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I could, but opening a PM would kinda defeat the point of bringing up my suspicions in public, wouldn't it? If you would like to explain yourself via PM, feel free, but there is a chance your comments may be shared here.

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OK so after getting a response from Lopen I will be removing my vote for now. Creccio has yet to make an appearance this cycle. After being very active previously he hasn't done anything. Was he scared that if he kept talking a lot he would get lynched since that almost happened in cycle 1? 

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Sorry folks but I'm going to be very boarder line inactive for the next three-four days.  I should still be able to place my vote but don't expect much postings from me.  I'll reply to any PMs/Posts that I see have my name in them but that's about it.

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I'm pretty suspicious of Creccio, as his playstyle, from what I've seen, isn't very useful to the village. So mostly when I say I'm suspicious of him, I say that I can't see a use for him, so we might as well kill him off. Also, the fact that the eliminators can vote for anyone in-thread, and then turn around, and their actual vote is completely different makes it very hard to track them down.


If I was going to say someone who I am actually suspicious of, it's Meallin. Think about it. He leaves a knife so that people can kill each other, and he was in the best position to poison the soup. We also only have his word that there was actually someone trying to kill Claan, and that Hellscythe was actually killed in the snow. For all we know, Meallin could be the one behind everything. Just think about it for a little. I propose a mutiny.

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If the votes in thread are to be believed, then we've got a threeway tie going here guys. Not good. Not good at all. The Cultists can basically kill whomever they want at this point and it wouldn't even be all that suspicious of them! 

I've talked with (almost) everyone via PM, so we shouldn't be losing anyone to inactivity today, but just doing the bare minimum to survive isn't helping us either! As I've said in a couple different PMs, I'm tempted to just let the Cultists win to prove a point about how badly inactivity and not sharing your thoughts can hurt the Villagers. 


For my part, I'll be voting for Creccio. I've been suspicious of her since day 1 and a lot of people that I talked to seem to feel the same. 


I don't think STINK is evil after talking to him in PM. 

As such, that just leaves Jain as a possible lynch target at this point in time. So unless someone wants to bring up someone else that deserves the lynch, I suggest that you vote for either Creccio or Jain. That way, the Cultists can't take over the vote. 


And please, please, PLEASE do so by stating who you're voting for in thread! If one of them is a Cultist, then the other Cultists might try to get us to focus on the other and we should look into that now rather than afterward! 

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Ok boys. Kill the villagers.


I am not a cultist (again) and you will lose one of your by killing me and see what you gain.


I am a regular guy.


See you in the afterlife


If you would like ot hear a defense just let me know, not that it matters, you guys will just kill me anyway


EDIT2: Inactivity because thanksgiving break and i value good sleep hours.


EDIT3: My vote is on Jain because i know im not bad.

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I will second everything Meta said in that post. The way this game is going the cultists don't need to do any fancy manipulating or try and control the thread to win this one. All they have to do is kill the talkative people and hide out among all the barely active traders. This is a great strategy for them and can basically guarantee a win, if we let them. It is also a very easy strategy for us to combat.


All we need to do is talk. Force them to come out of the shadows. You don't need to analyze every player or make an all encompassing strategy for winning the game. It's enough to just say who seems suspicious or even odd. Meta gave everyone a very easy way to participate by asking to choose between Jain and Creccio and tell the thread. That doesn't take a lot of analysis or time. All you had to do was say who you found more suspicious. I don't care if it is just cause you have a bad feeling about one of them or if you actually have an explanation for your choice. 

It's up to you. You signed up for this game and I assume it is because people enjoy it. I know stuff comes up sometimes in RL that can take up your time and that's fine. I just don't believe that most of the people here suddenly had something come up that they didn't know about last week when you chose to sign up.
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Asking if we would like to see a defence is almost begging to die.


I am not a cultist. That's all I will say. That happened in LG15 and we saw how that went. Go kill Jain, he might be one. I am sure I am not.



I will second everything Meta said in that post. The way this game is going the cultists don't need to do any fancy manipulating or try and control the thread to win this one. All they have to do is kill the talkative people and hide out among all the barely active traders. This is a great strategy for them and can basically guarantee a win, if we let them. It is also a very easy strategy for us to combat.


All we need to do is talk. Force them to come out of the shadows. You don't need to analyze every player or make an all encompassing strategy for winning the game. It's enough to just say who seems suspicious or even odd. Meta gave everyone a very easy way to participate by asking to choose between Jain and Creccio and tell the thread. That doesn't take a lot of analysis or time. All you had to do was say who you found more suspicious. I don't care if it is just cause you have a bad feeling about one of them or if you actually have an explanation for your choice. 

It's up to you. You signed up for this game and I assume it is because people enjoy it. I know stuff comes up sometimes in RL that can take up your time and that's fine. I just don't believe that most of the people here suddenly had something come up that they didn't know about last week when you chose to sign up.



Make them choose? Good.


Anything from my part you would like to hear before I die?

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Well if you are a trader than you should share anything you have that can help us. 


I got criticized by you for doing the exact same thing on LG15 I think.


I havent had many PM's but I can assure you I am good. 



I wonder what ahppened between then now to change your opinion on Info dumping.


In the end, its in your hands if I die or not. I dont have a ton of info and I am pretty much dead, so what would you want from me? All i know is on the thread.


You are killing an active player (usually, not this cycle) because he is suspicious, and once you find out he is not, we will have one less.


I bid you all farewell.

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Give us the whole defence rather than 'I've done this before'


I voted day 1 for no death because i had no suspicions on anyone and as such, I am not willing to kill anyone. I dont like shots in the dark.


Day 2 I gave my opinions on Alv and Jain and what i thought happened with Meta's Soldier protection or WGG.


Day 3 I don't have much to say. It's basically you guys voting for me and some people giving reasoning for why kill me,



I thought a soldier got me because i didn't die, but i didn't realize the 3 no deaths vote. I cant do anything else. If you want explanation on any other behavior let me know


Also, whoever is the scanner, I hope you have some good scans.

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I got criticized by you for doing the exact same thing on LG15 I think.


I havent had many PM's but I can assure you I am good. 



I wonder what ahppened between then now to change your opinion on Info dumping.


In the end, its in your hands if I die or not. I dont have a ton of info and I am pretty much dead, so what would you want from me? All i know is on the thread.


You are killing an active player (usually, not this cycle) because he is suspicious, and once you find out he is not, we will have one less.


I bid you all farewell.


Key on anything that will help the town. Not everything. Leaking roles just because you are dying doesn't help the town. If you have roles then share them with whomever you think is most trustworthy in a PM. What you could post is everyone who has done something odd that you find suspicious. Or what people were talking to you in PMs and what kind of stuff they asked about. 


Here are my suspicions that I sent out to a few people

1) I feel like Creccio and Jains conversations seem slightly staged to distance from each other and give the appearance of no connection. Talked about LoL in thread when that could've been done in PM and disagreed publicly over day 1 lynch.

2) Bort posted a lot cycle 2 without much content and apparently forgot that you needed to put your vote in a PM despite several people reminding. Protecting STINK who he had voted in thread?

3) Most of Alvrons posts have been clarification and reminders. Votes for creccio day 2 but doesn't give much reasoning. Not very helpful but seems to be the same playstyle as LG15.

4) Lopen calls out shallan, phat and ven for inactivity but votes ostrich. Cycle 2 was once again not too helpfull and only sus is creccio which everyone has and BB for being quiet.

5) way too many people not really doing anything.

Recent interactions between Jain and creccio have changed my opinion on point one but that was what I thought initially.


I expect I may die this cycle so I figure I should post y suspicions now. Add Elkanah to the suspect list as I sent all my suspicions to him and didn't get any sort of response even though it was read almost immediately. 

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Key on anything that will help the town. Not everything. Leaking roles just because you are dying doesn't help the town. If you have roles then share them with whomever you think is most trustworthy in a PM. What you could post is everyone who has done something odd that you find suspicious. Or what people were talking to you in PMs and what kind of stuff they asked about. 


Here are my suspicions that I sent out to a few people

1) I feel like Creccio and Jains conversations seem slightly staged to distance from each other and give the appearance of no connection. Talked about LoL in thread when that could've been done in PM and disagreed publicly over day 1 lynch.

2) Bort posted a lot cycle 2 without much content and apparently forgot that you needed to put your vote in a PM despite several people reminding. Protecting STINK who he had voted in thread?

3) Most of Alvrons posts have been clarification and reminders. Votes for creccio day 2 but doesn't give much reasoning. Not very helpful but seems to be the same playstyle as LG15.

4) Lopen calls out shallan, phat and ven for inactivity but votes ostrich. Cycle 2 was once again not too helpfull and only sus is creccio which everyone has and BB for being quiet.

5) way too many people not really doing anything.

Recent interactions between Jain and creccio have changed my opinion on point one but that was what I thought initially.


I expect I may die this cycle so I figure I should post y suspicions now. Add Elkanah to the suspect list as I sent all my suspicions to him and didn't get any sort of response even though it was read almost immediately. 


Seems right.


I havent been trying to distance myself over him. We are that far apart. I don't mingle with Cultists.


Spare me, Kill Jain. I am not a cultist. Thats all. I hope I see you all in the afterlife after 







just my guesses

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I'm just checking in to say once again that I'm sorry for not being present, and that I can promise to be far, far more active this weekend. I'm not prepared to vote today, as any vote wouldn't be on grounds I could justify, but am not going to vote for no lynch, as I do believe we should have a lynch - I just haven't had time today to work out who I should vote for.

Once again, I'm very sorry, and will endeavour to make up for it this weekend.

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Cycle 4: Constewed Innocent
Ratel paused in the door of the kitchen with Claan. “Claan and I and some others are going to go searching for the people who went missing,” he said.
Meallin nodded absently. “Just be back before we eat all of the pie!”
Ratel grinned and headed out.

Just as he began to put the pies in, there was a commotion at the door. “What now?” he sighed.
It seemed that the missing people had come back. Citona Vinid, Alexanderand, and Aim were right inside the door, with a few of their rescuers.

“And where have you been for the last hour?” he said.

“We got lost, sorry,” said Aim. “But we found a body outside!”

“We think it’s Claan’s, but we’re not sure,” added Citona.

“We spread out to search,” said someone else, “and when we came back together we couldn’t find Ratel, and Claan was like that.”

At that precise moment, Ratel burst through the door, puffing. "I'm here guys!" He took a few breathes. "Just. Got lost. Is all."

Meallin rolled his eyes and pushed past them to walk out the door. Claan’s body was lying outside, mutilated almost beyond recognition. Meallin shook his head sadly. He was concussed! Why did they picked someone already partly incapacitated? Not that the Jeskeri cultists were known for their logic, of course. He turned to go back inside and organize a burial detail, shaking his head, but stopped short at the sight of a message scrawled in charcoal across the door.

No-one wanted to be SAVED. How irritating I find this is comparable to the feeling of another Ookla ignoring you. We must look at numbers 14 to 17 now to find an eliminator. Those who post many times may be hiding something, or trying to punish those who don't post as much.

“Someone messing with my outpost? Again? I will find you, kayana, and I will lock you up in an insane asylum." He walked back inside, organized a burial detail, along with someone to clean of the message, and returned to his pies. As he moved to the kitchen, the smell of pie wafted out and it was glorious. Catching sight of a little white bit in one of the pies, he frowned. Was that a piece of paper?

At the kolo, kolo kayana
The coldest spot north of the dula
At the kolo, kolo kayana
Cultists and lynching, and lots of drinking
At the kolooooooooo, kayanaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

He shook his head. Someone had tried to sneak their propaganda into the pies. This was getting out of hand.

“When’s the stew coming?” Someone called out from the group seated at the large dinner tables.

“You’re going to have to wait for the pies to be done. Inor ate all the stew.” And then chaos erupted. Everyone jumped up and started yelling, and screaming, taking hold of Inor and dragging him to the door, booting him out and barring the door after him.

“And don’t come back!” yelled the group with one voice.

A faint reply came back. "So long and thanks for all the stew!"

Inor Haze(Creccio) was lynched. He was a Regular Trader!
Claan(Clanky) was killed. He was a Regular Trader!

Inor Haze(Creccio) (4): Stink, Ratel(Alvron), Merad Donner(Meta), Claan(Clanky)
Jain (2): Kaloo(Lopen), Inor Haze(Creccio)
Stink (1): Borter Clams(Bort)

Player List:


1. Hellscythe: ??? Seon Holder
2. IrulelikeSTINK: ???
3. Alvron: Ratel
4: Orlok: Locke Tekiel
5: Bridge Boy: Aim
6: Venture Mistborn: Alexanderand
7: Metacognition: Merad Donner
8: Ostrichofevil: Lord Ostrich Malescei Tekiel Regular Trader
9: Creccio: Inor Haze Regular Trader
10: Kaid: Delen Valavan
11: Bort: Borter Clams
12: Phattemer: Seixa
13: Shallan: Citona Vinid
14: Clanky: Claan Regular Trader
15: TheMightyLopen: Kaloo
16: Lightsworn Panda: Jain
17: Elkanah: AL

The cycle will end in about 24 hours from now at 22:30 GMT/15:30 MDT.



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