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Cycle 1: Seizing Justice

Meallin barred the outpost doors for the night. Everyone was inside now, having finished burying Mai as best they could in the hard-packed snow. The horses were fed with what little grain was left and now the dinner stew was ready. Meallin gathered all 17 traders around the table and dished out the stew.

“For now, you all get stew. But there are cultists among us; they will kill us every day until we catch them, kolo?. I’ve heard of this before. I once served a man, he went by Caan, who was one of these Cultists. He shared a story of his last outpost where he and his comrades had killed a man every night, sacrificing them in their twisted rituals until everyone in the outpost were cultists. This man, before we could arrest him, stood and told us he had changed his ways, converting to the true Jesker religion. He had shown up just to warn us. He traveled between posts, warning bartenders and traders alike of the dangers in these mountains. So, I tell you, we must find these traitors, kolo?” Meallin told the assembled traders.

Haelbare, Meallin’s assistant, slumped in his seat, stew spilling across the table. The others jumped back in surprise, a few crying out. Haelbare did not move again. Meallin sighed as his shoulders slumped. Hael had been a good assistant. In a few years, he could’ve managed his own outpost. “These cultists will not stop. Killing Haelbare was not a sacrifice, but a sign to the rest of us. They will catch us all and kill us if we don’t find them first.”

“Ratel and Merad, you two are on grave guarding duty,” Meallin assigned. “Make sure Hael’s body isn’t used for their twisted purposes.” The two large men took the body outside and began piling snow on top in a quick grave for the dead man. “Hellscythe,” what a strange name, Meallin thought again, “You and Stink clean up the spilled soup.” Meallin was tired. “With Hael’s death, you are all going to have to help out around here more, kolo? An old man like me can’t do it all.”

With that, Meallin turned and walked towards the kitchen to finish his dinner. He yelled back over his shoulder. “Make sure you find the cultists. If we kill one of them, that’s one step closer to eradicating the poor fools from our lives, kolo?”

Meallin left the traders alone to discuss as they would. He had no assumptions about these cultists and would rather the more spry individuals seek them out and take justice into their own hands. He had left his sharpest knife out on the table, after all.

Let the game begin! You should all have your role PMs now, message me if you don't. Remember that in this game, a cycle is both day and night, so you send in actions as well as vote. Also remember that votes happen via your role PM with me. Haelbarde and Elbereth are in all your PMs as well for when they help me this week. If you have any questions, just ask.

Player List:


1. Hellscythe: ???
2. IrulelikeSTINK: ???
3. Alvron: Ratel
4: Orlok: Locke Tekiel
5: Bridge Boy: Aim
6: Venture Mistborn: Alexanderand
7: Metacognition: Merad Donner
8: Ostrichofevil: Lord Ostrich Malescei Tekiel
9: Creccio: Inor Haze
10: Kaid: Delen Valavan
11: Bort: Borter Clams
12: Phattemer: Seixa
13: Shallan: Citona Vinid
14: Clanky: Claan
15: TheMightyLopen: Kaloo
16: Lightsworn Panda: Jain
17: Elkanah: AL

The cycle will end in about 24 hours from now at 22:30 GMT/15:30 MDT.



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Just one question, this game is set in a snowstorm... right?




Lets all hug each other and survive... no need to kill each other... right?


Anyway, Good luck and have fun 

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Claan was sitting near the firs still trying to warm up after being out in the snow for so long. He was listening to the story Meallin told and almost fell off his chair upon hearing "he went by Claan, who was one of these Cultists."


Was I just accused of being a cultist?


Several of the other guests at the outpost took a look over at him when they saw his sudden movement. The looks didn't last long as everyone was listening raptly to Maelins story. 


Why would he do that? I've never even talked to this man before!


Claan prepared himself to make his escape from the outpost only to realize that nobody was even paying attention to him. 


What? Didn't I just get accused of murder and trying to kill everyone here? Why doesn't anyone care? "he went by Caan" Caan! Not Claan! That's why I'm not getting killed. I hope people don't talk about this Caan guy too much. It could make me really confused and then really dead.

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There is a living Seon Holder, so you may all PM freely, as long as you include me in the PMs.

A tied lynch vote will result in a coin toss over who dies.

A Soldier can protect themselves.

Any clarifications asked in PMs will be revealed in the thread to make sure everyone is on the same page.

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Merad eyed Ratel as they dug the impromptu grave. If the other man wasn't there, he would've cut off a chunk of Haelbare to add some much needed flavor to his stew. Instead, he'd have to sprinkle in the last of his jerky and hope that he'd get a chance to dig up either Mai or Haelbare later. 


Merad wasn't sure what to think of these Cultists. On one hand, they were killing off his meals, which meant that the meat might spoil. On the other hand, it was plenty cold outside and burying the bodies in the snow worked just about as well as any rudimentary freezer would. 


At least they weren't trying to actually eat any of them. They were his meat!




Okay, so we'd better get the ball rolling here. I'm sure most of you are aware of this, but we really do need to be talking in thread. By relying on PMs, we're just giving the Cultists a way to divide us up and take care of us one by one. PMs aren't really all that helpful for us until there's at least some trust already built up. 


I don't have any brilliant plans or anything to help us find the Cultists at this time, but I'll be thinking about it during dinner andn I'll be back afterwards and we'll see what's up by then. 

Remember everyone, it's a QF, so our time is short. We need everyone to check in as soon as they can to give us at least something to go off of!

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I was actually really confused at first when Maill had Caan in the write-up and thought I was going to get killed before having a chance to play.


Anyhow back to the game, as Meta we do need to start this off quick if don't want cycle 1 to be a waste. Lopen, I saw you checking the thread.


EDIT: Colour

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Yeah, I'm here.  :P


Here's some advice I guess: BE ACTIVE!!! For obvious reasons of course, but I would like to point out that if you are completely inactive for 2 Cycles, you will be killed off. So to those of you who are inactive sometimes(Venture, Phattemer and Shallan to name a few), please make it a point to join in as often as you can.


I'll put my vote on ostrichofevil. How's it going?


Edit: Oh yeah, PM's count as being active(although, as Meta said, talking in the thread would be best). I was thinking one way to use PM's could be to try to get quiet/inactive players to add something. I think this could be a good method to uphold the Contribution Crusade in a way, since we don't really want to kill inactives as much as we want them to contribute.

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Any role except "Follower of the Mysteries" can be on any team.

Soldier's come before the lynch and therefore can protect from it.


That's kinda cool. Based on this I think we can safely say that despite the possibility of any role being on any team that the cultists won't have a soldier.


Also Lopen I removed my vote. 


EDIT: Spelling/Grammar

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Also Lopen I removed my vote. 

Something to remember is that this game, votes are made via PM.  In other words who you vote for in thread doesn't have to be the same as who your main vote is for.  We will only see the final votes once the write up is posted.

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Merad wasn't so sure that Claan's claim that one of the Cultists couldn't be a Jindoeese warrior. After all, during his months freezing in the valley, he had contemplated a few ways in which that might be possible. In either case, it probably wasn't a good idea to remove the option as a possibility so soon. 


Could Claan be trying to nudge people towards not suspecting a role that he knew the Cultists had, by being one himself? 


He'd have to keep an eye on him. It might be in his best interests to finish off these Cultists. After all, they might actually try to kill him!



EDIT: Ratel makes a very good point, but the ones that are most likely to change their vote from what they state in thread will be the Cultists. Still, we need to be aware of this from the beginning or else, like with LG15a, we're likely to make mistakes that cost us the game. 

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Something to remember is that this game, votes are made via PM.  In other words who you vote for in thread doesn't have to be the same as who your main vote is for.  We will only see the final votes once the write up is posted.


Yep I know but it is still good to have an in-thread reminder of votes. It helps keep people honest and makes it easier to keep track of for vote counts if we still do the red and green in thread.

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EDIT: Ratel makes a very good point, but the ones that are most likely to change their vote from what they state in thread will be the Cultists. Still, we need to be aware of this from the beginning or else, like with LG15a, we're likely to make mistakes that cost us the game. 


Yep I know but it is still good to have an in-thread reminder of votes. It helps keep people honest and makes it easier to keep track of for vote counts if we still do the red and green in thread.


Not really.  Last time round the Cultists were honest with who they were voting for while others didn't say who they were going for so all the attention went on the innocents.  At least for the first three cycles which was enough for us to win the game. :lol:

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Yeah, I agree; probably best if we don't try to be too clever, especially when it comes to voting. We're also likely not going to have a whole lot of turns this game as well. I'd estimate the Cultists to be anywhere from 2-5, with 4 being the most likely number. With 17 players and 2 of them likely dying a cycle, it'll be over in about 6 cycles or so and that's if everyone is active! 



EDIT: So as to not double post, I created this list based off of who has had the possibility of seeing what their role is in this game and whether they have spoken up. Seen + Spoken obviously means that they've been in thread so far, Seen means that they've were online after the game began, and Not Seen means they haven't been online since the game has started. 


Now, this is by no means a list of suspicions or anything. Someone who hasn't been online yet could very well have gotten an email notification and thus already know their role. On the other side of the coin, someone that was online after the game had started might have been on another part of the forum and still hasn't checked their PMs. There's no real way to tell at this point. 

That said, I would like to hear from those that have Seen next to their name on why they haven't spoken up in thread yet. It could be that they've been busy planning in a Doc or a PM with the other Cultists.*

1. Hellscythe: Seen + Spoken
2. IrulelikeSTINK: Seen
3. Alvron: Seen + Spoken
4: Orlok: Seen
5: Bridge Boy: Not Seen
6: Venture Mistborn: Not Seen
7: Metacognition: Seen + Spoken
8: Ostrichofevil: Not Seen
9: Creccio: Seen + Spoken
10: Kaid: Not Seen
11: Bort: Not Seen
12: Phattemer: Really Not Seen
13: Shallan: Not Seen
14: Clanky: Seen + Spoken
15: TheMightyLopen: Seen + Spoken
16: Lightsworn Panda: Not Seen
17: Elkanah: Seen
*Speaking of: Mail- I doubt you'll answer, but did the Cultists get a Doc or PM?
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Not really.  Last time round the Cultists were honest with who they were voting for while others didn't say who they were going for so all the attention went on the innocents.  At least for the first three cycles which was enough for us to win the game. :lol:


Are their any other mistakes that were made in the first run of this game that we should be aware of?

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Are their any other mistakes that were made in the first run of this game that we should be aware of?

Well, don't vote for yourself for one.  Joe did that and it ended up being the tiebreaker vote. :lol:

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