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That was close BB. Good work though. As much as I wanted to lynch an evil!Adavantos for all the times he's avoided being lynched when he's evil, I'm happy with the result.  :)


Anyways, the reason I was defending BB as much as I was last Cycle was because he claimed Assassin to me on Night 1 and I knew he'd yet to use his ability. I asked him to attack Adavantos 2 Nights ago, but he didn't see my message until really late in the Cycle, and my "asking" him was more of a "what do you think about attacking Ada?" then a "can you attack Ada right now?" kinda question.


One more thing. I'm in contact with yet another Hacker, and they claimed to have scanned Ada as Loyal 2 Nights ago(so they scanned him on Night 4). This means one of 2 things. Either that Hacker is a Traitor, or the Traitors have False Trails. Honestly, I've had the thought that the Traitors might have started with the only Hackers, and no False Trails role at all, thus allowing for a Loyal Data Gatherer to scan them and think they might be Loyal because 1. they were a Hacker, and 2. their role wasn't hidden by False Trails. However, since the Traitors just killed BB, I'm wondering if they either thought that BB was my Hacker contact(Ada was aware that I knew another Hacker) or they DO have a Data Gatherer and scanned him sometime. I haven't decided which theory I believe is more likely.


Like Clanky said, I thought that if Ada was a Traitor, that LUNA may be as well. I'll post my reasoning when I have some more time.


Edit: Here's basically what I told Clanky last Night Turn in our PM.


So LUNA posted a while back(like 2 or 3 Cycles ago) about how she was suspicious of me, STINK and Adavantos for going after her a little. But last Day Turn, she claims she now thinks me and STINK are Loyal(complete change of opinion from before), and she's suspicious of Hellscythe and BB. No mention of Ada at all, even though she had said she was suspicious of him before, and I was accusing him very vocally right then, so her ignoring him right then is pretty suspicious to me. Then, last Night Turn, I asked her what she thought of Ada, and she told me that she's "been suspicious of him for a while tbh." So she was suspicious of both BB and Ada, and when she posted that, they both had a vote on them. Later, they both had 2 votes and eventually that was the outcome(a tied lynch). She never voted for either of them though. Add to that what Clanky pointed out, that Ada had been "suspicious" of her for a while, but never voted on her or really pushed for her to be lynched, and I think that makes her look quite suspicious.


So to sum it up, here's the major points I think suggest LUNA is a Traitor:


1. Her and Ada have been casting suspicion on each other, but never actually try to lynch each other.


2. When Ada was coming under fire from me last Cycle, LUNA ignored him completely, going after Hellscythe and BB instead.


3. She didn't vote on Arraenae when STINK revealed her. (Although she said she pretty much forgot to, so I don't really want to focus on this point, since I don't like questioning players about real life stuff, even though she put it in black text, and never explicity said she "forgot.")


4. Her sudden change of opinion of me and STINK, with no explanation. Even if she has some sort of explanation, the change of heart is kinda surprising to me.


So those reasons, and the reasons I stated a while back that roused my suspicion of her early on.


Vote tally:


LUNA(2): Clanky, Lopen

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Aight then, since there is a good chance that I will not be able to respond until it is too late (due to a basketball game that I have to perform at and church) I will just give my defense now. 

ALSO, I am voting for STINK.


I am a data gatherer. Here are the people that I have scanned: 

The first night I scanned Mailliw and discovered he had Medical Knowledge, but then he had already died.

The second night I scanned Hellscythe and discovered that he has no specialization.

The third turn, I used my ability to scan Lopen, and discovered that he is a Communications Expert.

Then I scanned STINK and learned that he has no specialization

In the last night cycle I scanned BB, to learn that he was an assassin, but it was too late.


I have put this info out there so that any of the good players can use this info to their will (be aware of False Trails) when I am gone. *wipes single solitary tear* I also figure that, either y'all are gonna lynch me or the eliminators are gonna kill me. so, whoever has the next mission, and if the gods of ice cream and other sweet and delicious treats have smiled kindly on me and I am still alive, please put me on the mission.

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Aight then, since there is a good chance that I will not be able to respond until it is too late (due to a basketball game that I have to perform at and church) I will just give my defense now. 

ALSO, I am voting for STINK.


I am a data gatherer. Here are the people that I have scanned: 

The first night I scanned Mailliw and discovered he had Medical Knowledge, but then he had already died.

The second night I scanned Hellscythe and discovered that he has no specialization.

The third turn, I used my ability to scan Lopen, and discovered that he is a Communications Expert.

Then I scanned STINK and learned that he has no specialization

In the last night cycle I scanned BB, to learn that he was an assassin, but it was too late.


I have put this info out there so that any of the good players can use this info to their will (be aware of False Trails) when I am gone. *wipes single solitary tear* I also figure that, either y'all are gonna lynch me or the eliminators are gonna kill me. so, whoever has the next mission, and if the gods of ice cream and other sweet and delicious treats have smiled kindly on me and I am still alive, please put me on the mission.


Aww, I was trying to keep my role secret, since I figure I'm the only PM guy left. Well, I am a Communications Expert, so I figure LUNA is really a Data Gatherer, or is at least in contact with one(in which case she's most definitely a Traitor, since a Loyal Data Gatherer wouldn't let her claim their role and scans to try and keep her alive I don't think).


Mailliw actually died on Night 2 though, which was the Night after you scanned him.

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Night 6: Blood in the Rain

If Eda was entirely honest with herself, she knew that joining the criminal underground was not a good idea on any level. It was said that a Mistrunner never died in his (or her) sleep, and she was beginning to understand why. It was not a romanticised job as such, but there was a level of notoriety associated with it. There were celebrities amongst them too, names that kept cropping up on the darknet – Clockwork, The Laughing Man, and other giants within the hidden world.

Eda was not one of them, and if she was honest with herself she never really expected herself to become one. She had planned to join in a few lucrative and – hopefully – less dangerous runs, and get out while she could. There was already a small nest-egg built up, and this was probably to be her last mission, one way or another. It was reckless, but the money was far too good for her to turn down. She had plans for the Boxings she had saved up, and the more she had to spend the better.

It was getting difficult to quit the mists, though. It was an addiction, one that was understood by most of her fellow Mistrunners, but rarely spoken of. There was a sense of release behind it, driving them. A desire to live free or die trying. If the world that the Megacorps tried to build was a cage, then they had escaped it, and had grasped freedom with both hands, refusing to let go. They refused to be returned to their confinement, now that they had a taste of the world outside.

There were a lot of people like Eda in the shadow-world; people who had lived within their gilded cage for most of their life, before suddenly finding themselves outside of it. And now she could see it from the outside, from another perspective, it was obvious to her just how cramped it was. How ill-fitting it was for her. She had seen the unpleasant, totalitarian truth of the world for the first time, and it was impossible to forget them and return to her easy, thoughtless life.

She wondered how many of the others in the room had that moment of clarity, that startling realisation of powerlessness at some point in their life. What was it that drove them to such a suicidal lifestyle? Desire for material wealth they could not have otherwise obtained? Antipathy towards the Megacorps? Or perhaps they simply knew no other life, and never had a choice in where they ended up. She had no idea. People in this business generally disliked talking about their past.

How did they see themselves in their struggle against unfettered capitalism? Well, most of them she knew would consider themselves heroes. It is rare to find someone who believes they are in the wrong and yet continues on their path. But at the same time, the job enforced a streak of cynicism upon people, innocence sacrificed so that their lives could continue. In their heart-of-hearts, she also knew, they would know themselves to be thieves. No more, no less.

And what would they say if she thought them to be the same as the Megacorps themselves? Selfish, greedy and conniving, looking out only for themselves and trampling over everyone else to get their way. Mistrunners rarely thought for their victims, whether it was a simple theft or an assassination they were hired to carry out. Megacorp employees, particularly security, were only doing their jobs, living the only life they knew. That did not make it right for them to indiscriminately kill them just because they were on different sides.

They were all just victims of the world, forced to take the path they were on because they had no choice, because the world was fundamentally broken. And when the world was fractured and fragmented, was it any surprise that its people were too? Humans, it was said according to the Pathist faith, were made from Harmony – Equal parts continuity and destruction. In a way, the Megacorps were the manifestation of Harmony. Only by using both aspects could they rebuild the world as they wished. And they had rebuilt it in such a way that people would not fight it. They people lived in constant fear, as slaves in all but name.

Was there even a point to fighting it, at this stage? Even if they achieved their objected, even if they made their overlords into mortal beings once again, the damage was done already. Their descendants would be Mistborn too, and probably Feruchemists as well. Weaker, to be sure, but still the most versatile and powerful beings on the planet. And that was not even considering their sheer material wealth. Why would they need such things as the Metallic Arts, or even immortality, when they were practically unshakable without a dismantling of the entire system.

Unfortunately, Eda had made the mistake of voicing this opinion in a room full of the Megacorp's enemies. Ones who hated them with something not just with a passion but with a vengeance. Rightly or wrongly, they considered these people the epitome of evil in this world, and anyone who disagreed with them was either blind, stupid or evil as well. They were dogmatic in their hatred, and perhaps for good reason. But they allowed no argument, no dissent.

The argument started peacefully enough, as arguments went. Someone asked her to repeat what she had said, and she refused. Someone else did it for her, mangling and twisting her words until they were almost unrecognisable, though she would be the first to admit that from a certain point of view, they could be considered similar. An argument erupted, even without her being a part of it.

She stood up, declaring that she was leaving. They could carry out this Harmony-forsaken crusade without her. She knew that one last mission would be too many, she should have stopped when things started to get too deep. But it was addictive, the thrill of the mists.

That was when it started to get worse. Someone, in not too kind words, suggested she was going to join their enemy. That evolved into joining the Lone Shard, helping them root the rest of the people in the bar out and kill them all. Then someone pointed out that even if she wasn't, they weren't going to trust her to keep her mouth shut or resist interrogation. For all their sakes, for the safety of the group, it was decided that they had to kill her.

And so it was that Eda found herself propped up in an alleyway some distance from the bar, a long cut in her shirt and her gut, slowly bleeding in the rain. The wound was not immediately life-threatening, but it was excruciatingly painful, and without treatment it would fester over the next few hours and become lethal. It was a punishment for cowards and traitors, spiteful and with a lot of time to think about what she had (or hadn't) done. They hadn't taken the small amount of money she had on her – charity for the truly needy, those living on the streets who would come scavenging when the sun had disappeared and her corpse was cold – but they had taken her knife and metal vial.

They hadn't taken her gun. It lay just a short, impossible distance away, with a single bullet in. A final cruelty from the shadow-world; an opportunity to end the pain, to finish it all in a second, forever out of her reach.

Eda was a Data Gatherer!

Eda (4): IrulelikeSTINK, Ripple, Lopen, Clanky
IrulelikeSTINK (1): Eda

Player List 


IrulelikeSTINK - IrulelikeSTINK - A placeholder.
Anamaximder - Alexandrius Venturia
Mailliw73 - Miller Washington - Medical Knowledge
Hellscythe - Avis
Kynedath - Dragonsight - A teetotal seasoned criminal.
Shallan - Citona Vinid - Thinks quickly on her feet.
phattemer - Exisa - Paranoid, but who isn't in this business?
Elbereth - Elbe - Quiet and polite - Well-Connected
RippleGylf - Ripple - Another teetotaler, but not so far proven to be seasoned at criminal activity.
Elkanah - Lane - None of your business - Mistrunner
Bridge Boy - Sam Flynn - Experienced Mistrunner and Cognitive Matrix explorer - Assassin
Adavantos - Count Banuir Reynaud - Count is actually his first name - Hacker

TheMightyLopen - Lopen - Excitable and forward-looking.
Araris Valerian - Araris - A fencer with an aluminium sword - Mistrunner
Burnt Spaghetti - Ember Ghetti - Most definitely not a Kandra - Mistrunner

Clanky - Clanky - A placeholder.
Arraenae - Niter - A mute guy with a high-tech notepad - Assassin
The Silver Dragon - Star Thief - Part-Scadrialian, part-magpie, all mysterious - Non-Specialist
luckat - Lucy - Never late, nor early - Communications Specialist
LUNA - Eda - A new Mistrunner - Data Gatherer
OrlokTsubodai - Locke Tekiel - Always in a rush - 

Night 6 has begun. PMs may now be sent. The Night will end on Tuesday at 8PM.

Exisa has been chosen to select people for the mission.

Edited by Alvron
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Id like to apologize for my inactivity; I've been busy with some IRL stuff that's mostly cleared up now.

Right now, the people on the mission are myself, STINK, Hellscythe, and Lopen. If you don't want to go, just PM me or say so in thread and I'll remove you.

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Darn it. I really thought she was a Traitor. Sorry LUNA.  -_-


I think it would be a good idea to use the mission to kill Shallan, just so that we take care of a complete inactive, as well as protect 3 players from a Traitor attack.


So phatt, maybe you could switch out STINK for Shallan? I'm not sure if STINK wants to go or not.


The player list would look like this then:


Mission players:


1. Lopen

2. phatt

3. Hellscythe

4. Shallan


Non - Mission players:


5. Clanky


7. Kynedath

8. Ripple

9. Anamaximder


Edit: Oh yeah, Ada was aware of this, so I figure I should tell you all about it. Anamaximder claimed to be a Temporal Displacer on Night 1 to me, but has yet to prove it. His role is why I think he's probably Loyal. Ada's scans were me, Hellscythe and Clanky, all as Loyal, in case you all were wondering.

Edited by TheMightyLopen
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Hey guys. Apologies for being inactive. I suppose my role is already out there so I don't really need to role claim.

"The second night I scanned Hellscythe and discovered that he has no specialization."


Because of this I'm fine with going on the mission however now that we have only 9 players I think the possibility of there being an evil on the mission is considerably higher than it was before thus my chance of dying on the mission is also higher so if you decided to not put me on the mission I wouldn't argue against you.


Ada only had 3 scans? I thought he was alive until about cycle 4 or 5? Shouldn't he have at least one more? Also he never PMed me that I was scanned which I find odd.


Speaking of scans, if we have a hacker out there now would be a great time to give out your scans. Obviously PM's can keep you secret but at this point if you have anywhere from 3-6 people still alive scanned that would help so much.


I don't think we should necessarily kill the inactives just cause(partially because I'm one of them). Although if the eliminators keep killing the ones talking they'll be the only ones left and not around to place any votes to lynch any eliminators unless the inactives are the eliminators.

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The mission has begun! I will need to hear back from IrulelikeSTINK, Hellscythe, phattemer and TheMightyLopen before the end of the Night.

Edited by Wyrmhero
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Which naturally, places Clanky and HS as suspicious.

Naturally It does.  Lopen what cycles did Ada say his scans were from?


Also I see that we decided against killing Shallan with the mission. I suppose I understand that. 

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Day 7: A Silence of Fractals

The Heron Industries Mining Concern complex lay in silence, and it could be argued that it was a silence of three parts.

The first was a mist of quiet that stretched through the empty streets of the city. While the slums may have been more raucous, less lawful, within the city itself, people went about their lives quietly. The people who worked during the day were at home now, recovering and resting for the next day. The night shift were at their desks, and all that could be heard there was the clicking of keys and the soft hum of electricity.

It was a working silence, a contented silence that did not neccessarily speak of happiness but at least did not hint towards sadness. Those who moved through it and contributed it did not notice it; it permeated their lives, they lived and breathed this silence. There was fear behind it too, a silent terror at the thought of the tormentors of their soft, quiet lives; the Mistrunners.

The second silence was a planned silence, one that was not noticed as such but evoked. The music hall of the city stood in silence, a full orchestra very carefully playing not a single note. It was an awkward quietness, filled with coughing and the shuffling of clothes as people. It was a tribute to those who had passed away in the service of the police, just over four and a half minutes of silence to remember the names of the fallen.

It was a reflective silence, one that demanded introspection. Missing the irony doing so at such a solemn occasion, among those attending were the height of society, there not out of respect but to be seen. They shuffled around awkwardly for the most part, unused to the concept of music without sound. Only the Heron family stood in complete silence, living statues emanating discipline. Of all the people in the room, they alone appeared comfortable.

The third silence was the least observed, as only a few people knew it even existed. A handful of malcontents stood around the door to a vault, each with their own task to cover. One fiddled with the circuitry, redirecting the alarms and keeping them from being discovered. The second felt the lock with his Allomancy, feeling the mechanical tumblers and learning their positions. The third stood to the side, wires connecting him to a computer, which in turn connected him to the vault door. His job was to sever the electronic locks, the second layer of defence. The fourth kept a lookout, for even if the alarms did not go off, a security officer making his rounds would be just as dangerous.

It was an urgent silence, one filled with concern and panic. They were in deep in the Heron complex, in a place that was spoken of in a hush voice. The vaults contained treasures that could not even be imagined, but material wealth was not what the infiltrators were here for.

They opened the vault with continued haste, the door creaking and interrupting the silence, cutting through it harshly. They looked at it with horror, but no-one came to investigate. These halls were rarely traversed, so deep in the building, and they had fed a loop into the camera system to prevent those further away discovering them. Within the vault, they picked up a disk-like object, as well as a few items of worth, and left as quickly as they could.

Three separate silences: The workers, the patrons and the thieves. And yet, if one took a step back, one could consider them far less disparate. Each of the smaller, less noticeable silences was only a fraction of a larger silence, an oppressive force that fell upon the city.

And again, if one took another step back, it would become apparent that even that was a small part of a yet greater silence. Silences within silences, each obscuring and mystifying the other. Each city felt these silences, in one way or another, and each city contributed to this greater silence. It covered the world in its muffling blanket, stifling it and wilting it in its shadows.

A world of silence, silence that replicated infinitely as it was examined closer. Silence that split as into impossibly small, more personal silences. Each person an island, and yet impossible to divide from their fellows. The whole silence was made greater than the sum of its parts, each contributing to the whole.

The world was silent, gently trundling along its path with little deviation. Though each Scadrialian may have had their own, personal silence, none could lay a claim to it being theirs. It was a silence enforced upon them by their surroundings, not one chosen by them.

The encompassing silence belonged to the world, and it alone claimed ownership of the silence. It was the silence of a world that was waiting to die.

The mission was successful.
No-one died!

Player List 


IrulelikeSTINK - IrulelikeSTINK - A placeholder.
Anamaximder - Alexandrius Venturia
Mailliw73 - Miller Washington - Medical Knowledge
Hellscythe - Avis
Kynedath - Dragonsight - A teetotal seasoned criminal.
Shallan - Citona Vinid - Thinks quickly on her feet.
phattemer - Exisa - Paranoid, but who isn't in this business?
Elbereth - Elbe - Quiet and polite - Well-Connected
RippleGylf - Ripple - Another teetotaler, but not so far proven to be seasoned at criminal activity.
Elkanah - Lane - None of your business - Mistrunner
Bridge Boy - Sam Flynn - Experienced Mistrunner and Cognitive Matrix explorer - Assassin
Adavantos - Count Banuir Reynaud - Count is actually his first name - Hacker

TheMightyLopen - Lopen - Excitable and forward-looking.
Araris Valerian - Araris - A fencer with an aluminium sword - Mistrunner
Burnt Spaghetti - Ember Ghetti - Most definitely not a Kandra - Mistrunner

Clanky - Clanky - A placeholder.
Arraenae - Niter - A mute guy with a high-tech notepad - Assassin
The Silver Dragon - Star Thief - Part-Scadrialian, part-magpie, all mysterious - Non-Specialist
luckat - Lucy - Never late, nor early - Communications Specialist
LUNA - Eda - A new Mistrunner - Data Gatherer
OrlokTsubodai - Locke Tekiel - Always in a rush - 

Day 7 has begun. Please stop PMs. The Day will end on Thursday at 8PM.

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