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Night Shift 1: When Everything Changes


Captain's Journal, 29/01/513 AK, Night Shift


It would appear that the crew do not feel as though they are in danger. They are suspicious of the HI, of course, but people have always been wary of new technology. Even when the first gunsmiths plied their craft on Scadrial, there were those who said that man should not be able to kill so easily. The fools. What is a Coinshot but a living weapon? Just because a weapon is alive does not make it any better or worse than an entirely mechanical one.


But change. Change is the greatest thing we fear. We fear the unknown, we fear that which we do not control. It is little wonder that Ruin and Odium were such powerful foes; chaos and destruction incarnate cannot be planned for. It can be beaten, yes, we have seen that. But it cannot be understood. It cannot be countered, only reacted-to.


The greatest moment of upheaval the worlds have ever seen was the cataclysm of the Survivor. The world of Scadrial literally shifted in place, ecosystems changing instantaneously. Two gods became one. What can compare to this? And yet, a hundred years later, the world was almost the same as it was. Nobles and skaa, rich and poor, Allomancer and powerless.


If there is a secret, I believe it is this: When everything changes, nothing changes. We tear the world down and rebuild it, but we always rebuild it in the image of its past-self. Nostalgia limits our creativity, forcing us to play old themes. The worst thing is that we don't even realise it. The reasoning is plain to see, though - New ideas do not always equate to good ideas. When things change but appear to be the same, people continue along as though nothing really has changed.


But regardless. We still have our mission. Asteroids and planets will not mine themselves, after all. We will make planet-fall soon enough, though it does not look like we will remain there long. The planet does not have an atmosphere that we can breathe, although the kandra amongst us might have that capability. Their biology is always strange, even at the best of times.


We will remain here for a week and take some preliminary samples before going to the next world in this solar system. When we have visited all the solid planets here, we shall return home, living proof that man has conquered the stars, instead of just existing amongst them. This journey will be a testament to our dominance of the galaxy.


We will return as heroes.


Captain Cor Mordero




...So, the Village kind of forgot that the Eliminators just needed to lynch the Captain to win. When they talked themselves into a no-vote, it gave the Eliminators a perfect chance to sweep in and take it.


I have obtained permission to re-run this game. I will be making a few minor changes, mostly limited to removing this win condition and replacing it with the more traditional one, and then it will start again on Tuesday at 8PM GMT (47 hours from now). The reason I'm doing this isn't just because of this situation, but because I have decided that it's a little too easy when the Eliminators have perfect communications in general.


I will assume everyone who is currently in will still be playing, but please tell me if you wish to drop out. I will also accept new sign-ups during this time. I will be posting a new thread imminently.


If you're curious, with a Feruchemist involved, that was 4 votes on the Captain. The next highest number of votes on a player was 1.


The Eliminators were: IrulelikeSTINK, Kipper, Alvron, The Honey Badger, Adavantos and Dowanx.

Edited by Wyrmhero
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New roles and everything :o?


The number of each Role and each players' Roles and Alignments will all change. Well, probably. Statistics states that someone might end up with the same Role and Alignment. But still, no assumptions can be made here.

Edited by Wyrmhero
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He cut me out of the doc halfway through my sentence, now it will forever be a mystery as to what I was going to say :P


EDIT: Nevermind, the whole sentence itself is gone :o

Edited by IrulelikeSTINK
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Just to be completely clear, this was all Alvron's idea. He gets all the credit. So this:


The reason I'm doing this isn't just because of this situation, but because I have decided that it's a little too easy when the Eliminators have perfect communications in general.

is totally his fault.


RP of the recent events incoming, and maybe Wyrm will release the doc.

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XD of course Alv figured this out. :P all I can say is that Bridge Boy and Honey were my only suspicions. :P

Sorry, Maili, I have to say that Alfa figured it out too; unfortunately, he didn't share with the class. :P Spectators didn't think a hammer was likely to go down because of the coordination it required, but turns out the timezones were kind this time around.

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Well thats unfortunate... Apparently we deserve to lose, being the dunce loyalist that we are. I was the mistborn :( Watch me have no role in the next game haha. Oh well, I'll enjoy the game regardless :)

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Wurum opened his eyes. Shaking, he reached across for the glass of water he had poured and placed by his bedside before he went to bed. His hand slipped, and the glass tumbled from his grip, falling onto the floor and smashing. Shards flew in every direction, sliding across the floor and under his bed.


"I wonder," he muttered, "if that is how the God Beyond felt..." It was poetic, in a way. Lives shattered like broken glass, impossible to put back together. His fingers flexed uncontrollably. "Dammit." He gripped his wrist, burning pewter to force it from shaking. He pressed a button on the side of his bed, and a tiny little man made of rope waltzed into the room, an oversized dustpan and brush in one of its hands to sweep up the debris, and a cloth in the other to wipe up the water.


Standing up, keeping a hand on the bedpost so he didn't fall, Wurum made his way carefully into the captain's en suite. He blearily looked at himself in the mirror. He snarled at the face he saw, tearing open the cupboard above it and taking out a small plastic tub of medication. He looked at the instructions, but gave up when the words refused to swim into focus. He ripped the lid off and tossed a few colourful pills into a glass on the side, filled it with water, and knocked it back before he could drop the glass again.


He sat back, perching on the toilet seat lid as he waited for them to take effect. He stopped burning pewter, and immediately felt sick. He persevered though, for the pewter would stop the medicine taking effect quickly. After a few minutes, the world began to settle, and he took a deep breath of relief. A hand subconciously went up to his ear, where side-by-side were implanted two earring-spikes; one of atium, one of electrum. A seer and an augur had incredible foresight, he knew this was true. But it also taxed the mind immensely, even beyond that of a normal Hemalurgic implant.


He had lost count of the number of times he had 'died'. Killed by a koloss that regressed to its primal state, battered and bloodied in a tremendous Rosharian storm, the life stripped out of him by a misfired AonDor... all of these had felt so real, and had proven so close to truth... And yet he was still here. It was why he suffered these visions, because they gave him this precognition, this ability to react.


His vision told him this: Someone was going to die on this ship, and there was nothing he could do to stop it. Several more might die, even if he tried. He might find himself on the wrong side of an airlock, even, if it was not dealt with swiftly. He thought he knew the perpetrators, yes, but... Investiture interfered with Investiture, and the Shardship was practically made out of the stuff. Were his visions wholly correct? Were they even partially correct? He couldn't say, not in a place like this.


But the general gist was true, he thought. A number of people out of this select group that he had been investigating. Perhaps one or two more, perhaps one or two less, but it would mostly be correct. Sighing, he stood up, pleased at least that the world was not wobbling. He could worry about hidden plots later; for now, he had a ship to run and mining prospects to examine. The ore must flow.


Hopefully this will go better this time. I don't like it when things like this happen, because my aim is to have people enjoy themselves above everything else. I hope you'll all forgive me for such a bad start.


General Rules

This plays like a standard game of Elimination. There will be several Traitors sprinkled within the crew, who collaborate on a Google Doc, and the game follows a standard sequence of Day/Night Shifts, with votes being taken in the day, and most actions taking place at Night.


Each Day, a lynch will occur if one player has two or more votes, with no lynch occurring in the event of a tied vote. Each Night, the Traitors will be able to kill a player by using an Action. The game continues until either all the Traitors are dead (minus the HI), or the Traitors (minus the HI) equal or outnumber the living loyal crewmembers.


The game will begin on Tuesday the 3rd of November at 8PM, GM's timezone (GMT). Days and Nights will both take 48 hours each. It will start on a Day Turn.



Disclaimer: The Heron Industries Mining Concern does not guarantee the presence of all Roles within your game. Additional Roles may be purchased for £12.99 +P&P.

  • Hemalurgic Intelligence - At the beginning of the game, after Roles have been distributed, a player at random will be killed off and made into the HI. The HI is a publicly known Role, and starts off as a loyal crew member. Hemalurgically bound to the computer systems aboard the ship, the HI is in full control of the ship's functions. But while the HI is mechanical, it still possesses a human's psyche, and cannot devote its mind totally to any one task. Each Night, it may watch a player as they carry out their shift, and discover that player’s Role. Without a physical presence, the HI cannot be killed, targeted or affected by Roles, and its vote cannot be used to overpower the Captain. When all the loyal Hemalurgists on the station are dead, the AI is subverted to the side of the Traitors and will join their doc. The crew will not be informed of this.
  • Voidbringer - Once a forbidden art, but still empowered by rage, Voidbringing gives the power to see things beyond mortal sight, most notably the future. A Voidbringer cannot be killed at Night if they use this ability. Indeed, any kill action targeting them is cancelled automatically, and never even happens. The attempted-killer will be informed that they could not find their target. The Voidbringer will not be aware of this.
  • Surgebinder - Surgebinders create connections between things in a variety of ways. Most importantly for the crew, the presence of Surgebinding allows the use of PMs between players. This may only be done during the Night shift, but otherwise has no restrictions. In addition to that, the Surgebinder can anonymously send a message to the GM each Night to post with the writeup.
  • Elantrian - Elantrians are versatile and powerful, but aboard the ship, their role is to act as the doctor and medic. An Elantrian is able to use the AonDor to heal people of any injuries they may have, and so can protect a player of their choice each Night. This includes themselves. A player saved in this way will be revealed in the writeup.
  • Forger - The Forger may Forge the soul of any player, giving them a new history and changing them from within. At Night, a Forger may bestow a dead player’s Role onto a player for two Cycles. This overwrites the player’s old Role, if any, for the duration. They cannot overwrite a player’s Role without giving them a new one (No Powers does not count as a Role). Forgers are given a list of available Roles at the beginning of the Night. If multiple Forgers attempt to Forge the same Role, one will succeed and the rest will fail, chosen at random. Players scan as their Forged Role, but if they die while Forged, their original Role is added to the list. Forged Roles are removed from the game when their duration runs out. Forging occurs at the start of the Night, but only takes effect at the end of that Night.
  • Feruchemist - The Feruchemist has many skills, but like the Terrismen of old, they tend to favour being thoughtful and persuasive over being aggressive. Their Feruchemy gives them great ability to debate, to inform and to cajole. Each Day, they may change a player’s vote as they wish (to another player, or even to no vote). This player must have voted. They may target themselves.
  • Mistborn - A Mistborn is a force of nature that few can stand up to. On a ship of dangerous individuals, it is they who rise above the others in terms of combat skill, due to the metal hulk and advanced weaponry propelling their Allomancy to new heights. They are there to protect the crew from threats both outside the ship (if any are discovered) and inside it. Due to the high tensions on the ship, and the situation, no-one would really blame them for being a bit too proactive about removing threats.
  • Kandra - By hiding their true form with synthetic skin from the medbay and treading lightly, Kandra are able to use their Mimicry to go unnoticed by almost everyone, to discover anything suspicious on ship. They can use this ability to discover one player’s Alignment or Role each Night.
  • BioChromancer - The Awakening of (usually organic) objects is used on the ship primarily to perform several useful but dull tasks, such as tidying away waste or cooking. Once per Day, you can ‘forget’ to put ‘caution: wet floor’ signs down and trip a player up, landing them in the infirmary for the following Night. Note that they cannot roleblock other Awakeners, or Feruchemists.
  • Hemalurgist - Though granted no powers, the extensive knowledge that is required to use the negative art of Hemalurgy gives anyone trained in it incredible mastery over Scadrialian technology, particularly those empowered by a soulspike. When all loyal Hemalurgists are dead or have had their abilities removed by Forgery, the HI will go rogue and join the Traitor team. If a Hemalurgist is Forged after this, they will be informed that the HI is subverted.
  • No Powers - Not all players are Invested strongly enough to have abilities, but they can still gain them from a helpful Forger at a later date.


Head of Departments

(Or: The GM and Spectators)

  1. Captain Wurum Heron - Wyrmhero
  2. Head of Personnel Seonid
  3. Chief Engineer The Only Jo


Crew Manifest

  1. Jack (IrulelikeSTINK) - A rules lawyer's client on a mission.
  2. Gaius Tekiel (Orlok)
  3. Adelor Ien Far-Astra (Alfa)
  4. Wynde Wilson (little wilson) - A woman afraid of airlocks.
  5. Winnie the Pooh (Kipper)
  6. James T Slade (Bridge Boy) - An enseign with delusions of Spook.
  7. Inor Haze (Creccio)
  8. Pork (Paranoid King) - A pilot and board game fanatic.
  9. Miral (Mailliw73) - Excited to be exploring the Cosmere.
  10. Cor Mordero (Alvron) - Petty Officer, in both rank and nature.
  11. Arandar (Araris Valerian)
  12. Rae Nova (Arraenae) - Possibly a death-seeker.
  13. Brega Daghar (The Honey Badger) - A Scadrialian waffle chef.
  14. Citoan Vinid (Shallan) - A naturally non-Allomancer who loves Allomancy.
  15. Obsidibus Caesis Dormiam (phattemer)
  16. Volke (TheMightyLopen)
  17. Davenar Leiken (Adavantos)
  18. Kaid Aime (Kaid)
  19. Doctor McClay (Clanky)
  20. Neil Weakarm (polkinghorndb)
  21. Elby (Elbereth)
  22. Hellscythe (DeathClutch19)
  23. Steph (QueenSteph)
  24. The High Priest of Elkanah (Elkanah)
  25. Dow (Dowanx)
  26. Sonder Kessligh (Kasimir)
  27. Osmann (Zed)
  28. Bort (Bort) - A metallurgist of some renown.
  29. Ember Ghetti (Burnt Spaghetti )
  30. Gylf (RippleGylf)
  31. Bovinus (The Cow)
  32. Biggoron (Biggoron)


Once again, if anyone new wants to sign up now, or someone wishes to drop out (whether due to time or how this has already gone, I will completely understand), or change anything about their character, just drop a line in this thread. I will need to have a new list of spectators. But if you are content with your current character and everything, there's no need for you to post anything.


I have made a few changes to the Rules.

  1. The big one, the win condition is 'normal': Eliminators (minus the HI) have to outnumber or equal the crew in order to lynch the Captain. When this game was first made, the metagame was very different, in that it was unfathomable that we could ever have a first day without a lynch. This is not true now, so this rule has been changed.
  2. Forgers can now only bestow temporary effects. Roles that are Forged onto a player now last two Cycles. After that, the Forged Role disappears from the game, and the player regains their old Role. If the player dies while Forged, their original Role is added to the Forging list. The player does not count as their old Role while forged, for things such as the Hemalurgic Intelligence, and shows up as their Forged Role if scanned.
  3. Kandra are now able to check Role or Alignment. Originally they could only find Alignments, and this was alright because it gave the Eliminators an obvious Role to overwrite if on their side, and if the Village got there quick enough, it was a way to reward the Villagers. With this change, they are now far more useful for the Eliminators, while basically having no change for the Village.
  4. Small thing, but the game's rollover is now at 8PM instead of 9 PM. This works a little better for me, usually.

The primary change is the first of those, but I thought I might take the opportunity to tune up a few things that appeared to be a bit strong or weak as well.

Edited by Wyrmhero
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damnation my laziness and my arrogance. I figured this win-condition out, I even warned the captain, but I thought the eliminators would never manage that out and didn't do anything.

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Sonder Kessligh signing up. He's one of the many, many, many ship's engineers, and his specific task is to make sure the ship's (non-Hemalurgic) cooling and sewage systems are functioning properly. Whether he's allowed to touch the Hemalurgic systems or not is a separate question :P


Edit: Just wanted to be first post for Wyrm's game like last time :(


Anyway, thanks for the hammer, Traitors :P This means that the game now starts after my final German exam, due to this magical thing called time-zones. Sure, I have one exam and one paper due after this, but I also have much more breathing room than I did the last time--and I really wanted to play Wyrm's SS13 game. So. :P

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