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Ada, did you forget? I'm a blind snitch. So, it really wouldn't be anyone's fault. Unless kip lied of course. Well have to look out for that.


I just clarified this. Blind players are not guaranteed to fail. It appears you succeeded in both targets, especially now that Meta has admitted to being a Traitor (am I reading his statement wrong?).


I don't think he's a Eliminator. I think that the Note was fudged by either Mark being a Blind Snitch or Meta being a Compulsive Liar, based on what has been discussed today. Later in this post, you said you think the Note is faulty. Plus there's already a lynch train on Meta, so rather than add my own vote, I'll be searching for an item.


Once again, he just admitted to being evil. At the very least I don't understand why he wouldn't fight it until the end, saying something along the lines of "since it has been proven I'm not a Compulsive Liar and you are all about to see I'm innocent, I suggest that you look at these players for these reasons" instead of what effectively boils down to "and I almost would have gotten away for it too if it weren't for that meddling Kipper!"


I once again have to reiterate that Meta is not a Compulsive Liar unless Hellscythe was lying about having tracked him and received the result Clanky, and given his reaction to it I have no reason to believe that Hellscythe was not telling the truth (unless he is a Traitor as well and it was decided that he throw him under the bus in order to gain trust - I, however, doubt this because that would either mean that they began with two Beggars or Hellscythe effectively outed himself as a Traitor for no reason because now we are going to expect him to tell us accurate results every cycle).


Since we still have a couple hours left I want to propose that for sure neither Mark or Hellscythe vote for Meta. That way we can have a Mortician scan his corpse to confirm if either of them are telling the truth about visiting him. If either do not appear to have visited him than it is proven they lied and they are likely a Traitor too. If it turns out Mark lied then for sure Kipper would be caught in a lie as well. I do, however, suggest that Kipper, Clanky and myself for sure vote for him. Kipper because of his insistence not to vote for him, Clanky due to the fact that Meta said he followed him and got no result of an action taken, and myself because I am both a proven Snitch and confirmed to have used my note on a player other than Meta. Therefore if us three appear on his corpse it'll be due to the lynch and the lynch alone. If all other votes are retracted and the Traitors do not have enough vote manipulation to tie it then he's guaranteed to die and we receive the best results.

Edited by Adavantos
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Once again, he just admitted to being evil. At the very least I don't understand why he wouldn't fight it until the end, saying something along the lines of "since it has been proven I'm not a Compulsive Liar and you are all about to see I'm innocent, I suggest that you look at these players for these reasons" instead of what effectively boils down to "and I almost would have gotten away for it too if it weren't for that meddling Kipper!"


I once again have to reiterate that Meta is not a Compulsive Liar unless Hellscythe was lying about having tracked him and received the result Clanky, and given his reaction to it I have no reason to believe that Hellscythe was not telling the truth (unless he is a Traitor as well and it was decided that he throw him under the bus in order to gain trust - I, however, doubt this because that would either mean that they began with two Beggars or Hellscythe effectively outed himself as a Traitor for no reason because now we are going to expect him to tell us accurate results every cycle).


Since we still have a couple hours left I want to propose that for sure neither Mark or Hellscythe vote for Meta. That way we can have a Mortician scan his corpse to confirm if either of them are telling the truth about visiting him. If either do not appear to have visited him than it is proven they lied and they are likely a Traitor too. If it turns out Mark lied then for sure Kipper would be caught in a lie as well. I do, however, suggest that Kipper, Clanky and myself for sure vote for him. Kipper because of his insistence not to vote for him, Clanky due to the fact that Meta said he followed him and got no result of an action taken, and myself because I am both a proven Snitch and confirmed to have used my note on a player other than Meta. Therefore if us three appear on his corpse it'll be due to the lynch and the lynch alone. If all other votes are retracted and the Traitors do not have enough vote manipulation to tie it then he's guaranteed to die and we receive the best results.


I still don't think he's evil, based on Mark being Blind. It sounds more exasperated, like "Fine, you guys are gonna lynch me," and possibly even a move to get pity by voting for himself.


How would me voting for Meta prove anything about me? I already said that my plan is to search, so my vote would not count either way.

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I still don't think he's evil, based on Mark being Blind. It sounds more exasperated, like "Fine, you guys are gonna lynch me," and possibly even a move to get pity by voting for himself.


Meta admitted to being a Beggar. It would be one thing if he said he was an entirely different role, but he didn't. The likelihood of the one player replacing him happening to be the same role but opposite alignment, to me, seems incredibly unlikely. I don't believe in coincidences. I believe he did not expect to be followed by another Beggar, proving that he was not a Compulsive Liar. I believe he was found out and he thought his best excuse would be that, and as soon as Hellscythe revealed to disprove that he realized there was no defense left for him. Plus, the tone of the post where he votes for himself, and his post after, seems ridden with impure intent.


You got lucky Kipper. I thought I almost had everyone convinced. 


Would a Villager who was accused evil by a Traitor really announce that they got lucky? No. It makes no sense that they would. A villager would have most likely said something like "you're all making a terrible mistake for believing this." And now this point is unnecessary since Meta just ninja'd me, proving my point.


How would me voting for Meta prove anything about me? I already said that my plan is to search, so my vote would not count either way.


Come on, man, you're killing me. This is twice today that you have failed to read between the lines. Why do you think I would want you to not search and vote for Meta instead, rather than any other player? The fact that I have to address something like this again defeats any effort I've made so far to try and protect you.

Edited by Adavantos
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Come on, man, you're killing me. This is twice today that you have failed to read between the lines. Why do you think I would want you to not search and vote for Meta instead, rather than any other player? The fact that I have to address something like this again defeats any effort I've made so far to try and protect you.


I apologize sincerely. Of course, coming from the guy who completely failed to read between the lines of my first two posts today, I'm not feeling that guilty. :P Meta.

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I apologize sincerely. Of course, coming from the guy who completely failed to read between the lines of my first two posts today, I'm not feeling that guilty. :P Meta.


I can't wait for turn over so you and I can talk about this in private >.>


If there's a second Bodyguard out there, I would appreciate it very much if you informed me tonight, since apparently Kipper insists on being a reckless slontze.

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I can't wait for turn over so you and I can talk about this in private >.>


If there's a second Bodyguard out there, I would appreciate it very much if you informed me tonight, since apparently Kipper insists on being a reckless slontze.

Okay, Daddy, I'm ready to be disciplined. Do you want me to bring the paddle, or do you already have one?

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Okay guys, so here's the deal. I lied. I'm not actually a Traitor, as you're soon going to see. What I do have is the Living Legend side role. I claimed to be evil to give you guys one last helping hand. See, the Traitors would know that I was lying about being evil and would thus know that something was up with my decision to claim to be a Traitor. 


Thus, the people who voted for me after my reveal (Twei, Ada, Kipper*) are likely Loyalists. I'm not saying that they couldn't be Traitors, just that I find it to be far more unlikely. 


I also have a list here of people who were online and checking the thread after my reveal and didn't vote for me. There are two possible reasons for such: 

  1. They're Loyalists that felt like I already had enough votes on me. Or,
  2. They're Traitors that smelled a trap since they knew I wasn't a Traitor and decided not to vote for me. 

My point being that I would not trust any of them explicitly without additional proof and I wouldn't be surprised to find out that there is at least one Traitor among them. Those people are: Hellscythe, Kipper*, Mark IV, Araris, Kynedath. Somewhat Burnt.


The people who voted for me before my "reveal" could go either way, but I'd be wary of anyone whose vote drops off of me as well. That means that they very well could've switched to searching once I "revealed" and thus avoided the trap. 


*Note: You'll notice that Kipper is on both lists. This is because he worked so hard to keep from voting for me. It took me spelling it out for him and Ada dragging him along before he finally did. Very suspicious, IMO. Almost as if he was trying to avoid it because he knew something was wrong....


So, that's all I got. I'm going out swinging and I've tried to help out one last time by hopefully getting the Traitors to reveal themselves a bit more. Also, hopefully, I've locked a few of them from acting during the Night as well. I'd say I'm sorry to any fellow Loyalists that wind up getting caught in this, but I'm not. You guys did kill me based on the word of a supposed Blind Snitch! :P

Edited by Metacognition
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Night Two: Celebrations?

The music was blaring from mobiles, the drink was flowing from bottles and the food was dropped on the floor.  They had caught one of the traitors, confessed from his own mouth, and were just awaiting for Anamax to strike the final blow.

Spirits were high as Metrick was tied up and pushed towards the stool that was to become an improvised chopping block.  Metrick however wasn’t listening to the jeers and taunts that everyone threw his way.  Instead the music pulled up memories that threatened to swallow him whole.



His mother smiled as Metrick went to the party.  Metrick was only invited because he was in the same class as the child whose parents were having the party and they had invited the whole class to their backyard.  However no one else really wanted Metrick to be there.  They feared him and stayed as far away as possible whenever he was around.

It wasn’t Metrick’s fault exactly, he just acted the way he thought he was supposed to act.

He heard his father hit his mother several times over the years and suffered the same fate on more than one occasion.  But his father would always say he loved them afterwards as he hugged them so Metrick thought that was how one showed their love.

He saw the same on the playgrounds where other children played.  One moment they were fighting, the next they were laughing and playing together.  So it seemed natural when he started doing the same to others but for some reason they shunned him instead of embracing him.  He tried harder but that only made things worse.  It wasn’t long until he found himself alone on the playgrounds.

So at the party it was no surprise that no one talked to Metrick and when he drew near a group playing they would break apart and reform on the other side of the yard.  So instead he sat with a plate of cake to wait for his mom to come and pick him up.

A pair of oversized shoes invaded his view of the lawn at his feet.

“What have we here?  All alone on such a happy day?  We can’t have that.”

It was a jolly voice.  One that spoke of rainbows and happiness.  A voice that spoke of times when people liked him, played with him.  The clown hired by the family had wandered over.  The other children had followed the clown but they hung back.

Pulling out a long balloon the clown twisted and contorted it into an animal.

“Here ya go Skippy.  Chin up.  It won’t always be like this.”


Metrick blinked returning his mind to the present.  He knelt over the makeshift chopping block, his neck exposed for the headsman's axe.  But Metrick wasn’t worried, he was an Epic and no axe could kill him.  Already he was planning to displace part of the axehead making it appear as if it struck him only for him to stand up and bow before the eyes on the onlookers.  One last prank before disappearing into the oncoming night.


Metrick loved giraffes ever since he saw them in the zoo several years ago.  He would beg his mother to take him to the zoo every other weekend.  He loved their long necks and wondered what sights one could see from up there.  He would spend all day with his gentle giants but the zoo closed at night and once again he went home to face his father.

Once home he immediately saw that his father had been drinking.  Empty bottles lay on the floor along with a scattering of cigarette butts.

Metrick quietly went to his room, not wanting to incur his father's wrath at being woken up.  He pulled out a couple of his dresser drawers and reached into the space behind where he kept his most prized possession.  The balloon giraffe given to him just a week ago by the clown.

The bedroom door slammed open and his father’s shadow filled the space.

“What’s this?  You bring me a present, boy?  Well, hand it over.”

Metrick moved quickly and put his giraffe on his bed and standing in front of it so his father couldn’t get it.  His father stepped forward, his face looking like a thundercloud but his foot caught on the rug and he hit the floor hard.  Soon snoring could be heard.

Metrick let out a sigh of relief and  sat down.  There was a soft pop.  A look of horror pasted itself on Metricks face as he slowly turned around.  Sure enough, the balloon giraffe was gone.

Metrick wept into his pillow for most of the night before sleep finally overcame him.


“Any last words?”

Metrick smirked.  Last words?  Oh he had plenty of those but they would wait until after his prank.  What better time than when everyone’s eyes were bulging and mouths hung open.

Nodding to Anamax, Seid stepped back.  “Very well.”

Metrick turned his head to the side so he could see those watching.  Let them see my smile. he thought.  But they weren’t watching him.  Instead they were playing with balloons.  Mock fights with balloon swords and shields, various balloon animals lay scattered at their feet while balloon crowns encircled their heads.

A shock ran through Metrick.  How could they know?


Too late.  The axe was failing and it couldn’t be stopped.

Metrick (Metacognition) was a Beggar with Duct Tape. The Duct Tape has been given to one of his lynchers.

Night Two has started and will last 24 hours.
PMs are once again open.

Vote Tally:
Michael Durbin (Adavantos) (0): Milton/Altermind (Maill)
Rance Idsmill (IrulelikeSTINK): (0) Avis (Hellscythe)
Metrick (Metacognition): (6) Michael Durbin (Adavantos), Locke (OrlokTsubodai), Exisa (phattemer), Clanky (Clanky), Theresa (twelfthrootoftwo), Metrick (Metacognition), Krippe the Krippling (Kipper)
Krippe the Krippling (Kipper): (0) Rance Idsmill (IrulelikeSTINK)
Avis (Hellscythe): (1) Ereth (Elbereth)

Edited by Alvron
Write up finally done.
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Wow. So, atleast now we know that there is 1 evil Beggar.

Also, in response to meta's post, I hadn't voted for him because, if you look at my posts, I was erring on the side of my blindness affecting my target. After all, there was just a 25 per cent chance of me targeting meta and kipper correctly.

Sorry meta. We shouldn't have killed you.

Now, I feel sad. :(

EDIT : Typos.

Edited by Mark IV
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Sorry for not taking my vote off you, Hellscythe. I was going to, but I was gone for four hours before turnover and got back later than I expected, so I didn't get the chance to. But it looks like my vote was taken off anyway, so that's good, I guess. (I also forgot to search, so it's not because of that.)

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Meta's last post, in case anyone missed it:



Okay guys, so here's the deal. I lied. I'm not actually a Traitor, as you're soon going to see. What I do have is the Living Legend side role. I claimed to be evil to give you guys one last helping hand. See, the Traitors would know that I was lying about being evil and would thus know that something was up with my decision to claim to be a Traitor. 


Thus, the people who voted for me after my reveal (Twei, Ada, Kipper*) are likely Loyalists. I'm not saying that they couldn't be Traitors, just that I find it to be far more unlikely. 


I also have a list here of people who were online and checking the thread after my reveal and didn't vote for me. There are two possible reasons for such: 

  1. They're Loyalists that felt like I already had enough votes on me. Or,
  2. They're Traitors that smelled a trap since they knew I wasn't a Traitor and decided not to vote for me. 

My point being that I would not trust any of them explicitly without additional proof and I wouldn't be surprised to find out that there is at least one Traitor among them. Those people are: Hellscythe, Kipper*, Mark IV, Araris, Kynedath. Somewhat Burnt.


The people who voted for me before my "reveal" could go either way, but I'd be wary of anyone whose vote drops off of me as well. That means that they very well could've switched to searching once I "revealed" and thus avoided the trap. 


*Note: You'll notice that Kipper is on both lists. This is because he worked so hard to keep from voting for me. It took me spelling it out for him and Ada dragging him along before he finally did. Very suspicious, IMO. Almost as if he was trying to avoid it because he knew something was wrong....


So, that's all I got. I'm going out swinging and I've tried to help out one last time by hopefully getting the Traitors to reveal themselves a bit more. Also, hopefully, I've locked a few of them from acting during the Night as well. I'd say I'm sorry to any fellow Loyalists that wind up getting caught in this, but I'm not. You guys did kill me based on the word of a supposed Blind Snitch!  :P


Hellscythe and Mark IV claimed to use their ability on Metacognition. Since they did not vote for him, they should still appear on the list of players who visited him for the Mortician. Therefore if you are a Mortician and you see that either of them did not visit him, that means they lied and are very likely Traitors.


While I want to agree with Meta's last assessment, I basically ruined said plan by advocating that players do not vote for Meta apart from Kipper, Clanky and myself. They may have just been listening to my advice, but they also may have been Traitors not wanting to fall into a trap, as he suggests above. So for that, I am sorry.


That being said I also promise to avenge you.


For everyone's knowledge, the Living Legend side role makes it so anyone who voted for him cannot take use an action the following night. Therefore expect no new notes from tomorrow morning. That being said, I have some valuable information, however I am still waiting on some confirmation from the relevant parties before I can announce the results in thread. All of you should expect a PM from me shortly to confirm if my guess at a 75% success rate was right.

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As I was going to say (I wrote my post as the threads were being merged, so 17S ate my post and said, "You are not allowed to reply to this topic"), I didn't want to vote for Meta because at that point, I really did not believe he was an Eliminator. We knew that a Blind Snitch had targeted him, and he was clearly acting weird by saying he was an Eliminator. Really, I didn't understand why Ada was pushing it so hard.

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I am sorry for my absence last cycle, I was keeping up with the thread but I just didn't get around to posting. It was more of a laziness thing than anything else. However, I would like to point out that I had the thread open a lot and this is the first time I have seen anything about a reveal from Meta about being evil. During next cycle I have almost zero responsibilities IRL, so if I don't make a substantial post then please lynch me.

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Sorry for not taking my vote off you, Hellscythe. I was going to, but I was gone for four hours before turnover and got back later than I expected, so I didn't get the chance to. But it looks like my vote was taken off anyway, so that's good, I guess. (I also forgot to search, so it's not because of that.)

I didn't see your vote last cycle for some reason.  It is a valid vote and has been added to the tally.  Sorry.

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So Kip, you gonna explain that lovely 1 I see in the vote tally next to your name?

That was me again. :( I'm using a new program to track votes but it's just not working out so I'm going to switch back to spreadsheets.

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Sorry for not taking my vote off you, Hellscythe. I was going to, but I was gone for four hours before turnover and got back later than I expected, so I didn't get the chance to. But it looks like my vote was taken off anyway, so that's good, I guess. (I also forgot to search, so it's not because of that.)


No need to apologize. You had a legitimate reason to vote for me and may or may not have agreed with my defense.


Meta being innocent is kinda what I saw happening as soon as he admitted to being "evil". Didn't want to vote for him because I saw the Living Legend from a mile away. Also I was searching because my vote wouldn't have changed anything anyway. I found duct tape by the way. First item. I'm hyped.

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In response to Meta's last post, I didn't target him mostly because of his evil claim. He seemed way too good an SE player to just give up and admit he was evil. I had a little voice in the back of my head that was telling me that Meta was up to something. I didn't see why he would just give up without a fight if he was an eliminator, unless he had a plan to survive. I didn't know what that was, and I didn't have the time to voice my suspicions after he had claimed traitor (I was visiting family at that point) so I went searching, trying to be useful while Meats plan was carried out without me. I had no idea that he was good enough to be plotting for us even with impending death. That is impressive.

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