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I misinterpreted what steph said, but I think you guys are focusing on me too much. I don't care how evil it might sound whether I'm good or bad doesn't matter that much, I'm not affecting the outcome. Whichever team I'm on doesn't get an extra member added to their total. There's only 11 of the rest of you left, and depending on how many traitors are left our days are numbered. I'd say there's 4 left just based off of math. (32/4 = 8) (8-4*dead*=4) if we mislynch because we didn't scan somebody else when we were instead scanning the hemalurgist then it's suddenly 6 vs. 4 and we don't have a scanned, and we lose the next day if we mislynch again or the mistborns misfire.

Edited by Hellscythe
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I agree with Lopen and Steph. Once we know if the Hemalurgist is good, we'll know about the HI.


Also I was roleblocked tonight. I'm half honored and half afraid that I'm going to die.

Wait, I'm confused. Didn't Arrenae get roleblocked last night, too? Are there two Awakeners left? I thought there was only one.
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Day 9: Parallel Universes


Slowly shuffling through steel stairways, a man clutched at the railings and pulled himself along. He winced with every painful step, every single one an agonising gnawing at his left leg. It stopped responding for a moment, and he groaned, reaching down. He realised it had caught on a step, and hauled it up. Blood fell from his arm as it moved, the second of his two lacerations making him grit his teeth and bite down a scream.


He picked himself up, half walking and half falling up the stairs, until finally he reached the plateau of the next floor. He fell over, onto his back, breathing heavily with the exertion. Sweat dropped off his brow as slowly his breathing quietened, and his heart rate returned to normal. It was too much, he thought to himself. A set of stairs had killed him.


But no, death did not descend upon him. He may have blacked out a few times, he couldn't tell what the time was in the motionless and lifeless corridors of the Shardship, but he was still alive. That was what mattered. Slowly he prepared himself mentally and physically for the next part, pulling himself up at the side by the wall, slowly dragging himself along, leaking blood all the way behind him at a steady rate.


Biggoron smiled to himself slightly as he found himself outside his destination. He'd walked a long way, and much of it he couldn't remember, but he was here. He raised his arm to knock at the door, blood trickling down his arm and into his shirt. He stood there, arm outstretched, fist clenched. He blinked slowly, as it became hard to think. Then he fell forwards, through the door, and lay on the floor, blood oozing from his Coinshot wounds. “M... Medic?” He eventually spluttered.



Rae hummed to herself as she slunk around the corner, only just managing to stop herself from whistling. She tossed a coin up in the air, catching it with her other hand and throwing it at the roof, catching it again as it pinged off. She chuckled to herself lightly, and continued on her patrol.


She crouched down at the next corner, flipping the coin in between her index and middle finger. It shined bright enough in the dim light and with her tin senses that she could see her reflection in it. More importantly, if she put it around the corner, she could see other peoples' reflections in it.


Unfortunately for Security Officer Nova, it was at that point that someone came down the corridor behind her instead, rendering all her hard work and effort for nothing, and stabbed her in the neck with a Shardknife.



Cor woke up suddenly, and he immediately knew something was wrong. It was not an instinctive thing, nor was something he needed to spend time thinking about before coming to a conclusion. The answer was just that he was woken up by someone else.


Captain Heron stood before his bunk, dressed in his full regalia. He kept looking around every so often, every squeak and sound of the ship setting him on edge once again.


“Uh... Captain,” Cor saluted, somewhat mindful of the fact that the Captain's hand was not leaving his gun holster for very long.


“I've tried,” Wurum muttered, half to himself and half to Cor. “But it's continuing. The dreams. The visions. The premonitions. There must be something that connects them, something that binds them to this reality. There must be a link, there must be a link...”


“Are you feeling alright, Captain?” Cor asked, still not moving from his bunk for fear of provoking his Captain. “I have some painkillers, if you'd like them.”


“No!” Wurum replied. “No. They dull the visions. I've kept it together so long, so very long, but... I need them. I can't stop myself from seeing them, not now. Not when we're so... close.”


“Why are you here? Uh, Captain,” Cor added, wondering if laying the Captain out for his own protection would count as treasonous. He could probably get there before the Captain drew his weapon. He just needed to surprise the man. Hm. Surprising a man who had precognition. This would be tricky.


“I have had three hundred and thirteen dreams about this. How they go. How they may not go. Sometimes I'm dead by now. Sometimes I die at the end. Sometimes I never die at all. But they've taught me much, yes, so much...”




Wurum drew the pistol out of its holster. “I'm sorry, Officer Mordero. In three hundred and thirteen of my visions, you are the villain in one hundred and fifty seven of them. I can't take the risk anymore.” He fired, Steelpushing on the bullet for extra force. It struck Mordero in the head and he fell backwards, his blue-grey pillows slowly turning a sticky red.



In A Bathroom on the Third Floor

And on the pedestal, these words appear: 'Lynch Alvron'


Crew Manifest

  1. John (IrulelikeSTINK) - A rules lawyer's client with a mission. - Hemalurgist

  2. Gaius Tekiel (Orlok)

  3. Adelor Ien Far-Astra (Alfa) - Hemalurgist

  4. Wynde Wilson (little wilson) - A woman afraid of airlocks. - Voidbringer

  5. Tigger (Kipper) – T-I-Double-Guh-Err - Feruchemist

  6. James T Slade (Bridge Boy) - An ensign with delusions of Spook. - Forger

  7. Inor Haze (Creccio) - BioChromancer

  8. Pork (Paranoid King) - A pilot and board game fanatic - Feruchemist

  9. Miral (Mailliw73) - Excited to be exploring the Cosmere - Hemalurgist

  10. Cor Mordero (Alvron) - Petty Officer, in both rank and nature. Uninvested

  11. Arandar (Araris Valerian) - Hemalurgist

  12. Rae Nova (Arraenae) - Possibly a death-seeker

  13. Brega Daghar (The Honey Badger) - A man looking for opportunities - BioChromancer

  14. Citoan Vinid (Shallan) - A naturally non-Allomancer who loves Allomancy - Kandra

  15. Obsidibus Caesis Dormiam (phattemer)

  16. Volke (TheMightyLopen)

  17. Davenar Leiken (Adavantos) - Uninvested

  18. Kaid (Kaid) - Voidbringer

  19. Doctor McClay (Clanky)

  20. Neil Weakarm (polkinghorndb) - Forger

  21. Elby (Elbereth)

  22. HELLSCYTHE (DeathClutch19) - Uninvested - HI

  23. Steph (QueenSteph)

  24. The High Priest of Elkanah (Elkanah)

  25. Dow (dowanx) - Surgebinder

  26. Sonder Kessligh (Kasimir) - Uninvested

  27. Osmann (Zed) - Uninvested

  28. Bort (Bort) - Uninvested

  29. Ember Ghetti (Burnt Spaghetti)

  30. Gylf (RippleGylf) - Uninvested

  31. Bovinus (The Cow) - Uninvested

  32. Biggoron (Biggoron)


Biggoron was attacked by a Mistborn, but survived!

Rae Nova was a Mistborn!

Cor Mordero was a Loyal Crewmember!


Day 9 has begun! PMs may not be sent. I will not be present at the end of Day 9 (yay midnight release again) so I will be beginning the following Turn on Thursday at 8PM instead. As last time, PMs may not be sent until the Night begins, not immediately after the Day ends.


Shift Clock

Make preparations for planetfall!



Edited by Wyrmhero
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Well that was not quite the outcome I was expecting. I'm not sure why Alvron was killed by a Mistborn and I would like to hear an explanation from Biggoron about that survival. I have a few theories about what this all could mean, but I'll hold off on explaining them for fear of releasing sensitive information that I shouldn't. It might not matter at this point, but I haven't quite thought through what Alvron's certain innocence means. I think it might have been Arraenae who killed Alvron, but I'm not sure.


Wyrm, if a Mistborn is killed at Night, will their attack still go through for that same Night?

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I mean, you almost fixed it. There's one "he" left.

Also, Surgebinder? A bit late, wouldn't you say?


Our Captain did just shoot someone y'know. You might not want to upset him.  :P  

There is still a "himself" and a "his" just so you know.

Better late than never. Although in this case, the Surgebinder was wrong so.......


Edit: .........That middle sentence was in white text. Just pretend you didn't see it.  :ph34r:

Edited by TheMightyLopen
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Well that was not quite the outcome I was expecting. I'm not sure why Alvron was killed by a Mistborn and I would like to hear an explanation from Biggoron about that survival. I have a few theories about what this all could mean, but I'll hold off on explaining them for fear of releasing sensitive information that I shouldn't. It might not matter at this point, but I haven't quite thought through what Alvron's certain innocence means. I think it might have been Arraenae who killed Alvron, but I'm not sure.


Wyrm, if a Mistborn is killed at Night, will their attack still go through for that same Night?


All kills are simultaneous.

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So Biggoron was attacked by a mistborn then protected by an elantrian.

It couldn't have been a voidbringer self-protection because of the role's description.


"Indeed, any kill action targeting them is cancelled automatically, and never even happens. The attempted-killer will be informed that they could not find their target. The Voidbringer will not be aware of this." - Wyrm


The kill action would have never happened, we wouldn't know about the kill/survival process. Only the mistborn would know about the attempted kill. Unless Wyrm accidentally miswrote the writeup this is the only logical explanation.


So our problem is that the mistborn and our elantrian are not on the same page. I'm assuming both of those roles are on the good team because the mistborn didn't kill randomly for the first few cycles. If the mistborn was evil they would've most likely killed the first few nights to get good use out of their role. I trust the elantrian for reasons that are only obvious to me because of who it is and what they've done and said.


Also yes why was Alvron shot? He was our only kandra proxy. Does anyone else know who the kandra checked as good or bad? 

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(hellscythe  :ph34r: 'd me)

Ok, so 10 people left:


1. Gaius Tekiel (Orlok)

2. Obsidibus Caesis Dormiam (phattemer)

3. Volke (TheMightyLopen)

4. Doctor McClay (Clanky)

5. Elby (Elbereth)

6. HELLSCYTHE (DeathClutch19) - Uninvested - HI

7. Steph (QueenSteph)

8. The High Priest of Elkanah (Elkanah)

9. Ember Ghetti (Burnt Spaghetti)

10. Biggoron (Biggoron)

Role Remaining of the 10: At least 1 Voidbringer, the HI,  at least 1 Surgebinder, at least 1 Elantrian, at least 1 Mistborn, at least 1 Kandra, at least 1 Feruchemist, at least 1 Biochromancer, maybe a few uninvested. 

My best guess: 

1 Surgebinder: only 1 message

1-2 Elantrians: Even with only 12(Not the HI) possible targets, a protect isn't likely to hit the same as the Eliminators.

1 Mistborn: Someone killed Cor

1 Kandra: Unless there is some elaborate plot I don't know about.

1 Feruchemist: Queensteph is a Feruchemist.

1 Biochromancer: Arraenae was RBed a few nights ago and none have died since.

1-2 Uninvested: To fill in the gaps.

1 HI: duh

1 Voidbringer: That's me, and I don't think there would be 4 Voidbringers.

My best guess at which role is whose:


phattemer- Voidbringer

Hellscythe- HI

Queensteph- Feruchemist


Biggoron- Elantrian? Self-target seems likely.







Burnt Spaghetti

To fill the roles: Elantrian, Surgebinder, Mistborn, Kandra, Biochromancer, and Uninvested.

At this point I would ask that people reveal their roles, since if the Eliminators do have a kandra they probably know most already, and if the Traitors know something there is no reason for the Loyalists not to.

I have set an example with my own reveal, and I hope that other will follow suit. Also, my guess at the remaining roles on the Traitor team:

They've lost a Voidbringer, Forger, Hemalurgist, and Uninvested, so I think they have a Biochromancer and a Kandra left. Plus the HI, since we've now had 4 Hemalurgists dead and I highly doubt that there were more than that, considering the possibility for Forging more. Also, Hellscythe, assuming I'm right you now have access to the doc and would know who the kandra is.  :ph34r:  :ph34r:

Since I am invulnerable to night kills, if anyone doesn't feel comfortable sharing in thread you can PM me your role this night. Oh, and if the Mistborn would like to confirm me as Voidbringer by attacking me I am fine with that too. Although I suppose it could just mean I have  Biochromancer who knows who the Mistborn is. Actually I will probably be role blocked then killed tonight, so please don't actually.

Also a point about win conditions: The Traitors, minus the HI, only need to equal or outnumber the loyal crew members.

7 loyal- 2 evil- 1 evil HI

Any two of 1. mislynch 2. mismistborn 3. eliminator kill

5 loyal- 2 evil- 1 evil HI

At this point the evil people can easily control the lynch, because while the HI can't be lynched he can still vote. Nearly every loyal person would have to be on and agree to survive this. Unless Queensteph is still alive, so they will probably be a target.

If all 3 happen, we are dead as town.

If 2 loyal 1 evil die from the three possible kills in this cycle:

5 loyal- 1 evil- 1 evil HI

This should be fine. The Traitors would need to get the Loyalists down to 1 person to equal them. We should be able to find the last evil person in the meantime.

If the mistborn gets it right and we lynch right, we win.


At the danger of being lynched for not providing anything new(see I made a reference to day 1 hahahaha...):

Mistborn: I would say don't target anyone. If you greatly suspect someone try first going after them for the lynch and seeing what their response is.

Elantrian: Since I will probably be double-tapped (RB and kill) tonight, I would appreciate some protection. If there are two (and we can coordinate something) maybe target Queensteph since they will be very useful as vote-manipulation with only a few people left.

Voidbringer: That's me!

Surgebinder: Post something to prove it's you! I suggest a code.

Feruchemist: Hi Queensteph. Just be careful you don't kill someone who is loyal.  :ph34r:

Kandra: If you're loyal (I hope not, if so I will feel dumb.) just keep scanning for alignment.

Biochromancer: If you're loyal, don't RB anyone.

So if someone gets RBed, we will know that the Biochromancer is evil.

If someone gets killed by the Mistborn, we will know that the Mistborn is evil.

So if you are a loyal Mistborn, please don't kill anyone tonight unless you've revealed already. 

Edited by Ookla the Fat
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Phattemer, if you're right that the HI has turned, it's likely that the eliminators will be targeting someone with a more important role than you. I don't know exactly which roles the HI knows, but at least one of them is the Elantrian, I think.

Also, as long as whoever is roleblocked posts that they are in the thread, we should be fine, and the Elantrian can target that person.

Lopen, didn't you announce about Steph being innocent? If you're in contact with the kandra, do you know who they were targeting?

I think that what Wyrm clarified meant that Arrenae theoretically could have killed Alvron. Alternatively, it could have been the still existing Mistborn and she targeted Biggoron. In the second case, though, there was still some mechanism behind his survival and not just that she died before she could finish the kill. I agree with Phat that it seems like it was an Elantrian from the write up.

Speaking of Mistborn, do we know if Arrenae was Adavantos' Mistborn, or the one he wasn't in contact with (at least at the beginning, when he talked about who "his" Mistborn had targeted)? Because if she was the one Adavantos was in contact with since the beginning, it seems very likely to me that the HI knew who she was, and this thus makes me suspicious of the HI.

Also, we finally have evidence that a Surgebinder is around again! This is literally the first message since Day 1. Yay!

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@Phattemer, I'm not sure we should have everyone reveal their role while the Traitor BioChromancer is still on the loose. That just doesn't seem wise.


@Elbereth, Yes I am in contact with the Kandra. I have a plan with how I think we should handle the Kandra situation.


A. If the Kandra's scan comes up as Loyal, then we lynch the Kandra(they already said they wouldn't mind being lynched, so they're okay with this, as far as I know.) By lynching the Kandra, there are 2 possible scenarios.


1. The Kandra turns out Loyal and Lopen(me), Orlok, Steph and whoever they scanned last Night will be confirmed, making 4 living confirmed Loyals, with only 9 living players left(1 of those being the HI, and if the Kandra scanned the claimed Hemalurgist and they turn out Loyal, then we would know that the HI is on our side as well). I think this would give us an excellent chance to win.


2. The Kandra turns out Traitor. Well then, we killed a Traitor and would be that much closer to winning.


B. If the Kandra's scan comes up as Traitor, then we lynch that player. Again, two scenarios.


1. The lynched player turns out to be Loyal. We then Mistborn the Kandra, because they would obviously be a Traitor.


2. The lynched player turns out to be a Traitor: We lynched a Traitor. 'Nuff said.



How does this all sound to you guys? I don't see any problems with it myself.


In the case of plan B scenario 2, we might still want the Kandra to be hidden, so to all the players that haven't posted yet(Orlok, Burnt Spaghetti, QueenSteph and Biggoron), please post as soon as possible to help protect the Kandra's identity. Maybe you could comment on these plans? I would like to know how everyone feels about this.

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This ship is terrifying. So many decent fold bein' murdered up in here.
And lil ole me survivin' like a chicken on Thanksgiving!
Anyways, I like Lopen's plan, but it really doesn't take effect until tonight...by which time I might be lyncheroni'd.
If revealing my role is really the only way to give myself a chance of surviving, I guess I'm fine with it?2?
I'd rather not die right after I patched myself up after last night's horrifying events!

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Lopen, whilst your plan does make a great deal of sense, it certainly worries me that Wyrm has put 'make preparations for planetfall' by the shift clock.

I'm frankly no longer sure we can afford to spend a lynch on the Kandra... Hence, Phatt. Reading back through my conversations with Wilson, I got a feeling that she was trying very, very subtly to protect you.

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Finding it a bit odd that Alvron was killed by the captain... Combine that with the message by the shift clock and I'm wondering if Wyrm is trying to get us to finish the game....


Just for clarification, Wyrm, was Alvron killed by a mistborn?


And I'm assuming that Goron is either the elantrian, or he was protected by an elantrian right? Though... you would think there would be a bit more communication between the mistborn and elantrian if the latter was the case...

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Anyways, I like Lopen's plan, but it really doesn't take effect until tonight...by which time I might be lyncheroni'd.


Actually, my plan involves lynching either the Kandra, or their scan. So you wouldn't actually be in danger until either this next Night, or, if you are an Elantrian or Voidbringer, the next Day(assuming you aren't roleblocked and killed at Night). Since your claim of Voidbringer is already out here in the thread, I do think it would be a good idea to say what you really are. So? Elantrian? Voidbringer? Kandra? BioChromancer being protected by your Elantrian friend?  :ph34r:


@Orlok, I'm not sure why Wyrm said that about preparing for planetfall, but how much stock do you think we should put into that? Could you explain in a little more detail about Phatt being subtly protected by Wilson?


Here's the situation where we lynch the Kandra in a little more detail:






Hellscythe- Loyal






It would be at least 6:3 and I personally think it would be 7:2. It could possibly be 5:4, but I don't think so. With what roles have been claimed I think the Traitors only started with 6 players. I'm not totally sure of that, but it's what I think. Here's what we know about the Traitor team:




The Cow(Uninvested)



???(personally, I think this is either Voidbringer or Elantrian. If the Kandra turns out to be a Traitor though, I still think it's a very valuable role that would make 6 players seem reasonable).


The reason I think the Traitors have 2 protective roles is because I believe we got 2 Mistborn, 2 Kandra and 2 BioChromancers. Necessary ammo to overcome 2 Traitor protective roles, imo. If I'm correct about all of that, then that would be 4 roles(pretty darn good ones too if you ask me), and 2 practically useless ones(Hema and roleless).


Okay, got a little sidetracked there. We will be up either 7:2 or 6:3 on this next Night if we lynch the Kandra. Assuming that the Traitors kill someone and no one is Mistborn attacked, that would make it either 6:2 or 5:3(possibly 4:4, but again, I doubt it) with us being able to talk everything out and try to form a plan going forward and accuse players and such and decide who is a Traitor or not. 


Frankly, I believe the Kandra is Loyal. I really do. If they are, then I'm fairly sure I know who the Traitors are based off of last Night's results and what I know about roles and such. I'm just a little doubtful about it, and would like to confirm that the Kandra, and therefore everyone they have scanned, are Loyal. I could be wrong about the Kandra and they're completely fooling me, so that's another reason why I think it's a good idea to lynch them. To me, it seems like the obvious way to go. If everyone roleclaimed, I would explain who I thought was a Traitor and why I thought that. But really, my logic only works if the Kandra is Loyal, so I think it would be best to wait until after they are confirmed and the BioChromancer has used their power to reveal everything. If everyone wants to talk about it now though, then it's up to you all since you would be the ones revealing your roles. I know what everyone is claiming already, but not everyone has that information at their disposal. I don't think I'm missing anything about our situation, but if we could confer and discuss things with the knowledge that our group is Loyal and trustworthy, then we might find something that I'm overlooking. I'm definitely going to be thinking about things a lot right now to make sure I'm not making a big mistake by asking to lynch the Kandra though. 


@Kandra, If you are okay with being lynched, and think it's a good idea, then I think it might be a good idea to reveal yourself. That way, you can discuss things with us openly and hopefully give us some more information about who might be a Traitor or not. We would still lynch you just to make sure your opinions and information is reliable, but that way you could be helping us out even more with your sacrifice. I'm sorry to be asking you to do this, because I do believe you are Loyal, but I'm paranoid that there's something wrong that I just haven't figured out, like what happened with Alfa.


Edit: After thinking things through a little more, I can now say with confidence that if the Kandra is in fact Loyal, then I know who the remaining Traitors are. There was just a few things that I hadn't thought about, that, if the Kandra is proven Loyal, confirms my suspicions completely. By sacrificing yourself, you would ultimately win the game for us(if you're Loyal of course). So, I'm sorry for revealing who you are, but I want to make sure everyone has a chance to get their vote in on time. Burnt Spaghetti = Kandra. Please vote with me everyone! I am 100% sure about this.


I will explain everything tomorrow as soon as I can, but it's 6:30am for me right now and I really need to sleep. -_-  I just had to say this to make sure we got this lynch to go through. 

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In regards to them targeting a more important role than I: I, along with the Elantrian(s), am the most important role. We're the only people they have to gain control of the lynch to kill. We haven't heard from Burnt Spaghetti in a while, and at this point we can't afford to have inactives. Confusing ookla names are confusing. We have, but they didn't say much. Role, Ookla the Overdone?

So if the Kandra doesn't reveal themselves by the end of the day, they're either inactive or evil and either way we get more info from their death. Even if they do I agree that they still need to die at this point. Does anyone who is not the HI(evil) know who they are?

Ooh, another test. If the HI does not reveal them, they must have turned.

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Since I agree that Lopen's idea is probably the best course of action, there's no point in hiding anymore.


So yes, 

For the few of you who didn't already know, 

I am the kandra.


If you don't believe me that I'm the kandra, just ask any confirmed player- I've been in contact with all of them.


So yeah, any questions you want me to answer/opinions on particular players you want, fire away.

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