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Theory: Thrillspren [spoilers?]

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A potentially interesting quote regarding the thrill is in one of Dalinar's visions:

This was in his poker battle alongside the Radiants. Could this 'old' Thrill be taken to mean that he's experiened two different types of the 'Thrill'? I'm quite sure this quote is before he feels nauseated from the Thrill in the gemheart battle they do.

Could this 'old Thrill' be the Drive?

Also, it's worth noting that the 'Thrill' enrages. That to me hints at Odium influence. Rage is an attribute that Odium could use. To quote Yoda: 'Fear leads to Anger, Anger(Rage) leads to Hate(Odium), Hate, to the Darkside (Voidbringers).'

This is in contrast to Dalinar's heightened awareness, which allows him to think straight, and be conscious of what he is fighting for, and what he is doing.


If you are interested, I have a pretty exhaustive discussion of the Thrill from WoK here where I point out all the attributes associated with it.  However, I would point out that scene that you point out, Dalinar is probably experiencing som out on hiolleething different for the first time.  WoB is that that something special is happening with the Thrill Dalinar feels at the Battle of the Tower at the end of the book.  This change is apparently why Dalinar's Thrill previously has him.  If you want to hear more WoB on the Thrill, simply ask.  I asked all the questions I am aware that we have on the subject.  So I know where they all are.  I still need to add them to my debunked Thrill theory thread.

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If you are interested, I have a pretty exhaustive discussion of the Thrill from WoK here where I point out all the attributes associated with it.  However, I would point out that scene that you point out, Dalinar is probably experiencing som out on hiolleething different for the first time.  WoB is that that something special is happening with the Thrill Dalinar feels at the Battle of the Tower at the end of the book.  This change is apparently why Dalinar's Thrill previously has him.  If you want to hear more WoB on the Thrill, simply ask.  I asked all the questions I am aware that we have on the subject.  So I know where they all are.  I still need to add them to my debunked Thrill theory thread.

Thanks for the link to that thread. Quite interesting. Yoda seems to know a lot about the Thrill.

'som out on hiolleething'? I don't speak Dawnchant, sorry.

The Starfalls quote (pg 299 in Chp 19) I still think is interesting. It doesn't match up with the others. I think it is the Drive (the good thrill) because here, he's fighting for an honorable cause. He's defending those who cannot defend themselves (the wife and daughter of the body he 'inhabits' for the vision). He's not fighting for the sake of fighting. He's fighting to save others. From your quotes, all the 'bad' Thrill quotes involve emotions such as glee, joy, excitement. None of these are mentioned here. Just an enhanced focus, and total control of his body.

Also, the sentence 'This change is apparently why Dalinar's Thrill previously has him. Did you miss a word?

Edited by Haelbarde
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WoB indicates that there are 30 magic systems on Roshar: 10 surgebnding, 10 voidbindng, and 10 others. I think the ten hers are the magics inherent in each of the races/nations. I think that the Thrill is the innate magic of the Alethi-light eyes just like Rocks ability to see spree is an image magic of the horn eaters.

“As the beast righted itself in the dark room, Dalinar scrambled away, old instincts kicking in, pain evaporating as the battle Thrill surged through him...The old Thrill, the sense of battle, consumed him. It did not enrage him, as it did some men, but everything seemed to become clearer, crisper. His muscles moved easily; he breathed more deeply. He came alive.”

My guess is that the shattering of Honor allowed Odium to gain influence over those that lack honor. This influence means that when they experience the Thrill, they become enraged or take pleasure in the killing. When Dalinar experiences the Odious side of the Thrill he become nauseated.

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WoB indicates that there are 30 magic systems on Roshar: 10 surgebnding, 10 voidbindng, and 10 others. I think the ten hers are the magics inherent in each of the races/nations. I think that the Thrill is the innate magic of the Alethi-light eyes just like Rocks ability to see spree is an image magic of the horn eaters.

I do not get why so many assume that the Thrill is exclusive to the Alethi. Almost all of the people who have been described to have it have been Alethi sure, but that is mostly because almost all of the people who have had PoVs and who been in a situation that would induce the Thrill have been Alethi as well.


That said, read the Prologue again. Szeth gets a feeling that is eerily similar to how the Thrill is described later in the book. He doesn't call it the Thrill, but it is possible he just doesn't have a name for it.

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I do not get why so many assume that the Thrill is exclusive to the Alethi. Almost all of the people who have been described to have it have been Alethi sure, but that is mostly because almost all of the people who have had PoVs and who been in a situation that would induce the Thrill have been Alethi as well.


Same thing goes for lighteyes v. darkeyes feeling the Thrill.  I have stated this in my Thrill thread, but if two people taste salt and one knows the word "salt" and the second does not, you could hardly expect the second to say, "Hey, that's salt."  He would not know the word 'salt'and would therefore not use the word 'salt' to describe the salt that he is tasting even though it is exactly the same as the salt that first person tastes and recognizes a being salt. 

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I do not get why so many assume that the Thrill is exclusive to the Alethi. Almost all of the people who have been described to have it have been Alethi sure, but that is mostly because almost all of the people who have had PoVs and who been in a situation that would induce the Thrill have been Alethi as well.


That said, read the Prologue again. Szeth gets a feeling that is eerily similar to how the Thrill is described later in the book. He doesn't call it the Thrill, but it is possible he just doesn't have a name for it.

Just reread it. It is similar, but it is not the Thrill. It is the result of soaking in stormlight.

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Just reread it. It is similar, but it is not the Thrill. It is the result of soaking in stormlight.


I believe you to be quite frankly thoroughly wrong on this point, as you seem to be referring to another passage then the one to which I am. When he draws upon the Stormlight, its power is described as "invigorating but dangerous. It pushed him to act. To move. To strike."


What I am suggesting is much (if not exactly) alike the Alethi Thrill happens a few pages further in:

The Shardbearer struck, and Szeth Lashed himself to the ceiling as the Shardbearer's Blade sliced into the the wall. Feeling a thrill at the contest, Szeth dashed forward and attacked downward with an overhand blow, trying to hit the Shardbearer's helm.

- From the Way of Kings Prologue, page 29 of the Tor hard-cover version (my bold and italicised lettering)

Now, you might propose this to be simply what it says it is: a thrill, but not the Thrill with a capital "T".However, consider its signification when viewed in context with this later description of the Thrill by Dalinar when racing with Elhokar just before the Chasmfiend attack:


He ran to the bottom of the rock formation as Elhokar galloped up behind. Dalinar leaped - Plate-assisted legs propelling him up some eight feet - and grabbed a handhold in the stone. With a heave, he pulled himself up, the Plate lending him strength of many men. The Thrill of contest began to rise within him. It wasn't nearly as keen as the Thrill of battle, but it was a worthy substitute.

- From the Way of Kings chapter 12, page 187 of the Tor hard-cover version (my bold and italicised lettering)

Note how similar the wording is, the only difference being that it is capitalized in Dalinar's PoV, an Alethi who has a strong cultural relationship with the Thrill and its effects. (I included that last sentence not to suggest that "the Thrill of contest" is another thing from "the Thrill of battle", but just in order to give the full context. The context seems to suggest that they are different strengths of the same thing, which I myself believe.)



It should also be noted that Brandon has always seemed particularly careful about his wording in such cases, so as to hint to the true nature of what is going on when seen in a larger context, while at the same time not spelling it out when only seen within the context. See Shardlet's excellent analogy for further elaboration.

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However, I would like to see some description of what he feels before I get on board with Szeth feeling the Thrill.  The quote you gave, Aether,  seems to me to be more mundane, similar to you or I would feel before and during a competition of some kind.  Perhaps we will get a better picture in WoR, but for the time being, I am going to hedge on this one.

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However, I would like to see some description of what he feels before I get on board with Szeth feeling the Thrill.  The quote you gave, Aether,  seems to me to be more mundane, similar to you or I would feel before and during a competition of some kind.  Perhaps we will get a better picture in WoR, but for the time being, I am going to hedge on this one.

I more or less hold the same position.  I didn't originally claim that he was feeling the Thrill, just that I didn't understand how most people seemed to so confidently claim that only the Alethi Lighteyes do. This might still be the case, but I do not think we have good enough evidence to make firm claims either way.


EDIT: When I think about it though, I find myself inclined to believe that Szeth is feeling the Thrill, but this has less to do with the literary evidence at hand and more to do with how Brandon's writing in general is known to work.

Edited by Aether
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