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Right, so I know I’ve barely posted this game. And when I’ve told anyone who i’m a bit suspicious of, I rarely give reasons. So here are some of my thoughts on some of the players.
This may or may not make any coherent sense. 
Kynedath: Has defended Mark IV multiple times this game. Was one of the players who originally tried warding Meta off Mark.  And now is defending Mark from Stink. Last cycle was voted on by Maill, Deathclutch and Twei. For some reason i’m suspicious of Kyne. Hm. Let me reread the game for a bit to find out why. You know what? I have no idea why! I’m guessing this was mainly a gut suspicion. *shrugs*. Sorry if this is frustrating for you Kyne, having people suspicious of you with no given reason. But I’m sure I had a reason… Darn… I… have no idea. If I remember why, i’ll do another post to explain myself. But it’s probably to do with how I was quite suspicious of Mark a few cycles back, and you kept defending him. So I think by that reasoning, you seemed to be an eliminator defending a fellow eliminator. Atm I don’t know. But I’m sorry for the lack of reasoning, but I promised to myself that I would listen to my gut this game. And my gut apparently thinks you are a traitor...
Elbereth: Also tried to defend Mark from Meta. other than that idk. After just doing a bunch of research on kyne I can’t be bothered… but I probably should… *sighs* fine. Ok. I’m reading Elbereths posts. Aaaand I can’t be bothered analysing them. Oh, but with the note thing. I think I personally want to hear Elbereths side of things before voting. Because there is either hidden roles or El is a compulsive liar or something. Idk.
Lopen: As much as I might come across as trusting you in pm’s, I don’t really. You’ve been sitting around 60-65% for the last few cycles (To those who don’t know about my percentages I’ll explain at the end of the post). There's a few reasons for this: you have been a lot quieter than you have normally been when you are loyal (which we discussed in pm’s and your response semi satisfied me, but not enough to remove my suspicion). And there have been some instances in pm’s where Kipper has said something to me or to others, which really made me think that you had been talking to him very openly. I could be wrong. I could be paranoid and reading into things that aren’t there, but still...
Phattemer: Argued with Kipper a lot. But then turned out to be right, cause kipper was a traitor. So in my books that puts phattemer as probably not a traitor too. But um… I know the latin in your post wasn’t directed at me but… given its meaning, you can’t blame me for being curious...
Mailliw: When Kipper was up for the lynch, Maill attempts to keep discussion going by talking about the notes. I saw this as more as Maill not wanting the conversation to go quiet because people may have decided that ‘Kippers going to be lynched, so now we don’t have to talk anymore’. That's my opinion on the matter. Also keeps voting for Kynedath, but doesn’t give the most detailed of reasons. The first being:

Kyne, you were one who Meta called out as being likely evil. You also voted for Ada.

Which sure, it’s true, but that's not that detailed.
But then:

Yes, I know Kipper's there. But I'm inclined to trust him for the moment. Hence, my vote on you. Yes, I also voted for Ada, but I had my reasons for that and there are a couple people who know and understand the reason for my vote.

Curious as to why you decided to trust him…
But concerning Ada, you had reasons you kept quiet about. I’m guessing you also have reasons as to why you aren’t giving much reasons for your suspicions on Kyne.
Though… I do find it interesting to observe how people reacted to your undetailed reasons. 

phattemer, on 31 Jan 2016 - 07:07 AM, said:
Actually, I'll vote for Lopen, because yesterday he tried to distract everyone from the whole Kipper situation.

Lopen ended up voting for Kipper,though. I suspect Maill more for being distracting.

Twei drew the attention away from Lopen, to Maill. Also somewhat defends Kyne from Maill last cycle (although a while back, Twei  was suspicious of Kyne). Which I find interesting, because honestly, I’m a bit suspicious of Kyne and Lopen. So I find it interesting that Twei seems to be defending both of them…
Mark IV: ….Ok I tire of this ‘analysis’ thing. I said a few things to you in a pm. Be satisfied with that. 
My percentages. 
Well, that's how I keep track of how much I trust/distrust a player. So the rating is a mixture of evidence and instinct, but I haven’t kept track of the reasons. So I tried to remember them, and so then this post happened.
How they work is each player is given a percentage: 0 = good <50 =sorta trust 50=neutral >50=don’t really trust 100=bad.
Though, I’ve noticed that I don’t like going below 30% or above 70%. But that's mainly cause I haven’t spent enough time thinking to make proper solid reasons or anything i think. Idk. I save my thinking until I’m tired and make little sense to anyone.
My list:

Mailliw: 30%
Deathclutch: 45%
Elbereth: 48%
Kynedath: 69%
Araris: 30%
Stink: 50%
Mark IV: 59%
Orlok: 51%
Phattemer: 30%
Elkanah: 50%
Lopen: 62%
Twei: 65%

SO. I have no idea if anything in that wall of text I just typed up is useful in any way. But i’m in a good mood for coffee and a nap. You may have noticed, but i didn’t particularly feel like doing much thinking. I do my thinky babble when i’m really tired/ overtired. I’m not really tired at all. I just want my coffee….. or hot chocolate… that sounds good too… hm. Mocha.....
I should have really written this when I was in the right mood to analyse. *shrugs* I posted something bigger than 3 sentences. Be happy. ‘Kay?
I might vote later on. And chances are it will be a very short post with no reasoning. Or i’ll mega babble. I do that sometimes. In pm’s mainly tho…
I should really retype half of this post. Or at least finish it.



If you really want me to babble more about something, tell me and I might get back to you. But yea sorry, the last few people I talked about I didn't say much about cause I got bored and didn't feel like analysing any more. If anyone wants my meaningless opinion on them, send me a pm and i might tired babble you. Or not. I don;t know.


Seriously was this post any use?
I think this was a rather meaningless post. So sorry for wasting your time if you agree. I might attempt a more meaningful post later  <_<


(you are allowed to agree with me)


See this is why i often don't vote... my reasons either make no sense, or I have none. Or when i have a good enough reason, I forget. Not voting is often simpler. 


I'm going to go make me a coffee.


Good day.



Ps: Also, Lopen? In that last pm, Finn made me laugh. He's a very amusing character  :P

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1. Elbereth: Also tried to defend Mark from Meta. other than that idk. After just doing a bunch of research on kyne I can’t be bothered… but I probably should… *sighs* fine. Ok. I’m reading Elbereths posts. Aaaand I can’t be bothered analysing them. Oh, but with the note thing. I think I personally want to hear Elbereths side of things before voting. Because there is either hidden roles or El is a compulsive liar or something. Idk.



2. Lopen: As much as I might come across as trusting you in pm’s, I don’t really. You’ve been sitting around 60-65% for the last few cycles (To those who don’t know about my percentages I’ll explain at the end of the post). There's a few reasons for this: you have been a lot quieter than you have normally been when you are loyal (which we discussed in pm’s and your response semi satisfied me, but not enough to remove my suspicion). And there have been some instances in pm’s where Kipper has said something to me or to others, which really made me think that you had been talking to him very openly. I could be wrong. I could be paranoid and reading into things that aren’t there, but still...


3. Seriously was this post any use?


I think this was a rather meaningless post. So sorry for wasting your time if you agree. I might attempt a more meaningful post later  <_<


4. Ps: Also, Lopen? In that last pm, Finn made me laugh. He's a very amusing character   :P


Emphasis and numbering, I did. < Yoda impression!  :P


1. Alvron did mention that there may be hidden roles in the game. Also, if Elbereth IS a Compulsive Liar, she won't know it because it's hidden(I don't think she would know anyways. I'll check the rules again to make sure).


2. Well I wouldn't say you come across as trusting very much. With as many times as you've said "if you're an eliminator and did this and this, etc. etc." I didn't exactly get the feeling you trusted me.  :P As for being quieter than "normal," I don't know. I posted a lot in the last few Cycles of LG15 and MR10, and kinda was leading the village in the end of those games, but I had a pretty good amount of information then. I probably should try to do more analyzing than I have, I guess. Not sure what the deal is with whatever Kipper said about me. I did have a PM with him, and it was one of my more active ones, since he was one of the most active players. If I were Kas, I'd tell you that paranoia is a good thing(but I won't tell you that, because in this case, it's me your paranoid of!  <_<).


3. Anytime a post is that long, it's of use. Why would it be meaningless?  :huh:


4. Thanks!  :D (He's basically a character from the Mistborn series though. I've been reading BoM.  :ph34r:)

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Sorry for my absence. I've been immersed in a very intensive honor choir rehearsal and then performance. You're lucky that typing doesn't require talking or standing up, because you probably wouldn't see me for another week. But I should be paying more attention now than I have.

I got a Note with the result "Elbereth is a Demolitionist(colored red)." (Hidden roles for the win!!!...except it's on the wrong team.) However, the Note was from Mark, so I'm not sure if it's accurate or not. So, yeah. Elbereth. Anything to say? Even if she's not a traitor, and Mark scanned someone else with that result, we know that the traitors have a Demolitionist(unless whoever got scanned is a Compulsive Liar I guess).

I wish I had a hidden role. That sounds awesome.

But no, I do not. Obviously, I should probably be scanned again to make sure.

It'd also be nice to know if this came from Mark (and could have been because he's Blind), or another Snitch (and I have to be a Compulsive Liar). Or maybe that shouldn't be revealed, I don't know.

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1. Yep. I knew Kipper was likely to get lynched, so I figured I'd make sure Phatt reported to us. Which I don't think he ever did. Phatt?Knowing if Phatt had received anymore evil notes would be beneficial to the discussion.


2. YES. I still think that. When we start revealing players as good, the evil team starts killing them, in most cases. It's an easy way to make sure we have no proven hubs.

In the edit, I wanted people to talk, as it had been a while with no posts. There was no conversation to be diverted.

That was the point. I wanted to see your reaction. I'm sorry, you wasted a whole sentence on replying.


3. It was and is my best lead. None of this is drawing conversation away form Kipper; it's just another facet of the discussion. Why does everyone need to talk about Kipper? I didn't vote for him, as the circumstances around him were similar to the ones around Meta and we saw how that went.



4. That's called tunneling.

I added the numbers.


1. Would you not want to ensure that he would be lynched? Why would you vote for me when Kipper was fairly obviously a traitor. You came dangerously close to creating a lynch train on me which would have saved Kipper from being lynched. And voting on Phatt to make him report to you? Why? Would asking not have worked?


2. Let's take a look at who the eliminators have lynched shall we? Shallan: openly stated that they were a snitch, which is one of the most threatening roles to the eliminators. Clanky: nobody knew what he was, as far as I know, he was simply a good player that was unlikely to be targeted. Hellscythe: Beggar, another threatening role to the eliminators. Adavantos (attempted): Very good player and a snitch, again, threatening to the eliminators. I am not seeing anyone here killed simply because they were exposed to be a villager. The eliminators seem to be targeting people who are a threat to them. It was easy to come to this conclusion, but I don't have the most experience playing, so I will tentatively call a truce on this point if you want it.


3. Your best lead? What about the guy who was scanned as evil and effectively caused Ada's death? No red flags on that guy?

Kipper was an eliminator! Why would you not talk about an eliminator? Our entire goal is to kill them!


4. Yes, it does seem as though it is. It also seems increasingly like that is what I am good at. Localized research and deduction. Also, Tangent.

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In my opinion, if we lynch someone based on a note and that person isn't what the note says, we should kill the person who got the note next. Even though there is the chance that the note could have actually been wrong, it isn't very good compared to the prior chance that the person is an Eliminator.

Essentially, I'd put it this way.

Chances that Person A is a Traitor: 1/4

Chances that the note Person A receives is false: 1/2 (If from a Blind snitch, since that's what we're dealing with now. The chances of Compulsive Lying coming into play would increase this by a bit)

Chances that a Loyalist would lie about a note: 0 (Do not do this if you are loyal)

Therefore, if a note is false then the person who received it twice as likely to be an Eliminator as anyone else.


I'm going to leave my vote on Lopen, because I think that killing the recipient of a note first is a better strategy than the accusee(assuming that they haven't been scanned).


By the way, I'll reiterate my request for protection and add to that a request for notes. Snitches, I'm probably your best target at this point.

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1/4 traitor scan *.5 noblind

1/4 traitor scan *.5 blind * 1/4 traitor

3/4 no traitor *.5 blind * 1/4 traitor


These are the only ways for a note to come up as being a traitor, if it is revealed truthfully (ignoring side roles, items and misdirection). So there is a 5/8 chance that Elbereth is actually an eliminator, assuming that the note is true. This is a heck of a lot better than the 25% chance that I assume in my calculations. I'll look at what Elbereth has actually said/done, but I am leaning toward placing my vote there purely off of probability.

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I'll actually retract from Lopen because I will be searching and I don't want to mess up any tallies.

I'd prefer we not lynch Maill, so I'll retract from Lopen and vote for Kynedath. It seems to me like you're tunneling on Maill and also I agree that notes shouldn't be revealed if not needed, though at least one other person should be informed as to their contents so they're not lost.


You should probably be retracting off Kynedath in that case. You already retracted off Lopen to put a vote on Kyne.


I'll take you off my tally in advance anyhow. But yeah...


And taking a look at the tally now, I'm going to throw my vote in to remove the tie. Kynedath. If i'm wrong, I am so sorry. But even though I have very little reasoning, I trust Mailliw more than I do you...


Current vote tally:


Mark IV (1): Stink[1]
Stink (0): phattemer[1] Mark IV[1]
Lopen (0): Phattemer[2]
Mailliw (2): Twei[1], Kynedath[1]
Kynedath (2): Mailliw[1] Phattemer [3] Deathclutch[1], Burnt spaghetti[1]
Elbereth (1): Lopen[1]
Kynedath (3): Mailliw, Phattemer, Deathclutch, Burnt spaghetti
Mailliw (2): Twei, Kynedath
Mark IV (1): Stink
Elbereth (1): Lopen



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For me personally it's a gut paranoia thing that has been bugging me for a while now so I would like some peace of mind in that aspect. Normally, I probably wouldn't vote cause I generally just don't vote, but I don't want a tied vote, and I trust Maill more than you for various reasons (mainly I keep noticing that he has similar opinions/suspicions as me and that makes me more inclined to trust him. Unless everyone decides that we are going to just lynch Elbereth and hope the note speaks truthfully, I probably won't change my vote.

edit: I guess another reason I'm suspicious of you, as I have some theories that would implicate some other players ifyou turn out to be an eliminator, so I want to test my theory. Also If you turn out good then tthat validates other theories I have. either way, finding your alignment will make me more certain about some other players.

Edited by Burnt Spaghetti
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Night Five: Game Changer

Drake knew his time was up.  He didn't fight it.  But he wasn't going to simply wait for the mob to come and demand it's blood.

He made bodies disappear on an almost daily basis and in the tight confines they were currently forced to stay, that was a difficult task.  So making one more vanish shouldn't be too hard.

By the time the mob did finally come to take it's due, Drake was nowhere to be found.


Finn watched as a stray cat stalked a mouse.  He didn’t go to Drake's lynching.  He needed to think, needed to find a way to salvage what he could.  Taking a coin from his pocket he flipped it a few times, each time coming up heads.  The coin was special to Finn.  He got it just before the Epics had started appearing and it had never let him down when he needed to choose a path.

A meowing at his feet brought his mind back to the present.  The cat had caught the mouse and had deposited it at Finn's feet looking up with what could only be described as pride.  Bending down he scratched the cat behind the ears.

“You know, I used to think we were the cat and the rest, the mouse but it turns out,”

“That you’re the mouse after all.” A voice interrupted behind him shortly before thrusting a knife repeatedly into Finn’s kidneys.

As he lay dying he saw his killer pick up his coin from where it had fallen and heard the cat begin to lap up his blood.

Drake Pierce (Kynedath) was lynched.  They were a Body Snatcher and Compulsive Liar
Finn (TheMightyLopen) has died.  He was a Regular Compulsive Liar with Epic Polish, Targeting Array, Targeting Array, Laser Scanner, Battery Pack, Copper Wire

Night Five has begun and PMs are once again open.

Vote Tally:
Drake Pierce (Kynedath) (3) Blaize Ghetti (Burnt Spaghetti), Exisa (phattemer), Hashirama (Deathclutch), Milton/Altermind (Maill)
Milton/Altermind (Maill) (1) Drake Pierce (Kynedath), Theresa (twelfthrootoftwo)
Rance Idsmill (IrulelikeSTINK) (1) Marr (Mark VI)
Marr (Mark VI) (1) Rance Idsmill (IrulelikeSTINK)
Ereth (Elbereth) (0) Finn (TheMightyLopen)
Edited by Alvron
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YES!! I will never doubt my gut again!

Lopen dying.... could be the sk? the sk can kill during the day im pretty sure.

edit: vote shenanigans- phattemers vote not counting we were aware of. but something happened with Maills. prob wasn't kyne, but idk.

edit 2: also considering we now know lopens alignment, would people say wecould probably disregard his note about elbereth?

Edited by Burnt Spaghetti
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Well, that's two cats out of the bag. (And a lot of items)

@Alvron: Did all the items go to the Lopen's killer? (If so, that's scary.)

Anyways, I think Lopen was killed by a raygun, rather than a serial killer. As far as I know, no one has been revealed with the Secret Bloodtie SR. So, unless there already was a serial killer from the start, (unlikely IMO) Lopen was killed by a ray gun. Maill, I'm looking at you.

Also, 200th post! Yay! (I guess I talk a lot :P)

Edited by Mark IV
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Yeah, we should probably ignore that note, although you should probably reveal wha you are, Elbereth, because the Traitors probably already know. Your choice, of course.

I'd agree that it was a raygun, because no Secret Bloodties and no non-traitor kills before now.

Another thing: the traitors knew the name of the hidden role, so they probably have one, and know the details of how it works. Therefore could a Loyal demolitionist, if there is one, please PM me so I can tell the thread?

Basically, I want to get information that the traitors already have out to everyone.

Mark: I believe that a killer gets one item.

And also, both those Eliminators had CL, so we can probably trust scans from now on, unless troll GM is a troll.

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Raygun: Allows user to attempt to kill another player. Can self target but not recommended. Night only.

emphasis mine.

raygun is night only. Sk is the only kill apart from lynch that can be done during day.

and yeah, killer gets one random item and the rest are scattered to be found through searching.

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But, trust whose scans? My scans are affected by blindness. For all I know, I could target you, and unwittingly, give an eliminator reading (assuming you're a villager).

@Burnt Burnt is good

Thanks for that.

Hmm perhaps there is a hidden kill role? Could someone please explain (or rather define) what a hidden role is?

Edit: ninja'D by phattemer

Edited by Mark IV
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For lopen- gotta conclude blaize and finns rp and all that you know? :P Just a short one but eh. im in a lunch break.

Blaize was surprised to hear of the death of Finn, but not so much about him being a traitor. Blaize hadn't been too sure of finn for a while now, and had only hung around him for the amusing conversations and of course, the donuts. THE DONUTS. In a mild panic, Blaize quickly headed to the hidden stash. He cursed when got there. They were gone. All of them. In frustration he kicked the box that had housed the delightful food. Of course Finn would have told his fellow traitors about the stash. It explained the various missing doughnuts as well. He stormed back to the kitchen with resolve in his heart. He going to find the donut thieves and Hunt. Them. Down.

(In my pm with lopen we rp’ed a lot. ‘Kay?)

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Day Six: An Altered State

Milton/Altermind (Maill) has died. He was a Trusted Rookie Snitch with: Magnet, Focusing Crystal, Duct Tape, Laser Scanner, Focusing Crystal

Day Six has begun.
Time to vote for another player to die.  Who shall it be?
No more PMs

Player List:



Mailliw73 - Milton Towren aka Altermind Trusted Rookie Snitch
Deathclutch - Hashirama
Elbereth - Ereth
Hellscythe - Avis Strong ???
Adavantos - Michael Durbin ???
Kynedath - Drake Pierce Body Snatcher and Compulsive Liar
Araris Valerian - Allen
Kipper - Krippe the Krippling Trusted Beggar
IrulelikeSTINK - Rance Idsmill
Shallan - Citona Vinid ???
Burnt Spaghetti - Blaize Ghetti
Mark VI - Marr
OrlokTsubodai - Locke
phattemer - Exisa
Elkanah - Neal
Clanky - Clanky ???
TheMightyLopen - Finn Regular Compulsive Liar
twelfthrootoftwo - Theresa
Metacognition - Metrick Beggar and Living Legend
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