?

Would an embedded Brass metalmind melt at high temperatures? What about one that's completely buried in the skin?


My questions


What is up with Aon Ien meaning Wisdom but being used for Healing?


Shai is a follower of the Unknown God/God Beyond.  Is she peculiar in this regard or is it a common belief among the people of MaiPon?


Two of Shallan's brothers, Helaran and Balat, have been referred to with the "Nan" honorific (which presumably means eldest son?).  Her other brothers also have what appear to be honorifics as well, "Tet" Wikim and "Asha" Jushu.  Are those actually honorifics or are they just parts of their name?


+++The bloodsealer that aids in confining Shai in The Emperor's Soul is never given a name in the text, what is his name?

It would be really helpful to get this answered.


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I downloaded a voice recording app on my smartphone. It picked his voice well enough - if he sounds normal to your ears, the recorder will pick it up.


Oh yeah, I forgot about smartphones.  I have a stupidphone so I frequently don't think of some of the happy capabilities of smartphones.


"Do Surgebinders have gemhearts?"
-In the sense of having them exist within their bodies naturally, rather than asking if they happen to carry around the gemheart from another creature's body.
If Dalinar were a Feruchemist, would he be able to tap a metalmind (in either world) while experiencing one of his visions?


Didn't we already get a RAFO on the surgebinder gemheart question?


I think the answer to the metalmind question would be a no.  Consider, he tried to summon his blade but was unable to.  I strongly suspect then, based on that, that he would be unable to access a metalmind.  Since nobody said, "Holy Crap!  You freaked us all out when you summoned your blade while you were wigging out during that storm!", I likewise suspect that he would not be able to access it where his body is.

Edited by firstRainbowRose
Please edit instead of double posting
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+Brandon has said that he originally planned Rithmatist to be a cosmere novel. Hypothetically, if there were a Shard on this world, what would its name be? In other words, what's the overarching intent behind the magic system?


I don't know about this one. I think I've seen people put too much emphasis on connection between a Shard's Intent and its Investiture. Does Allomancy really "preserve" anything? What's especially Devotional about AonDor? Why would Shallan bonding to a Truthspren and being able to transmogrify be a function of either Honor or Cultivation? And what about Feruchemy, which doesn't even have a parent-Shard? I don't think there's evidence to support the idea that Intent and Investiture are tied as closely together as people seem to assume.


I very well might ask the Ien/Wisdom/Healing question; my costume will involve a Seon, and perhaps he'd be more willing to answer the question if I actually bring in Ien.


Thanks, guys! I will go over this list and perhaps look over the Master List and come up with options.


My smartphone isn't exactly a genius, so I think I'll forgo attempting to get a voice-recording app. I'll see if I can pick up a dictophone from Staples with either USB or an SD card or something.

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I just wanted to pop up really quickly on the question about recording and say I usually just use an app on my phone.  Before the signing I usually just tell the staff "Hey, I'm part of his offical site, we like to record what he says during the signing.  Is it okay if I drop my recorder on the table?"  (Of course, part of mine might be because the staff usually knows me).  Anyways, if I get the chance I will throw my phone in airline mode, drop it on the table and walk away.  That's how we get the awesome line questions.

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 Before the signing I usually just tell the staff "Hey, I'm part of his offical site, we like to record what he says during the signing.  Is it okay if I drop my recorder on the table?" 

Yeah, that would be a good way to do it.  I did it in a much more clunky fashion.  I hovered over Brandon for two hours at Seattle.


The admins should give one person going to each of these signings a chitty of authority for the night to identify them as representatives of the official fansite so we can always get a recorder on the table. :D

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That's cool; Mi'ch, do you think I'd have a shot if I told them something like that? How do you feel about name-dropping? "Hi, my friend Mi'ch says sometimes you let her leave a recorder on the table to pick up questions and answers. Do you think it'd be cool if I did that?" Do you think that'd work? I prolly can't call myself a spokesman for the official fansite, but maybe I can get away with "member" of the official fansite? Does that sound too pretentious? Believe it or not, in person I can be rather charming when I try. There's a reason I idolize Breeze.

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I doubt that name drop my name would help much since outside of this site I doubt anyone knows who I am.  (Heavens knows it didn't help me at one of the signings.  Those guys pissed me off so much.)  I'd say just talk to one of the employees before the signing and say something like "Hi, I'm a member of the official fan site, and we like to record the questions Brandon is asked by people in line.  Do you think it would be okay if before he starts doing the actual signing I drop my phone off at his table to record everything?"  I personally would even offer to do it at the end of the general presentation, but before people are lining up to make it clear you're not trying to jump the line at all.  Some people are willing to let you, other people are insistant that you can't.  Either way asking doesn't hurt.  :D

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That's cool; Mi'ch, do you think I'd have a shot if I told them something like that? How do you feel about name-dropping? "Hi, my friend Mi'ch says sometimes you let her leave a recorder on the table to pick up questions and answers. Do you think it'd be cool if I did that?" Do you think that'd work? I prolly can't call myself a spokesman for the official fansite, but maybe I can get away with "member" of the official fansite? Does that sound too pretentious? Believe it or not, in person I can be rather charming when I try. There's a reason I idolize Breeze.


If i can suggest something I vote for give Darnam the title of "Temporary Herald of the 17 Shard" so he can use the power bestowed in him to act was our infiltrated agent.


Just saying =)

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Darnam, I have a pretty smart phone, so I will volunteer to be phoneless for the signing if a device is needed!

I also sent Peter and Isaac an email offering to buy Brandon a smoothie and hotdog at Papaya King down the street after the event if he is willing to chat with some 17th Sharders for a few minutes...I will let you know if I hear anything! :-D

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Didn't we already get a RAFO on the surgebinder gemheart question?


No, I don't think so...


I think the answer to the metalmind question would be a no.  Consider, he tried to summon his blade but was unable to.  I strongly suspect then, based on that, that he would be unable to access a metalmind.  Since nobody said, "Holy Crap!  You freaked us all out when you summoned your blade while you were wigging out during that storm!", I likewise suspect that he would not be able to access it where his body is.


That's kind of the idea: if we can nail it down either way, that gives us a clue to how both magics work, especially going forward. It's always good to get WoB that allows for comparisons between magics in different worlds.

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