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Well. That was an exciting write-up. I didn't expect Creccio to be killed for the sake of the stew, but he probably deserved it. I wanted some. :(


So far, no eliminators killed, but all we can do is keep on killing people until we find one. Preferably starting from the most suspicious. Also, what is up with all the Ooklas? I mean, I'm just confused here. Still extremely suspicious of Meallin. Who has the best opportunity to write scribbles on the walls? Him! Who has the best opportunity to put paper in the pie? Him! One possibility is that he is dual-personality, and the other one takes over every once in a while. I think that if we get rid of him, the horror will stop. And even if it doesn't, that's one less suspect, and it's not like he's the only one who can make pie around here. But I will vote against STINK. His playstyle seems different from other games, mostly prompting other players to get on and talk from what I've seen.

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W\ell a w\uhile beforge I w\ouhld do tuhat but it is uhargderg as I sp'ilt stuhff on my keyboargd and uhavenp't fixed it yet. Anyone know\ uhow\ to do tuhat? (tuhis is to suhow\ tuhe uhnedited vergsion, tuhis uhas been uhargd, also w\uhenverg tuhe (i) is p'rgessed it takes me to tuhe argea w\uherge youh typ'e in a UHRGL.)


TRANSLATION: Well a while before I would do that but it is harder as I spilt stuff on my keyboard and haven't fixed it yet. Anyone know how to do that? (this is to show the unedited version, this has been hard, also whenever the (i) is pressed it takes me to the area where you type in a URL.)

Edited by IrulelikeSTINK
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I'm just going to put out here for spectators, that if anyone does want to pinch hit, I'd be happy to yield to them - I haven't had the time I expected today, and knowing my luck, something will come up this weekend...

I haven't had a good week, and I'm really sorry that it's had a knock on effect on SE...

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Cycle 5: Kill the Messenger
The room had grown quiet. Everyone ate their food in silence. Discussion was only half-hearted at best, as everyone ate Meallin’s pies. Walking back into the kitchen to grab an extra plate of cranberries, Meallin’s musings were interrupted by the sight of Stink with a piece of charcoal in his hand, ducking out the other door. The wall was marked by a streak of black. Meallin roared. “Get back here, you kayana property-defacing idiot!” He dragged Stink out of the pantry. “What do you have to say for yourself?”
Stink grinned at him. “Do you want to build a snowman?”
Meallin raised his eyebrows. “Right then. You get to spend an hour in the snow, thanks to that. Don’t come back until you’ve regained some semblance of sanity.” He dragged Stink through the common room and threw him out of the front door. “Build your own snowmen!”
An hour later, Meallin sighed and went outside to get Stink. Once he got outside, however, he stopped short. Stink was lying in the snow, a ritual dagger protruding from his back, a stick of charcoal still in his hand. Meallin sighed, but didn’t feel too bad at the loss. At least he won’t be defacing my property anymore.
As he turned to walk back inside for another burial detail, Ratel and Kaloo walked out. “Don’t mind us, Meal,” he said affably, as Meallin winced at the informal use of his name. “We’re just going to settle our differences.”

Meallin nodded, and walked back inside. He noticed that the dining hall was a lot less full than it had been an hour ago. “Where’s everyone gone?” he asked to the room at large.

“Several people have gone back to their rooms,” said Merad. “They should be back soon.”

Meallin nodded, though he was still slightly concerned. “And what’s with Ratel and Kaloo?”

“They had some kind of disagreement. I’m not quite sure what it was. I was busy eating.”

At that moment, Ratel walked in the door calmly. “Kaloo’s all dealt with,” he said. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going back to my dinner.”

Meallin sat down to eat himself, enjoying his pie. After a few minutes, however, a commotion broke out at the door, and Kaloo stumbled in, battered and bloody. Ratel surged to his feet. “How are you alive?” he demanded.

“He saved me,” Kaloo said incoherently.

“Who?” Meallin inquired, curious.

“Cloaked man… Jindo?” Kaloo said, before he fainted.

“Well, it seems fate has decreed that Kaloo would not die today. Merad, can you care for him? Make sure Ratel doesn’t try to attack him again. Not until he’s well again, anyway.”

Stink was killed. He was a Rulo!
Kaloo(Lopen) was lynched, but didn’t die!

Kaloo(Lopen) (1): Ratel(Alvron)

Player List:



1. Hellscythe: ??? Seon Holder
2. IrulelikeSTINK: ??? Rulo
3. Alvron: Ratel
4: Orlok: Locke Tekiel
5: Bridge Boy: Aim
6: Venture Mistborn: Alexanderand
7: Metacognition: Merad Donner
8: Ostrichofevil: Lord Ostrich Malescei Tekiel Regular Trader
9: Creccio: Inor Haze Regular Trader
10: Kaid: Delen Valavan
11: Bort: Borter Clams
12: Phattemer: Seixa
13: Shallan: Citona Vinid
14: Clanky: Claan Regular Trader
15: TheMightyLopen: Kaloo
16: Lightsworn Panda: Jain
17: Elkanah: AL

Bort, Phatt, Shallan, Jain, and Elkanah have not shown up this cycle, and have one more cycle before they die!

The cycle will end in about 24 hours from now at 22:30 GMT/15:30 MDT.



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So I had planned to get on before the Cycle ended, but I had to be out and about all day today. I didn't say anything before then because I was curious to see what you'd all do if you didn't have someone constantly try to urge you toward action and you all didn't disappoint. Only 10 posts during the total of yesterday's cycle; 7 of which were not even related to trying to find the Eliminators. I have open PMs with all of you and I only received one PM and it was in regards to a message I sent out the previous cycle. And only one person could be bothered to vote at all. If the Cultists had known, they could've taken over the vote easily (technically, we don't know if they did or not!). 


If you want to win, this can't continue. We're basically handing the game over to the Cultists guys. I get that yesterday was Thanksgiving and that made things difficult for people to be on, but it's past now, so we're going to try this one more time because I promised Creccio that if she was good that I'd do everything I could to still find the Cultists. 


I'm going to get some food and then I'm going to go through everything and lay out my thoughts on each person left alive (Lopen's position just got very interesting to me!). What you guys decide to do with it from there will be up to you. 


I am sorry if this comes off as a bit harsh, but I've never seen this level of inactivity in a game before!   :wacko:

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Sorry Meta you're right to be frustrated. We all know everyone's excuse. We're lucky it didn't turn out worse.

I don't know which rulo suggested we look at number 14 through 17, but it seems like they knew something. I know that points to me. I know I'm good, but I'm also at the top of most lists.

With me aside, that leaves Lopen, who was just saved, and Jain, the only person who is more suspected than I am.

Several of the people who have died have also voted for Jain. That isn't certainty, but it's enough to gain my vote this cycle

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First things first, thanks Jindo! Apparently I'm no good in a fight.  <_< I'll try to put my extra time to good use.


Sorry for my inactivity. I just didn't have time to look things over with the new information we got(from Creccio and Clanky's proved innocence) and decide on a vote before the cycle ended. One thing to note, is that, with Clanky's confirmed innocence, the Soldier who protected him is basically confirmed as well, since I don't see a reason to block your own kill on a good guy.


Note to GM(s): I'm called Lopen a few times in the write-up. 

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Well guys, what did you expect, having a SE game over thanksgiving and all. Of course there's going to be inactivity, so try not to be too hard on people.

First, We've had games over holidays before and they never got this bad. The AG started on Christmas. MR4 was running on Thanksgiving last year. LG6 ran over July 4th. Point is, it's been done and there weren't ever problems this bad. On top of that, we all agreed at the beginning of this game that we were okay with it running over Thanksgiving. As such, it's our own fault. Maill gave us options to avoid that if we wanted.

Second, this has been a continuous problem the entire game, not a problem from the last day or two. A good portion of people's responses (as you'll see below) have just been "checking in" posts and promises to be more active later. Also, Technically half of this last cycle was on Friday, not Thanksgiving in the first place.

Thirdly, as I said, I'm sorry if I came off a bit harsh. I'm not blaming any individual or trying to guilt people into discussing. Clanky and I wound up having a bit of a discussion about this before he died. We were talking about the possibility of the Cultists just lurking throughout the game and how easy it would be for them. Since so many other people were doing the same, there were too many possible targets and not enough information to pick out any single one. And it's a philosophy that the Eliminators themselves are perpetuating in everyone; and not just in this game. By killing off the more talkative players, the Eliminators are making it so that no one wants to actually talk, since they know that it just puts a target on their back. And the cycle repeats itself until you have games like this one, where no one is willing to openly discuss, because they want to survive, and nothing gets done towards finding the Eliminators.

So, you see, I'm not intending to necessarily blame anyone for it as much as all of us. We all share a part of this situation because this is where the meta has gotten to now. We've put our own survival above the chance of winning. We've allowed the Eliminators to control how the games play out. As I said to Clanky, "If we don't talk and discuss, the Terrori- err, Eliminators win!" :P It's such an easy tactic to disrupt, but you've got to be willing to actually say something and put yourself out there and on the line!

We're now 5 cycles in. No one shouldn't have at least a few ideas on who they think is suspicious!

So, I'm sorry if I offended anyone with the above. It wasn't meant to be mean or hurtful. It was meant to be a wake up call. We can still win this. We can steal victory from the Cultists, but we're not going to do so by sitting back and doing nothing anymore. And look at it this way, if everyone is talking and giving ideas and suspicions, then the Eliminators can't just focus on the few who are talking! Being silent might keep you safe, but it won't help you win.

Now, onto the main bulk of my post. I'm first going to come out and say, I'm a Soldier. I saved myself during the first cycle and Clanky the second (thus why Clanky and I were working so closely together since then). I was not the one who saved Lopen....

I don't like reveals in thread like this, but I think that the Cultists likely already know and we've made absolutely no progress on finding them without the sharing of information so far, so let's go all in. If someone wants to counter claim me, by all means. Heck, they can do so via PM to someone else and not have to even reveal themselves in thread! Because, even if the rest of you don't believe me, when you kill me and I am revealed to be a villager, at least then you will have found one of the Cultists and can use that to find the rest.

Also, please do remember that, until I tried this one last rally, the Cultists basically had this won. They didn't need to go through this elaborate of a ruse. They could've just waited and picked us off without all of this.

And finally, Clanky trusted me, which meant no other Soldier had gone to him, claiming to have saved him.

So counter claim away, Cultists.

Now, I'm going to go through and give a sort of profile/what I've learned about everyone still alive in the game so far. I haven't been pushing people for information, so it's not a lot, but even then, I'm sorry to anyone that I wind up revealing more than they would like.

  • Alv- Alv was one of the first people I approached this game. As I've told a few people, I had a plan to start to draw people out and get discussion started. I wanted to establish a debate between myself and one other person. I figured that this would give people something to take sides on and give their opinions on. It would also let us be able to look at who might have jumped onto one side or another a bit too quickly and other such factors; things that could help point us towards possible Cultists. Since this endeavor wasn't without risk to myself and the other person (people could just as easily turn on us and try to get us lynched), it didn't matter to me who I picked. If they were a Villager, then we were starting to work together and could build a layer of trust over time. If they were a Cultist, I figured that they likely wouldn't want to put themselves into such a position, as that would put them in the spotlight; not a good place to be if you're worried about possible Priests.

    Considering it was Alv and he likes a good troll as much as anyone (and the fact that he was online at the time), I was surprised when he tried to sidestep the idea; kind of like how I would expect a Cultist to do. His claim was that he wasn't much of one for discussions and when I asked him how he planned to find the Cultists without it, he said that he was trying to change that; something that I have not seen from him so far this game. That was where my initial suspicion of Alv came from.

    Eventually, he agreed, but didn't really follow through. That was the initial idea behind our slight argument over my list during the first cycle, but it never went further than just a single exchange. Even that though could've been him picking the debate and the topic that he wanted as I left it up to him.

    His posts and the PM with him in the first cycle was the most I've heard from him since. His other posts in the first cycle were good advice posts; asking questions to make sure everything was clear to everyone and reminders of the game rules. Good things to have, but not a lot of substance.

    Cycle 2, we got into the debate about the No Death Votes until Maill clarified that Alv's vote wasn't meant to count. After that, he pretty much went back to saying nothing. In fact, his next post wasn't until Cycle 3 and even that was just a "Sorry, you're not going to be able to get much out of me." It was during this cycle that I asked him basically our last PM exchange, where I asked him if he had written the backwards Rulo message. He just said that he had no comment on it.

    That's about it that we've heard from him, but he's been consistent in making sure he gets his vote in. Why? Why that level of activity, but never give us a reason for it? In fact, he was the only person to vote last cycle. My first thought would be that he's sending in an action with that vote, so he might as well vote while he does so. The problem with that is that last cycle, there were no Rulo messages and the only actions we have is the Other Soldier's block (which, if this were the case, why also vote for Lopen and protect him unless there was another reason for it) and the Cultist kill, both of which I find suspect right now.

    In the end though, as much as I've tried, he just hasn't been involved enough for me to get a good read on him. The biggest thing I suspect him for is based on Cycle 1 stuff and I've had no opportunity to build upon it from there. This alone would typically be suspicious in and of itself, but with so many people doing it, there's just too wide of a pool. He still deserves to be looked at and if we were to start killing off people for lack of contributions, he'd be on my list.


  • Orlok- I'm feel like I'm going to wind up repeating myself quite often during the making of these profiles. Orlok hasn't really been very present during the entire game. The first time I noticed him was when I created my list of people who had the opportunity to see their given role and who had yet to check in. After that, he popped on to give a reason for that and to say that he would be back later to look over everything. That later came and went and we didn't hear from him again (except for his vote) until late into Cycle 2 where he apologized again and explained his previous vote and voted for Hellscythe. It isn't until, again, late into the 3rd Cycle that we hear from him and he, again, apologizes and this time doesn't vote.

    The final time we hear from him is to just say that he's still sorry and that he'd be willing to give up his position to a pinch hitter.

    I sent out individual PMs to everyone during Cycle 3. I didn't want to try to consolidate all information into one source via me protecting myself the first Cycle, so I waited until people would come to me.... No one did. But, with us about to possibly lose 3 players, I wanted to try to get people involved again. I bring this up because that was the first time I PMed Orlok.

    He again apologized and said he had no suspicions even though it had been 3 Cycles in and he had voted previously. He also said that he didn't entirely trust me (for which I don't blame anyone. I've been hindering my own position this game to continually remind people of my unconfirmed-ness for the sake of future games and to make sure that people don't fall victim to such a possible ploy in the future). The only other thing he said was he asked me if I had any suspicions of people to look at when he got a chance to look over the thread later.

    For what it's worth, I do think Orlok has been telling the truth about his issues with being inactive. For one, I really hope that no one is using outside situations as an excuse/lie to try to hide during the game. For two, he seems like he really didn't mean to be this inactive. His last post about being willing to let a pinch hitter step in for him helps with that.

    The thing I don't know is whether he's sorry to the Village or to the Cultists. He may have kept up during the first few Cycles and then just didn't have time. I would think that if he was a Cultist, that the rest of his team may have been able to help him find people to vote for (though, to be fair, it doesn't look like the Cultists are doing much voting based on last Cycle either). On top of that, he voted for Creccio on the first cycle. It wouldn't have been very out of place for him to do so again on the third, but he abstained.

    Beyond that though, there's nothing that really speaks in his favor or against it. The fact that he's been checking in often enough to make sure he doesn't die is worrisome. He could be staying alive to make sure that the Cultist don't lose someone to inactivity and thus keeping their numbers up.

    I'd lean towards Village, but not enough to defend him.


  • BB- The fact that his first two posts in Cycle 1 (which were his only two posts in Cycle 1....) are about not receiving notifications makes me think he was having a serious issue (see Orlok above about lying about issues not game related), so I don't blame him for not being around as much during the first Cycle. I don't like that his first post was just basically and intentionally a, "hey, I'm here" post and that he didn't have anything else to add, but that's a personal perspective. It's the same reason I don't like poke votes.

    We didn't hear from him at all over Cycle 2, to the point that he was about to die due to inactivity. So I shot him a PM, as I did everyone, to try to get him to come back and contribute. In the PM, he again claims difficulty with the notifications as a means to explain his inactivity and states that he doesn't have any suspicions. Well, no actual suspicions because he then accuses Maill of setting us all up to do his dirty work for him. That's basically the entirety of the PM. Nothing was shared other than some jokes (though I thought his were pretty good) at Maill's expense. I did ask him to go over the thread and share his thoughts sometime and that I was suspicious of him for doing the bare minimum to stay alive (see Orlok's Cultists losing someone from inactivity above), but he never responded to that and just kept on with the jokes instead.

    In thread, he finally pops back on and states a somewhat suspicion of Alv, but also defends Alv in the same breath. Then later, he votes Creccio, but plays down his suspicions. It was mainly, "why not? They haven't been very useful." And while I'd agree with lynching someone who is trying to distract the village, I think it's a pretty fine distinction.

    In Cycle 4, he's one of the only people to speak up at all. He offers something close to encouragement and a suspicion of STINK, but other than continuing the joke of Maill being the killer (I do want to say right now, I actually don't mind the joking. In fact, I wish there was more of it. I'm just bringing it up because it could be a distraction tactic so that we don't look too closely at everything else) that's about it.

    In the end, there's just not enough here to get a read on in either way. I want to say Villager just because he seems to be trying, but, with everyone that hasn't said a whole lot, the Cultists would also want to appear to be trying. The Cultists just wouldn't want to give too much away when they do so. They wouldn't want to be tied down to a specific claim; just like 90% of the people in this game so far.


  • Venture- Another one of those that has said basically nothing. He popped on to say he was here Cycle 1 and said he'd probably vote later. He didn't. In fact, he wasn't seen again in thread until Cycle 4 and the only thing he said there was that he had been gone (the entire week, not just Thanksgiving) due to Thanksgiving. In fact, the only reason he's alive at all (as far as I know) is because he responded to my PM asking him to come back to the game. He replied with, again, Thanksgiving as his reason.

    Now, I don't like it when players just do the bare minimum to get by. It hurts the Village and just gives the Eliminators a place to hide. It basically just says to me that you're just trying to survive the game, not play the game.

    Beyond that, you're hindering the Village even more by continually being a suspect. Are you a Villager looking out for yourself or are you a Cultist trying to stay alive to be an additional member for your side? Especially in this game, where most people are doing so, this is a huge problem.

    Even so, there's not enough information one way or another due to lack of involvement. I'm going to get really tired of saying that.....


  • Shallan- Similar situation as Venture above. In fact, on Cycle 1, she was the very next post from his (separated by an hour) and they were basically the same thing. "Hey, I'm here, will probably vote later." But in both cases, neither one showed back up.

    The crazy thing with Shallan is, that is her only post. I contacted her Cycle 3, like I did everyone and she responded by saying that she didn't know if she could trust me. That was it. It's no wonder she's on the list of inactives, as she hasn't done basically anything.

    Bare minimums and all that again. Selfish Villager or Calculating Cultist? Not enough information either way, but if she survives again I'd be worried.


  • Phatt- Why even bother? Anyone else noticing a trend yet? The only difference from the two above is that he waited till Cycle 2 to even check in. He responded to my PM with a quick reply that wasn't even about this game and that was it.

    If he survives, like with Venture or Shallan, they had better have some good reasons and be able to back up their play.


  • Kaid- Kaid has, until recently, been fairly consistent. He popped in to let people know he was here during Cycle 1, but then, unlike other people, he actually came back! Unfortunately, it was just to defend Hellscythe's math, but it's still something.

    Next cycle, he explains why he agreed with Hellscythe, but still didn't vote and defended Creccio and Jain.

    He also went over possible ideas about the rule change for the Soldiers and this part worries me. He mentions that the rule change could be because there are multiple Soldiers and if they protect themselves, the Cultists can't ever really kill them. Considering that I think, with the hit on me early in the game and me being protected, that the Cultists were worried about their inability to kill me and was part of the reason for the rule change (though Kaid mentions the idea of there being multiple Soldiers on the Village side and with the save on Lopen, it could be that he has a bit too much information). There are other possibilities, like the fact that there could be an invincible Soldier out there on the Cultist side as well, that were factors in the decision to change the ruling (and I do want to point out that I think it was a good ruling). I'm not discounting those either. The fact that Kaid's next post is all about the possibility of there being multiple Soldiers again, in relation to Hellscythe's post, does make me wonder though; especially since he didn't vote again.

    The next time we hear from him is Cycle 4 and it's just a another bumper post, to just let people know that he's still here.

    The only thing he said in the PMs is that he doubled down on the whole, "I don't think the Cultists would No Death Vote" thing and thus defending Creccio and Jain again.

    In conclusion, Kaid is up there on my suspect list. He could just be thinking things through and coming up with possibilities. Or, he could have more information than he should have. Or he could just be actually trying to hunt down the Cultists.

    My biggest concern is the fact that, except for actually around Thanksgiving, he's been fairly active, if not entirely motivationally helpful. If we lose too many more active people without other people coming back, we're going to lose no matter what.


    Gotta admit, I've got 4 more left and it's 4 more than I want to have to do. I told you I'd try, Creccio!



  • Bort- Bort is probably the only person that I'd consider likely to be a Villager. Likely, not is. He's been consistent with how he plays (up until going silent like this). In his very first post, he was willing to break a tied vote in Cycle 1. His reasoning was basically just, "one or the other, but this one seems more likely," but I've seen that from Bort before. The fact that he then didn't vote is suspicious, even with him explaining it in thread later. He then went into looking at the No Death Votes. The odd thing is, he went after them as if he was suspicious, but once Kaid stepped in, he backed off, saying that he didn't really think that they were suspicious though. He could have just changed his mind or he didn't want to come off too strong.

    The fact that he didn't remember Maill's correction to the Soldier class, that it protects from the lynch as well, also could go either way.

    There's also the fact that he obviously knew how voting worked by Cycle 2, but still didn't vote. He was willing to on Cycle 1, so why was he even less hesitant on Cycle 2?

    His next post wasn't until Cycle 3, where he speculated on a Soldier Cultist and asked about a Priest (which I don't think we have anymore) and guessed that one of the Rulo is likely a Cultist. His next post was due to my prompting in the PM I sent out to everyone. I had asked him to make his suspicions known in thread and his post was one of the most comprehensive that we've had so far. Granted, he could have been so accommodating due to him being a Cultist. I haven't ruled that out yet.

    From there, he got into it with STINK (who we know was good), but I attribute that up to STINK being a STINKer, since he wasn't being all that helpful in the first place. Beyond that, if Bort were a Cultist, I don't see why he'd make such a scene in thread when STINK was killed off.

    And we haven't heard from Bort since.

    So why, when I have so many reasons to doubt Bort, do I think he's a Villager? Because his posts seem sincere. Sorry, that's the best I can do there. I think he sounds like he's really trying to figure things out and trying to be helpful.

    A Cultist could do the exact same thing, so I'm not saying he is a Villager; I'm just saying that, out of everyone's posts, he seems the most likely to be at this point.


  • Jain- Jain has been playing, in his own words, passively and re-actively. He even admits that it's not the best style to help the Village, but continues to do so. His defense is the same as a lot of people's, lack of time.

    In Cycle 1, he argues for a lynch, but then doesn't do anything towards it. In fact, his No Death Vote was discussed in depth early on in Cycle 2. When I talked to him in PM, I asked him about it again; this time with a guess I had. I asked him if he sent his "No Vote" in with another order, as that was the only reason I could see for sending in a vote at all. He confirmed that he had sent in something else along with his vote (in fact, I wouldn't be surprised to find out that Alv's vote was similar), but not what. He denied the idea of it being a Kill Order though.

    After the discussion of his No Death Vote, we don't hear from Jain again until Cycle 3, where he defends himself against Creccio's suspicions of him and then later to defend his passive/reactive play style by saying that it's not something he would do since it would be too obvious.

    And that's the last we heard from him.

    In our PM, I mentioned to Jain that I was not a fan of the reactive style of play that he's been using and he agreed with me that it wasn't ideal. He claimed that it was due to time restraints and while I'd believe that (he's on the inactive list for a reason), he also seems to always have time to defend himself. Part of the reason I don't like it is also why I suspect him; it doesn't tell us anything about what he's thinking.

    Similar to those who just don't say much of anything, Jain's hiding and not telling us anything that might connect him to another player or not.


  • Lopen- I've been in PM contact with Lopen since Cycle 1. I saw that he was using the PMs quite a bit and wanted to see what was up. His reason for using PMs wasn't connected with this game, so I left it alone.

    Here's the thing though; his first post in thread was to remind everyone else to be active. He even pointed to some of the players that I've mentioned above (Shallan, Phatt, Venture) as possible risks. But, whenever I approached him in PM, his reason for not saying more or doing more was that he had been busy and was having difficulty keeping up in thread.

    FYI, the entire game is only about 9 pages long right now. I know. I've been through it 14 times already, so it's not like catching up would be all that difficult.

    After basically posting a, "Hey I'm Here!" (which we really should come up with a name for these types of posts), we don't see him again until Cycle 2, where he states being busy and then gets into some actual analysis. He defends the No Death Votes, asks if Creccio was trying to get a Priest to waste a scan, speculates on the idea of a Cultist Soldier, and finally poke votes BB, who was up to just die due to inactivity. This part does worry me, as it seems that a lot of Lopen's votes tend to go towards someone that wasn't in danger of being lynched; almost as if he wants to be seen voting, but doesn't want to be a factor in any of the votes.

    Then nothing until Cycle 3, where he defends his vote against BB as not looking close enough to the thread (after, again, reminding other people, early on, to be active and I'd consider keeping up with the thread as part of being active). Then he puts a vote on Jain for his defensive play and that's all we heard until this cycle.

    I really don't know what to think. On one hand, I could say quite a bit more about why Lopen could be a suspect. He's even still on my list and was very high up on it until this Cycle. That said, him being saved by another Soldier has thrown me for a loop. The other Soldier could be a Cultist Soldier. More than enough people have suggested the idea after all.

    The way I see it, there are a few possibilities:

    - Lopen was saved by a Village Soldier (or is a Village Soldier) who was not me and Alv is a Cultist that targeted Lopen for the lynch.

    - Lopen was saved by a Village Soldier (or is a Village Soldier) who was not me and Alv is a Villager that just targeted Lopen because he suspected him.

    - Lopen is a Cultist Soldier (or saved by a Cultist Soldier) and Alv just got lucky with his vote.

    - Lopen and Alv are Cultists and they set this up so that Alv could vote for a Cultist and yet Lopen wouldn't die if no one else voted.

    If the first two are true, it makes Kaid look really bad. If any of the last are true, then we have a lead on a Cultist.

    This entire situation with Lopen has thrown me off as far as he's concerned. His PM response vs. his in thread response is extremely different. I have many more PMs from him than what he's posted in thread and I typically take that as a sign of an Eliminator trying to influence a single person or keep their true feelings out of public scrutiny. But it depends on if we trust this other Soldier and right now, I do not until I know more. This really should be a priority for discussion though.


  • Elkanah- FINALLY!!! I will probably be briefer here than I would like, but I've been at this for quite awhile. Elkanah is a bit of mystery to me. I wind up agreeing with him a good portion of the time and yet, I suspect him quite a bit. Perhaps I'm putting too much of myself on him. It doesn't help that, like most people on this list, there aren't a lot of posts to analyze. Far more than most though!

    He starts out with advocating for a Cycle 1 lynch and even adds some suspicions to the table (myself and Creccio). Then speculates on the Cultists having a Seon Holder. While I tend to agree, I'm suspicious of anyone that seems to try to claim prior knowledge, as it could be because they actually know. Votes for Creccio and follows through with that vote.

    It's not until late into Cycle 2 that we hear from him again and it's just a defense of his previous cycle with nothing new to add (a lot of that going around), along with a statement that he tried to crack the Rulo's coded message. Winds up putting a vote on Ostrich (who was a dead man anyways).

    In Cycle 3, he explains that he spent far too much time on the code. He then (foolishly, because this is Maill) tries to deduce the likelihood of a Cultist Soldier based on Maill's responses. He uses this as a reason to soft-suspect both Clanky and myself, the only two people that I am positive are good at that time. He then insinuates that there could be Cultist among the vote for Hellscythe, which only leaves Orlok as a suspect unless he was trying to cast doubt on either Clanky or myself.

    After that, nothing until today, where he points to himself, Lopen, or Jain as possible suspects.

    As far as PMs go, there really wasn't much. He thinks I'm good, but not sure and suspected that Clanky might have been the WGG target if the Cultist had a Soldier.

    In the end, I don't know what to think of him. I want to think that he is a Villager and that he's highly paranoid (as we all should be). But, like most people, haven't posted often or at length enough to get a read on their motivations. He's still high on my suspicions though.

Okay, that's it. I'm done for now. I would go back through and add links to specific sections in thread, but as I said, the entire game is less than double digits. You can go through it yourself! :P Sorry, I'm worn out.

You guys can analyze it all you like and, hopefully please, discuss it. Or discuss something else. I don't care, as long as you're all trying! Then, maybe, we can turn this crazy game around and beat the Cultists yet.

I will try to be back to answer any other questions before the end of the Cycle. No guarantees.

Edited by Metacognition
Formatting issues; grammar; just cleaning it up stuff like that
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    • Lopen- I've been in PM contact with Lopen since Cycle 1. I saw that he was using the PMs quite a bit and wanted to see what was up. His reason for using PMs wasn't connected with this game, so I left it alone. 

      Here's the thing though; his first post in thread was to remind everyone else to be active. He even pointed to some of the players that I've mentioned above (Shallan, Phatt, Venture) as possible risks. But, whenever I approached him in PM, his reason for not saying more or doing more was that he had been busy and was having difficulty keeping up in thread. 

      FYI, the entire game is only about 9 pages long right now. I know. I've been through it 14 times already, so it's not like catching up would be all that difficult. 

      After basically posting a, "Hey I'm Here!" (which we really should come up with a name for these types of posts), we don't see him again until Cycle 2, where he states being busy and then gets into some actual analysis. He defends the No Death Votes, asks if Creccio was trying to get a Priest to waste a scan, speculates on the idea of a Cultist Soldier, and finally poke votes BB, who was up to just die due to inactivity. This part does worry me, as it seems that a lot of Lopen's votes tend to go towards someone that wasn't in danger of being lynched; almost as if he wants to be seen voting, but doesn't want to be a factor in any of the votes.

      Then nothing until Cycle 3, where he defends his vote against BB as not looking close enough to the thread (after, again, reminding other people, early on, to be active and I'd consider keeping up with the thread as part of being active). Then he puts a vote on Jain for his defensive play and that's all we heard until this cycle. 

      I really don't know what to think. On one hand, I could say quite a bit more about why Lopen could be a suspect. He's even still on my list and was very high up on it until this Cycle. That said, him being saved by another Soldier has thrown me for a loop. The other Soldier could be a Cultist Soldier. More than enough people have suggested the idea after all.

      The way I see it, there are a few possibilities: 

      - Lopen was saved by a Village Soldier (or is a Village Soldier) who was not me and Alv is a Cultist that targeted Lopen for the lynch.

      -  Lopen was saved by a Village Soldier (or is a Village Soldier) who was not me and Alv is a Villager that just targeted Lopen because he suspected him. 

      - Lopen is a Cultist Soldier (or saved by a Cultist Soldier) and Alv just got lucky with his vote. 

      - Lopen and Alv are Cultists and they set this up so that Alv could vote for a Cultist and yet Lopen wouldn't die if no one else voted.

      If the first two are true, it makes Kaid look really bad. If any of the last are true, then we have a lead on a Cultist. 

      This entire situation with Lopen has thrown me off as far as he's concerned. His PM response vs. his in thread response is extremely different. I have many more PMs from him than what he's posted in thread and I typically take that as a sign of an Eliminator trying to influence a single person or keep their true feelings out of public scrutiny.

    • But it depends on if we trust this other Soldier and right now, I do not until I know more. This really should be a priority for discussion though. 


Okay, first of all, it's the middle of the night for me, so I can't really respond to everything(since it's basically longer than the entire game!  :o ). I'll try to do my best to get some relevant thoughts out here though, since I do feel bad for my inactivity. 


First bolded thing- It's not that I have a tough time keeping up really, it's that I don't really have time to figure out what to do with the information. I still think of myself as fairly new to this type of game, and I take a long time trying to figure things out. I'm sorry for my lack of participating in discussion, since usually when I've posted, it's really late at night(or early in the morning, whatever) and I go to bed right after I'm done, so I'm not able to actually discuss with the other players available at the time. I'm gonna have to do that again, since it's 6am for me right now.


Second bold- I voted on BB on the 2nd Cycle, and he was up for death due to inactivity on the 3rd Cycle. I will admit that my votes on those first 2 Cycles didn't really get anything done though, and I'm trying to change that.


Third bold- Yeah, sorry about this. I'm much more talkative in PM's than in the thread. It's just easier to say something when someone is talking directly to you. At least, it is IMO. If you really feel that way about it though, I might should change my playstyle some then.


Lastly- I don't really know if I should respond to this or not, since it's me we're talking about, but I'll go ahead anyways. Obviously I think the Soldier is good, since they saved me. I'm not gonna say whether I am the Soldier or not though, since I don't want to give the Eliminators anything. I guess I can tell Meta though, since after this huge post, and his claiming the Soldier who protected Clanky, it's almost 100% that he's good. Maybe he would post a gigantic post like this if he was evil, simply because he doesn't like the inactivity, but it doens't seem likely to me.


My suspicions up to this point are Jain and Alvron. Jain, for reasons mentioned earlier about how he's just defending himself and not trying to help out, and Alvron for his vote on me. I don't much like being voted for without reason, and would like an explanation.


Players I trust some. Meta(for reasons mentioned), and I guess Bort a little as well(because I think Meta makes a good point about him actually trying, while everyone else sits back and doesn't help much.).


I would like to add more to either list, but, like Meta said, it's really hard to tell with so little. I can't stay awake any longer, so good night. Since I'm going to sleep so late, I'm not sure when I'll be available tomorrow.

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Ok, it seems like I do now have time to get on and play properly - albeit in breaks between coursework.

Meta, I've been staying alive in the hopes that I'd be able to recover my activity as the game progressed - there seems little point in letting myself die when I had the chance of, and indeed now can, return to playing 'properly'.

I remain uncertain on Meta. As I've said to him, I have had a habit of distrusting players driving the thread as a matter of course since QF9 - so blame Wyrm if you like!

That said, I'm now of the opinion that it is highly likely that Meta is, indeed a villager.

His point about the thread dying, and going to such an effort to revive it holds a lot of water; certainly in my experience, as an eliminator we've focused a great deal on shutting down discussion in the thread - and although this could be a ruse to gain trust, given the alternative - losing 5 to inactivity this cycle alone, such an action seems entirely pointless.

I'm about to read through all that has been said previously, but did Alvron ever justify his vote on Lopen?

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Okay, so I am suspected over the Creccio lynch train apparently. How... quaint. This is probably revealing something, but I didn't actually vote that cycle. I put my vote on Creccio in-thread, but then didn't actually vote, because I'm an idiot. (I'm referencing other SE games here.) I mostly did it to show that I was active and interested in the game, and to spark discussion, because in SE, people think, "Ooh! Red text! Let's go see who's going to die and then write about it!" You know it's true. I really didn't expect it to turn into a lynch train, and I never actually voted for him in a PM. I know that I have no way to prove this, but it's the truth.

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Sorry Meta you're right to be frustrated. We all know everyone's excuse. We're lucky it didn't turn out worse.

I don't know which rulo suggested we look at number 14 through 17, but it seems like they knew something. I know that points to me. I know I'm good, but I'm also at the top of most lists.

With me aside, that leaves Lopen, who was just saved, and Jain, the only person who is more suspected than I am.

Several of the people who have died have also voted for Jain. That isn't certainty, but it's enough to gain my vote this cycle


Kind of curious why you think you're at the top of most people's lists. I revealed mine, but as far as I know, no one else has revealed theirs. Where are you getting this information? 


I am a regular Trader. Can't do anything. What can I do? 


Well, I can vote for Bridge Boy because of my suspicions over the Creccio lynch train. 

BB didn't actually vote for Creccio on the Cycle she was lynched. He did so in thread, but he didn't PM his vote evidently. 

I do think that it's suspicious, but it also seems like you just grabbed something out of my profiles and jumped on it, rather than having looked into it and that's not something that I'd endorse. My profile is colored by my perspective and I don't want everyone just mimicking it back to me! 



I guess I can tell Meta though, since after this huge post, and his claiming the Soldier who protected Clanky, it's almost 100% that he's good. Maybe he would post a gigantic post like this if he was evil, simply because he doesn't like the inactivity, but it doens't seem likely to me.


But you haven't yet in either case, even though it wouldn't have take you more than a minute to do so before passing out. 

Not blaming you though. I should've gone to bed, but I can't sleep. Just noticing an inconsistency in your supposed motivations. 



Okay, so I am suspected over the Creccio lynch train apparently. How... quaint. This is probably revealing something, but I didn't actually vote that cycle. I put my vote on Creccio in-thread, but then didn't actually vote, because I'm an idiot. (I'm referencing other SE games here.) I mostly did it to show that I was active and interested in the game, and to spark discussion, because in SE, people think, "Ooh! Red text! Let's go see who's going to die and then write about it!" You know it's true. I really didn't expect it to turn into a lynch train, and I never actually voted for him in a PM. I know that I have no way to prove this, but it's the truth.


Doesn't defend you against everything else. So who do you actually suspect then? What have you thought about the game? 

Just defending yourself is no different than what Jain has been doing. 

So you're active and interested. That means you should have some ideas by now, right?


EDIT: Couldn't sleep. I'll be on and off, but I'll try to be around until I finally do fall asleep. 

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Kind of curious why you think you're at the top of most people's lists. I revealed mine, but as far as I know, no one else has revealed theirs. Where are you getting this information? 


The only other people who have posted a list of suspicions were Clanky and Creccio. Both of them listed me and Jain in different orders. Both of them died that night. Since those were the only lists I've seen and you mentioned via PM that you felt the same,  I thought others may have been like minded.


I was going to do an analysis on a possible wgg, which led me to suspect Clanky, but before I posted it, Clanky died and was proven innocent. I mostly wanted to point out that just because they were protected didn't mean they were proven. However, with the excitement of activity Meta has provided and with the lack of counterclaiming for protecting himself and Clanky, now I'm almost sure he is good.


I've already said that Jain is my first suspicion. My other suspicions have been killed or lynched, so I'm working on getting a new list. It sounds like Alv is the next popular vote followed by Lopen. I haven't seen enough of them yet, but I will be watching them more closely.


Edited for Clarity

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That's the difficulty with me and SE. I hardly ever have suspicions, especially in this game, where we don't even have the truth of voting. It means that eliminators can say literally whatever they want, and then vote something totally different. So I don't even know how exactly it is possible to find the eliminators. At this point, I'm basically just going after more inactives. My thoughts on the game is that it is extremely hard to really do anything if you have no role. Spoilers, I have no role. It feels like I'm mostly stumbling around in the dark, and making wild pokes at people. So I don't have any suspicions, and I don't know how to get any, because the eliminators can lie without any chance of repercussions or being found out.

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