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Cycle 3: Missing Persons

Meallin sighed. No one had seen Lord Tekiel for over an hour now. Two hours alone and exposed to the elements was a death sentence in these parts. Must be kayana, that one. He shook his head. “Hey, we’ve got some kayana who’s not checked in yet. Someone should go find him.” He was pleased to see a half a dozen traders volunteer to go look for them. It only took a quarter of an hour, before one of them returned, dragging the body of the poor fool. Lord Ostrich Malescei Tekiel had died of exposure.

He waited for another twenty minutes or so for the others to return, but none of them did. Finally, he realized he was going to have to go out there himself, and call them back. Donning his thick winter cloak, he ventured out into the elements. He started out by following the grove marks made by the body of Lord Tekiel being dragged. After ten minutes without seeing another soul, he doubled back, only to find a corpse on his way back. It was Hellscythe. The man’s neck was cut, and on the snow beside him the words ‘Filthy cultist’ were scrawled in the man’s only blood. He quickly inspected the body, but sadly found no evidence to incriminate the man. At least they were finally doing something about the problem.

Meallin turned from the sight of Hellscythe’s body, only to see a cloaked figure standing not ten yards away, on a short hill.. Where did he come from? He began to walk up the hill towards the figure. At the top he stopped, confused. Where did he go? Meallin took a short step forwards, searching for any place the trader might have hidden, and nearly stepped on a body.

He knelt beside Claan, worried, but was relieved to find a pulse. He’d only been knocked out, not killed. With a grunt, he hoisted Claan to his shoulder and continued back to the outpost.

After Claan was brought inside and warmed, he woke, though he didn’t have much to tell.
“There was a scuffle of some sort behind me,” he said. “Someone said, ‘goodbye’, directly behind me. I didn’t even know there was anyone there. Before I could even turn around, I was knocked out, I think.”

Meallin frowned. “Well, at least you’re not dead. We should be grateful for that, I suppose.” Maybe that Jindo soldier saved him.

Finally getting back to the outpost, he found not one but three messages graffitied on opposite walls. One at least looked like poetry, another just looked like some weird advertising, with the last just being gibberish. “I swear, if I find who wrote those messages…”

Kolo Kayana,
What a wonderful phrase,
Kolo Kayana,
Ain't no passin' craze.

It means no worries, for the rest of my days,
It's a problem free philosophy...
Kolo Kayana!

Hello fellows, you may call me Ookla. I wish to help vanquish those who would kill us. For this purpose, I suggest looking more closely at those with names that begin with C. If 'Ookla save us' is posted by 10 different people in this cycle, I will reveal myself.

Os sa I yarp, detimilnu edalb skrow.
Tey, esoht sdnah lliw reven dloh gnihtyna
Evah dootshtiw niap ot etaerc ynam 
Nwonknu ot Htaed, Ron nwonk ot Efil
I evah detaerc revo a dnasuoht sedalb
Leets si ym ydob dna erif si ym doolb
I ma eht enob fo ym drows.

Hellscythe was lynched. He was a Seon Holder!
Lord Ostrich Malescei Tekiel(ostrichofevil) died of inactivity. They were a Regular Trader!
Claan was attacked, but didn’t die!

Hellscythe (3): Locke Tekiel(Orlok), Merad Donner(Meta), Claan(Clanky)
Locke Tekiel(Orlok) (2): Hellscythe, Inor Haze(Creccio)
Inor Haze(Creccio) (1): Ratel(Alvron)
Aim(Bridge Boy) (1): Kaloo(Lopen)
Lord Ostrich Malescei Tekiel(ostrichofevil) (1): AL(Elkanah)

Player List:


1. Hellscythe: ???Seon Holder
2. IrulelikeSTINK: ???
3. Alvron: Ratel
4: Orlok: Locke Tekiel
5: Bridge Boy: Aim
6: Venture Mistborn: Alexanderand
7: Metacognition: Merad Donner
8: Ostrichofevil: Lord Ostrich Malescei TekielRegular Trader
9: Creccio: Inor Haze
10: Kaid: Delen Valavan
11: Bort: Borter Clams
12: Phattemer: Seixa
13: Shallan: Citona Vinid
14: Clanky: Claan
15: TheMightyLopen: Kaloo
16: Lightsworn Panda: Jain
17: Elkanah: AL

Bridge Boy, Venture Mistborn, and Shallan never showed up, and have one more cycle before they die.

The cycle will end in about 24 hours from now at 22:30 GMT/15:30 MDT.



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This keeps coming up, so hopefully this explains it all. I realized that an invulnerable soldier on either side makes it so that the other cannot win. If it's a Trader soldier, the Cultists cannot win, because they wouldn't be able to kill the soldier, thus not winning. Even if they outnumber the traders, they technically couldn't win with an invulnerable soldier running around. The exact same thing applies to a Cultist soldier.

Also, please add Hael and Elbereth to PMs as well as me so that we can be sure to catch rule violations and questions.

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Thanks Soldier I wouldn't like to die out in the cold like that.


If I didn't know any better than I would think spɹɐʍʞɔɐq ǝɥʇ ɐןʞoo was responsible for that last Rulo message. Who can really tell though? 


According to Ookla, we should be looking closer at me and Creccio. I feel as though Creccio is already being looked at quite closely and I will probably at least get questioned about the possibility of a WGG as is always the case


Ookla save us!


Also I just found out that if you click on a thread where it says the number of replies to the thread you can see exactly how many posts everybody made in the thread. Isn't that cool?

I know lots of people here already knew that but I didn't till now and think it's cool


EDIT: removed random space

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Also I just found out that if you click on a thread where it says the number of replies to the thread you can see exactly how many posts everybody made in the thread. Isn't that cool?

I know lots of people here already knew that but I didn't till now and think it's cool

*Mind blown*

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Bridge Boy, Venture Mistborn, and Shallan never showed up, and have one more cycle before they die.


That's a lot of people to lose in one turn, guys! Even if the Soldier can keep this guessing streak up, the Cultists won't have to kill any of us to win at this rate! 


There are a few people that we really haven't heard from that aren't on the list of inactivity though. People like STINK and Phatt only showed up at the beginning of last cycle and that was it. They didn't even add anything to the discussion. If you're in a PM with either of them, please let us know and if they're talking. If they're not, then that means that our GMs either forgot to add them to the list or that they're only sending in actions. They could be an Eliminator sending in the kill orders. They could also be our mysterious Soldier though, so we really need to hear from them! 


I'm going to go back through the thread and see if I can't find anything to go off of, but, considering there wasn't a lot of discussion yesterday, could the people who voted please explain why they voted as they did? I'm especially looking at Ekanah for their vote on Ostrich. I don't really see the point since it wasn't like it would make a difference; he was set to die due to inactivity as is. 


I plan on treating it as if we're going to lose 3 Villagers tomorrow due to inactivity until we learn differently, which means that we're getting really close to losing here already guys! Let's kick this into high gear! 

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Did QF 11 just become a tag...





After we talked about League of Legends in the thread, he said that day one lynches are a thing we can do to gain information and data. Then after that he votes for "peace" or "no death" or something like that and join me and Alv on the nothing happened club.


One thing I am wary of is that math like the one he shows is simply flawed. I am (again) a math major and seeing things like that irks me. It is true that blindly choosing we have that much chance, but the way this game operates is hardly blind. Even the first check is not blind. Maybe he is using maths and trying to advocate for lynchs and seem proactive but instead he is following his own agenda.


Suspicion level: He is up there with Alv. 


I've already explained why I apparently voted for a "No-Death", so I won't go over that again.


Math isn't my strong point, as you can see. Nevertheless, scanning is a slow process, and remember that this isn't an entirely mathematical game. You've got to make space and allowance for stupidity, inactivity and other human factors. We can accelerate the process that with discussion.


I don't see how I'm following my own agenda. If I wanted to, I'd just hide and turtle it out like i have done in other games. All I'm doing is advocating an opinion which you don't seem to be fond of (which is fine, as you are entitled to your own opinion of how the game runs.)




Of the two I would like to have Alv checked before Jain if not for the fact that Alv is more active and has reputation on SE of being good and experienced, so yea, there goes that.



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Hey guys! I am here, I just forgot to check the thread. I haven't done a qf for a while, so I'm unused to the 24 hour cycle. I don't have any huge suspicions, but I do think that Alv could be a little worrisome if evil, and he was involved in lg15 last I knew as well, so he might not be paying the most amount of attention to the game anyway. Oh, and I got that unlimited blade works reference, kudos to whoever put that up.

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What does (Cri) mean Jain? 


So I know people like PMs and stuff but we still need thread conversation. This game is still in a way too early stage for people to be making decisions based solely on PMs and the little that people have posted so far. 


Now voting for one of these completely inactives won't really help so I would like to hear from Lopen. You've posted a few times and placed some votes but nothing has really been backed up too much. How does PMing inactives do anything for he contribution crusade? I know that maybe people get email notifications when they get a PM but they didn't really respond to the original role PM so why yours? I should also mention that the contribution crusade is usually a bit more of a scare tactic to get people involved instead of just a gentle nudge in the right direction  ^_^


EDIT Colour

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Wow, this is my first quick fix and it feels like it's speeding through without us. For my vote, I wasted most of my time on the code and not enough time analyzing the thread. Near the end of the cycle I voted for Ostrich because I hadn't heard anything from them. I didn't realize they were going to die anyway.

Sadly, we may end up losing several traders to the freezing conditions.

I would guess with the words of mod we've received, that the cultists probably have a soldier. I don't know why else Maill would be so adamant at reminding us that there are other possibilities. If it was incorrect why wouldn't he just let us fool ourselves. Also, if he balanced the game off of that it could mean there are fewer cultists than we might expect. I also realize it was this line of thinking that slit Hellscythe's throat last cycle. I may be wrong. I don't think I am.

What does that mean for us? I'll bet the cultists kill and save one of their own to clear them. I wouldn't lynch Meta or Claan over that, but I also can only soft clear them.

At the same time, if Hellscythe was right, the traitors may have had a hand in lynching him. I'll look at that more closely in the morning

Edit: ninja'd twice. Also Ooklah save us!

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Did QF 11 just become a tag...

I did that on purpose, mostly because I could. Mailliw set a precendent for having qf11 as a tag, and then there's a checkbox for 'make first tag prefix', which results in what you see.

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Now voting for one of these completely inactives won't really help so I would like to hear from Lopen. You've posted a few times and placed some votes but nothing has really been backed up too much. How does PMing inactives do anything for he contribution crusade? I know that maybe people get email notifications when they get a PM but they didn't really respond to the original role PM so why yours? I should also mention that the contribution crusade is usually a bit more of a scare tactic to get people involved instead of just a gentle nudge in the right direction  ^_^


Well, at the time of my votes, I didn't know those players were really inactive. With Bridge Boy, he'd posted on the first Cycle, but didn't really say much, so I thought I'd try to get something out of him. I still would like to hear something from him, but I'll leave him alone for now.


With the PM idea, it wasn't just inactives. It was also players that could be lurking. I don't think we can really do anything about the completely inactives, but if we PM players that have been seen online, and then they see the PM, then depending on how they respond(if they do at all), it can help us know if they really are lurking or not. Who knows? Maybe they just forgot how quick a QF runs and a PM could help them realize the situation they're in.


I'm going to vote on Jain. It seems to me that all he's done so far is defend himself. He hasn't voted, and he hasn't really added all that much in terms of discussion. The way he's playing really reminds me of the way Winter was playing in MR9. In that game, all Winter did for the last few Cycles she was alive was defend herself. She never tried to help find and root out the eliminators, because she was one. Maybe it's just Jains style, but it seems similar to me.

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Save us Ookla Wan Kenookla. You're our only hope!


On an unrelated note, what on Earth is the whole Ookla thing about?


If the Cultists do have a Soldier, then I also think that they would attack one of their own and use the Soldier to save them, as a means of soft confirming their innocence.


Is anyone in contact with a Priest? We need to get some scanning going and a way to communicate the results back to the group. If we don't already have a scanner going like this, scan me (for your own peace of mind), then you can feed the results to me, and I will get them into the thread.



Also, with three Rolo traders (Rulo?), I'm going to take a wild guess that at least one of them is a Cultist.


Edit 2: Never mind about the Ookla thing. I found out. It is explained here.

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What does (Cri) mean Jain? \


Short for "Crying". Meant as a joke, of course, since Alv is indeed a far better player than I am. That being said, feel free to scan me first. 


I'm going to vote on Jain. It seems to me that all he's done so far is defend himself. He hasn't voted, and he hasn't really added all that much in terms of discussion. The way he's playing really reminds me of the way Winter was playing in MR9. In that game, all Winter did for the last few Cycles she was alive was defend herself. She never tried to help find and root out the eliminators, because she was one. Maybe it's just Jains style, but it seems similar to me.


Currently, I'm a bit time-gated, so I have to play passive and reactively. Once I get enough time, however, then I can start being more proactive and aggressive. And, like I said before, if I actually wanted to hide, then I wouldn't just be passive and defensive. That'd be far too conspicuous.

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I was asked in a PM to add my suspicions in the main thread, as opposed to giving them in the PM, which I probably would have done instead. So, in no particular order...



I don't know what it is about his posts, but something doesn't seem right about them. His first post asks the obvious, then tries to say let's not kill each other, let's hug instead. His second claims to have eaten all the stew (it may be worth lynching his just for this). His third is interesting. "I'm voting for Orlok, but I don't think we should kill anyone. Also, I think we have 4 Cultists, but we shouldn't talk about how many there are." Contradicting himself twice in the same post. Not bad.


His next few posts are just questioning Jain and Meta about who they think should be lynched. He finally puts forward a suspicion towards the end of cycle one, who turns out to be innocent. He even goes so far as to say he would claim in the thread (even though it was this kind of behavior that got him lynched in LG15), has nothing to hide, and is an innocent (neither of which come across as particularly convincing because what else would you expect a Cultist to say?).


Final posts of note during cycle one were about Hellscythe's posts about lynches and losing probability. It was some very rough maths by the looks of it, and I can't tell if Creccio's reply was genuine or sarcastic.


Cycle two, an interesting point. Creccio thanks the Soldier for protecting him the previous cycle, claiming to have been saved, yet Meta was the only one mentioned in the write up. Later claims to have been confused, even though he voted for no deaths, so it probably should have been obvious to him what happened. Later, Creccio puts forward Alvron and Panda as two people he would like to see scanned. Both are names already given in the thread, and neither have a huge amount of suspicion. The reason for suspecting Alvron is because Alv voted for peace. The reason for suspecting Jain was because of faulty maths, which I was fairly sure came from Hellscythe.




IRuleLikeSTINK has barely posted so far this game, quite unlike his regular play style (from what I've seen at least), and the posts he has made haven't really contributed anything, so there is very little to go on.



Since going back and rereading the thread, I am less suspicious of Lopen. It turns out he has posted more than I originally thought. But, I feel I should mention his name here because I mentioned him in the PM I spoke of at the start of this post.



Not really too suspicious of Jain, but I do think I should mention his last post before this one. "If I wanted to hide, I wouldn't be passive and defensive. Too conspicuous." I am automatically suspicious of anyone who says 'I wouldn't play like that if I were a bad guy.'


So, until further notice, my vote this cycle will be for STINK. And I will remember to get my vote sent in via PM, before 10.30pm, so I can actually have a vote count this game. Day one I forgot to PM, and yesterday, I submitted a vote two minutes too late :(


Edit: Welcome to the Hotel Ookla, guests. You can stable your own gyorns, and provide your own food. Creccio ate all of our stew.

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I could, but opening a PM would kinda defeat the point of bringing up my suspicions in public, wouldn't it? If you would like to explain yourself via PM, feel free, but there is a chance your comments may be shared here.

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