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Random Stuff IX: Rogue Admins

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34 minutes ago, Kaymyth said:

Oooo.  Like, a DATE date?


27 minutes ago, Kobold King said:

Or a DATE date?


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* is thinking about dates *


A get-to-know-you date, though not with the sort of dates Kobold described. 

And it went well. We went out for sushi and talked for a while, and then we went to a bar with a whole bunch of international beers and talked some more. He's nice, easy to talk to, and I think we have a lot in common. ;) 

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31 minutes ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:


A get-to-know-you date, though not with the sort of dates Kobold described. 

And it went well. We went out for sushi and talked for a while, and then we went to a bar with a whole bunch of international beers and talked some more. He's nice, easy to talk to, and I think we have a lot in common. ;) 

But the most important question is: does he like pugs and Brandon Sanderson? :ph34r:

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21 minutes ago, Mestiv said:

That's a very important skill that may be crucial to your survival on this long trip. :P It will boost morale of your group, so that you'll be able to face any difficulty!

It may be crucial to my survival, but it'll probably kill everyone else. :P I am far from a harmonica expert.

But then again, what do I know? Maybe my terrible harmonica playing will be what the group needs: a cause to unite under! The cause, of course, being "stop Mist from playing that harmonica or so help me we will throw her off a bridge."

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You guys were right: The Prestige was great! Major spoilers below:


I mean, having Bale play both Fallon and Borden from the beginning was great. Cutter blatantly revealed the entire trick very early on, but Angier wouldn't listen. We had it all. Very well done. Though, I will say, I found both Borden and Angier to be quite the bastards throughout. They are cold.



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7 hours ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:


A get-to-know-you date, though not with the sort of dates Kobold described. 

And it went well. We went out for sushi and talked for a while, and then we went to a bar with a whole bunch of international beers and talked some more. He's nice, easy to talk to, and I think we have a lot in common. ;) 

Awesome :D 

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Anyone know anything about monkies? I figure @Kobold King is my best bet for this kind of ecology issue, but...

...oh, right, guess I need to say why I need info?

So, I'm thinking of playing a character in a Pathfinder PbP. It's set in a jungle so I thought it would be fun to play a vanara, which are basically monkey humanoids.

I wanted to come up with some kind of neat character, so I figured I'd Base them off of a New World monkey...but wow, there are a lot of monkey species, and I don't know where to start.

Any advice?

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1 hour ago, Quiver said:

Anyone know anything about monkies? I figure @Kobold King is my best bet for this kind of ecology issue, but...

...oh, right, guess I need to say why I need info?

So, I'm thinking of playing a character in a Pathfinder PbP. It's set in a jungle so I thought it would be fun to play a vanara, which are basically monkey humanoids.

I wanted to come up with some kind of neat character, so I figured I'd Base them off of a New World monkey...but wow, there are a lot of monkey species, and I don't know where to start.

Any advice?


A vanara based on a New World monkey would be fascinating; since the original folklore came from India, using a species from the Americas would be a really original way to depict the creature. I have a few suggestions.

First, the emperor tamarin.

In addition to having one of the most fabulous mustaches in the primate world, the emperor tamarin is known for being extraordinarily social with members of its own group and beyond. Even wild individuals are friendly and even playful with human beings, so a tamarin-based vanara might be good if you want your character to be a charming type who gets along well with members of other races. If it were me, I'd play a tamarin.

Then there are howler monkeys.

Larger and, as Wikipedia notes, "of a more surly disposition" than the emperor tamarin, howler monkeys are best known for their loud territorial calls, which can be heard up to five kilometers away. They live in groups led by one, occasionally two or three dominant males. They are more aggressive and prone to conflict than some other small monkeys, and while they won't get into a physical fight unless they absolutely have to, severe injuries in both fighting parties generally occur when they do. If you want your vanara to be a grumpy, stoic barbarian type, a howler monkey would probably make a good fit.

Finally, spider monkeys.

We're now approaching the limits of what I know about New World monkey species, so this'll be the last one. Spider monkeys are so-named for their extremely long arms and legs compared to their bodies, which gives them a very gangly, spider-like appearance. They're not as fierce as howler monkeys but also not as friendly as emperor tamarins; they're more of a middle route. They are extremely social among their own kind and have their own complex language of gestures and calls they use communicate amongst themselves. They are among the most intelligent monkeys in the world, with brains over twice the size of those of the howler monkey species.

Hope any of that helps!


And congrats on the date, Twi. Hope you had fun, even with the lack of sweet, succulent, fruit-tastic dates. :P:)

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23 minutes ago, Kobold King said:


A vanara based on a New World monkey would be fascinating; since the original folklore came from India, using a species from the Americas would be a really original way to depict the creature. I have a few suggestions.

First, the emperor tamarin.

In addition to having one of the most fabulous mustaches in the primate world, the emperor tamarin is known for being extraordinarily social with members of its own group and beyond. Even wild individuals are friendly and even playful with human beings, so a tamarin-based vanara might be good if you want your character to be a charming type who gets along well with members of other races. If it were me, I'd play a tamarin.

Then there are howler monkeys.

Larger and, as Wikipedia notes, "of a more surly disposition" than the emperor tamarin, howler monkeys are best known for their loud territorial calls, which can be heard up to five kilometers away. They live in groups led by one, occasionally two or three dominant males. They are more aggressive and prone to conflict than some other small monkeys, and while they won't get into a physical fight unless they absolutely have to, severe injuries in both fighting parties generally occur when they do. If you want your vanara to be a grumpy, stoic barbarian type, a howler monkey would probably make a good fit.

Finally, spider monkeys.

We're now approaching the limits of what I know about New World monkey species, so this'll be the last one. Spider monkeys are so-named for their extremely long arms and legs compared to their bodies, which gives them a very gangly, spider-like appearance. They're not as fierce as howler monkeys but also not as friendly as emperor tamarins; they're more of a middle route. They are extremely social among their own kind and have their own complex language of gestures and calls they use communicate amongst themselves. They are among the most intelligent monkeys in the world, with brains over twice the size of those of the howler monkey species.

Hope any of that helps!

Honestly, now I'm just wondering whether or not every class can be turned into a monkey. Those three seem to correspond to rogue, barbarian, wizard pretty well...

Seriously, yes! Much help! 

Honestly, I was leaning towards either a tamarin (no idea for class), or a Capuchin monkey styled as a cleric.

(Since...they are trained as helper one's in the real world. Possibly with some kind of service/slave background for flavor)

Spider money wizard might be fun, though.. 

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13 minutes ago, Morzathoth said:

I just rolled a 20 trying to persuade a metal door to open.

It didnt open.

That's because the skill doesn't apply to metal doors. Try lockpicking instead. That's just talking to a door until it is annoyed enough to let you through, right?

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11 minutes ago, Kobold King said:


Instructions unclear. Ghost Queen of Scotland wants to marry me. Send help.

Look at it like this Kobold, getting haunted by a Ghost Queen is still harmless in comparision, right? (warning, in-joke incoming)




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45 minutes ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:


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Good Gandhi, Cathy is the worst roommate 

ever. <_<

She should be banned from being roommates with anyone. 

Seriously. How did she pass Basic Decency 101? 

She didn't, because she's a demon, duh.

:P I remember when I watched that episode for the first time, I thought it was just hilarious that Buffy was so annoyed by that Cher song.

5 hours ago, Morzathoth said:

I just rolled a 20 trying to persuade a metal door to open.

It didnt open.

Haha. Funny story, though: Rachel Aaron has a book series called The Legend of Eli Monpress in which flattering or threatening a door into opening is actually a viable option.

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