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So, Ultimate Preservation will deactivate sometime in the next 24 hours. An easy way to figure out when is to check when you sent your actions in. If the action failed, then UP was activated before you sent it in. So just send in actions after you did last Night, and you're good.

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I don't like Preservations shardic ability, it makes the entire game boring. I think that Aman means murder using the shard Ruin. I think he should kill Hael, I don't want him winning the game as Autonomy.


Eh, we have 24 hours to RP amongst ourselves. Think of this as a time to unleash your creativity!  :)


(You can RP brutally murdering the 17th Shard, if it'll make the game less boring for you.)  :ph34r:

Edited by Arraenae
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I don't like Preservations shardic ability, it makes the entire game boring. I think that Aman means murder using the shard Ruin. I think he should kill Hael, I don't want him winning the game as Autonomy.


I've actually been considering that for a long time, but less because of his Shard and more so for the chance to become the Pupper Master. That being said, I really don't understand why the Shardic Coalition is working with him and Odium/Alv :P

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I've actually been considering that for a long time, but less because of his Shard and more so for the chance to become the Pupper Master. That being said, I really don't understand why the Shardic Coalition is working with him and Odium/Alv :P

"Working with" is a loose term.

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"Working with" is a loose term.


If I was a villager I know I'd advocate killing them :P but I really don't mind since their numbers don't count for my win con. I would rather continue to see ya'll kill each other trying to figure out who our last member is

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I don't like Preservations shardic ability, it makes the entire game boring. I think that Aman means murder using the shard Ruin. I think he should kill Hael, I don't want him winning the game as Autonomy.

I can't win as Autonomy. I didn't start with it...

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A few hours later, Nila staggered out of the Purelake. Water rained out of her hair and dress like a miniature Highstorm, along with some weeds and a single, flopping fish.


Nila spat water out of her mouth and grabbed a bag of cloth from what used to be a Scadrialan stagecoach. The bag was completely free of water, one of the upsides of lining the insides with aluminum. She opened it.


“HONOR,” she bellowed. “I HAVE COME FOR YOU!”


She reached into the bag and began to pull items out.


“A skaa’s loincloth, stained with ash from Scadrial.”


“A cup from First of the Sun, filled with Aviar poop.”


“A Soulcasted statue of blackbane and crem.”


“A hook from Braize, covered in a Herald’s blood and urine.”


“Slime from the walls of Elantris, mixed with the remains of a Bloodsealer’s skeletal playthings.”


“The intestines of a sandling, with some undigested Sand Masters still inside.”




Nila reached into the bag to pull out her last item, then stopped. Did she really want to do this? Was she really so heartless that she’d subject Honor to this final horror she’d packed?


Yes. She really was that heartless. Nila pulled out the last item -- a collection of paper -- and waved it in the air. “And a transcript of all the theories that say Calamity is Cosmere!”


Nila looked down at all the items she’d assembled and Awakened. She closed her eyes, and gave them a final Command.


“Splatter Honor.”


Jimmy, the Lifeless Knight Radiant Hamster who held the Shard of Honour was patrolling Roshar with 1 goal in mind: Protect. It was the single thought in his Lifeless body, the last command of his deceased Commander. The thought had begun to transform into an ideal after he'd received the Shard of Honor, where his only desire was to protect his own Honour. Suddenly a horrible stench arrived on the planet along with a woman, coming from the Purelake. Jimmy heard the woman scream "HONOR, I HAVE COME FOR YOU!"


Jimmy knew his Honour would be Shattered if he didn't escape the horrible fate that crazy lady had in store for him. He had to get away! But where? Jimmy had recognized the lady as a member of the 17th Shard. They had contacts in many places. His Honour had to be protected! Maybe he could go to a place with many people where he could hide in the large cities or maybe he'd escape to a place so devoid of people that surely the 17th Shard couldn't find him. Regardless, he knew he couldn't stay, for she'd found his weakness. It appeared that he'd be on the run until he could be certain that the 17th Shard was completely destroyed.




And so the chase begins. I know what World you're on and you know what World I'm on. Catch me if you can Arraenae! :D (Or not, it's up to you. :P But I may just have to give Honour away if you do catch me. :ph34r:)

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From what I've heard, Autonomy is in village hands, so unless you're Odium...

Autonomy has his own win condition and is not village. He doesn't even count as a village person, for the 17th shard. If I was Odium I would just attack one of the many people that have claimed to be shards so far.

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Autonomy has his own win condition and is not village. He doesn't even count as a village person, for the 17th shard. If I was Odium I would just attack one of the many people that have claimed to be shards so far.

If Autonomy or Odium get passed to a villager, it doesn't change their win condition. So provided the villager doesn't go around converting people, it's no danger.

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I can't win as Autonomy. I didn't start with it...


Well that's a blatant lie, given Rae scanned you N1 and got that you were a Shard from Taldain. Unless you were made their agent and then the shard was passed to you, in which case you still would have the necessary win con. Who was the original holder than, and why did they purposely give up on winning?

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Why would Autonomy give up the shard? How would that even work, since it doesn't change anyone's win conditions, it just makes it so Autonomy can never win?

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Exactly my point. If my team's going to lose I'd rather it not be because Hael tricked ya'll into thinking he was harmless. I promise you that he was the first Shard we scanned and that the subsequent result was Autonomy. Besides, aren't people still being converted? Why would a villager with that Shard not be using their only ability.

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I'm slightly confused how even if I am Autonomy-alligned (I'm not), how that has any bearing on your team losing... 

And anyway, why even would I be your first scan? There are way more dangerous players who actually have shards... that I was your first scan seems implausible...

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Starting Shards: Joe (Preservation), Hael (Auotonomy), Araris (Dominion), Nyali (Cultivation), PK (Ruin), Mark IV (Survival), leift (Endowment), Quiver (Honor), Alvron (Odium), Bard (Devotion). I had asked Rae to scan Alv first but she decided to chose you instead. Don't think she ever said why in the doc so honestly she's going to have to answer that one herself.

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