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Night 8: A Poisonous Friend

“This is rather unfortunate,” Exisa said, smiling a little weakly at the Mistrunners surrounding him. He took a step back, edging slowly towards the door, and bumped into something solid. He looked up and saw Lopen's grinning face staring back down at him. That was a sight that would remain in his nightmares. If he was ever lucky enough to have a nightmare again.

“I guess you could say that, “Lopen said, his smile growing a little wider as Exisa flinched away from him. “I mean, pretty clear which side these guys are on, right? Your tricks and attempts to get them to kill me didn't work, did they? Think we all know what the score is here. And that cowardly attempt to dodge the blame just proves it, in my opinion.”

“Oh, come on,” Exisa replied, rolling eyes eyes a little. “Anyone else woulda done the same, right?”

“Perhaps,” Clanky agreed. “But not all of us would be best friends with a Megacorp, would we? Sure, we might all do a few jobs now and then when we're strapped for cash, but this? This mission's about more than wealth. This is about survival!”

“Survival?” Exisa asked, incredulously. “What do you call this?!” He gestured around. “There's six of us here, in the middle of some Harmony-forsaken war by that shifty guy hiding behind the screen. He's involved us in his personal fight, and for what? Death and the opportunity for a few Boxings. Utterly stupid.” He shook his head.

“Deaths you caused,” Lopen said with a growl. “We'd all still be here if it weren't for you. All resounding successes.”

“You know that's not true,” Exisa said. “We're not lucky enough for that. People were always going to die. This was always going to end badly. I just... Accelerated things. And got out,” he added. “Well, I guess that's not true, is it? I tried to. Soon as I got in, I knew it was a mistake, but I could hardly leave, right? You guys would have killed me for that. So I tried the next best thing.”

“We're going to kill you now though,” Avis pointed out. “All you've done is get a load of our friends killed.”

“Perhaps,” Exisa smiled. “Well, let's get this over with, shall we?”

“Oh no you don't,” Lopen muttered, placing a hand on his shoulder and clamping down. “After all you've done, there's no way in hell you're getting a quick death. You're going to tell us everything we want to know.”

“I don't think I will, Lopen.” He opened his mouth, revealing a small, blueish capsule, and chomped down on it.”

“Dammit!” Lopen shouted as Exisa hit the floor. “Someone make him vomit! Spike the bastard with Feruchemical gold!” But all in vain. They picked him up and tried to force him to regurgitate the poison, but the damage was done, and Exisa slipped away. Lopen kicked him as he hit the ground. “Dammit!” he repeated.

A raspy cough drew their attention back to the screen behind them. “Now that your theatre is done,” Feis said, seemingly unconcerned by the image before him, “perhaps we can get on with some work, hm?”

Exisa was Well-Connected!

Exisa (4): Lopen, Avis, Dragonsight, Clanky
Lopen (1): Exisa

Player List 


IrulelikeSTINK - IrulelikeSTINK - A placeholder  - Mistrunner
Anamaximder - Alexandrius Venturia - Temporal Displacement
Mailliw73 - Miller Washington - Medical Knowledge

Hellscythe - Avis
Kynedath - Dragonsight - A teetotal seasoned criminal.
Shallan - Citona Vinid - Thinks quickly on her feet.
phattemer - Exisa - Paranoid, but who isn't in this business? - Well-Connected
Elbereth - Elbe - Quiet and polite - Well-Connected
RippleGylf - Ripple - Another teetotaler, but not so far proven to be seasoned at criminal activity - Hacker
Elkanah - Lane - None of your business - Mistrunner
Bridge Boy - Sam Flynn - Experienced Mistrunner and Cognitive Matrix explorer - Assassin
Adavantos - Count Banuir Reynaud - Count is actually his first name - Hacker

TheMightyLopen - Lopen - Excitable and forward-looking.
Araris Valerian - Araris - A fencer with an aluminium sword - Mistrunner
Burnt Spaghetti - Ember Ghetti - Most definitely not a Kandra - Mistrunner

Clanky - Clanky - A placeholder.
Arraenae - Niter - A mute guy with a high-tech notepad - Assassin
The Silver Dragon - Star Thief - Part-Scadrialian, part-magpie, all mysterious - Non-Specialist
luckat - Lucy - Never late, nor early - Communications Specialist
LUNA - Eda - A new Mistrunner - Data Gatherer
OrlokTsubodai - Locke Tekiel - Always in a rush - 

Night 8 has begun! PMs may be sent. The Night will end on Wednesday at 8PM.

Dragonsight has been chosen to select people for the mission! I will need to hear back from him with 4 people by 8PM on Tuesday.

Edited by Alvron
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Wooo! Go us!


So who do you guys think I should send on the mission? All four of us? Or none of us?


All of us? yeah probably. That'll mean that one of us is killed. If I send none of us, then I will die and another person will die, making the game tie. After that, All the eliminator has to do is wait until he can sabotage the next mission and the remaining player will die.


All of us then!

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So weird. I was sure we had lost when Anamax forgot to send in his order. I'm confused why the last Traitor didn't vote alongside phattemer and win the game by killing another active player(using phatt's Well-Connected role should have let them win). Maybe phatt forgot to send in his action the Night before or something???


Okay, yeah, Kynedath just ninja'd me. That sounds good Kynedath. I think putting all of us active players on the mission is the best thing to do. So I'm just gonna ask this now. Did you send in your order yet?  :P

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Shoot. My calculations are off. I didn't see Lopen on the list when I looked the first time. There are actually five people not four. If I put an inactive on the mission, then will the eliminator sabotage on the mission be absorbed by them?


So no Lopen, I haven't. But for good reasons. I was moving from one classroom to another. Then, when I went back to check the names of the people I was putting on a mission, I noticed that there was one more than expected.

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So I was super worried that Kyn and Lopen were the final traitors and playing us this whole time. Kyn just seemed to okay with voting for whomever he was told to.  :P


Anyways I think that we should have Shallan on the mission today. For the simple reason that only one player can die either way so it would be best to have the inactive die from not putting in an order at this point I think. Plus this way we can find out if she is actually evil even if it is very unlikely.

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I hadn't realized until just now, but I'm literally confirmed Loyal. So yeah Clanky, I haven't 'played' anyone, unless my bluff to the Traitors is why they didn't overpower the lynch. But I'd guess that phatt just forgot to send in his Action for his power, or he made the kill on Ripple for some reason. I'm actually just realizing that the Traitors might think we have a Medical Knowledge role left. That's hilarious. Elkanah was actually my Medical Knowledge 'contact.' I'll explain everything in full when I'm not on mobile, as well as analysis on Clanky, Hellscythe and Kynedath.


Also, I believe it would be best to send the active players on the mission.

Edited by TheMightyLopen
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If we put Shallan on the mission and she is good then she dies and nobody else does. If we put Shallan on the mission and she doesn't die that means that she is a traitor. So this way we keep the active players alive and can confirm fully shallans alignment.


The only way that I this wouldn't be a good idea is that you want someone to die so that we can narrow down teh suspect list.

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Sigh. Fine, here's my logic. 


We KNOW the Traitors have False Trails, because Ripple(Loyal Hacker) scanned Adavantos on Night 4 as Loyal. We also KNOW that I'm a Communications expert, therefore I am Loyal. We know that Shallan is Loyal as well, because of the fact that she hasn't been online since about a week before Night 4(the Night we know Ada was protected by False Trails). So, since me and Shallan are confirmed, but she's inactive, we should force the Traitors to decide if they want to take a chance on the mission and fail it(letting us narrow down who could be the last Traitor if I don't die), or succeed it and try to use the lynch to kill someone.

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Because if the Traitor fails the mission, and I don't die, that's one less suspect. Let's say Hellscythe is the last Traitor. If he fails the mission, one if us will die. Then, the two survivors would have less of a chance to mislynch. If I survive, I'll have a chance to pick the Taitor out of the 2 other survivors.

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The Planning Phase is over! The players selected for the mission are: Dragonsight, Clanky, Avis and Citona Vinid. I will need to hear back from these players by 8PM GMT on Wednesday.

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Yo, Shallan, Kynedath and Hellscythe, you're all on the mission, so no talking!  :P


The reason Shallan is cleared is because we know that the last Traitor has the False Trails role and protected Adavantos on Night 4. Shallan has been inactive since the beginning of Night 2, so we know it wasn't her, therefore she's Loyal. At least, I don't think she could be a Traitor.

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Yo, Shallan, Kynedath and Hellscythe, you're all on the mission, so no talking!  :P


Indeed - I'd like to point out that you shouldn't even know Shallan was here. I suppose it may not matter as such in the late stages of the game such as this, but still.

Edited by Wyrmhero
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Day 9: Missing, Presumed Dead

There was no talking in the bar tonight where the Mistrunners frequented. The four of them sat around a circular table, nursing some beverage of their choice, and carefully and pointedly not looking at one-another. There was a tension in the air, one only broken occasionally by the sipping of drinks and the clinking of the glass back on the wooden table. Occasionally, one would look towards the door, hoping that their missing member would burst in, perhaps complaining about the rain and the wind. But so far, no luck. And in truth, none of them expected to have any luck at all anymore.

There was a sense of mortality about them now, one that was never there before. Or perhaps it was always there, and they were too brave or foolhardy to notice it. Those of them with families, or loved ones, or friends, knew that tonight might be the last night they saw them. Eventually, just to have something to say, one of them spoke.

“What if she's dead?” Clanky asked, looking at the door almost rattling off its hinges in the storm. “It's a four-man plan. We need her.”

“We have four men,” Lopen responded, folding his arms. His eyes were glued to the entrance as well, though he had given up on hoping them. “We can make it still.”

“If she doesn't turn up,” Avis said, nodding in the direction of the door, “then it means she's probably dead. And that one of us is working for the Megacorps. We can't make it if one of us turns around and stabs the rest of us in the back.”

“Then we'll just have to pray that she is a Survivor,” Dragonsight muttered, closing his eyes and sitting back.

“That's it?” Clanky asked, turning on him. “Didn't you hear what I said? She's meant to be with us tonight. We need her for tonight's mission. For the final mission.”

“And I'm on bloody support,” Lopen muttered. “Well, we might as well have some fun, right? If she is dead, then we might as well make a head-start on figuring out which of us is the treacherous git. We might not be able to finish the job, but we'll walk away alive, which is more than I can say for the rest of the poor sods.”

“Where would you begin?” Dragonsight asked, still reclining. “There's no point until we know her status.”

“Well for a start,” Lopen gestured across the table, “I think this Avis character is mighty shady.”

Avis scowled. “We're Mistrunners, you idiot. We're all shady. It's our job to be shady. ”

Lopen grinned. “Yeah, but you're, like, less shady than the rest of us, right? You're mighty shady, the rest of us are storming shady. The least shady of us has to be working for them. Only thing that makes sense.”

“Well, you're certainly the most thuggish,” Clanky nodded. “Though I'd like to think I'm not that much worse than him. I may not be a Megacorp employee, honestly guys, but I think I bring a certain refinement to our kind.”

Lopen snorted. “Next you'll be saying I'm the traitor, just because I'm the most shady, so it's obviously me.”

“Well, perhaps...” Clanky nodded. “Only someone so obviously a thuggish, violent, thoughtless brute could secretly be an upper-class, careful, thoughtful infiltrator.”

“Well, yeah,” Lopen nodded. “Except I am what you would call a 'gen-tle-man thief',” he said, accentuating every syllable. “I practically ooze class. So 'fraid that doesn't work on me.”

“Harmony, what he said almost made sense!” Avis said, grinning a little. “Doesn't that make a change?”

“Lopen's complete lack of – and perhaps even hatred of - logic aside,” Dragonsight said, before hesitating, looking at Lopen. “Where did you hear 'storming' from, anyway?”

“Huh?” Lopen was caught a little off-guard. “I heard Yolen's assistant using it. Thought it sounded good as a curse. Storming. Storming job. Storming Yolen. See?”

“Right...” Clanky sighed. “Perhaps we should return to the problem of Citona?” he asked, tapping his fingers on the table. “We should at least search for her, just in case. That will be today's mission.”

“I suppose you're right,” Dragonsight nodded, finally sitting up again. “As much as I dislike it, we lack the manpower between us to do anything more than split up and look for clues as to her whereabouts and whether she's alive or dead.”

“Zoinks,” Lopen said. “Sounds dangerous, but what the hell? I'll do it.” He pushed up from the table, drained his glass, and disappeared with a cheery wave. “See you back here soon, kids.”

The four of them reconvened outside the bar three hours later, with nothing between them to show for it. Aside from Lopen, that was, who looked rather worse for ware. “What?” He asked. “Went looking for her in other dives,” he said by way of an explanation. “Certainly wasn't getting drunk, no sir!”

“I guess she's dead then,” Avis said. “And we've wasted the night looking for her.”

“It's a pain, yes,” Clanky nodded. “But at least we know where we stand.”

“Where we stand for now,” Avis pointed out. “Tomorrow's a new day. Who knows what'll happen between now and then?”

“Nothing good, I suspect,” Dragonsight replied grimly as he opened the door.

“Hey guys,” Citona said, looking up from them at a table with a few empty glasses splayed around it as well as a dirty plate. “You're late. What happened to the mission?”

Lopen put a hand to his face in exasperation. “I'm going to kill her,” he muttered.

“Later,” Clanky responded, equally quiet as he flashed her a smile in an attempt to be reassuring. “We might as well get back to planning for what's now tomorrow night.”

Lopen sighed and lowered his hand again, sitting down hard and a little petulantly on the stool. “Fine. Well, we're all here now, so I guess we have one last shot to find the traitor.” He leaned over a little and stole a packet of peanuts from the counter. Ripping the bag open, he looked at them all. “So, where do we start?”

Nobody died!

Player List 



  • IrulelikeSTINK - IrulelikeSTINK - A placeholder  - Mistrunner
  • Anamaximder - Alexandrius Venturia - Temporal Displacement
  • Mailliw73 - Miller Washington - Medical Knowledge
  • Hellscythe - Avis
  • Kynedath - Dragonsight - A teetotal seasoned criminal.
  • Shallan - Citona Vinid - Thinks quickly on her feet.
  • phattemer - Exisa - Paranoid, but who isn't in this business? - Well-Connected
  • Elbereth - Elbe - Quiet and polite - Well-Connected
  • RippleGylf - Ripple - Another teetotaler, but not so far proven to be seasoned at criminal activity - Hacker
  • Elkanah - Lane - None of your business - Mistrunner
  • Bridge Boy - Sam Flynn - Experienced Mistrunner and Cognitive Matrix explorer - Assassin
  • Adavantos - Count Banuir Reynaud - Count is actually his first name - Hacker
  • TheMightyLopen - Lopen - Excitable and forward-looking.
  • Araris Valerian - Araris - A fencer with an aluminium sword - Mistrunner
  • Burnt Spaghetti - Ember Ghetti - Most definitely not a Kandra - Mistrunner
  • Clanky - Clanky - A placeholder.
  • Arraenae - Niter - A mute guy with a high-tech notepad - Assassin
  • The Silver Dragon - Star Thief - Part-Scadrialian, part-magpie, all mysterious - Non-Specialist
  • luckat - Lucy - Never late, nor early - Communications Specialist
  • LUNA - Eda - A new Mistrunner - Data Gatherer
  • OrlokTsubodai - Locke Tekiel - Always in a rush - Mistrunner 

Day 9 has begun! It will end on Friday at 8PM GMT.

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This is it guys. Our final lynch. Me and Shallan are confirmed Loyals as far as I can tell. So there's 3 suspects: Clanky, Kynedath and Hellscythe. To be completely honest, I am very conflicted about all of this. I do have my own opinion about each of the players, but would like to see who you all think is the Traitor before I post my analysis. (Plus, I don't really have my analysis all put together. It's just in my mind right now.  :P)

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