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Can anyone with the ability to do so tell us if Aman has a Shard? Like, if an Awakener has no better target? Also, if a Mistborn feels like it and doesn't have a better target, I would suggest that Aman and Burnt are solid choices.

If you read the rules then you know that Mistborn and Awakeners have a finite amount of uses in their abilities. They can be increased by a shard and returned, I believe. If I was an Awakener I wouldn't want to waste a scan on Aman, if he is going to be killed tonight or lynched tomorrow. A Mistborn might want to use his protective abilities though.

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Sorry, not buying it. You posted after the night started, so you were there enough for that.


I claimed to only two people to have a shard. I died as soon as was possible afterward from an ability that can only kill Shards. That's just too suspicious.


Can anyone with the ability to do so tell us if Aman has a Shard? Like, if an Awakener has no better target? Also, if a Mistborn feels like it and doesn't have a better target, I would suggest that Aman and Burnt are solid choices.


I was there enough to post one paragraph, or else I would have said a lot more and posted more than once, but given the fact I had to leave right after that's obviously not the case. I would apologize for focusing on myself, who is still alive and continuing to being made to look bad when the last thing I have is any ill intent, but I just can't bring myself to feel sorry about something that has nothing to do with me.


Yes, that looks bad, but you're looking at the wrong person. I'm not a Shard (I was invested D1 by Survival), I'm not a Champion or a member of the 17th Shard (anyone please feel free to scan me), and I'm most definitely not a killer (Mistborn feel free to confirm that on me tonight, but be advised that you'll be wasting your charge EDIT: Time. Didn't know what Nyali just pointed out).

Edited by Amanuensis
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If you read the rules then you know that Mistborn and Awakeners have a finite amount of uses in their abilities. They can be increased by a shard and returned, I believe. If I was an Awakener I wouldn't want to waste a scan on Aman, if he is going to be killed tonight or lynched tomorrow. A Mistborn might want to use his protective abilities though.


That's a fair point on Awakeners, but not on Mistborn. You only spend the vial if you actually do the kill. Is both saving a villager and killing a serial killer worth your one-shot doctor+vig that isn't expended on failure? Yes. But, only if you actually suspect him of being Odium and don't have a better other target.






(Mistborn feel free to confirm that on me tonight, but be advised that you'll be wasting your charge EDIT: Time. Didn't know what Nyali just pointed out).


How about, "chance to successfully defend an attack and catch an actual killer?" That's really what's being spent here.

Edited by Nyali
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@ Vote manipulators: TY for keeping me alive. I really appreciate being able to participate in SE, and handing in my 1st period homework a day late, and doing my 5th period homework in 1st period, and doing my 4th period homework during recess. Thanks.


(Just salty now that SE has caused me to miss stuff. I'll get over it by next week. But my grades don't like me playing SE. Won't be back until later. Bye.)

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Annnd I'm back! (Sorta)



Seriously, can you please explain how I am evil, let alone what happened in a turn where I was almost entirely absent from that guarantees that I'm something I'm not?


Vote shenanigans with Hoid on D1 point to you being evil. Vote shenanigans on D2 point to you being evil. It was almost definitely evil players who moved votes on D2 and they decided to tie the votes on you and Rae instead of killing you(and consequently it saved Rae as well). Could it be because they want us to kill you ourselves and so waste more of our time/resources? Yeah, sure I guess, but I really don't think so. I was already pretty suspicious of you from your posts and now it comes out that you had secret info about why Nyali died, but didn't share that right away. I'm guessing that's because you wanted to contact Odium and help him out since he's perfectly aligned with your win con, isn't he? :o I realize that you were busy and I'm not saying you were lying or anything, but you only had to type one sentence and, maybe the more important fact, Burnt felt confident enough in the fact you wouldn't betray her that she posted an extremely misleading comment about not having information about why Nyali died.


And that brings me to Burnt. :( Why do you have to be evil? I'm sad. Oh, that's probably because I revealed information to you that I really shouldn't have. :'(

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While Aman does seem suspicious, I feel like everyone, especially Nyali and Lopen, is tunneling on Aman. I would also like to point out that it's possible that he's the Troll.


No, tunneling is being so certain of someone's guilt that you won't listen to reasoning and possibly facts that say otherwise. So far I have only seen stuff that points to Aman being evil and almost nothing that points to him being village aligned. If you believe someone is evil, you're supposed to push as hard as you can for their death until either they die, you die or evidence appears which changes your mind. At least that's how I see it.


If he is the Troll, then I'd still push for his death. He could be just as much trouble or more if he is the Troll. I don't think he's the Troll though.


Anyways, I suggest any kill roles go for either Aman or Rae, with the knowledge that Rae is probably Hoid and so she probably has an extra life and so would need to be double-tapped to actually kill her. I was hoping she'd get lynched so her extra life would get taken away, but no, I let them tie the votes. My mistake.

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I'm not sure the forum could handle the Demon love child of The Brightness and The Shadows.  That being said, El has agreed to be Kiireon and Edaan's wedding planner should it come to that.


I.... I feel a sudden urge to draw this.

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To prevent another vote-manip lynch tie next day turn, I think we all need to agree on either Arraenae or Amanuensis (or Burnt is another potential, now) to vote on. Personally, I'm leaning towards Arraenae, because I think she's Hoid, but I would be interested in hearing what others have to say.


Reasons for - she's one of the 10 possible Hoids, there was quite clearly an organized attempt to save her (most likely from the Shard), people have noticed her acting suspiciously, and a lack of much counter-evidence.


Reasons against - Slight chance of innocence, Burnt (Odium's Champion) might be more immediately threatening.

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Day 3: Ruin in the Storm


Ruin laughed with the power of the tempest that surged over Scadrial. The storm was an expression of his power, and none could stop him. Passing over the southern continent, the storm whipped coastal waves into a frenzy, and trees bent flat with the wind of his passing.


Mortals took shelter against the power of the storm, all except one small group. They stood in a ring of calm air. Investiture, from another Shardworld, kept the storm at bay. Curious, Ruin alighted on the ground. Who were these mortals who defied his power?


As he walked towards the defiant humans, something struck his back. A sword that leaked black smoke. A voice echoed in his mind. I get to destroy some evil today! Its glee was palpable. His last thoughts, as his Shard released from him in a spray of dark smoke, were plain surprise. How had the madman discovered how to kill a Shard?




Par Degaton sat quietly in his hideout, watching his mark. He almost had enough evidence, he was certain. Just a little more, and he would know for sure. Amanuensis exited the shop across the street, holding a vial of something dark. An apothecary's shop. Could have been any number of innocent purchases. But Par Degaton knew otherwise. His lists of notes and endless hours of observations pointed to only one conclusion. Aman was buying poison on the orders of Hoid.


Writing a final note in his file, he rose to his feet. Time to confront the traitor worldhopper. Drawing a sword, he stepped from his alley and shouted a challenge in his loudest voice, so everyone in the street could hear. He knew the other worldhoppers would have their eyes and ears nearby.


The crossbow bolt took him in the throat. Wooden, of course, though he was no Metalborn. It made sense, he realized, as his sword clattered to the cobblestones. Once revealed in public, Aman would have no compunctions against removing his threat. Pity he hadn't thought of that sooner.


Brian (Paranoid King) was killed. He was a Vessel holding the Shard of Ruin, and the Scapegoat

Par Degaton (Master Elodin) was killed. He was a Vessel, and the Suicidal Analyst.

Amanuensis (Amanuensis) has been Outed! He is a Poisoner aligned with the 17th Shard.


Day 3 has begun, and will end in 48 hours!



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Player List:

1. Par Degaton (Master Elodin) Vessel; Suicidal Analyst
2. Jonly (The Only Joe) - A Sliver of Preservation, and a Feruchemist
3. Hal Heatherlock (Parodium Haelbarde)
4. Seznith Seridanon (Kynedath) Knight Radiant
5. The Nameless (Trelagist) Worldhopper
6. Gorl (cloudjumper)
7. Alkazar (Zephrer) - an exiled Sand Mastrell from Taldain
8. Hadrian Penrod (Araris Valerian) - a Scadrian nobleman
9. Miani (Mailliw), Maw's latest apprentice
10. Kelen Taldar (AliasSheep)
11. Tindomë (Elbereth) Mastrell; Agent of Autonomy; Stick and Suicidal Analyst
12. Amanuensis (Amanuensis) Poisoner; Outed Player
13. Nijza (Nyali), a world singer of small renown; Vessel holding Cultivation Returned
14. Bernte Ghetti (Burnt Spaghetti)
15. Gon Freecs (DeathClutch19)
16. Brian (Paranoid King), a lowly soldier Vessel holding Ruin; Scapegoat
17. Exisa (phattemer), the original Seventeeth Shard
18. :) (MarkIV)
19. Parth (Conquestor)
20. Jimmy (TheMightyLopen), a Lifeless hamster
21. Nila Hamming (Arrenae), an enthusiastic Hemalurgist

22. Left of Space (leiftinspace)

23. Valan Quivar (Quiver), a Rosharan dudebro highprince; Vessel holding Honor

24. Second of the Sky (Alvron), on his last chance with the Collective.

25. Vathir (The Young Bard), a Nalthian Rambleman

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Ugh, Seonid, how does poison work with being lynched/killed? Does it kill people when he is "killed" or when he actually dies?


When he actually dies.


Also - clarifications:


The rules say that the Outed player has their role revealed in thread. This is a typo - it should read "role and alignment"


A Poisoner who poisons a target does not lose their poison vial unless the target is protected or they die and activate the poison. If the Poisoner's target dies by other means, their poison vial is returned. This is a symmetry ruling - no other minor roles lose their items unless they actually use their abilities. This puts the Poisoner on the same footing.

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Ummm... do we kill him? We'd lose one of our own with that. Seeing as he is the poisoner, and his poised targets die with him.

EDIT: ninja'd

We're going to have to take that risk eventually. Luckily, we know they didn't get Cultivation and so couldn't have given him more vials of poison. For now, I think Burnt is the much bigger threat. We need to take out one of Odium's kills now.

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Huh. So, I'm assuming that the 17th Shard killed PK then. I really hope he invested in someone at some point. Otherwise this just got really bad for us. :/


Also, good work revealing Aman Elodin. Too bad we couldn't get protection on you. :(


I think I'd like to ask that Survival invest in Nyali so she can keep being alive and then Endowment can Return PK or Elodin so that they can give us whatever info they might have. I'd suggest PK, so he can tell us if he Invested in anyone and if so, who it was. Otherwise I'm going to assume that Ruin is now in the hands of the 17th Shard.

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Fair warning, I'm going to be pretty inactive until early tuesday, PST. It's nearing finals, and there are things I have to do or else I won't graduate. So SE is going to take back burner.

I'll try to skim the thread, but if you really need me for something, please put my full username in your post. I'll ctrl+F my name whenever I skim so that I don't miss anything directed at me. That goes for pm's as well.

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Just remember that Survival isn't exactly on our side, though I suppose it is a good idea for Survival to help us bring someone back to life. The more of us alive, the lower the chance of Survival being killed by a random hit. Also, the more confirmed villagers alive, the more prime targets for the eliminators who aren't Survival.

Burnt might not be Odium's Champion, but she might be. Odium could have picked me at random. With Aman not being Odium, Odium picking Burnt at random is just as likely as Odium picking me randomly.

Edited by Nyali
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