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Well I didn't think that my very limited action in this game would result in me being on the top of anyones suspect list.  :P  Anyways I will still have a few more days of less than normal activity before rejoining the thread to my normal activity level. Still I wouldn't be against testing the theory Ada put forth. Anamaximander still hasn't really done much that would dissuade me from a vote. Basically he survived day one because that was what he normally does and has just coasted since then. 


EDIT: Vote Colour

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So I read over all of Arraenae's posts. Here's some of it:


D1 votes: Ripple(RP reasons: retracted), BB(she didn't like his reasons for voting on Kynedath). She also somewhat called out Kynedath and LUNA.

D2 votes: Clanky(because he voted on Anamax). Also calls out Ada for his vote on Anamax.

D3 votes: Ada(her reasons were 'gut and his reasoning for voting on Anamax: retracted because Stinks reveal), Stink(obvious reasons).  She also had stated suspicion of Stink for his voting(because he didn't give reasoning even though he's 'Serious!Stink.')


Anamaximder voted on her on D1 for her 'fast attack' on Ripple. Stink was suspicious of her supposedly before he heard from the Hacker about her Traitorness.


I personally don't think Anamaximder would vote on a teammate on D1 like that. I mean, it's certainly possible, but I don't feel that he would do that.


I'm on mobile right now, so I can't do any gigantic posts or anything. :P But I'm still suspicious of both LUNA and Adavantos. There's also quite a few players that haven't said much of anything lately that I am wondering about, such as Hellscythe, Kynedath, SilverDragon, Elkanah, phattemer and some others who've posted some, but there's not much content in their posts.


I'm just gonna go with my gut here. My suspicion agianst LUNA wasn't really changed much by her defense, and I just think she might be a Traitor.

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Okay, so if it took me a while to think of this, then I am sure that there are others who have realized this. PEOPLE WHO WRITE LONG POSTS, I'M COMING FOR YOU.


One of my main things about revealing when I did was because there was a lynch train forming on LUNA, and I didn't like that. Yes, she might be evil, but too many people were jumping on with the same constant (or lack of) explanation (WHO WOULD DO SUCH A THING?), and I was like 'seems to me that the eliminators are taking over' but of course, someone would not join that lynch, but NO-ONE has brought that up yet. So can we not vote for LUNA? At least for now? 

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Ok, I am still really busy right now, so yeah. But I think that with so many people not speaking up, we should just pick one of them to lynch. Anaximander has at least posted, even if it wasn't a contribution, so we know he has been following the thread somewhat. I am going to vote for The Silver Dragon. This is when we need to really enforce the Contribution Crusade, guys. Right now the village is on the road to destruction, and I wish my schedule had more time in it to help with that.

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Ok, I am still really busy right now, so yeah. But I think that with so many people not speaking up, we should just pick one of them to lynch. Anaximander has at least posted, even if it wasn't a contribution, so we know he has been following the thread somewhat. I am going to vote for The Silver Dragon. This is when we need to really enforce the Contribution Crusade, guys. Right now the village is on the road to destruction, and I wish my schedule had more time in it to help with that.


Ummm so far we have killed one traitor versus four villagers. That is hardly the road to destruction. If we really want to do Contribution crusade though we should just put all the inactives on a mission together instead of wasting a lynch.


By the way Araris, why exactly does your font change halfway through your post? :mellow:



EDIT: Now that I look again It only is different in the quotes but not the actual post, anyone know why that happens? I was thinking he copy-pasted something from the eliminator doc but maybe it is just something weird just from quoting?

Edited by Clanky
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(2) Araris: Stink, Clanky

(1) LUNA: Lopen, 

(1) SilverDragon: Araris


At some point last night turn I had discussed with a player whether it was more likely that Arraenae would have interacted with or ignored her teammates in the thread. Off the top of my head there are seven players that directly interacted with Rae: LUNA, Anamax, Kynedath, Bridge Boy, Clanky, STINK and myself. Then there are eight players that did not: Shallan, phattemer, Elkanah, Silver Dragon, luckat, Lopen, Araris and Hellscythe. Ripple is kind of a special case because they interacted only when talking about teetotalers and alcohol, so I'm not entirely sure what category to put her in. Either way, I think I am slightly more suspicious of the second group of players than the first. I have never been evil with Rae so I don't know exactly how she tends to handle things in thread with them. I know she was evil in QF12; Lopen, weren't you evil then with her? Did you notice any tendencies she has when interacting with teammates that might have applied to this game? The other two players on her team then aren't in this game so you're all I really have to ask this. Either way, while I am more suspicious of LUNA than Araris or Silver Dragon, I don't know how I feel about tying the vote. I would definitely like to have more information to work with before deciding. I'd also like to hear how Lopen and Araris feel about the votes that have been placed up until now, as well as everyone else.

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This is the least amount of voting I have ever seen when there's still this many players alive. The whole game really. The only players we've ever put under any real amount of pressure from the lynch is LUNA last Cycle and Anamaximder on the 2nd Cycle with 2 votes. Araris has 2 votes on him now for no reasoning from Stink(I ask about this down below) and because his font changed in the middle of his post from Clanky. On mobile(or at least on my Nintendo 3ds internet, which is kinda mobile, but kinda just wacky so I don't know), the font changes in the middle of the post as well, so I'm not sure what's up with that. I also don't know why he picked SilverDragon for the player he wants to Contribution Crusade on out of all the lots of players who are lurking/inactive. 


Araris, could you explain why you're going after SilverDragon specifically?


Okay, so if it took me a while to think of this, then I am sure that there are others who have realized this. PEOPLE WHO WRITE LONG POSTS, I'M COMING FOR YOU.


One of my main things about revealing when I did was because there was a lynch train forming on LUNA, and I didn't like that. Yes, she might be evil, but too many people were jumping on with the same constant (or lack of) explanation (WHO WOULD DO SUCH A THING?), and I was like 'seems to me that the eliminators are taking over' but of course, someone would not join that lynch, but NO-ONE has brought that up yet. So can we not vote for LUNA? At least for now? 


So you think Araris was trying to save or at least draw attention away from Arraenae(because you voted on her), by voting on and extending the vote gap to lynch LUNA? I will agree that he didn't really give any reasoning for his vote on LUNA.


Araris did vote on Arraenae. He has previously voted on his teammates before when he was an eliminator though(LG15 he voted on BB on Day 1, and then later pushed for a kill role(Mistborn in that game) to kill his inactive teammate(The Cow)), so I figure he'd probably have done that even if he was a Traitor.


I'll review his posts and my PM with him(it's pretty short since he's previously told me he doesn't like PM's much), and decide if I want to add my vote or if I want to place it somewhere else entirely.


Ada, you ninja'd me.  :ph34r: In QF12, her and Kipper decided to go after each other in the thread to try and get one of them into a trust position(eventually Arraenae got lynched and Kipper did get a little trust out of it). I don't remember interacting with her very much at all in that game, as I was pretty quiet for a lot of the game.  :ph34r: Are the docs from that game not posted? I know that phatt never posted the end thingy, but I thought he posted the docs, so you could read how it all went down if you have the time. I don't think our other teammate(Mystique Kamyle) interacted with her much either. I don't think I could really say what her tendencies are, since it was only one game.


I thought SilverDragon was one of your top suspects Ada?


I think this post answers your question about how I feel about the votes placed so far.

Edited by TheMightyLopen
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I thought SilverDragon was one of your top suspects Ada?


He's definitely up there, along with Elkanah, Kynedath and LUNA. But after it being revealed that Arraenae was a Traitor I wonder if she was trying to get LUNA's attention because they're on the same team.

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Review findings from Araris' posts/PM.


His first post with content he volunteers for missions, stating he doesn't mind if he dies early(suggesting that he CAN die from missions).

On N2, he claimed he was a little suspicious of Mailliw(then Mailliw died that Night). Also states he appreciates Stink being more serious, and says he thinks luckat's more active than he remembered her being, but saying that's good rather than suspicious, but he just wanted to say it was a little inconsistent than he remembered.

His next post he suggests putting Anamax on missions instead of lynching him, since it will force him to contribute somehow at least. Then he votes on LUNA saying it's not a bad lynch for us to make and that it would give us info about himself.

Says he wants to wait for Rae to respond before doing anything.

Votes on Rae because of her response.

Responds to me about the vote change made last Cycle, and says it might have been someone just trying to prove themselves.

This next post I find somewhat confusing actually. He again responds to me about the vote change agreeing with me about it. He also suggests that if they WERE an eliminator, that Stink's Hacker might be an eliminator(he doesn't say this exactly, but it's implied. In this scenario, the vote changer is an eliminator, and changes a vote to Stink to try and kill him to hide the information he knows? But the only way the eliminators know he has that information is because the "Hacker" told him, so he implies that 1. Stinks "Hacker" is an eliminator, 2. that Hacker told Stink that Arraenae is an eliminator, then 3. that Hacker told their vote changer eliminator buddy to move a vote on him to, um, make him get lynched? To hide the information the eliminator just told him? I'm somewhat confused.


Our PM doesn't have anything noteworthy.


I've actually got to go right this minute, but I think that one post is certainly interesting and I'd like to hear what exactly he was trying to say with it.


Edit: Here's the post I'm referring to:


"You know, that is a good point. When you said that, I was lazy and didn't actually look up at the vote tally. That makes me think what you said, about a player sending in an order earlier and not getting back on, is more likely to be true. And them being an eliminator might make sense if they were aware STINK might be going to reveal something like what he did." -Araris last Night Turn responding to me.


I just copied it over, so that's a direct quote.

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Sorry I didn't post earlier. I keep getting distracted. I hope I make some sense.
I'm surprised there hasn't really been any discussion about the Traitors' choice of a kill this cycle. Elbereth was Well Connected, but I'm not sure if the Traitors knew that, or how they would have found out if they did. Since Elbereth wasn't on at all during the time Stink's hacker contacted him, they must not have been trying to go after the hacker. I'm guessing they were again targeting someone we wouldn't get much information from if they were killed. She hadn't said much this game and had recently said she would start contributing more, so they probably got rid of her before she could do that. They also may have killed her because she was active in PMs. In my PM with her, we talked about how likely it was for Stink and/or his scanner to be evil (not very likely) and inactivity, although we went off topic for this game.
Also, I'm wondering how likely people think it is that there were any Traitors voting for Rae last cycle. Since there were so few voting, I don't think it is very likely, but maybe there was one on there. I got the impression from Rae's posts that she was hoping for a last minute vote change away from her, at least once it was clear everyone wasn't going to pile on her. The eliminators didn't want to lead it because that would draw too much suspicion, so they hoped a villager would vote for Stink, and possibly bring it to a tie or a lynch on Stink. If the person who moved Shallan's vote was a traitor and they had someone else ready to jump on the lynch for Stink if it looked viable (unfortunately, I didn't note down who was on when the turn ended), they would have known it was possible to save Rae for a cycle at least. I do think it is most likely the vote changer was a traitor. We know it can't have been Elbereth because she wasn't on when she would have had to choose a person's vote to change. I suppose it is possible there is another Well Connected villager who chose to change Shallan's vote to Stink, but then I am wondering why they would change it to Stink instead of Rae or someone who didn't have any votes on them.
I am also curious about all the people who chose not to vote, especially after Stink revealed Rae. Anamax posted after Stink's reveal, but he didn't comment on it, or, well, anything. Luna made a larger post, but she also didn't comment on the Rae situation, which seems like a pretty big oversight on her part. It makes me wonder if she was purposefully avoiding putting another vote on Rae for in case it was possible to save her. Ripple posted after Rae claimed to be a hacker shortly before the end of the turn. I'm actually curious about why she didn't vote for Rae earlier if she was distrustful of her before her hacker claim as she said, and also why she didn't try to save her if she believed the claim. I don't know. That post just seems a little odd. I'm also not sure whether to make anything of her pointing out Rae's white text during the night. I mean, an eliminator would probably know about it already because they might have discussed it, but they might avoid mentioning it just because an eliminator would be more expected to know about it, unless they wanted us to make something out of it and they were disappointed we took too long to mention it. And then there's all the people who only posted before the reveal or didn't post at all. All the quietness this game is worrying me. We're not going to have a chance of catching the traitors if there's so many people who aren't doing anything to find them.

By the way Araris, why exactly does your font change halfway through your post? :mellow:
EDIT: Now that I look again It only is different in the quotes but not the actual post, anyone know why that happens? I was thinking he copy-pasted something from the eliminator doc but maybe it is just something weird just from quoting?

After looking at how copy-pasting preserves formatting, I am relatively sure Araris copied SD's name from a player list in a post and it kept that font for the rest of his post, and that the font change is not the artifact of copying from a doc. That's why it only looks different in a quote or on a mobile screen--those have different default fonts or sizes, and his copy-pasting preserved what was shown on his computer. The font it changed to is what I get if I copy-paste from a different post, but is not what I get if I copy-paste from a google doc with the usual default font settings. 
If anyone has real reasons for suspecting Araris, I'd love to hear them, but Stink's reasonless vote and Clanky's vote for something that isn't even suspicious and the fact that Araris actually seems to be active and the fact that there are so few votes aren't making me happy with this choice. If we do lynch him, I don't think we will learn a lot because of how little real discussion there has been.
As for who to lynch, I'm having a hard time coming up with any suspicions. *sigh* I guess Luna or SD wouldn't be too bad of choices since they aren't saying a lot anyway. I just don't feel very suspicious of them. Maybe Luna more than SD. I wish they would respond to the votes on them and that a few other people would say whether they are suspicious or not and that the reasoning for votes was more clear so there was more to respond to.
At this point, I wouldn't be opposed to lynching someone who hasn't posted in about 2+ full cycles, especially if they log on enough that sending them on a mission is unlikely to catch them from inactivity, if there isn't a better target.

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You are right luckat, The font from Araris posting  The Silver Dragon and onwards is the same as the font in the player list so that part of the vote doesn't necessarily mean anything. Still there are other things for voting Araris, firstly as I said in the original post where I voted for him he was saying the village was on the road to destruction even though we have already killed an eliminator and its only day 4, which isn't really that bad of a start at all. That post just seemed like one purely designed to sound "village-like". Also he tried to put forward a Contribution crusade lynch when there is a much better way of dealing with inactives. He also was voting along with Arraenae to try and lynch STINK and changed his vote after it seemed like public opinion was switching. Plus how are we going to get discussion if we are afraid to put a second vote on anyone? I would still like to hear STINKs reasoning for the vote. 

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You are right luckat, The font from Araris posting  The Silver Dragon and onwards is the same as the font in the player list so that part of the vote doesn't necessarily mean anything. Still there are other things for voting Araris, firstly as I said in the original post where I voted for him he was saying the village was on the road to destruction even though we have already killed an eliminator and its only day 4, which isn't really that bad of a start at all. That post just seemed like one purely designed to sound "village-like". Also he tried to put forward a Contribution crusade lynch when there is a much better way of dealing with inactives. He also was voting along with Arraenae to try and lynch STINK and changed his vote after it seemed like public opinion was switching. Plus how are we going to get discussion if we are afraid to put a second vote on anyone? I would still like to hear STINKs reasoning for the vote. 


That post seemed like a reaction to how quiet this day has been to me. While I think calling it a "road to destruction" is premature, I can't say I disagree that it is worrying how many people aren't talking at all, especially since it is only day 4 and there's only 5 people dead. If it keeps going this way, none of the village will be active enough to find the eliminators after a few more nights. The missions are a better way of dealing with inactives only for inactives who do not log in, and only if there's just a few. I don't agree with a lot of aspects of the Contribution Crusade, but a day thread that is barely a page long at nearly the 3/4 mark of the day is frustrating. I suppose that post could be reason enough for you to put a vote on him though, and it would be good to hear Araris's response to what you said.


Also, when did Araris vote for Stink? He was voting for Luna with Lopen before Stink's reveal, and while he didn't immediately change his vote, he did seem on board with a Rae lynch before it was clear that was the direction the lynch was taking.


I agree with you that I would really like Stink's reasoning for his vote. I suppose that's one reason I don't like you placing a second vote on Araris: it just encourages Stink's lack of reasoning and makes his vote more legitimate without him having to provide it. I'm not arguing against second votes, but I think giving people something to respond to is more important, and I feel like the other two options would be better choices for second votes.

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That post seemed like a reaction to how quiet this day has been to me. While I think calling it a "road to destruction" is premature, I can't say I disagree that it is worrying how many people aren't talking at all, especially since it is only day 4 and there's only 5 people dead. If it keeps going this way, none of the village will be active enough to find the eliminators after a few more nights. The missions are a better way of dealing with inactives only for inactives who do not log in, and only if there's just a few. I don't agree with a lot of aspects of the Contribution Crusade, but a day thread that is barely a page long at nearly the 3/4 mark of the day is frustrating. I suppose that post could be reason enough for you to put a vote on him though, and it would be good to hear Araris's response to what you said.


Also, when did Araris vote for Stink? He was voting for Luna with Lopen before Stink's reveal, and while he didn't immediately change his vote, he did seem on board with a Rae lynch before it was clear that was the direction the lynch was taking.


I agree with you that I would really like Stink's reasoning for his vote. I suppose that's one reason I don't like you placing a second vote on Araris: it just encourages Stink's lack of reasoning and makes his vote more legitimate without him having to provide it. I'm not arguing against second votes, but I think giving people something to respond to is more important, and I feel like the other two options would be better choices for second votes.


I guess it could have been a response to that, I have just never liked statements whose only purpose is that it sounds towny. Also the other two options for a vote were The Silver Dragon and LUNA, I didn't want to vote for SD cause the missions are a better way to deal with inactivity than wasting lynches on them. As for LUNA I just didn't really have any reasoning at all for that vote and at the time the font change in Arariss post could have been copy paste from eliminator doc. 

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I would actually be okay with lynching Araris, and may switch my vote to him. Basically for things I've noted in my other posts about him this Cycle(his lack of explanation for his vote on SilverDragon and the lack of explanation for his vote on LUNA, as well as his post that I find odd that I've mentioned earlier), and because I'm not very suspicious of LUNA. I'd like to hear what Araris has to say about all of this, so if I do change my vote, it will probably be a couple hours before the Day ends. Figured I should give a heads up right now though, since I'm going to bed at the moment(hopefully I don't oversleep and will actually get on again this Turn  :ph34r:).

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Well, the if my post was confusing to you Lopen then I apologize, although I can't really offer any defense for that. That was due more to time constraints than anything else. Also, that post probably shouldn't exist, so I'll be sad if it gets used as a basis for lynching me :(. But what I was trying to get at there, is that if the eliminators knew STINK had come upon info about one of them, and had well connected, then early on one of them could have changed a vote to him right away. The backdrop to that discussion was the assumption that the person with well connected might have only been on at the start of the cycle, and thus unable to respond to what happened in the thread. So that is pretty much all I can say here.


This is also a perfect time to push the CC. Before me, you guys didn't really have any discussion besides revisiting LUNA, who we also haven't heard from today. So the lynch wasn't likely to give any new information, and that is largely due to the lack of posting. Yes I used some strong language, which was partly due to me being really tired, but I still agree with that statement. I was really sad to lose the first Steelheart LG in part because of an inactive player, and I want to deal with that right now.


As for SilverDragon, well there were two reasons behind that vote. The first was that STINK didn't want us bandwagoning on LUNA, and that makes sense, and my first vote on her was just to let you guys know I didn't have anything in particular against her and that I wanted to vote for someone. My vote on LUNA wouldn't have the same emphasis on inactivity as one another player we haven't heard from as much. The other reason is that it is something solid you guys can look at and get a read on me from. I think that is one of the most important parts of this game, is being honest on open about your opinions, and not being afraid to yya something you don't know 100%. When I am busy as a villager, I try and make sure to do this. As a result, you guys have several (somewhat) solid points to consider for my lynch. (Btw, the font thing was just a copy-paste deal from the player list. I picked a name that I didn't want to bother spelling at the time :) ).


I am glad that at least I have been able to spark some discussion about myself, and I should be able to follow this for at least a couple more hours this morning before I have work.


Edit: Darn, this probably puts me on STINK's hit list haha.

Edited by Araris Valerian
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When they say no PMs, does that mean at all or not during the day turn? (I thought we couldn't PM during the day turn? Is there something I am missing? Am I just overthinking this?????)


He's definitely up there, along with Elkanah, Kynedath and LUNA. But after it being revealed that Arraenae was a Traitor I wonder if she was trying to get LUNA's attention because they're on the same team.


Alright wait, hold up, when exactly was Arraenae "getting my attention"?


I also really wouldn't mind voting for Lopen, just because he tends to tick me off. (don't worry I won't. that is a petty reason to lynch someone I think. Salem-Witch trials all over again yeesh.)


Honestly, I might vote for Hellscythe, just because I know how he is, and I am very surprised with his lack of posting..... 

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Night 4: A Sword in a Gunfight

“Operations are proceeding smoothly,” Feis Yolen said, imperious on his metal throne behind the screen. “Day by day, we approach our goal on the horizon. We have crippled their security forces, and we have stolen their eyes. Yesterday, we succeeded in infiltrating the home of a Heron Industries executive. From there, we have obtained security codes and other vital information. Due to the presence of subversives amongst us, I will refrain from naming the executive in question.”

There was quiet in the room at his words. No-one wanted to interrupt their employer in the middle of a monologue, particularly such a well-paying employer. However, when it was apparent he was not going to say anything else for the moment, someone decided to speak up. “Smoothly?” Exisa asked. “You call this smoothly?” He asked, gesturing around at the empty chairs. “Oh, it may all be going well from your point of view, from someone behind the scenes, but what about for us? One of us has turned out to be working against us, and four have been killed! Some by people still in this room!” He pointedly did not look at Lopen.

Feis Yolen steepled his fingers. “You are correct,” he said, his measured, if gravely, voice a leaden weight on Exisa's protests. “From my point of view, everything is proceeding within expectations. You are all expendable to me; that is why I pay you such exorbitant amounts.”

“...We're expendable?” Count Reynaud asked. “Is that what we are to you? I thought we were attempting to remove the yoke of the oppressor, but it sounds to me that all you intend to do is set yourself as a new one.” He gave the impression that he would very much like to spit on the floor to show his distaste at the idea, but his manners and upbringing prevented him from actually carrying it out.

“Rest assured, none of my plans will involve you making a sacrifice. I detest such wastage.” Feis said. “Unlike the Survivor that you claim to love and emulate, I do not hide my plans from you. I may not inform you of them all before they become relevant, but you can trust me when I say that you know as much as I do when the plan has been finalised.” He spread his arms out, as if inviting criticism. “In the circumstances we find ourselves in, frankly even that much is dangerous.”

“Hah,” Lopen shook his head. “I guess it makes sense.” He looked over at his collegues. “We're Mistrunners, right guys? If we only took missions on that we weren't in danger of dying from, we wouldn't have enough boxings to eat. Grow up and stop blaming him for something we all knew already.”

Feis nodded once in response. “Now, if we are beyond this childish protesting, I have sent you the plans for tonight's raid. Read them and decide who shall go along. We have identified a Heron vault. Please, do not allow yourselves to be blinded by greed when entering it. Thus anything obtained from there shall be shared amongst all of you I would be most aggrieved if our task tonight failed because someone saw a particularly shiny gemstone they thought they could hide. I will turn a blind eye to a certain extent within the parameters I have already said, but be sensible and fair about it. You are Mistrunners; I am sure you know when not to push your luck.”

The screen went black, another transmission ended unceremoniously. A dozen beeping noises resounded simultaneously, as everyone in the room received a copy of the plans to their phones. “Well... I suppose we had better look at them,” Count Reynaud muttered.

“How many do you think there are amongst us?” A particularly pungent man asked.

There was a shrug from Dragonsight. “I doubt they would send a single person to infiltrate us. There must be more. It's not as though Heron Industries can't afford more Mistrunners. And it's not as though Mistrunners with low enough scruples to work for them are uncommon.”

“Seen many of those in your time?” The man who resembled more of a rotting corpse than a person asked.

“A few,” Dragonsight shrugged. “They tend to have lower life expectancies than even we do. At least people like us, honest crooks like us, we only annoy the Megacorps. Mistrunners that work for a Megacorp, they've got nowhere to go. They're still crooks, but they don't fit in with us either. They take more dangerous jobs for lower pay, and eventually...” he snapped a finger. “They die. Simple as that.”

“But you have seen some, right?” Exisa asked, looking around nervously. “So what do they look like? I mean, we're at each others throats here. Only a matter of time until its one of us.” His eyes narrowed. “Unless it is one of us...” he looked at them carefully, shifting his gaze from the corner of his eyes between them, his hand twitching.

“...Exisa's nervousness aside,” Dragonsight continued, “I'm afraid I really can't help. They are just like us, just with a different boss.”

“Ah, I get you,” Exisa nodded as he stood up, slamming his hands on the table. “We need to look for people who aren't like us!”

“Well, that's not quite what I-”

Exisa was already looking around. “I mean, we're all a bit different, all weird in some way, but I guess we all fit. Though come to think of it, that bastard Niter never really fit, did he?”

“I suppose the two claiming to be nobility are the ones that most stick out,” the scented one mused. “Though Araris never claimed to be nobility. He clearly is though, I mean just look at him.”

“A noble trying to hide his heritage?” Exisa asked. “That sounds suspicious to me!” He stormed off, over to the table that Araris was sitting at, and climbed onto it via a chair. He cleared his throat, calling all attention to him. “Does anyone else think that this guy,” he wheeled on Araris and pointed at him dramatically, “is a treacherous git? I mean look at him, sipping his wine there! Clearly he's more at home with the high society than with us.”

Araris, for his part, looked rather bemused. “I assure you, I have no idea what you're talking about.”

“I'm sure you don't!” Exisa said, walking around the table, as Araris hurried to rescue his wine from being kicked off by accident. He drew a pistol from within his coat, though he didn't point it at Araris. “How much are they paying you? Would have to be a lot for someone like you to hang around with us. Hell, are they even paying you? Or was it just a few favours to the family?”

Araris got up from his chair. “If you insist on insulting me like this, then I must demand satisfaction. A duel, Exisa. Perhaps when your life is on the line, you will be less brash.”

“A duel? Fine, fine!” Exisa shrugged, turning to face him again. “Whatever it takes for you to admit it.”

“As the injured party, Araris may choose weapons,” Count Reynaud said, looking over with some interest, and also a little surprise that he himself wasn't the target instead.

“This is true,” Araris turned and nodded to Count Reynaud. “Very well. I choose my trusty sword,” he said, drawing it from his side. The soft, silvery metal shone as it reflected the dim light of the room. “It may not be the best for a physical fight, but it will at least prevent any Allomantic interference.”

“Fine. I'll choose my gun then,” Exisa said, raising it up at Araris' face, and firing.

Count Reynaud slapped a hand to his face in exasperation as Araris hit the ground. "For a start, you're meant to both use the same weapons..." he groaned into his drink. "Savages."

Araris was a Mistrunner!

Araris (2): IrulelikeSTINK, Clanky
Eda (1): Lopen
Avis (1): Eda
Star Thief (1): Araris

Player List


IrulelikeSTINK - IrulelikeSTINK - A placeholder.
Anamaximder - Alexandrius Venturia
Mailliw73 - Miller Washington - Medical Knowledge
Hellscythe - Avis
Kynedath - Dragonsight - A teetotal seasoned criminal.
Shallan - Citona Vinid - Thinks quickly on her feet.
phattemer - Exisa - Paranoid, but who isn't in this business?
Elbereth - Elbe - Quiet and polite - Well-Connected
RippleGylf - Ripple - Another teetotaler, but not so far proven to be seasoned at criminal activity.
Elkanah - Lane - None of your business.
Bridge Boy - Sam Flynn - Experienced Mistrunner and Cognitive Matrix explorer.
Adavantos - Count Banuir Reynaud - Count is actually his first name.
TheMightyLopen - Lopen - Excitable and forward-looking.
Araris Valerian - Araris - A fencer with an aluminium sword - Mistrunner
Burnt Spaghetti - Ember Ghetti - Most definitely not a Kandra - Mistrunner

Clanky - Clanky - A placeholder.
Arraenae - Niter - A mute guy with a high-tech notepad - Assassin
The Silver Dragon - Star Thief - Part-Scadrialian, part-magpie, all mysterious
luckat - Lucy - Never late, nor early.
LUNA - Eda - A new Mistrunner.
OrlokTsubodai - Locke Tekiel - Always in a rush - Mistrunner

Night 4 has begun! PMs may now be sent. The Night will end on Monday at 8PM GMT.

Lane has been chosen to select people for the mission! I will need a response for this by 8PM GMT on Sunday.

Edited by Alvron
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Well I can't say that I am completely satisfied with how that went down. WE are going to need way more than 6 votes if we want any real discussion to happen. 


Anyways Elkanah, I would recommend putting inactives on the mission, it's the best way to deal with inactivity rather than wasting lynches on them.

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You know, Sam thought, I really do have a history with bad employers. There was Dogan, who ended up leading him into an ambush, Brax, who was unknowingly hired by the feds, and Upstad, who tried to get him to hack into a system that would overwrite his brain, not to mention blowing up the city. And possibly Yolen, Sam mentally added to the list. Sam never went back on a contract, but he was seriously rethinking his policy at this point. Six dead now, and one a confirmed cop. You'd think Yolen's screening would be better. Unless this was on purpose. Drag rumors of a big job through the underworld for a while, steadily building up to it, attracting the best mistrunners like sharks to chum. Then get them in one spot, give them meaningless tasks to do to occupy them, (This last one was only half working) and kill them off one by one with your own plants. (Spies, moles, saboteurs, however you will.) And honestly, it didn't help that half the people killed so far were due to mistrunners killing each other. Just take five minutes to hack into their pad, honestly, and you could probably find out something from that, instead of shooting a killing someone in a messed up mockup of a "duel." If you're going to kill someone to go through his pockets to see if he's a traitor, why not just go through his pockets before he has a while through his head. Or stomach. Or anywhere on his anatomy. Sam was starting to wonder whether all these people were the professionals the professed to be. He was wondering the same thing about Yolen. Sam woke up an opened his eyes, stretching after his long nap. He had some more tracing on Yolen. It seemed like his name was a fake, but Sam had expected that. There was always something past that. There is always another secret.


(In all seriousness, I have had a GM turned evil before in these games, and it wouldn't surprise me if Yolen turned out the same. Remember Meal? Because I remember. A butter knife Mailliw. A butter knife. I still have the PM of that. I will get you for that one day.)

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