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@Arraenae: My suggestion is just to look at the post count (Above the green box with the reputation). It's not incredibly accurate, but you can judge the people who have been in the most games when their post count is above 1000.

Edited by Paranoid King
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Night 3: Future Echoes


Captain's Journal, 31/01/513 AK, Night Shift

I often wonder if it is my fate to be here.


I do not mean that I feel I should not be here; When one considers my background, my heritage, my resources, it is only natural that I, of all people, should be in command of this vessel. No-one else has even come close to what we have achieved here, even disregarding our mission. Manned, sustained flight like this has never been attained before.


The idea of 'fate' is a romanticised one, I think. Most consider it in those terms, which seems foolish to me. When something good has happened, why would not not congratulate yourself for making it happen, rather than believing that it was going to happen regardless of what you did. I doubt very much that Harmony wants to interfere to that degree, and as for Kelsier... Well, he's been dead 500 years. A dead man should not influence the world any more than in memories.


And yet, despite the fact that I dislike this, I cannot help but agree with it. The future is set in stone, that much is obvious to anyone who ingests Atium and burns it near someone else, or to Voidbringers gifted with similar powers. When a single person burns Atium, they see a single shadow for everyone else nearby. One, not many. The vast majority of people walk through their lives on pre-determined paths, though I could not say whether they are divined by gods or biology.


And then, when two people burn it, a miraculous thing happens; The future splits and diverges into an uncountable and unpredictable mess. Action and reaction become one as the burners both step off the path laid out before them, and are forced to come to terms with the fact that their opponent has done precisely the same thing. Only one person has ever done this without burning Atium – And she was making use of her opponent's own Atium to do so. In essence, dragging herself along for the walk off the beaten path.


Now consider her husband, The Last Emperor. In his final moments, he did something both brave and foolish, and burned both Atium and duralumin in one moment. It is said that he foresaw everything in one instant, every decision and every choice laid out to eternity. He died shortly after, of course, seeing it as the best course of action. Though some say that he had no choice, and couldn't handle the concept of the infinite. The specifics don't matter. At times I find myself wondering whether he foresaw this too, or whether the use of Investiture has dragged us so far from the path that we can no longer even see it.


In thinking about this, I turned to my own visions of the future yet to come. Very little of what I have foreseen has come true. The specifics change each time, variables that the dream plucks out of nowhere. The only constant is that we are under attack.


What can change the future I foresee? I know that it is impossible for anyone other than someone with precognition to do so. Therefore, the answer is obvious. Voidbringer or Mistborn, at least one must exist amongst my enemies. Later today, I have arranged interviews with all those blessed with the power of Odium at this moment.


...Considering that they have been Invested in by the very essence of rage and anger, perhaps I should have started my search there from the start.


Captain Wurum Heron





The ship's engine rooms were cavernous, a breath-taking feat of artifice and Hemalurgy combined. It made no attempt to keep the steel and electricity hidden away as the rest of the ship did, but displayed it proudly. Large, railed walkways crossed over each over, around a large cylindrical object. It was only source of light in the room, and the only one it needed. It glowed as it worked and churned away, inputs, calculations and feedback done within the blink of an eye. And as it did so, its luminescence shifted from red, up the spectrum to blue, and then back down again.


The ship's Sharddrive made no noise as it worked, even as it gave off the fantastical suite of colours that indicated that it was working. It was silent, an ominous monolith in the centre of the room. Suddenly, and with no indication that anything had changed, it let off an alarm, three short bursts warning everyone in the room before it burst with a brilliant white light. Its newest job done, it quietened down again, settling into its shifting chromatics once more.


After the glow subsided, Wurum lowered his hand. He was not surprised to see a figure standing before him, hooded and hidden but illuminated by the glow behind them. The figure had a combat-knife in its – her – hand, which she slowly raised towards him, a sentence cast upon him without a word.


Wurum sighed and put his hand to his belt, drawing his Heron Industries standard-issue pistol. Mirroring his opponent in a more lethal manner, he raised it. “You should know not to bring a knife to a gunfight.”


His opponent smirked, pulling her hood down so he could see. “I didn't,” she said, and the knife shifted, extending and warping until it was a full sword instead. “You shouldn't bring a gun to a shardfight.”


“All it takes to put you down is one shot,” Wurum replied, warily watching his opponent's shadow-selves split and divide and split again around them. He had no doubts in his mind that Wynde saw something very similar herself right now.


“And all it takes to stop you is a single cut,” Wynde replied, shifting into something similar to Windstance. “As our abilities effectively cancel each other out, it pretty much comes down to which one of us is lucky. And you are many things, Captain, but a Spinner is not amongst them. Hell, you don't even look like you're up for a fight right now.”


We shall have to see, won't we?” Wurum asked, taking aim and firing off a shot before he had even finished talking. As he expected, as he could have guessed even without his foresight, Wynde had already moved out of the way, her shadows moving in every which-way as she pre-emptively planned to dodge the shots he had not yet even considered.


But just as he could not shoot without her knowing it at the same time he did, neither could she swing her Shardblade around without him dodging it, moving out of the way even before she had started. He was not faster than her, but he did not need to be; he just needed to have moved first.


The pistol was not a close-range weapon. It could be used as one in a pinch, but it was not meant for melee combat. His shots went wild, and he pulled himself back from even trying several times, for fear of hitting the Sharddrive. Wynde, on the other hand, had no such worries. The worst she could do was shear through the walkway, and send them both plummeting. But her cuts were precise and, if she had been facing anyone else, accurate.


Gunfire and the shearing of air became the only sound in the room, interspersed only by the heavy breathing as the quick and close combat took its toll on both of them. Despite their abilities, despite their ability to see, they were only of human strength, speed and endurance, and one of them would give in first.


In this case, it was Wurum. He was trained in combat, but not to the degree Wynde was. He was not here to kill, like she was. Her Shardblade bit through the barrel of his gun, and he had to drop it to avoid his arm being cut through as well. He stumbled, and her follow-up shoulder-barge threw him to the floor.


Then, inexplicably to her, he laughed. “I'm afraid this is checkmate, Wynde. No, not checkmate. A stalemate. A draw.”


You're pretty cocky for someone who'll have a Shardblade close to his neck soon,” Wynde commented, not moving towards him, but taking the reprieve as a chance to catch her breath. “Even if I can't see what you're planning like I can with other people, I've still won, and you're still dead. Not regretting the pistol after all?”


I never said I brought a gun,” Wurum replied as he closed his eyes and took a breath. “I brought an army of guns.”


You brought a what?” Wynde asked, wheeling around, ready to fend off any attackers. She looked across the walkway, and saw them. Not crew, or even lifeless, but clothing, Awakened in the shape of people, and all armed. Their aims were erratic at best, but there were enough in this cramped space that she couldn't dodge without throwing herself off into the void below. She turned back to Wurum.


Stalemate,” he repeated, seemingly prepared for what was about to happen. “That means I win.”



A few hours later, Wurum picked himself up off the floor, the tattered remains of his clothes sliding off him. He grimmaced at the pain as he did so. Being shot was not easy to shrug off, even with Bloodmaking, and being shot so many times was even worse. At least he was as good as dead for a lot of it.


He walked, or rather shambled, over to the Awakened clothing, still trying to fire pistols that had long-since run out of ammunition. He withdrew the Breath from one of them, let it crumple to the ground, and then began to dress in the once-more silent room.



Crew Manifest

  1. John (IrulelikeSTINK) - A rules lawyer's client with a mission.

  2. Gaius Tekiel (Orlok)

  3. Adelor Ien Far-Astra (Alfa)

  4. Wynde Wilson (little wilson) - A woman afraid of airlocks. - Voidbringer

  5. Tigger (Kipper) - T-I-Double-Guh-Err

  6. James T Slade (Bridge Boy) - An ensign with delusions of Spook.

  7. Inor Haze (Creccio) - BioChromancer

  8. Pork (Paranoid King) - A pilot and board game fanatic.

  9. Miral (Mailliw73) - Excited to be exploring the Cosmere - Hemalurgist

  10. Cor Mordero (Alvron) - Petty Officer, in both rank and nature.

  11. Arandar (Araris Valerian)

  12. Rae Nova (Arraenae) - Possibly a death-seeker

  13. Brega Daghar (The Honey Badger) - A man looking for opportunities.

  14. Citoan Vinid (Shallan) - A naturally non-Allomancer who loves Allomancy - Kandra

  15. Obsidibus Caesis Dormiam (phattemer)

  16. Volke (TheMightyLopen)

  17. Davenar Leiken (Adavantos)

  18. Kaid (Kaid)

  19. Doctor McClay (Clanky)

  20. Neil Weakarm (polkinghorndb) - Forger

  21. Elby (Elbereth)

  22. HELLSCYTHE (DeathClutch19) - Uninvested - HI

  23. Steph (QueenSteph)

  24. The High Priest of Elkanah (Elkanah)

  25. Dow (dowanx)

  26. Sonder Kessligh (Kasimir) - Uninvested

  27. Osmann (Zed)

  28. Bort (Bort)

  29. Ember Ghetti (Burnt Spaghetti)

  30. Gylf (RippleGylf)

  31. Bovinus (The Cow)

  32. Biggoron (Biggoron)


Wynde Wilson (little wilson) was a Voidbringer!


Wynde Wilson (12): Gaius Tekiel, Tigger, James T Slade, Pork, Cor Mordero, Rae Nova, Obsidibus Caesis Dormiam, Volke, Kaid, Doctor McClay, Steph, The High Priest of Elkanah, Gylf

Kipper (1): John


Biggoron (1): ???

Kipper (1): ???


Night 3 has begun! It will end on Monday at 8PM GMT. PMs may now be sent once again.


Shift Clock

A well-rested worker is an efficient worker!


Edited by Wyrmhero
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Just saying, I was highly suspicious of Wilson since D1 and convinced of her guilt D2 but only backed down because she made me feel guilty about the way I confronted her. Anyway, I'm in the process of building my case against Bridge Boy. After reviewing the D1 thread alone - taking note of the interactions between him and Wilson - I am considerably more suspicious of him... so yeah. Stand by for that.

Edited by Adavantos
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I guess I've been equating length of posts and confidence with experience, which probably isn't the best way to measure experience. :rolleyes: Can somebody give me a list of who is experienced or not so I don't have to judge by hearsay and posts?

I had this problem too, so I actually asked a couple of people who they would consider to be most experienced. Here's what I got: Wilson, Alvron, Mailliw, Kasimir, and Kipper. Those were the main five that showed up.

Well, it looks like I was wrong about her being a Surgebinder. I'm glad I was, though, or we would have been having even more problems.

Are we still doing the kandra/mistborn vote thing? Because I would be fine switching to Bridge Boy if so. We would get more information from Bridge Boy's death, and they seem around equally suspicious to my eyes. And I think we should continue voting until the time of the turnover, tomorrow. I don't see any point in stopping before then.

Also, I'm worried about the Surgebinders. We've only had one message thus far, on the first day. Is anyone in contact with a Surgebinder? I just really don't want there to be only one or two, and to have them be inactive (and therefore soon to be killed by a Mistborn, in all likelihood).

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What?  Too early?  :P


Alvron's vote on Wyrm.


Yeah, Alvron. He was just asking for it, doing a lynch on Wyrm that fast. If he was a loyal crewmember, he would have no reason to, so currently he has huge amounts of suspicion against him.

Okay, so it looks like some people have taken their vote off of Alvron for now, saying it was a joke, but I think it was a bit too far for a joke, and right now, he is the biggest suspect around here. So I'm going to leave my vote there, and I hope that we can have a successful 1st day lynch this time. I wasn't sure about it last voyage, but I don't want the eliminators to sweep in at the end again, even if it's not the end of the game.


Bridge Boy responds to Alvron's joke.


That's not even a possibility.


It's not about lynching the captain anymore. It's really a normal elimination game. Heck, if we wanted to, we could choose not to lynch anyone today, and even if the eliminators came in like last time and tried to hammer, they still wouldn't win. All they'd do is reveal themselves. Note that I do not condone the view of not lynching someone today. On the contrary, I think we should. Right now, I currently have my eye on both Bridge Boy and Alvron. Alv, because before the game started, he mentioned that he thought the old eliminators would be killed swiftly this game, and I can't help but wonder if his vote on the captain was to make people think he wasn't an eliminator because obviously he wouldn't cast a vote like that right off the bat if he were. And Bridge Boy because he said that Alv's vote heaps huge amounts of suspicion on him, when really it's just a bit. Seems like an over-exaggeration. Not necessarily one inherent to an eliminator, but it's still suspicious.


That said, I'm going to refrain from voting right now simply because there's a lot of time left in the cycle and I don't particularly care to jump around with votes, nor do I wish to poke vote anyone. I just want discussion.  :)



Wilson confronts Bridge Boy.


I know that the eliminators can't sweep in for the victory, I'm saying that I don't want them to sweep in even for a kill, and while it would be hard for them to do it without being revealed, I'd still rather not take chances, and at least try and lynch somebody.

Bridge Boy responds.

I'm not as suspicious of Bridgeboy as others have appeared. Were he to be a traitor, I'd have thought that some more experienced member of his team would have pointed out that he was misinterpreting the joke, and stop him drawing so much attention to himself.


Underline mine. I am of the impression that Bridge Boy jumped the gun trying to get a lynch started on a high priority target for them and Wilson came in thread to point out that he was misinterpreting the joke and get him to stop drawing so much attention to himself in a way that might clear her as good to observers.


I'm of the same opinion as Wilson. I've also been looking at BB. But I also suspected him last time we ran this game and that didn't turn out accurate, so I'm going to hold off on a vote, but I'd like to hear from Kas, when he gets time, Burnt, and Lopen. I personally don't care too much if all the Hemalurgists report to the HI, but I think it's best if they do. The problem is that there very well could be a Traitor one.


Mail's response to the situation.


There most likely is one, just because that seems like the kind of GM Wyrm is.


Also, I'm being suspected that fast?!?! I seem to have a talent for doing that. Those are my honest suspicions, and if I'm going to vote for someone, and I am on this first round, I want it to be someone that's done something suspicious, instead of just blindly voting for someone.


Bridge Boy's response to Mail.


In LG15a there were no Traitorous Hemalurgists. This line of thought is... Illogical.






HI's response to Bridge Boy. To me this seems like Bridge Boy is trying sow doubt about the Hemalurgists alignments; if he is indeed a Traitor, I highly suspect his motive in this is to misdirect the crew and thus they have no Hemalurgists.


While I did expect someone to try to lynch Wyrm, I did also expect it to be a joke (come on, after the last attempt at this game, I'd be suspicious of anyone who didn't expect this joke). However, I don't think we can take anything away from Alvron doing this apart from he was the first one to get there. Bridge Boy, on the other hand, reacted far too strongly to Alv's joke.


Bort casts the first vote against BB...


If you guys are really that suspicious thanks to my vote on Alvron, would the votes on me be removed if I retracted said vote? I believe in the first day lynch, and want to place my vote on someone at least this time around, and while it is preferable that they be suspicious, anyone is an option. Right now, I understand that there is no real reason to have my vote on Alvron, but I don't really have a reason to change it. If me retracting my vote will keep me alive, I'll do it, but as of right now, while there is no reason to vote for Alvron, there is also no reason to retract my vote on Alvron. He is currently under no danger, and my vote is not affecting anything. If my vote is such a big deal, I will remove it to save my life, but I don't see why I need to.


Also, you guys keep on bringing up my joke. You guys accuse me of wasting my time and whatnot, and of distracting people from analysis, but I was seriously responding to a post, and took an extra 30 seconds to point out something that I found amusing. I don't understand how me pointing out something funny puts me under suspicion, when Alvron's joke clears him of suspicion, while mine did not involve lynching someone. Also, I did not realize that Alvron's joke was in fact a joke when it was first posted, and was not aware that the game end conditions had been altered by the time I made my first post, accusing him. So yeah. That's on me.


Something I would like to just point out is that we have heard nothing from PK this game, which is odd, because last game is posted in the first hour or two, and it's been over 24 hours now with nothing. He might have a reason for it, but I'm going to toss a poke vote his way, which will hopefully give rise to post, and will get people off of my back for voting Alvron.



Paranoid King


Okay, I saw the vote count, so I'm now sticking my vote where it counts.

Paranoid King


BB reacts to Bort's vote. To me it seems like he is desperately trying to get suspicion off of him, but does it in a way that raises even more questions. Also jumps around with his voting with little or no explanation (none for his vote against me).


Ok, I'm going to place my vote now. I'm not too sure what is up with Adavantos, but I would like to hear more from Bridge Boy about that vote. Yeah, it is definitely counting toward something, and I am all for a day one lynch, but we still have some time to discuss at this point.


Araris responding to BB's vote on me.


While I am certainly willing to die today, I am going to place a vote on Bridge Boy. I am of the same mindset as Araris, in that I would like to hear more about why he's voting for me besides a bandwagon. I shouldn't have to say this, but just because someone is being voted for by other players doesn't mean you need to. If you think someone is evil, then do it. If you don't, don't. And if you do vote for someone, please don't do it without an explanation. Even if it's just because your gut is telling to, try to add some reason to it. It's not as hard as you might think, just takes a bit of brainpower to find whats setting you off and put it into words.


Me responding to BB's vote on me.


I'm not going to leave this up to a Feeuchemist. Of the two up for the lynch, I'm not as suspicious of Adavantos. So Bridge Boy it is.


Mail's vote against BB.


The chances of the feruchemist actually doing something (if there) are probably low but a village feruchemist might decide to get rid of Ada so Bridge Boy. I'm sorry it had to be this way.


Stink's vote against BB. Total of two reactionary votes from Araris myself, accompanied by two back to back votes against BB two hours later, one of whom (Mail) is a confirmed Loyalist. At this point his lynch is solidified.


It doesn't have to be between Bridge Boy and Adavantos. I rather think Adavantos is good, and I'm inclined to agree with whoever said that Bridge Boy wouldn't be making these mistakes if he were evil. He's been evil enough to know better. I would suggest the kandra scan both of them to make sure about their alignments.


I'm going to vote for Shallan. Her post just now strikes me as off similarly to how Stink's from 15a struck me as off--it's saying stuff, but not really saying anything. It's mostly just repeating what's already been said, and while she gives ideas for what each role should do, it's basic stuff that the roles were probably already going to do. So even that isn't bringing anything new. That's the most obvious area for an eliminator to skate by in: posting a little bit and seeming to be contributing but not actually contributing anything. So my vote's there.


Though Wilson does suggest a Kandra scan us, she also talks down Bridge Boy's actions as if he should know better. I am inclined to believe that given the large number of votes on him at the time, if he truly were good she would have had no reason to get involved by placing a vote on Shallan.


Actually, I was just about to retract from Adavantos and go for Shallan, but wilson ninja'd me while I was writing this post and said almost exactly what I was going to say.


Kipper's vote against Shallan.


I know this is going to seem like jumping on a bandwagon, but I really do have to agree with Wilson and Kipper. There is something decidedly off about Shallan's post. Wilson summed it up pretty well.


So, Bridge BoyShallan.


New vote tally:


Adavantos (2):  Arraenae, Bridge Boy
Burnt Spaghetti (1): Deathclutch
Bridge Boy (4): Araris, Adavantos, STINK, Mailliw
Shallan(4): phattemer, wilson, Kipper, Bort


Bort's vote against Shallan; the tide has officially shifted thanks to Wilson's tactical placement of a vote on a player who had already received one.


I think it would be a huge mistake at this point to assume anything about any Scanned Feruchemist, regardless of whether or not anything happens with the votes. We won't really have a good idea what the reasoning for the Eliminator Feruchemist (if one exists) was until both Shallan and Bridge Boi are dead.

Edit: Ninja'd by three. Okay, now, we might be able to make some faulty assumptions about a Feruchemist if the votes are monkeyed with, but again, we really won't know the full story until Boi and Shallan are dead. 


Underline mine. We still don't have a good idea of whether or not the Feruchemist manipulation to Shallan was because Bridge Boy was evil or not. Hence why we NEED him to be scanned. If he turns out to be evil than it is more likely the Feruchemist who manipulated the vote is evil too.


Man. Don't check up on the thread for 8 hours due to sickness, and find out that I was closer to being lynched than I thought, and some poor sap ended up with 6 votes. Woah. Things move around fast on this ship I guess. Like acid...


Not really much purpose to show up on the main thread in the night though, is there.


Bridge Boy tries to imply that no discussion is necessary on the thread at night - an eliminator trying to kill conversation?


Posted 06 November 2015 - 05:46 AM

Before I voted for Shallan, there had been all sorts of discussion around Adavantos and BB and the general consensus was that people didn't think either were traitors. I generally agreed with this. However, other players (namely Maill and Stink) seemed to be simply voting for BB solely to get someone lynched so we could learn something. I agree that the lynch gives us information, but when everyone is under the assumption that the person they're voting for is a villager and it is very likely that they are indeed a villager, how much information can you really gain? Most of the people voting for Bridge Boy were probably villagers themselves, and even throwing in the Adavantos voters, I doubt we've got more than 2 eliminators in that number. We were pretty keen to lynch someone and when the village is keen to lynch someone, the eliminators generally can stay out of it and just watch a lynch go down. The only reason they'd have to really get involved is if one of their own is on the line, but I don't think that was the case here. More on that in a bit.


It seemed to me that the best solution was to find someone else for the lynch. I knew that Shallan had been on the forum but she hadn't posted until just then. Nor had she posted that she would be busy (at least, I don't recall any such post before the game began). Her post wasn't very helpful, so I placed my vote there and offered her as a potential substitute. When I did this, I didn't really expect it to work, but I figured I'd try it.


It's hard to be certain if Kipper was honestly going to say exactly what I said, but I think he was. He doesn't really have much reason to lie about it, even if he's an eliminator, so I'm going to take him at his word. I think he saw what I did and there was no point in repeating it.  Given how close he posted after me, that's believable. Bort is the one I'm interested in. He switched his vote about 10 minutes after Kipper and ties up the lynch. I'm also wondering if he might be the Feruchemist as well who switched the votes to ensure a lynch. This is, obviously, assuming that an eliminator got involved with the lynch votes themselves, beyond just the Feruchemist (since they well may have avoided the votes and relied upon their Feruchemist).


Here's what I think: I don't think any of the lynch option were traitors. I know some people are suspicious of Adavantos but I'm not getting an evil vibe from him. Does that mean I really trust him? No. On a scale of 0-100 where 0 is the most suspicious and 100 is most trusted, most of the players are at 50 and Adavantos is at about 60. Maybe 65. As for BB, I've already said that his actions don't add up if he were an eliminator, but beyond that, the lynch was tied. If he was an eliminator, I would think that a tie would be the most ideal situation, because vote shenanigans just place suspicion on the person who had a vote taken from them. This indicates, at least to me, that the eliminators didn't care who died. They just wanted someone to die, and they could implicate the other lynch candidate even better by pulling a vote from him to place on the lynchee.


Could this be wrong? Absolutely. I make mistakes, as is evidenced with the Shallan mislynch. I wish that the other voters had said more than just "I agree with Wilson" but there's not anything that can be done about that now--though I do wish that people wouldn't just follow me into votes without adding their own reasoning beyond just agreement with me. It doesn't have to be much, but just saying "I agree with Wilson" isn't really a reason to kill someone that I'm voting for, and to be honest, it's a little disturbing to vote for someone and then watch a bunch of people follow me onto that vote without any additional reasoning beyond my own. Thanks for the trust, I guess? But please, I'd prefer wariness, honestly.


Anyway, Bort is my strongest suspect right now.


General consensus did NOT say that people did not think BB was a traitor or else he wouldn't have collected so many votes. Knowing that Wilson was evil this all seems like a forced excuse to draw suspicion away from him. Also note that from a traitor's perspective it would be smart to mislead others in regards to other traitor's alignments. She even states that its very likely traitors wouldn't intervene unless one of them was on the line, which she did indeed intervene by creating a third option.


Well, it's not as in-depth as I wanted it to be, but here's a list of the players that have yet to post this Cycle.


1. Alvron: Don't you have anything to say, Alv? 

2. Orlok: Usually an active player I believe.

3. Clanky: Same as Orlok.

4. Phattemer: Called out somewhat by Kasimir, and has yet to respond or say much which I guess is the norm for him?

5. Dowanx: Someone said he doesn't say much unless he's called out. Hey! Dowanx! Over here!   ;)

6. Bridge Boy: Trying to slip under the radar after nearly being lynched maybe?

7. Honey Badger: Has yet to post the entire game I believe.

8. Bort: Lives in the UK, so possible explanation for his absence.

9. DeathClutch: Could you tell us how many Hemalurgists contacted you? If any?

10. Alfa: Called out by Kasimir, but hasn't responded.

11. Elkanah: Newer player, don't know much about them.

12. Zed: Has not posted yet either.

13. polkinghorn: I don't think they've even been online in a couple days


That's a lot of players that haven't contributed to the thread yet. Almost half of the remaining players. I believe most of the players (excluding polking) have been online since the new thread was put up. There is still a lot of time left in the cycle, so it would be nice if we could have some more opinions on the current events. Any suspicions you have would be great as well. This list does not account for the players that have posted in this thread, but haven't really contributed anything. I'm not that detailed in my lists.


I would like to nominate myself as a potential candidate for Forging as well.


Post from Lopen, underline mine. I'm under the same impression he was trying to slip under the radar.


I'm unsure on Stink being a traitor,but after the D1 vote, and a PM conversation, I'm currently wondering about Creccia and Bridge Boy.


Towards the end of D1, the votes are fairly well stacked towards lynching Bridge Boy. Then along comes Shallan. When Wilson, Kipper, then myself vote against her, it is a good opportunity to get votes away from Bridge Boy and onto someone else, assuming BB is an eliminator.


Though Bort here was one of the people on the lynch train I agree with the conclusion that it's possible BB was a Traitor who Wilson was trying to save.


Or scan Wilson, since she's a major suspect as well in the Maili debacle. At the end of the day, my qualms are more with how suboptimal it seems, having the Kandra clear STINK, when there are more strategic targets around. (For that matter, why not scan Bridge Boy, considering how he's become one of the lynchpins of this web of connections from the previous cycle? There are other options IMO, and many of them seem more appealing.)


Kas suggests BB is scanned for being a "lynchpin in this web of connections" - could be a possible reason he was targeted.


Hey there guys. I apologize,I was really busy with school yesterday, and totally missed the cycle ending. And then I don't usually part much on Sundays, so I'm not trying to fly under the radar.

My apologies Adavantos
I do trust STINK though. I mentioned in the night phase that he'd sent me some PMs, and I talked to him quite a bit with those. I don't think he is a traitor, or at least that's the feeling I get from him, but if I had to say, I wouldn't really be able to pin down an exact reason why.
This'll probably be all I'll be posting for today, but I'll try and keep up to date on the thread. 


Post from Bridge Boy. Note the white text; this is right after I say that players need to put real reasons for why they are absent in blue text so that I know it isn't a lie / exaggeration and I don't need to analyze it. To me it seems like he's trying to antagonize my perfectly logical reasoning, which doesn't seem very loyal to me.


Okay, I usually don't post much if anything on Sundays, and have been busy so far this morning, so that's why I haven't been responding to people. Being busy does not automatically make one evil, you know.


Okay, I have been asked to explain why I voted for Adavantos on D1. On D1, I was slightly vote-happy, and wanted to have a vote, almost more then that vote killing an eliminator. And it was preferable if my little vote helped someone to their untimely demise. So on D1, I saw that Adavantos had two vote on him, more than anyone else, and I decided I would add mine on there too, to help out with that. Then I logged off, and by the time the cycle ended, I was one vote away from getting lynched. Wow. So after that reality check, I took a step back, and realized that I had been far too focused on the vote, and not focused enough on the voting. (choosing who to vote for, but this makes it sound slightly cooler.) So I'm not going to be doing that anymore, and only voting for people that I am really suspicious of. So that explains why I voted for Adavantos on D1. Because I'm an idiot. You can double check what I said here with STINK.


Section 2, why I trust STINK. From what I've seen of his posts, they seem to be looking for information, but also occasionally helpful, and in my PM's with him, I talked with him about what I did on D1, and he gave me a little bit of feedback on it, and was pretty helpful. Unlike everyone else here who seems to enjoy insinuating that I am evil... So I gave him some information, and he gave me some information, and I was an idiot and missed the cycle end again.


So in summary, I'm going to be spending a lot of time this game being an idiot, but please put up with me, as I'm trying to learn from my mistakes.


Edited for Grammar. Because I'm an idiot.


As I have said before, I don't buy this "I am / was an idiot" speech. It seems like he's trying too hard to defend himself and appeal to the good nature of people.


Um, I probably just missed a post where you explained, but I would like some reasons on why she is the ultimate evil. I don't want to jump on a bandwagon just because you say so. That would make me a sheeple. Maybe even a sheeple meeple. Bonus points to anyone who knows what a meeple is.


Bridge Boy in response to Kipper's vote against Wilson.


The question being, do you want to remove the vote, and just let the mistborn handle it? But then who do we vote for?


Edit: If you ask me, it seems like Wilson did the reveal just a little too easy. Maybe she worked together with Kipper, he accuses her, she reveals, and he is trusted. Just a thought, but probably not.


First to suggest that we leave Wilson be and let her be attacked by a Mistborn. Given that its now been confirmed she was night immune, I am suspicious that he was aware of this and was trying to delay her death another cycle.


Okay, never mind then, let's all lynch her, just in case she's a voidbringer. which are the parshendi. Which are slaves. I'm not sure the comparison goes that far, but lynch all the voidbringers!


Oh yeah. Almost forgot. Wilson.


Now that Wilson has been proven a Traitor Voidbringer, that means it is very likely that all other Voidbringers are loyal as it would likely be too strong for the Traitors to have multiple night immunities. Therefore suggesting that we kill all the other Voidbringers too is infinitely more beneficial to the traitors than it is the crew, especially since that's the primary reason I have not been killed yet and obviously they want me dead.

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So far, I have a few reactions to this night:


1. Our captain fought a Voidbringer with a shardblade and WON. That is amazing. Also, I'm relieved that this planet doesn't have guns with the command "shoot things." 


2. Adavantos, you show somebody's post as having white text. What's the point of white text? If people wanted to send secret messages, why not use PMs?


3. The message saying "Wilson did it" seems even weirder than before. If somebody knew that Wilson was a traitor Voidbringer and wanted her lynched, why not say something like "Wilson traitor Voidbringer"? It packs more information into the same amount of words.


4. What did the traitors get out of Wilson's death? They stifle discussion for one day, but that seems to be it.

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Sigh; well, I give up with that. I just wasted a lot of time trying to fix all the quotes, but because of the fact that you cannot quote posts from a thread that has been locked, it's impossible.


Anyway, I have updated my above post. Sorry that the quotes are all funky. Those are all the reasons why I think the Kandra should scan Bridge Boy because of all the infinitely more interesting information it can provide us once we know his alignment. Also, here is the up to date tallies.


Kandra Vote Tally

(3) Bridge Boy: Adavantos (1), Paranoid King (2), Elbereth (2), 

(7) Adavantos: Orlok (1), Kipper (1), Clanky (1), Kaid (1), Arraenae (1), Steph (1), Bridge Boy (1)

(1) Alvron: little wilson (1),

(1) Kaid: Hellscythe (1), Elbereth (1), Paranoid King (1),

(1) Stink: Stink (1)


Mistborn Vote Tally

(3) No One: Adavantos (1), phattermer (1), Clanky (1)

(1) Phattmer: Orlok (1)

(1) Adavantos: little wilson (1)

(1) Kaid: Hellscythe (1),

(1) Honey Badger: Araris (1),

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It's probably worth reiterating to the kandra that if they do discover Adavantos to be evil, it is worth them getting the information out - even at risk to their own secrecy - as a player with this much control, his evilness would call for serious damage mitigation - on a scale sufficient to render hiding your role at all costs a minor concern.

I am off the opinion that we should decide that the mistborn will kill a player tonight, and conduct the vote properly - as we would a normal lynch, to gain the same information we would from a lynch, rather than having votes of abstention - which would be incredibly unusual in a lynch.

Adavantos, Phatt, Clanky, all of you must have at least some suspicions - and making 'no kill' a valid way of engaging provides all those who do not want exposure with a very good way of staying out of the conversation.

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In that case, I would vote that The Honey Badger be assassinated tonight because he is the only player whom I have seen online who has not posted or whom I have heard about participating in personal messages. After him, I would go for either Kaid or Alfa.


Mistborn Vote Tally

(2) No One: Adavantos (1), phattermer (1), Clanky (1)

(1) Phattmer: Orlok (1)

(1) Adavantos: little wilson (1)

(1) Kaid: Hellscythe (1),

(2) Honey Badger: Araris (1), Adavantos (2),

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Scan vote: Bridge Boy


Since I would like some confirmation about Adavantos as well, I was wondering if it might be a better idea to ask Hellscythe to scan him rather than the Kandra. For me, I think it would be a better indication of his alignment if we knew that he is what he claims to be. I highly doubt that the Traitors would have 2 Voidbringers. It's a possibility, but not one that I find likely. That, and I'm not sure how much I trust this supposed Kandra. This is entirely dependant on if Hellscythe wouldn't mind taking a request.


For my Mistborn vote, I'm not sure yet. I started a PM with Honey Badger last Night Cycle, and so far he's only replied once. It was a little late in the Cycle last time, so I'm still waiting for another response from him. 

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Okay, in response to Adavantos's giant post of doom up there, I already responded to that in the thread on either N1 or D2, but repeatedly stating that I was an idiot. Go look it up if you don't believe me. Stated. Repeatedly. I was also called out last day phase for being indifferent to the scan votes on me, when others had said go-ahead and do it, or said there was no need because they were loyal. In my experience, if there's some kind of a scan role, people who say there's no need could either be innocent or guilty, it's a pretty even ratio. On the other hand, I've seen a lot more eliminators state, "Yeah, scan me, there's nothing to see," and end up being guilty, just trying to not refuse while trying to seem good enough that there's no need to scan. I have done this latter tactic before as well, in a previous game where I was an eliminator. I knew that either response I gave would incite more discussion on the topic, which wouldn't be too bad, but would also increase the amount of people giving reasons for me being an eliminator, no matter which response I said. So I figured it would be a better idea to just stay quiet, and let people scan me if they were going to, and not scan if they weren't, but either way, while I wouldn't be defending myself, I wouldn't need to, and I'm also not giving them more reasons to suspect me. You all seem to have enough reasons as it is. ;) So I'll continue to not give either reason, and let you guys do what you will. Hopefully this answers some of the problems you guys had. And also forewarning, I'll probably be pretty inactive tomorrow, so don't shoot too many suspicions on me while I'm gone, and then decide to kill me if I don't respond fast enough.

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Let me see if I can sum up your defense in a few sentences.

1. You are foolish enough to make mistakes, but wise enough to admit that you made mistakes.

2. Some eliminators try to bluff their way to victory, but in your experience, that hasn't worked out.

3. You decided to stay silent so that it wouldn't seem like you were protesting being scanned, while not giving anyone else any more incriminating evidence.

4. You're gonna be inactive tomorrow, so don't shoot too many suspicions your way.

EDIT: rephrased point 1

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I've been tallying up the votes so far, and there are a few people that have never voted this game. They are Elby, Dow, Venture, Badger, Zed, and Alfa. Dow is active in PMs, and Alfa has posted. I'm not sure if Elby and Venture have posted.


Based on this, I think the Mistborn should kill Badger, as he has been completely inactive in both this game and MR9.



EDIT: Honey Badger has posted.

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I kinda want to see both Adavantos and Bridge Boy scanned but I feel that BB is more suspicious, whereas I feel like Adavantos is likely trustworthy so it is less of a risk to not scan him, so BB's getting my Kandra vote.

As for the Mistborn kill, I did consider nominating BB, but decided on Honey Badger, who isn't contributing, so is less useful to us alive then a suspicious player (because information can sometimes still be gathered from a suspicious/confirmed evil player) but I'm willing to retract this vote if they do turn up and become active. 


Edit: colour and grammar

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First off, was anyone role blocked?


Secondly,  I request protection for the night.  At moment, as far as I know, I am the only one in contact with a Kandra and would hate to be struck down leaving the Kandra without a voice.


Third, I would also like to be forged into the Voidbringer role that we got from Wilsons death.  With it I can, hopefully, protect myself for the two following nights freeing up the protectors to protect others.

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So, I missed the rest of the last day period and it seems like there is a lot more discussion going around about me. A scan on me would be useless at this point because nobody trusts me enough for any information I have to be deadly to anyone. If you don't believe me, those people who claimed with me can come forward if they like. There were only two and I claimed first actually to each of them.


Now, they can get in contact with the HI if the HI wants to scan me to see if I was honest. If I was honest then both of these people can make their own decisions on whether or not I am trustworthy. If they want to get in contact with a few of you to discuss my possible loyal or traitorous intents, they can feel free to do so.


If both people I claimed to happen to be traitorous, then they won't come forward and this will all sound like useless propaganda to you. All I can say is I assure you, I am on the loyal side. I would not have claimed with anyone if this were not the case, or I may have claimed something other than what I am. I only hope that at least one of the people I spoke to was loyal and they can help clear up some misconceptions about me.


I'm going to try to be in contact with more tonight to hopefully bring to light my situation.

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After voting for Honey he has approached me in PM, explaining his absence and revealing his role. It's possible that he's a traitor trying to weasel himself out of an early assassination, but I'm willing to hold of on advocating his execution so long as he promises to begin involving himself more heavily in the thread. I am also pending the response to a pretty important question, so depending on his answer I may switch my Mistborn vote back to him.


I've been putting this off for a bit, but I am going to call out Dowanx on the grounds that while you provided me useful information on N1, you have been hardly as helpful since then, and looking back you seemed to be pushing me to have a certain player killed. I now have reason to trust said player so I think it's possible that you were trying to use me to take out a fairly important role. I would like to hear your thoughts on everything that has transpired these past couple cycles, as well as if you have discovered anything else of importance.


I also do not like how quickly some people joined in on the vote against Honey Badger; I have been suspicious of Spaghetti since Day 1 (it seems to me that she's trying to seem useful with all of her vote tallies and quick links without contributing much to the game itself), so that makes me question having him killed quite a bit. I am also a bit suspicious of Alfa because they're play style is a bit reflective of how they were in MR9 (where they were evil). I have seen him view the thread multiple times without posting; I would like to hear people's opinions on him and if he has been active in PMs.


Kandra Vote Tally

(5) Bridge Boy: Adavantos (1), Paranoid King (2), Elbereth (2), Lopen (1), Spaghetii (1)

(7) Adavantos: Orlok (1), Kipper (1), Clanky (1), Kaid (1), Arraenae (1), Steph (1), Bridge Boy (1)

(1) Alvron: little wilson (1),

(1) Kaid: Hellscythe (1), Elbereth (1)Paranoid King (1),

(1) Stink: Stink (1)


Mistborn Vote Tally

(2) No One: Adavantos (1), phattermer (1), Clanky (1)

(1) Phattmer: Orlok (1)

(1) Adavantos: little wilson (1)

(1) Kaid: Hellscythe (1),

(3) Honey Badger: Araris (1), Adavantos (2), Arraenae (1), Spaghetti (1)

(1) Dowanx: Adavantos (3)

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I've said this in PMs, and even before in thread, but will say it again.

If we conduct it properly, there are no differences between a lynch and a voted on mistborn kill. And we don't get players questioning the good of a lynch. We get exactly the same information from both, and in fact reduce the influence of the traitor kill dramatically - from removing half the killed players to but a third, whilst doubling the opportunities for players to slip up in thread.


I can understand why people are suspicious of Bridgeboy, but will reiterate my support of Adavantos being scanned. Should he be evil, given the information and power he holds, we need to know as soon as possible.

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I think that we are not really seeing what the scan should be used for. Having a Kandra is useful for clearing people without killing them. What is the point in scanning BB? He looks pretty darn suspicious, and he hasn't revealed having a particularly useful role to the thread. So we don't really stand to gain much from scanning him. We can just decide about him in the lynch next cycle, which looks like it is headed somewhat in his way anyway. On the other hand, scanning Adavantos, like Orlok mentioned, tells us if we are feeding all of our plans into an eliminator or not. If Ada is clear then we know that none of his plans had some ulterior motive. But until then, we just can't trust him. I am a a bit suspicious of all the people that want to scan BB, since we have a fairly strong opinion in the thread that he is an eliminator (or at least that is what I am picking up).


This is Sanderson Elimination, for the Lord Ruler's sake! Kill the suspect and ask questions later! You can't win this game by scanning everyone right before you want to kill them, and that would take all the fun out of it besides. It is like a Day 1 lynch, and inactive players. We can't be squeamish when it comes to killing people. (Not to mention that by far the most fun I have had on this forum was being dead in the AG. Wilson in awesome to have in a doc with, and writing RP for her death was pretty great too.)

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So you guys say that I haven't shown any hint of a useful role. Well, consider this. If i come out and say that I'm a Mistborn or something like that, the eliminators will say, "oh, this guy has an ability, so we'll kill him." You accuse me for not having publicly shown my role, or lack of one, as it might very well be, but let me ask you. Who has? Name someone who's come out and said, I'm a kandra, or finding like that. Nobody! Because as soon as you reveal your role to ask the villagers, the eliminators know it too. Which means it is useful enough, then you die. And even if it isn't useful, then the villagers will say, oh, he doesn't have a role, so it's okay if we kill him. And that's still operating on the belief that they believe what you say, as you could very well be lying, out they could be accusing you of doing so. Keeping roles hidden is a major part of the game, and is footer people's protection. So I will not be publicly revealing my role. A scant few people that I can trust know what I am, and that's as far as I want it to go. The more people know, the greater chance that the eliminators know. And that means death. Another thing, Status, is that you say to kill first and all questions later. I'm not suspecting you, but it is a very eliminator thing to do, as it means that we will most likely be killing much more innocents. Scanning isn't so much to clear people as it is to convict them. You scan who you find suspicious, not who you find innocent. Scanning people who you don't find suspicious is a bit of a waste of time, which is ask the better for the eliminators. That's my thoughts on the subject.

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