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Shallan. Over Bridge Boy and Adavantos anyways.


Burnt Spaghetti.


End of Line.


what? why no with the tie vote? 






at least make it so the ferruchemist cant change swing it to BB if they are in here...


Edit: Nvm, lets see what happens.

Edited by Creccio
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I am probably not going to vote today, but I will try to do so every day from now on.

As for my opinion on the HI: I am fairly certain they would start on our side. We don't have any way to make sure, since our Kandra are probably better off actually scanning people, and no other role can detect alignment. I don't really believe we need to have the Hemalurgists contact the HI. Although Deathclutch probably wouldn't arrange to have them killed(probably=definitely in SE), it isn't a risk we need to take what with all the ways it could go wrong. (Eliminator Hemalurgist, Fake Eliminator Hemalurgist, 2 is still a lot.)

I guess, since nobody else has done this, I will give my thoughts on what the roles should do:

HI: I guess just find players' roles. Not the most useful role, to be honest. Possibly could target almost lynched people, and if they are useful then get them not lynched. But they could still be an Eliminator.

Voidbringer: ...I don't think I need to discuss this.

Surgebinder: Don't die, but also use the message in the write-up well. Could be used for confirmation should you ever need to role-claim(don't), but also an anonymous message could be good.

Elantrian: Probably just target yourselves until you find a Kandra or another extremely valuable role.

Forger: Once roles are available, if they're useful then spread them out. Try to pick someone you trust, but also watch out for overwriting an important role (for 2 cycles).

Feruchemist: Right now, we want to know if there are any Traitor Feruchemists, so please don't use your power.

Mistborn: The rules don't actually say you can kill, so just chill. Actually, maybe people that the lynch almost hits.

Kandra: Alignment alignment alignment. Already been mentioned.

BioChromancer: I don't know. People the lynch misses?

Hemalurgist: Don't die if you're loyal, and I don't think you should contact the HI.

(emphasis mine)

A couple points to clarify:

If we're trying to see if the traitors have a Feruchemist, just saying "Don't change votes if you're loyal!" won't work. The traitors just won't change any votes either. What is the point of that?

Wonderful, so a coordinated vote shift could very well be possible. I don't think this is the case given the stigma associated from the last iteration but that's just something else I have to account for in my analyzation...

EDITED because I forgot to say thank you

We kind of just saw a coordinated vote shift, maybe, on to Shallan.

However, while we could see a coordinated vote shift, it isn't likely to happen, because it can't allow an instant win like last time.

EDIT: Ninja'd by like 10 people.

Edited by Elbereth (Limelleth)
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UGH I was going to place a vote on BB because there's just something about him that makes me feel uneasy especially when he voted for Ada without a good reason, but my computer was lagging and I was going off of my bedroom clock which I didn't realize was  4 minutes behind.  :(

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Actually, I want to speak in Shallan's defense - which does not mean that she is innocent. She can be guilty as anybody else, and I hope you don't get this post for confirmation I am in the trator team if after her dead it would be discovered she is a traiotr. Of course her post doesn't tell very much, but it is still not exactly "nothing", and there are actual some good (Elantrian)  and some bad adwises in it (for example I think Mistborn shall kill on their own suspicion and not simply the almost-lynched - their choice is as good as anybody elses). Also it's relatively difficult to say something actually relevant in cycle 1, on a non "everpresent" topic like the HI-loyality problem.


NOTE: While I am writing this I got ninja'd multiple times and do not know what is standing in the 4 posts above yet.



EDIT: One of the posts was that of the turnover.

Edited by Alfa
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Night Shift 1: The Shape of Things That Have Been


Captain's Journal, 29/01/513 AK, Night Shift


It is, I can tell you, no small amount of relief that the crew is not as passive as I had seen in my visions, my nightmares. I have spoken to them all about their thoughts, and I have been informed by my Head of Personnel that they are talking to each other about it as well. This is good, in that they are taking it seriously. It is bad, however, because suspicion and paranoia may be the death of this mission.


One name has come up time and time again - Citoan Vinid. A member of an old Great House on Scadrial, but things like that hardly matter in the world of new money over old. In the interests of a fair trial, even out here so far away from civilisation, I had Haede arrest her and throw her in the brig.


I should have realised that these traitors would not want me to talk to anyone in such a situation. I arrested her at the mid-point of the Day Shift. As I write this now, at the start of the Night Shift, we are holding a space-burial for her.


Kandra are almost impossible to kill. They do not bleed, they probably don't even need to breathe... Even their bones are not vital to their existence. They even say that The Survivor's Kandra was beheaded at one point and survived it. So what is their weakness?


It's actually relatively simple, once one has removed the spikes to make them docile. Kandra dissolve in strong acids. Admittedly, it's not a unique weakness, considering the same is true of the rest of the crew as well. But still, I have to wonder how they carted that through the ship and into the brig.


...I am concerned that there are traitors on the security staff...


Captain Wurum Heron


Letter to the Chief Engineer


To: Joel Tormander (Joel.Tormander@ heron.industries.corp)

CC: Haede Heatherlocke (Haede.Heatherlocke@ heron.industries.corp)

Subject: Laboratory Break-in


Hi Joel,


As you are aware, our laboratories aboard the ship contain a large number of many different chemicals, used in medicines created aboard-ship and in explosives for mining.


I regret to inform you that we appear to be missing several containers of, amongst other things, nitro-glycerine. Considering our Captain has mentioned that he believes subversive elements are aboard the ship, I am concerned that they may have fallen into the wrong hands. It is unlikely they will succeed in making explosives, considering most of it is done in an automated manner by our machinery for us, but I am still worried.


I've CC'd in the Head of Security in this email, so he's aware of the problem as well. Hopefully it'll be found before anything terrible happens. How hard can it be to find gallons of acid?


Please let me know if there's anything else I can do.


Second Technician Aornae Riimea


Crew Manifest

  1. John (IrulelikeSTINK) - A rules lawyer's client with a mission.
  2. Gaius Tekiel (Orlok)
  3. Adelor Ien Far-Astra (Alfa)
  4. Wynde Wilson (little wilson) - A woman afraid of airlocks.
  5. Tigger (Kipper)
  6. James T Slade (Bridge Boy) - An ensign with delusions of Spook.
  7. Inor Haze (Creccio)
  8. Pork (Paranoid King) - A pilot and board game fanatic.
  9. Miral (Mailliw73) - Excited to be exploring the Cosmere.
  10. Cor Mordero (Alvron) - Lieutenant Commander, in both rank and nature.
  11. Arandar (Araris Valerian)
  12. Rae Nova (Arraenae) - Possibly a death-seeker
  13. Brega Daghar (The Honey Badger) - A man looking for opportunities.
  14. Citoan Vinid (Shallan) - A naturally non-Allomancer who loves Allomancy - Kandra
  15. Obsidibus Caesis Dormiam (phattemer)
  16. Volke (TheMightyLopen)
  17. Davenar Leiken (Adavantos)
  18. Kaid (Kaid)
  19. Doctor McClay (Clanky)
  20. Neil Weakarm (polkinghorndb)
  21. Elby (Elbereth)
  22. HELLSCYTHE (DeathClutch19) - Uninvested - HI
  23. Steph (QueenSteph)
  24. The High Priest of Elkanah (Elkanah)
  25. Dow (dowanx)
  26. Sonder Kessleigh (Kasimir)
  27. Osmann (Zed)
  28. Bort (Bort)
  29. Ember Ghetti (Burnt Spaghetti)
  30. Gylf (RippleGylf)
  31. Bovinus (The Cow)
  32. Biggoron (Biggoron)


Citoan Vinid (Shallan) was a Kandra!


Citoan Vinid (6): Wynde Wilson, Tigger, Obsidius Caesis Dormiam, Bort, HELLSCYTHE

James T Slade (3): John, Miral, Arandar, Davenar Leiken

First of Dawn (2): Rae Nova, James T Slade


Night Shift 1 has begun! It will end at 8PM GMT on Saturday. PMs may now be sent, and for the record, I would prefer to be included within them. ...Also, please do wait for the go-ahead to be given before making them in the future.

Edited by Wyrmhero
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...but...but...my name is Tigger.

Also, there seem to be two errors with the counts on Slade and Shallan (unless that's just a writeup regularity that I missed)

That is all. I'm deeply ashamed of myself (and especially you, wilson :P) for voting on Shallan, but everyone who joined the bandwagon after Bort....don't follow Wilson (or I) unless you really believe that the person we vote on is guilty.

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This is what happens when you people decide that D1 is a good time to lynch, based off of one post that someone made. Do we now all go for Wilson on D2 for 'saying something but not really saying something'.


And if it is a gut vote by someone else, DON'T VOTE FOR THAT PERSON. 

Edited by IrulelikeSTINK
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(and especially you, wilson :P)


Hey, now. I'm just as fallible as anyone else. And need I remind you that you voted for the same reasons as I did?


Do we now all go for Wilson on D2 for 'saying something but not really saying something'.


I don't see why that means that I should be voted on, because it was perfectly valid and was actually true in your case in 15a. So I got it wrong here. That happens. I'm sorry. If you'd like to kill me, though, go for it. I'm willing to sacrifice myself for the village (and get myself one step closer to that Dodo Award :P ).

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...but...but...my name is Tigger.

Also, there seem to be two errors with the counts on Slade and Shallan (unless that's just a writeup regularity that I missed)


One of these things is an error (your name was Winnie the Pooh on my spreadsheet). The other, however, is not :P

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I am very upset right now. This is exactly the reason why I wanted to be lynched today to begin with. Creccio, why did you edit retract your vote on BB last minute? That is a huge red flag and I demand an explanation.


EDIT: @Wyrm: I changed my character from First of the Dawn to Davenar Leiken. Please fix this. Thank you :D

Edited by Adavantos
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@Wyrm, Cor Mordero is a Lieutenant Commander now not a Petty Officer.


Interestingly, I have been role blocked for the night.  I am also willing to be the target for any Forgers that wish to create a new Kandra.

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Man. Don't check up on the thread for 8 hours due to sickness, and find out that I was closer to being lynched than I thought, and some poor sap ended up with 6 votes. Woah. Things move around fast on this ship I guess. Like acid...


Not really much purpose to show up on the main thread in the night though, is there.

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Oh, by the way, I haven't been on, and I totally missed whatever happened in the rest of the D1 thread after last night, and I don't want to go back and read 100+ messages, so could someone summarize how the votes got to be how they were? last I knew, I had 1 vote, Adavantos had 3, and Shallan had 1.

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It would be honestly better to give it to someone that doesn't ask for it in thread. If the traitors have an Awakener on top of their Feruchemist then the forge would be wasted entirely.

Not necessarily.  If we have say six people put there hands up then the Forgers can choose for themselves who they target and the Eliminators wouldn't have anyway for them to know who it was.  Unless it was an Eliminator Forger that is.

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