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Having read up to the 61% (give or take; on my computer it says 61% but on my phone it says 64%) mark in ​Well of Ascension….


Vin = Awesome 

Sazed = *sobbing* 



Edit: Huh. Apparently, there's only a few more chapters to go before I'm on Hero of Ages. Reading the Kindle edition with all three books together really threw me off. :ph34r:

Can I ask which part you're at, as a better gauge? I'm ~35% of the way through right now.

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CAUTION: Tantrums follow.

Just had a lecture from my parents about 'diligence' and 'determination' in things that they find to be important. I.e. school. Which I find ironic, because I do well in school. Well, relatively well.


The thing that annoys me about these speeches is the pointlessness of it. I mean, I've heard it all before. Except, if I didn't turn into a mind-bending, work-fuelled robot last time you made the speech, what makes you think it will happen this time.


I mean, I try to sympathise with them. I really do. But, why bother trying out 'The Speech' when we both know, from hours of grueling experience, doesn't work? If you want to actually do something instead of making my life hell, could you at least try something new once in a while? Or is that too much to ask?


And even that is only applicable if I don't already do well in school. Which is false. I do moderately well in school, with above average marks. It's just those few comments in the 'Comments' box written by the teacher that make my life well.



"Conor could improve his marks in future if he were able to be more consistent with his schoolwork."

"Conor could achieve a lot in this subject if he could pay more attention in class."

or, my personal favourite:

"Conor has consistently shown his ability in this subject, but it is clear his interest is in other areas."


I know some here won't agree. I don't even mind. The only thing that I actually have a problem against in what my parents are doing is making a futile gesture for no reason whatsoever, just to make my life that bit more difficult.

Ugh, I hated teacher's comments on my report card when I was in high school. Here's an example: I got an A in a class and a comment which read essentially "isn't using full potential." Incidentally, I got lectured for that comment as if I got a bad grade in that class. It was confusing, annoying and tedious.
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Ugh, I hated teacher's comments on my report card when I was in high school. Here's an example: I got an A in a class and a comment which read essentially "isn't using full potential." Incidentally, I got lectured for that comment as if I got a bad grade in that class. It was confusing, annoying and tedious.

One of my comments said: "I believe that Anaximander (my real first name) has much potential, but he is putting it into dumb things such as a riduclous book series called Mistingborn, I believe. "

I hate that teacher.

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School is dumb, just a bunch of useless memorization, most of which will never help you anyway.




School, basically. Cos teachers dont like when you try to be creative and do things your own way, oh no, you are not like the other kids, you do not fit in, yaddayaddayadda.... and then of course when the teachers gang up on the weird kid the other kids start doing it too... grumblegrumble...


Oh, what? No Im not butter... typo, I mean bitter, but butter was funny so I kept it. I managed to sleep two hours so Im rambling again, nevermind, carry on.


Yes I know I set you up for a perfect "I cant believe Morzathoth is not butter" joke, but I wont let you have it. I am not butter, or a pancake mix.


Hello sharders, whats up?

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Can I ask which part you're at, as a better gauge? I'm ~35% of the way through right now.

Vin took control of the koloss and spent the better part of the battle being awesome, Elend and Spook are within sight of Luthadel, and Sazed just went over the part of the prophecy saying the Hero would be tall.

Ironically enough, I wrote my whine about Cett and Straff just before Vin finally (finally!) killed Straff and threatened Cett into submission. IT IS ABOUT STORMING TIME.


And now she unleashed Ruin. Oopsie doopsies.

Edited by TwiLyghtSansSparkles
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Yeah, like I said, muffins everywhere. Muffins up to the ceiling, anyone wants introvert muffins?



I may have gotten an internet acquaintance to pick up Name of the Wind and Mistborn.


What specific kind of muffins are they? We talkin' chocolate chip or......? :ph34r:  And do they have spikes in them?



So, essentially, the plot of the Mistborn trilogy is:





Does anyone else feel compelled to write a short story about this?  :mellow:

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One of my comments said: "I believe that Anaximander (my real first name) has much potential, but he is putting it into dumb things such as a riduclous book series called Mistingborn, I believe. "

I hate that teacher.

Can I ask you about your name?

Aside from blain bleach for that zit video, I want to clean my eyes. I didn't even watch it. Ewww.

Morzathoth: waffles? :P spiked cookie?

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Answer however much you're comfortable sharing:

I'm just super curious what the origin of Anaximander is. The ending sounds like Alexander so I'm thinking Greek, but I've never heard of it before. Are you named after someone in particular? Do people call you by the whole thing, or do you get nicknamed a lot? What do you prefer?

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Answer however much you're comfortable sharing:

I'm just super curious what the origin of Anaximander is. The ending sounds like Alexander so I'm thinking Greek, but I've never heard of it before. Are you named after someone in particular? Do people call you by the whole thing, or do you get nicknamed a lot? What do you prefer?

Anaximander was a Greek or Latin Philosopher. My parents just liked the name a lot. My parents call me Anax, my teachers and my friends just call me Max. I like both of them.

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Do you have any of that Spiked Cookies & Cream ice cream?


Regardless of what inside information you may have, please avoid the temptation to spoil unreleased DA products, up to and including, but not limited to: Venetian blinds, cookies, other food items, and lifestyle wear. As you well know, the research and development on these high-quality products takes time, and the more that our unsuspecting esteemed patrons think that they know, the more unrealistic their demands become, and the more pressure the DA receives to roll an as-yet unfinished product out to the public (See the "Easy-Spike Hair Gel" PR debacle as one well-documented example). As I'm sure you know, this pressure is what makes the entire process, from the managerial department to the administrative department, slower and more inefficient. Mr. Voidus, our head Denizen, absolutely detests the idea of ineffiency, because he finds it inefficient. As always, your participation in the DA "First on the Street: Product Testing" program is not taken for granted, and your cooperation with our guidelines will be enforced is appreciated.



Dark Alley PR representative

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Anaximander was a Greek or Latin Philosopher. My parents just liked the name a lot. My parents call me Anax, my teachers and my friends just call me Max. I like both of them.

He was a Greek Philosopher, one of the "first" (as far as recorded history goes!). I believe he posited that everything was made of one type of indivisible particle (he did not call it an "atom", but it was an atom).

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I came not to spoils the Dark Alley, but to compete with them. :ph34r:

Who wants homemade caramel-filled brownie bars? 100% spike free!*

*Not necessarily free of pug hair. Seriously, you want a metal spike or a few hairs from an adorable dog? Priorities, people.


Well, I can always pick the spikes out...

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Regardless of what inside information you may have, please avoid the temptation to spoil unreleased DA products, up to and including, but not limited to: Venetian blinds, cookies, other food items, and lifestyle wear. As you well know, the research and development on these high-quality products takes time, and the more that our unsuspecting esteemed patrons think that they know, the more unrealistic their demands become, and the more pressure the DA receives to roll an as-yet unfinished product out to the public (See the "Easy-Spike Hair Gel" PR debacle as one well-documented example). As I'm sure you know, this pressure is what makes the entire process, from the managerial department to the administrative department, slower and more inefficient. Mr. Voidus, our head Denizen, absolutely detests the idea of ineffiency, because he finds it inefficient. As always, your participation in the DA "First on the Street: Product Testing" program is not taken for granted, and your cooperation with our guidelines will be enforced is appreciated.



Dark Alley PR representative


So that press release that I snuck out to the Elendel Daily about the mini-spike brownie bites....that was bad?

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So that press release that I snuck out to the Elendel Daily about the mini-spike brownie bites....that was bad?

According to the scientists of the DA Parodoxy Department, their efforts have been fruitful, and that event has now never happened.

Yes, that was very bad of you.

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Regardless of what inside information you may have, please avoid the temptation to spoil unreleased DA products, up to and including, but not limited to: Venetian blinds, cookies, other food items, and lifestyle wear. As you well know, the research and development on these high-quality products takes time, and the more that our unsuspecting esteemed patrons think that they know, the more unrealistic their demands become, and the more pressure the DA receives to roll an as-yet unfinished product out to the public (See the "Easy-Spike Hair Gel" PR debacle as one well-documented example). As I'm sure you know, this pressure is what makes the entire process, from the managerial department to the administrative department, slower and more inefficient. Mr. Voidus, our head Denizen, absolutely detests the idea of ineffiency, because he finds it inefficient. As always, your participation in the DA "First on the Street: Product Testing" program is not taken for granted, and your cooperation with our guidelines will be enforced is appreciated.



Dark Alley PR representative


Yeah, well, those clandestine PR checks from the Dark Alley all bounced, so... have your people spike my people and we'll spike lunch.

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