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Meallin was beginning to worry. The earlier fervor of accusation had died down to only murmurs. Everyone was drowsy, although they couldn’t completely sleep with the threat of death hanging over their head like a sharp sword. Several people had been missing for quite a while. Some had gone out to look for them, but no one had come back yet.

A draft of freezing air reached him, and he looked up to see Borter Clams and AL stumble in the door, with a couple of the people who had gone out to rescue them.

“Guess what we found outside, again,” one of them said, too encrusted with snow to be identified. “Three bodies.”

“Who?” Meallin asked with idle curiosity.

“Aim,” Locke said. “Remember that butter knife he always carried? It’s currently stuck in his heart.”

“Citona and Seixa were laid to either side of him, frozen to death,” Merad said. “They looked like they had almost reached the outpost, but didn’t quite manage it. We tried to revive them, but they were too far gone.”

Meallin sighed. “Burial detail, you know what to do.”

Jain looked up with a start from where he was lying in a corner… was he scrawling on the floor with that claw?

“What were you just doing?” Meallin asked with deceptive calmness. “Have you been carving my walls?”

Jain grinned, but didn’t answer, instead turning towards the door.

“Is he the one that wrote that message that I had such a hard time deciphering?” demanded AL. “Once you finish burying those bodies, why don’t you bury yourself, too?”

Jain shook his head and waited for AL to open the door for him. He squeezed out of the door with some difficulty, as Meallin said, “It might not have been him. Stink could have written that message, and I’m pretty sure there’s a third kayana around somewhere. Speaking of which, if I find them…” He let his voice trail off menacingly, then went back to finishing off his pie.

A while later, there was a scratching at the door. “That’ll be Jain,” said Meallin. “AL, can you open the door?”

“Why should I?” she said defiantly. “He caused me hours of wasted work.”

“It might not have been him,” Meallin repeated.

“I say we don’t let him in anyway,” said Kaloo. “He’s been eating enough to feed the rest of us combined.”

Everyone nodded in agreement, and AL didn’t get up to open the door. Meallin didn’t bother, either. There was nothing to be gained from a kayana panda who ate all the food, except strangeness. No wonder we’re not catching any Cultists. Everyone’s kayana!

Bridge Boy was killed. He was a Regular Trader!
Jain was lynched and died of inactivity. He was a Rulo!
Shallan died of inactivity. She was a Regular Trader!
Phattemer died of inactivity. He was a Regular Trader!

Jain(Lightsworn Panda) (3): Kaloo(Lopen), Aim(Bridge Boy), Elkanah(AL)
Ratel(Alvron) (1): Locke Tekiel(Orlok)
Kaloo(Lopen) (1): Merad Donner(Meta)

Player List:


1. Hellscythe: ???Seon Holder
2. IrulelikeSTINK: ???Rulo
3. Alvron: Ratel
4: Orlok: Locke Tekiel
5: Bridge Boy: AimRegular Trader
6: Venture Mistborn: Alexanderand
7: Metacognition: Merad Donner
8: Ostrichofevil: Lord Ostrich Malescei TekielRegular Trader
9: Creccio: Inor HazeRegular Trader
10: Kaid: Delen Valavan
11: Bort: Borter Clams
12: Phattemer: SeixaRegular Trader
13: Shallan: Citona VinidRegular Trader
14: Clanky: ClaanRegular Trader
15: TheMightyLopen: Kaloo
16: Lightsworn Panda: JainRulo
17: Elkanah: AL

Kaid has not been seen this cycle, and has one more cycle before he freezes to death!

The cycle will end in about 24 hours from now at 22:30 GMT/15:30 MDT.



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If there are 4 Cultists, then they already equal our numbers, as there are now 8 players left (your player list is off guys!). So that means that there are likely 3 or less of them and if we can get one, we're still in the running. 

Lopen said that he isn't the Soldier that protected him and that Soldier still hasn't come forward. As such, I think they're a Cultist. I would call for Lopen to be lynched, but I'm pretty sure that we'd find him protected. Everyone, look over the game for connections to Lopen! I'll be doing the same. 


Edit: we can't get this lynch wrong and we absolutely need everyone involved in this one if we're going to win. 

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I agree with meta that lopen has been very suspicious. he hasn't been marked as inactive yet, but there have been multiple cycles wherein he hasn't posted anything.

Even more suspicious to me is how he's stayed active, but hasn't defended himself.

My vote is on Lopen today.

Also there's only half an hour left. Please everyone post something.we can't afford any more inactivity deaths... unless you're a traitor, then I'm happy not to hear from you.

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Merad stood at the stove. He was making his own flavor of stew for everyone, considering that he planned to leave in the night. This outpost was getting a little too uncomfortable for him so he had crafted a sled out of fallen tree limbs and whenever he was on burial duty, he had cut off a couple of chunks of flesh for himself; enough to get him through the pass he hoped. 


He found it slightly ironic that his time here at the outpost started with stew and now it would end with stew as well. Of course, they'd never tasted anything like his stew. It would be the treat he left them with. 


He took a sip of the broth. It was just about time. 


"Soups on!" He called to the remaining survivors.

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Cycle 7: Twice-Saved

Kaloo was again pushed towards the door. Ratel and Merad, the two biggest traders in the outpost were aided by Borter and Locke, no shrimps themselves. Kaloo couldn’t fight them off, but, oh, did he try. It was too little, too late, however, as they shoved him out the door and slammed it shut in his face, leaving him to freeze. This wasn’t the first time Kaloo had been forced outside, but that time it had just been Ratel. Now Ratel had gained support and Kaloo had no chance to get inside, not past all four. He began hoping for the Jindo man to come once again, but he knew it was a hopeless dream brought on by desperation.

Meallin finally managed to clean up all those Doloken-cursed messages! The kayana folk had left them everywhere, but after a few days, the outpost was back to its regular cleanliness, much to Meallin’s satisfaction. As he finished washing the utensils, a banging noise came from the back. He spun, expecting hooded cultists to slice and dice him to pieces. What he saw instead shocked him more.

Kaloo stood, blue in the lips and trembling from the cold, next to a masked man. He was bulky, muscular in the way only a man trained in war ever was. The scars that ringed his arms proved his experience. In a gravelly voice, the masked man said, “I saved him once, this makes twice. I’m beginning to get frustrated. Stop this. Kolo?” With that, the man dashed out the door, slamming it behind him, leaving Kaloo inside the outpost.

Meallin was dazed. Had Kaloo really been saved a second time? He supposed Kaloo was not meant to die in the cold. Not as long as that Soldier was alive, at least. He heaped some of the surprise stew he had found on the counter into a bowl and slid it over to Kaloo and started a fire.

In the morning, Meallin found another corpse outside. No, the crimson stains weren’t close enough to the corpse for them to belong to it. He approached the corpse closer and didn’t see any cuts. He rolled the body over and saw Delen clutching a sword. The man had left a couple days before and no one had heard from him since. Meallin sighed. This was why no one could leave until the cultists were taken care of.

He checked the blood stains and found remnants of a cloak and bits and pieces of flesh. One of the fabric pieces was bright green: it was Alexanderand’s. He went inside and banged on the trader’s door. After no response, he used his master key to open the door. His suspicions were confirmed. The room showed signs of a struggle and Alexanderand was nowhere to be found. The cultists had sacrificed again.

Alexanderand(Venture Mistborn) died! He was a Regular Trader.
Kaloo(TheMightyLopen) was lynched, but survived!
Delen Valaven(Kaid) froze to death! He was a Jindoeese Soldier.

Kaloo(Lopen) (4): Ratel(Alv), Merad(Meta), Borter(Bort), Locke(Orlok)
Merad(Meta) (1): Kaloo(Lopen)
Ratel(Alvron) (1): AL(Elkanah)

Player List:


1. Hellscythe: ???Seon Holder
2. IrulelikeSTINK: ???Rulo
3. Alvron: Ratel
4: Orlok: Locke Tekiel
5: Bridge Boy: AimRegular Trader
6: Venture Mistborn: AlexanderandRegular Trader
7: Metacognition: Merad Donner
8: Ostrichofevil: Lord Ostrich Malescei TekielRegular Trader
9: Creccio: Inor HazeRegular Trader
10: Kaid: Delen ValavanJindoeese Solder
11: Bort: Borter Clams
12: Phattemer: SeixaRegular Trader
13: Shallan: Citona VinidRegular Trader
14: Clanky: ClaanRegular Trader
15: TheMightyLopen: Kaloo
16: Lightsworn Panda: JainRulo
17: Elkanah: AL

The cycle will end in about 24 hours from now at 22:30 GMT/15:30 MDT.



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Well played Cultists. Assuming four of you, this is the final round as there are only six people left, and none of you have been caught. Now you have enough to control the lynch and take your sacrifice.

Hey, perhaps you liked my sule music earlier in the storm? Take me with you instead of killing me. I can entertain the cult with renditions of Kolo Kayana.

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QF11 Aftermath: Final Sacrifice

AL listened as Locke Tekiel whispered to him, quietly so that no one else could hear. Merad had been leading everyone around by the nose. He had been the one so certain of the cultists, so sure that they had saved Kaloo. What Locke said made sense. The shadows grew long as AL debated his decision. Did he listen to Merad and go after Kaloo for a third time? Or follow Locke’s shadow and turn on Merad himself. He debated as he ate the last vestiges of Merad’s stew. The flavor was . . . interesting, to say the least.

Meallin stepped out of the kitchen towards AL. AL saw the knife in his hand and felt his heart sink. The outpost’s owner? No. It couldn’t be. He stood up and began backing away, but he bumped into something solid. “Too late,” it whispered. AL turned slowly and saw Locke grinning from ear to ear, a short knife in his hand as well.

“No!” AL turned to run, but another shadowy figure, larger than Locke’s, blocked his path. The man’s skin was a few shades darker than AL’s own. A Jindo. It all began falling in place now for AL. The last cultist then, must be--his thought was interrupted as he was yanked to the ground by Locke. A third man joined them. AL heard the whispered mantra between Locke and his large friend, “Followers prosper. The others remember. We only kill because my family needs the food.”


“We only kill because we must.”


“We only kill because we fell in with bad company.”


“We only kill because it’s heaps of fun!”

“Followers!” The last lines were shouted, frightening AL. He struggled against the two men, but could not prevail. His vision began blurring around the edges.

Meallin laughed. He had watched the Followers of the Mysteries, the Jeskeri cultists, make their sacrifices every night. Every day, he had provided a means for the traders to kill one another as well. Now, he could join the cultists officially. His knife was the tool for the final step. He sliced his arm as he spoke, “Sule, Dor, accept my sacrifice. My devotion is to you, and to you only.” As he finished speaking, he brought the knife out of his arm and down into AL’s chest.

The man looked off to the side as the knife entered his torso. “You!” he exclaimed. “I knew it, Borter. It was you.” Confused, Meallin looked over at Kaloo. The priest shrugged. The others held AL down while Meallin finished the flaying. The sacrifice made, Meallin was now a full member of the Mysteries. His bleeding arm wrapped, Meallin rejoiced.

Merad crept down the stairs, followed by Borter. Ratel spun and saw Merad and prepared himself to battle. Kaloo stepped forward, a Priest of Jesker who had investigated the Mysteries for far too long to have kept himself aloof. “You! I knew it all along!” Merad shouted at Kaloo as he rushed to kill him. Ratel stepped in front of Kaloo, removing his hood, revealing his Jindo background. Merad stopped short in his tracks. Another Jindo? Merad had hidden his lineage, but had never thought that Ratel would also be of the same race. The betrayal was made all the more worse because of it.

“I’m sorry,” Ratel said. “We saved you for last, but now we have no choice.” Merad stepped back, but the three cultists all followed him. They attempted to force him out the door into a large snowdrift, but Merad’s training kicked in. He began the ChayShan ritual and fought back valiantly. Ratel matched him step for step, block for block, strike for strike. Merad called for Borter to help, but the fool stepped out of the way.

“Borter! Are you kayana? Help me out!” Merad called.

“Why, yes, yes, I am,” Borter replied. “Kolo kayana.” He moved to the side of the cultists and let them surround Merad. “Might I join you? This all looks like my kind of fun. I can sing for you all.” Locke shrugged.

“Kill Merad.” Locke handed over his knife. Borter laughed, the laugh of a man not quite right in the mind. Ratel and Kaloo had finally grabbed Merad and held him down against the ground. Borter took the knife and slashed, but Merad jerked out of the way just in time. The knife hit the ground next to his neck. Ratel sighed.

“Hold him. I’ll do it,” Ratel said. Borter took his place and Locke held Merad’s head down. “Sule, you went for Kaloo too many times. For that, I’ll have your heart.” Ratel lunged, stabbing right between Merad’s ribs. He cut around the final sacrifice’s heart and pulled it out. “This is mine. Kolo?” Ratel tucked the heart in his cloak as a memento. One piece closer.

“Borter, Meallin, welcome to our ranks,” Locke said. “As soon as this winter passes, we’ll continue on our way and fulfill Jesker’s will.” They all grinned and sat around the table, eating one more meal of stew as the snow began to melt just the slightest bit.

AL(Elkanah) was killed! He was a Regular Trader!
Meta was lynched, but didn’t die! He was then sacrificed!
The Followers of the Mysteries win!

Merad Donner(Meta) (3): Kaloo(Lopen), Ratel(Alvron), Locke Tekiel(Orlok)
Kaloo(Lopen) (1): Merad Donner(Meta)

Thank you all for playing my game! I had a blast and I hope you did too. Thanks especially to Haelbarde and Elbereth for keeping the game going while I was busy, I owe them one. I’ll have my thoughts on the game up later tonight. Feel free to comment on the game now, anyone, living or dead. Thank you all again!

Player List:


1. Hellscythe: ???Seon Holder
2. IrulelikeSTINK: ???Rulo
3. Alvron: Ratel Cultist Soldier
4: Orlok: Locke Tekiel Cultist Seon Holder
5: Bridge Boy: AimRegular Trader
6: Venture Mistborn: AlexanderandRegular Trader
7: Metacognition: Merad Donner Jindoeese Solder
8: Ostrichofevil: Lord Ostrich Malescei TekielRegular Trader
9: Creccio: Inor HazeRegular Trader
10: Kaid: Delen ValavanJindoeese Solder
11: Bort: Borter Clams Trader Rulo
12: Phattemer: SeixaRegular Trader
13: Shallan: Citona VinidRegular Trader
14: Clanky: ClaanRegular Trader
15: TheMightyLopen: Kaloo Cultist Priest of Jesker
16: Lightsworn Panda: JainRulo
17: Elkanah: ALRegular Trader

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I should've stayed with my gut. I had Lopen and Alv pegged on day 1! >.< 


Well played, guys. I mean, we basically killed ourselves with the huge level of inactivity this game, but even without it, you guys did a great job of using it to your advantage. 


Hopefully this game will showcase how important it is to speak up and be active. Everyone going pretty much silent gave you all the perfect hiding place the entire game. 


Sorry to everyone I wound up not trusting; especially Elkanah and Creccio. Elkanah, your guesses just seemed a little too on the money for me to think that they were actual guesses, IMO. Turns out you were right and that means you'll be a force to watch out for for any Eliminators in future games, IMO! 

So you got your chance at my heart after all, Alv. Good for you. Just be aware, I'm coming to get it back now. You're forewarned.  B)

EDIT: So I take it there wasn't a doc for the Cultists?

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I should've stayed with my gut. I had Lopen and Alv pegged on day 1! >.< 


So you got your chance at my heart after all, Alv. Good for you. Just be aware, I'm coming to get it back now. You're forewarned.  B)

If I hadn't been caught up with work then most likely you would've caught me.  However, I didn't try and weasel out of your idea at the start.  I truly don't do discussions much so my response would've been the same either way.  I prefer to simply state my thoughts and move on.


Indeed I did, thanks to Maill.  Feel free to try and reclaim it.  I have plans for that heart and I'm not going to give it up without a fight.



Thanks for GMing the game Maill, Haelbarde and Elbereth.  I enjoyed playing and really liked that my first evil character in the original QF was evil again in the rerun.

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I should've stayed with my gut. I had Lopen and Alv pegged on day 1! >.< 


Yeah, you really did. I'm kinda surprised I survived to the end(my first survival in these games!!  :lol: ). Good game Meta. If you had had a little more cooperation from the rest of the village, I probably would have been toast. 


To answer Wilson(I think it was her) about why I didn't try using my role(Priest) to team up with Meta after the first Cycle. I thought there was a good chance that there was a Trader Priest, and if there was, they might have scanned Meta that first Cycle and contacted him. Meta had already voiced suspicion of me for ignoring his suspicion of Alv(not a good move by me, I know), so I thought if there had been 2 Priests that claimed to him, he might push for my death over the other option, and if I had died and been revealed as a Cultist, he might have pushed for Alv's death because of my earlier mistake. So really, I didn't think it was worth it to try. Or rather, the risk was too big in my mind.


Many thanks to the GM's, Mailliw, Haelbarde and Elbereth! It was a great game, and I really had fun trying to hold off Meta for as long as I could!  :D

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Also putting it out there that Elbereth did a ton more work on this than I. She did most of the action tracking once we started helping out, and although I wrote half of the first write up after we took over and helped brainstorm the second, she did most of the writing. It was Elbereth running the show and me helping out her! So hats off to Elbereth!

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Also putting it out there that Elbereth did a ton more work on this than I. She did most of the action tracking once we started helping out, and although I wrote half of the first write up after we took over and helped brainstorm the second, she did most of the writing. It was Elbereth running the show and me helping out her! So hats off to Elbereth!

I second this wholeheartedly. She helped out with the actions a ton.

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