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I'll write out my application if Creccio is actually an awakener. Full commitment.


Start. Loyal awakener about to die.


Do you want me to give you my soap and special tricks? 


Adavantos, everyone makes mistakes, but to the one who is coming out saying the truth and claiming seriously? I hope next games we play together we can work more efficiently

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This is interesting. Apologies for not voting last night - I will definitely set out my suspicions tonight, in case I am killed.

I have delayed because I am still unsure as to how certain I am - it's primarily based on a set of potentially explainable occurrences, and a read on a player I know quite well. Another night cycle should give me plenty of time to decide - although I would appreciate protection tonight - I don't particularly want to be killed to cast suspicion or create an I know you know on the target of my suspicion.

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Started reading the thread at 1;00 and now 50 minutes later I am caught up and proud of myself for reading and trying to analyze everything.

Ok so I am going to vote Creccio.

Almost everything you've said and done in this game so far has been suspicious. Why would a loyal tell every bit of info they have in the thread? Yeah, sure, we can use it, but so can the Eliminators. It would've made more sense to confide in someone in PMs the last cycle with what you already had learned. 


Also, Lopen, I would like to know how nothing that Creccio has done has made you suspicious? IMO Stink just made a mistake of getting on Wilson's suspicious list and she was reaching for things to suspect him of and you believed it. Now, Stink might be an eliminator, but based of of the info that's in the thread I don't think it's enough to condemn Stink. 


Creccio, if you are loyal I apologize for suspecting you, but nevertheless your posts seem fishy to me and I want to vote on who I actually have suspicions on rather then learning nothing from this turn.

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This is interesting. Apologies for not voting last night - I will definitely set out my suspicions tonight, in case I am killed.

I have delayed because I am still unsure as to how certain I am - it's primarily based on a set of potentially explainable occurrences, and a read on a player I know quite well. Another night cycle should give me plenty of time to decide - although I would appreciate protection tonight - I don't particularly want to be killed to cast suspicion or create an I know you know on the target of my suspicion.

Do tell...you're very cryptic, yet you provide no information to us. Why ask for protection when nobody knows anything about what you want?

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Adavantos: Does not trust Me Wilson Kipper in that order.  He is the current hub of information, I hope a Kandra checked him to see if he is what he actually says he is. Please be wary.


Wilson: She did it apparently. Maybe a traitor surgebinder wrote that just to get to the part where “Its too convoluted, it wont wotk” Alas, it did, just keep track of her.


Kipper: Relation with Adavantos. Nice Star Wars language. I wonder where that came from and who is there to decode it… Maybe someone is storing it?


Phattemer: Explain to me why then on the email says you claimed voidbringer and on the pm it says hemalurgist? You changed it. Or, please come and explain to me why that is.


Stink: Claimed no role and knows a forger… does usual stink things


PK: Target for death by Adavantos. Mistborn, please kill this dude.


Mail: Gave information to: ADAVANTOS, WILSON, KIPPER, STINK and ME, obviously I am dying and he Is dead, only  3 left.


Lopen: Shady communications with Stink, need more information but please look into him.


Bort: Seems everyone suspects him, follow your instincts and go at him.



BB: Same as bort.


Also… You seem pissed about my actions, and well, you can be. I just hope your emotions don’t trick you into lynching more and more loyals. See you later, alligator.


@Steph, Dont worry, i dont blame your for my death.


Remember, Tuna is a mamal, not a fish.

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I don't know how this usually works but after this post anything posted will be after 8pm MY TIME, aka end of cycle.


EDIT: Just to make sure you all know as Wyrm isn't viewing this thread currently.

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Tomorrow's supper, Orlok.


That's it guys, the die has been cast etc. Write-up and Night beginning in 24 hours. Do not rely to any PMs yet.

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Night Shift 2: Waiting for the God Beyond


John's Notes for the Trial of Inor Haze, Recorded by Cognitive Dictaphone

...Oh god beyond, when the Captain said 'Is anyone here a lawyer?', and I put my hand up to say I knew a guy, I didn't think he's just say 'Near enough'. Um. So. What does he always do? There's... There's arguing, right? And objecting to things for some reason. Probably no reason at all, lawyers just want to make it look like they're earning their money. Hey, this could actually work out nicely. New career and all that, glowing references from Heron Industries... Well, if I survive this mission. I'm hopeful, at least.


The Captain's glaring at me. I guess I'd better get on with it. I've got this little guy helping me though. He's just a straw man, carrying my case of blank sheets of paper, but he's probably put together better than my arguments. Inor gave it to me for helping him. But, uh. As I'm the only lawyer (or near enough) on the ship, I've kind of got to argue both sides. Um... I don't think he knows that.


I'm going to lose this no matter which way it goes, but I suppose I get double pay, at least? Oh. He's telling me this is on normal time. Well, thanks a lot, Captain. Wonder why people want to kill you. ...How do you delete thoughts off this thing? Forget I said that!


...At least I guess we have lots of witnesses for this. Well, no witnesses for any murder, but character witnesses. And surprise witnesses! Each more surprising than the last! I don't even know who I'm going to call yet! I'm kind of winging it here, but... Well... There's no upside to this, I guess. This is going to be so awful.


The Captain's tapping his foot now, getting a bit impatient. So's the crowd, actually. Inor seems to be late. Or the guards taking him are, I suppose, not like he can choose where he goes. Oh, there's one. Hm, he looks a little run-ragged. Did Inor try and escape? I knew he was a lying, murderous, trait-


Oh. Oh, that's not good. The body's missing. And they followed a trail of blood to... Ugh, really? They threw him in the waste disposal unit? ...Oh. They've got pictures. I really did not need to see that. I think I'm going to be sick...


Crew Manifest

  1. John (IrulelikeSTINK) - A rules lawyer's client with a mission.

  2. Gaius Tekiel (Orlok)
  3. Adelor Ien Far-Astra (Alfa)
  4. Wynde Wilson (little wilson) - A woman afraid of airlocks.
  5. Tigger (Kipper) - T-I-Double-Guh-Err
  6. James T Slade (Bridge Boy) - An ensign with delusions of Spook.
  7. Inor Haze (Creccio) - BioChromancer
  8. Pork (Paranoid King) - A pilot and board game fanatic.
  9. Miral (Mailliw73) - Excited to be exploring the Cosmere - Hemalurgist
  10. Cor Mordero (Alvron) - Petty Officer, in both rank and nature.
  11. Arandar (Araris Valerian)
  12. Rae Nova (Arraenae) - Possibly a death-seeker
  13. Brega Daghar (The Honey Badger) - A man looking for opportunities.
  14. Citoan Vinid (Shallan) - A naturally non-Allomancer who loves Allomancy - Kandra
  15. Obsidibus Caesis Dormiam (phattemer)
  16. Volke (TheMightyLopen)
  17. Davenar Leiken (Adavantos)
  18. Kaid (Kaid)
  19. Doctor McClay (Clanky)
  20. Neil Weakarm (polkinghorndb)
  21. Elby (Elbereth)
  22. HELLSCYTHE (DeathClutch19) - Uninvested - HI
  23. Steph (QueenSteph)
  24. The High Priest of Elkanah (Elkanah)
  25. Dow (dowanx)
  26. Sonder Kessleigh (Kasimir)
  27. Osmann (Zed)
  28. Bort (Bort)
  29. Ember Ghetti (Burnt Spaghetti)
  30. Gylf (RippleGylf)
  31. Bovinus (The Cow)
  32. Biggoron (Biggoron)


Inor Haze (Creccio) was a BioChromancer!


Inor Haze (7): John, Pork, Davenar Leiken, Steph, Sonder Kessligh, Bort

Wynde Wilson (2): Inor Haze, Volke


Ripple Gylf (0): Wynde Wilson


Night Shift 2 has begun! It will end at 8PM GMT on Thursday. PMs may now be resumed.


Night Shift Timer

Remember, after your regulation 8 hours rest, it's back to work!


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My professor notified the class today of a test worth 1/7th of our grade. When is it being taken? Thursday morning (or about 40 hours from now). I'll be studying quite a bit, so don't be alarmed if PMs are not answered with their usual speed.


Edited for blue.

Edited by Kipper
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Forgot about this pre-written RP sitting in a doc, so I'm just gonna surreptitiously post it and backdate it to last cycle and come in again...

Sonder flopped back on his bunk with a quiet sigh. It was a luxury he hadn’t quite gotten used to, having an entire cabin to himself, even if, truth to be told, it wasn’t much better than a closet.

How was it possible, on a ship of this size, teeming with beings from the various worlds, scattered throughout space—how was it possible to feel so alone, so small, so insignificant?

Probably for the best that he didn’t have a window, Sonder thought. He wasn’t sure he wanted to look out at the immense darkness without; with the occasional floating chunk of rock.

He pulled out his PDA and began typing.

CHIEF, he hesitated. Hard to stop thinking of Karsten Arnkell as the Chief, even though the man was no doubt on the Wolfhound and halfway to Roshar by now, with more fresh engineers under his wing. There was always an old hand, the others had said, the first to take you on and to tell you what needed doing. The first to take a fresh, graduated officer and to shape them into someone who knew what to do on board a ship; who wasn’t as likely to blow them all up to Adonalsium, or to crumble in the face of any sort of shipboard disasters. You asked yourself what he would do, Ersken had said, abruptly, one shift standing watch together. You knew he left his stamp on you then, when you knew he was the sort of officer you wanted to be.

One of the ship’s engineers, Miral, died hours ago.

They’d heard the explosion that’d gone off in the carefully-maintained gardens, shattering panes of precious, toughened glass. The automated systems had kicked in, sealing the atmosphere breach temporarily, until the technicians on duty had managed to arrive to swiftly deal with the situation.

The first responders had, of course, had stumbled upon the remains. Probably too badly-damaged to be identifiable as Miral. Instead, according to rumour, they’d gone by his ship-issue boots, a trace of engine lubricant still in the treads. And they’d gone by his ID chip, which had, fortunately, not been melted to slag by the blast.


I think it was planted. He hesitated, staring at the backlit screen of the PDA. Dangerous, he thought, venturing the thought when he hadn’t seen Miral. He hadn’t even known the man well. All he’d heard was furiously-whispered snatches from the engine room during his shift—Miral had been someone no one held grudges against, that much was clear. He’d been recognised, it was said, as one of the most skilled Hemalurgists on the ship. So it wasn’t a stretch of the imagination that Miral would’ve been assigned to the Hemalurgic systems, given the installation of the HI.

He tapped the next set of keys. They found the ID chip. I don’t see how that kind of thing survives an entire explosion, especially when M. was at the blast centre.

But that was not the only thing bothering him. Everyone had vouched for Miral, had said he wasn’t the kind to be a traitor. That made sense, probably, in light of the fact that if there were any saboteurs, they’d be interested in taking down the engineers and technicians assigned to the Hemalurgic systems, rather than those watching the engines or cooling systems. They could go dead in space, with no power, but Sonder figured the traitors’d want to leave themselves an escape route. On the other hand, if they subverted the HI…

He shivered. Recalled the conversation between da Gama and the other engineers working in comms. Not a pleasant thought.

How had the gardens blown up? He didn’t know much, if at all. Sonder sighed; his breath hissing out between his teeth in frustration. Don’t say it isn’t your job, he thought. You’re an engineer on this ship, which means that it is your job. Anything could go wrong out there in space, and that meant you had to be prepared to do what needed doing.

He refocused back on the PDA screen, and instead, began a fresh line.

MIRAL, he typed.

I didn’t really know you. You probably didn’t really know me either. Still, brother, —he hesitated over that last word, thought of the bond of the ship; the fact they had been both engineers working on the same ship, and changed his mind and kept it. It was appropriate, Sonder decided. I hope to find the people who murdered you. Not just for you, but because if we don’t stop them, I think they won’t stop until we’re all dead.

I promise you: You will be avenged.

He ended the entry there, shut off the PDA, and carelessly tossed it aside, into the gaping pocket of his jacket, hanging from the single chair in his cabin.

Easy to think that it wasn’t his business. That night in the comms centre, the ship’s network had been buzzing with chatter. He’d deliberately flicked the equipment off, uninterested in overhearing. Still, rumour carried: people were trading information; why he didn’t know. It wasn’t as if any of them had witnessed either of the deaths.

Still, there was a saying they’d had, back before he’d even tried for his engineer’s qualifications. You measure a person, they’d said, not by how they act in times of prosperity, but in times of crisis.

He thought: now was the time for him—for all of them—to be measured.

He carefully undid his shirt-cuff and rolled it up. There it was, the simple bracelet that bound the etched medallion to the inside of his wrist. It was easy to forget about it, by now. He’d grown used to wearing it with him.

He undid the knots, working entirely from memory, and the thin cord fell open. He picked it up and rubbed at the worn surface of the coin, worried at over the years. It had accompanied him through his academy years, and through his first contract, and now, they were both here.

The thought soothed him, somewhat. He carefully—deftly, for all he was using his non-dominant hand—redid the knots, tying István’s lucky coin back in place; cool against the inside of his wrist.

Hard not to believe in luck, Sonder thought, when he’d gotten this job on this ship. Now, he just had to hope it would see him through the rest of the journey; back to Scadrial.
Ni su'cuyi, gar kyr'adyc, ni partayli, gar darasuum.

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Ni su'cuyi, gar kyr'adyc, ni partayli, gar darasuum.

For those of you who aren't total Star Wars nerds, this translates to: "I'm still alive, but you are dead. I remember you, so you are eternal." In Mando'a. It's usually followed by the person's name you are referencing. So in this case it would be, "Ni su'cuyi, gar kyr'adyc, ni partayli, gar darasuum, Miral." The phrase is often said at memorials, or daily, depending on the person saying, and the person who it is being said for.

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For those of you who aren't total Star Wars nerds, this translates to: "I'm still alive, but you are dead. I remember you, so you are eternal." In Mando'a. It's usually followed by the person's name you are referencing. So in this case it would be, "Ni su'cuyi, gar kyr'adyc, ni partayli, gar darasuum, Miral." The phrase is often said at memorials, or daily, depending on the person saying, and the person who it is being said for.

Ni gedeteya, ner vord. Ner Mando'a cuyi shabla. :ph34r:

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For those of you who aren't total Star Wars nerds, this translates to: "I'm still alive, but you are dead. I remember you, so you are eternal." In Mando'a. It's usually followed by the person's name you are referencing. So in this case it would be, "Ni su'cuyi, gar kyr'adyc, ni partayli, gar darasuum, Miral." The phrase is often said at memorials, or daily, depending on the person saying, and the person who it is being said for.

K’uur, spirba’ika! Val cuyir aruetiise!

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Glad I'm not the only one lost here Adavantos. These guys could have PMs in the regular forum if they wanted.

So you could use us as your Windtalkers, except, oh, you don't know if you could trust us, so that'd be a bad idea. And second, because Mando'a is ridic easy for anyone with a dictionary :P

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So you could use us as your Windtalkers, except, oh, you don't know if you could trust us, so that'd be a bad idea. And second, because Mando'a is ridic easy for anyone with a dictionary :P


Im sure I could find an online translator to see what you guys were saying if I wanted haha.

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