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Not true really. He was comparing the pride he felt with that of a father seeing his child take her first steps. :P

Atleast that's how I saw it. You're welcome to disagree.

Eh, fine. I'll totally take all the blame for this! :D

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Night 2: A Tempest of Colors


Though the storm across Hallandren did not approach the power of one of the highstorms of Roshar, it was still stronger than any the city of the God-king had seen in decades. Roof tiles were torn and sent flying through the air, waves taller than the city walls swamped the docks, and wind ripped up trees by their roots.


The destruction was tremendous, leaving many dead and still more mourning. But amid the devastation, there was reason for rejoicing. Fully twelve new gods were born that night, raised from the most exemplary of the many heroes of the evening. Endowment, it seemed, smiled upon Hallandren.




Nijza floated on a sea of colors. Her passing had been painful, but she was now at peace. She could feel the pull of another realm, calling to her, but she paused for long enough to revel in the absence of pain. Odium had not been kind.


After what seemed like an eternity, she pulled her focus to her surroundings. She did not recognize the Shardworld turning beneath her, but she could feel its Investiture. Endowment. Starting awake, she looked around. The Vessel stood before her, human in form, gender veiled.


"What do you want of me?" Her voice was confident. After all, hadn't she held a fragment of the power of God, every bit as powerful as the one before her?


"Nothing. Nothing but what you want, Nijza."


"And what gives you this special insight into what I want, Vessel?"


Endowment laughed, the sound silky. "I claim no special insight, Nijza. Only an offer. There is much work still to be done down there."


Nijza raised what would have been her eyebrows had she had a physical form. "Indeed?"


"You know as well as I do what is at stake. Return, and you can help. Pass on, and you leave all of your responsibilities to us."


Nijza shook her head slowly. "Very well, then, Vessel. As you wish."




The back streets of Elendel were a rough, lawless place, but Nila Hamming knew them well enough. Well enough to keep out of trouble, and well enough to find it when she looked for it.


Tonight, she was looking for it. She had heard the rumors over the past few months, and knew that the worldhoppers were growing increasingly displeased with her. Some were even accusing her of being the Wanderer in disguise, as if such a thing could possibly be believed.


As she crept closer, she could hear the angry voices in the tavern, calling for volunteers to go find her and kill her. Another voice shouted back, claiming that Amanuensis was far more clearly a follower of the madman than Nila. What sounded like a beautiful tavern brawl began, and Nila was sorely tempted to join in. But tonight, discretion seemed the better part of valor, and she slipped silently away.




Nijza (Nyali) has been Returned!

No one was lynched!


Vote Tally:

Aman(5): Sheep, Arraenae, Joe, Maill, Deathclutch

Arraenae(5): The Young Bard, Elodin, leiftinspace, Mark, Lopen

Joe(1): PK

Mark(1): Araris
Haelbarde(1): Haelbarde


Day 2 is over. Night 2 has begun, and will end in 24 hours!



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Player List:

1. Par Degaton (Master Elodin)
2. Jonly (The Only Joe) - A Sliver of Preservation, and a Feruchemist
3. Hal Heatherlock (Parodium Haelbarde)
4. Seznith Seridanon (Kynedath) Knight Radiant
5. The Nameless (Trelagist) Worldhopper
6. Gorl (cloudjumper)
7. Alkazar (Zephrer) - an exiled Sand Mastrell from Taldain
8. Hadrian Penrod (Araris Valerian) - a Scadrian nobleman
9. Miani (Mailliw), Maw's latest apprentice
10. Kelen Taldar (AliasSheep)
11. Tindomë (Elbereth) Mastrell; Agent of Autonomy; Stick and Suicidal Analyst
12. Amanuensis (Amanuensis)
13. Nijza (Nyali), a world singer of small renown; Vessel holding Cultivation Returned
14. Bernte Ghetti (Burnt Spaghetti)
15. Gon Freecs (DeathClutch19)
16. Brian (Paranoid King), a lowly soldier
17. Exisa (phattemer), the original Seventeeth Shard
18. :) (MarkIV)
19. Parth (Conquestor)
20. Jimmy (TheMightyLopen), a Lifeless hamster
21. Nila Hamming (Arrenae), an enthusiastic Hemalurgist

22. Left of Space (leiftinspace)

23. Valan Quivar (Quiver), a Rosharan dudebro highprince; Vessel holding Honor

24. Second of the Sky (Alvron), on his last chance with the Collective.

25. Vathir (The Young Bard), a Nalthian Rambleman

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Well, the last vote tally, updated with the subsequent votes on Rae was the following:
Aman(3):  Sheep, Arraenae, Joe
Arraenae(6): The Young Bard, Elodin, Mailliw, Leiftinspace, Mark, Lopen
Joe(2?): PK, Conquestor?(wasn't able to green it out)
Mark(1): Araris
Haelbarde(1): Haelbarde
The final votes:

Aman(5): Sheep, Arraenae, Joe, Maill, Deathclutch

Arraenae(5): The Young Bard, Elodin, leiftinspace, Mark, Lopen

Joe(1): PK

Mark(1): Araris
Haelbarde(1): Haelbarde


So, Mailliw and DC got shifted to Aman. And presumably Conquestor eventually greened out his votes, or Seonid counted it as retracted.

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Nijza awoke with a start. She continued to lie on the cold stone slab a moment, gasping for breath she hadn't needed to breathe in quite a long time. Breath she still didn't need. She sat up. What happened to her? She couldn't remember anything except colors and light and...

And it all came flowing back to her. Thousands of years of history, of the death of Adonalsium, of her time with Honor forging a world into something beautiful, of Cultivating it and the people there. She remembered hearing about threats to the Cosmere, of a man who would reforge that which needed to be broken, of another who wanted nothing more than to see her dead.

And she remembered a plan. A plan that, it seemed, had worked exactly as she had planned. She laughed at this, even as she recalled the pain of being torn apart.

"Next time I make a plan that involves dying," she said to herself, "maybe I should try to see if I can come up with something better first. By the Good Beyond, that hurt! It seems that my theory was right, that being a Sliver would allow me to retain my memories across the Boundary." She frowned. "Well, all of them except my brief jaunt through Shadesmar as a Cognitive Shadow. A shame, I was hoping I'd remember what name my old friend was using these days."

She stretched and stood up, finally starting to look around the room. "After this, I should find Valan. He's going to have such a fit when he hears that I planned..." her voice trailed off as she saw what lay beside her.

Valan Quivar, the Vessel of Honor with whom she'd spent the last few centuries, lay on a stone slab next to the one where she had awakened. Dead. She grew cold.

"Endowment, my old friend," she said to the ceiling, "thank you for letting me carry though with my plan. But once this is done, or before if you need the power, take back the Splinter you have lent me. There is someone I'd like to see again in the place Beyond."

Nijza left the room - the mausoleum, she realized - and headed toward the nearest Perpendicularity. There was work to be done.


So! That was probably not the smartest plan, but it did work out fairly well. I figured that if either of the two people who started on the same world as me were Odium, they'd kill me. Then, either the other would call them out, or they would be Odium's champion. I had hoped Endowment would pick me if that happened, and it seems they did!

So, I started on Taldain with Burnt and Aman. I told them I had a Shard. See, the eliminators already have a list of everyone who starts with a Shard, so I figured there was a relatively small chance (10%) I'd be giving anyone information dangerous to me (Odium and/or their champion), and if either were one of them, they couldn't resist killing me. By dying in that way, not only would it reveal Odium, it would also permanently block the eliminator's instant win condition.

Looking back at what I missed, it seems that Burnt claimed I said nothing to indicate I was Cultivation. Well, that's a nice Aes Sedai lie. I explicitly said I had a Shard, but not which it was. That's kinda key info, so that makes me think Burnt is Odium's champion.

I know Burnt didn't start with a Shard because I successfully used a power on her that would have failed if she had a Shard. That means there's a ~87% chance that Aman is Odium, and I'd give it a ~80% chance that, if Aman is Odium, Burnt is Odium's Champion.

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Nyali, we can assume that neither Burnt or Aman is a 17th member.


Why, did I miss something? I wasn't really following the game while dead, and only skimmed the posts I missed, mostly looking for discussion of or by Aman and Burnt.


EDIT: Also, Devotion, feel free to include me on any PMs you feel like. I'm a confirmed villager, at least until Endowment changes who they're investing in (or dies) and I die again.

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Why, did I miss something? I wasn't really following the game while dead, and only skimmed the posts I missed, mostly looking for discussion of or by Aman and Burnt.


EDIT: Also, Devotion, feel free to include me on any PMs you feel like. I'm a confirmed villager, at least until Endowment changes who they're investing in (or dies) and I die again.


I meant if they really are Odium and Odium's champion, then they aren't part of the 17th shard. Or am I wrong? Oh, and devotion could I have that pm with Mark please?

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Annnd I'm back! (Sorta)


Okay, cool, so I was right about Aman being evil and Rae being Hoid then. :P


Edit: Also, welcome back Nyali!


Edit2: Also also, well played Hoid.  <_<


Seriously, can you please explain how I am evil, let alone what happened in a turn where I was almost entirely absent from that guarantees that I'm something I'm not?


Also Nyali, I am not Odium, though I guess I can't argue that either Burnt or I was selected as their Champion. I doubt Odium would have chosen me considering how much attention I received on the first day, though. Proof for how I'm not Odium is that I was invested by Survival on Day One. If the Vessel of said Shard wishes to confirm this then they can, but that's up to them. I don't want to put their life to risk anymore than it already is. And for the record that means I would have survived that lynch. I don't know why the 17th Shard tied the vote but if they knew I would have survived the lynch I don't see why they wouldn't have pushed for it, as if I did get lynched and survived that could have made me look a lot better, which is what they would want if I was on their team. I'm starting to think that they have been intentionally making me look bad from the start so that you guys waste multiple cycles trying to kill me for no reason.

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There's nothing stopping Odium's champion from being in the 17th Shard, unless I'm mistaken. However, their win condition changes to Odium's as long as Odium invests in them.


Aman, if you aren't Odium, why didn't you say anything after I died? Wouldn't it have been obvious that Burnt was a seriously good candidate for being Odium after I claimed having a Shard, which she kinda sorta lied about? Your silence on the matter is pretty damning in my eyes...

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Because I've been incredibly busy moving.


I posted once night one, shortly after the write up was posted, because I was innocent and something happened that made me look very bad - I didn't have much time to write up a response then so what I did say was the thing that pertained directly to me. Then when I finally did get some time between flights to read over everything I missed I didn't have enough time to do anything more than let people know I caught up but still wouldn't be online for a while. Here's a link to my post activity so you don't have to go back and find it yourself.

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Sorry, not buying it. You posted after the night started, so you were there enough for that.


I claimed to only two people to have a shard. I died as soon as was possible afterward from an ability that can only kill Shards. That's just too suspicious.


Can anyone with the ability to do so tell us if Aman has a Shard? Like, if an Awakener has no better target? Also, if a Mistborn feels like it and doesn't have a better target, I would suggest that Aman and Burnt are solid choices.

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