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I said please :[


I just come online , vote on someone, and get ninjad by a post demanding me to go into a doc when I'm on a mobile device that takes ten minutes to load a doc. So I have to get to my laptop, turn it on, wait for google chrome to open, go to the 17th Shard forum, wait for PMs to load, go to my GM PM, go to the doc, wait for it to load, read the doc, and then do a last minute vote change. So yes. It's a hefty demand.


Alvron. Bard. 

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Night 5: Confusion


Second of the Sky stood before the Council of Shards. It was smaller now, he noted. Only seven stood there against him. Cultivation had gone, as had Honor. And Odium was nowhere to be seen.


The three Shards from Roshar, gone, and their Shardworld destroyed. It was almost poetic. He smiled in amusement.


Endowment turned to speak to him.


"Second of the Sun, you are hereby formally charged with the murder of two of this Council and the Shattering of their Shards. How do you plead?"


Second laughed bitterly. "I didn't do that. I know who did, but I didn't do it. And if you kill me, you will never know who it is."


Endowment just smiled a cold, mirthless smile.


Dominion stepped up to read the sentencing. "By the authority of this body, and under the mandate of the Shards, I sentence one Second of the Sun, murderer or complicit murderer, to sudden, instant, and immediate dissolution."


Suddenly, Devotion cried out. "Wait! Do not do this thing!"


Every head in the chamber turned to look at her.


"I...I will offer myself to face the punishment instead of this mortal." She looked astonished at the words that came out of her mouth.


"With all respect, Lady Devotion, the law does not work that way. This being has committed the crime, and he must face the punishment." Devotion began to say more, but the chamber had erupted into chaos. All present seemed to be shouting at each other, so loudly that he could not hear what they were saying. He turned to execute the punishment on Second, but he had disappeared in the confusion.


When the shouts finally died away, and order returned to the council hall, Devotion was found face down, a knife stabbed through a note on her back. In stunned silence, Dominion picked it up and read.


With compliments from Midius.



Vote Tally:

Alvron: Mailliw, leiftinspace

cloudjumper: Conquestor, Alvron

Haelbarde: cloudjumper

The Young Bard: Amanuensis, Arraenae, Nyali, The Young Bard


Vathir (The Young Bard) has been lynched! He was a Vessel holding the Shard of Devotion!


Devotion is dead! All PMs except for the world PMs are now closed!


Night 5 has begun! PMs will be sent out shortly.


This cycle will be extended by 24 hours - my apologies for my schedule issues.



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Player List:

1. Par Degaton (Master Elodin) Vessel; Suicidal Analyst
2. Jonly (The Only Joe) - A Sliver of Preservation, and a Feruchemist
3. Hal Heatherlock (Parodium Haelbarde)
4. Seznith Seridanon (Kynedath) Knight Radiant
5. The Nameless (Trelagist) Worldhopper
6. Gorl (cloudjumper)
7. Alkazar (Zephrer) - an exiled Sand Mastrell from Taldain Mistborn
8. Hadrian Penrod (Araris Valerian) - a Scadrian nobleman
9. Miani (Mailliw), Maw's latest apprentice
10. Kelen Taldar (AliasSheep) Hoid; Stick and Scapegoat
11. Tindomë (Elbereth) Mastrell; Agent of Autonomy; Stick and Suicidal Analyst
12. Amanuensis (Amanuensis) Poisoner; Outed Player
13. Nijza (Nyali), a world singer of small renown; Vessel holding Cultivation Returned
14. Bernte Ghetti (Burnt Spaghetti)
15. Gon Freecs (DeathClutch19) Worldhopper
16. Brian (Paranoid King), a lowly soldier Vessel holding Ruin; Scapegoat
17. Exisa (phattemer), the original Seventeeth Shard
18. :) (MarkIV)
19. Parth (Conquestor)
20. Jimmy (TheMightyLopen), a Lifeless hamster Knight Radiant; Vessel holding Honor
21. Nila Hamming (Arrenae), an enthusiastic Hemalurgist

22. Left of Space (leiftinspace)

23. Valan Quivar (Quiver), a Rosharan dudebro highprince; Vessel holding Honor

24. Second of the Sky (Alvron), on his last chance with the Collective.

25. Vathir (The Young Bard), a Nalthian Rambleman Vessel holding Devotion

Edited by Seonid
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Thanks for voting, guys... They have so much vote redirection even without Hoid or Dominion, it's kinda boring. Endowment, could you please drop your investment of me? A mafia game where everyone knows each other's roles just isn't fun.

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Thanks for voting, guys... They have so much vote redirection even without Hoid or Dominion, it's kinda boring. Endowment, could you please drop your investment of me? A mafia game where everyone knows each other's roles just isn't fun.

I disagree.  I find it to be more of a challenge.  Overcoming such odds is worth the fight even if one ultimately loses.  Plus, without Cultivation they only have a limited number of vote redirections.  Sorry about that guys.

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It's more the lack of voting despite all the eliminators being exposed that's so boring to me. Why play when there's no mystery and half the players aren't even trying/voting?

Edited by Nyali
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"What was that sound?" Party asked. "Where's Roshar? It should be right here. " The cosmere is so upside down these past few days. Wait, what was that? "Who's there?" Party asked. He looked around, then he saw her. Nila! He ran over to her and checked for a pulse, she is still alive. He picked her up and carried her all the way to his mansion. He had his maids take care of her and let her rest. Why was she injured like that? The next day she woke with a start. He cleared everyone out of the room, he asked her the question that was saying on his mind since he found out. "Why? Why would you lie to me and everyone else?" Party asked. "The only reseat I saved you is to find out why you danced with me that night." 


Nila woke up surrounded by a soft something. Where was she? The last thing she remembered was being in the Cognitive Realm as Cognitive Ideals disappeared around her. She'd had to spike herself with pewter to stay alive.


The spike! Nila's eyes flew open and she tried to reach for the spike embedded in her heart. Her arms refused to move. They felt leaden and encased with some sort of wrapping. Bandages? She raised her head and looked down at herself. She was covered with a blanket that obscured her view of herself, in an airy room she didn't recognize.


"Why?" a voice asked. Nila turned and saw Party sitting beside her. "Why would you lie to me and everybody else? The only reason I saved you is to find out why you danced with me that night."


Nila opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. She tried again. "W--what lie? I don't...remember..."

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By the way, Odium was forcedly uninvested yesterday. Burnt is no longer his Champion, but that will change tomorrow.

(Edit: and tonight, he's Roleblocked.)

Good luck.

Edited by Nyali
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By the way, Odium was forcedly uninvested yesterday. Burnt is no longer his Champion, but that will change tomorrow.

(Edit: and tonight, he's Roleblocked.)

Good luck.

What do you mean "no longer his champion".... I've never been his champion.  *sigh/grumble* 

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Okay, okay, whomever was Odium's champion shouldn't be any longer. If you lynch him tomorrow, he'll be able to reinvest before dying unless Roleblocked again.

Odium is more important to kill first. The 17th Shard kills one person per night and 3-4 kills are required to stop the kills. Odium kills one person per night, removes a village power role from the game, and only takes one kill to remove (if uninvested, which Dominion can force).

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Are you saying we lynch Odium/Alv? I would rather kill one of the 17th sharders, would you not? Yes, he is dangerous, but the longer Autonomy and the 17th shard are alive the more dangerous they are. We know how close Odium is to winning and know who he is, so Autonomy is actually the most dangerous to us right now.

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As long as Odium is alive, we lose two people per day, minus successful Roleblocks/defends. Your strategy is up to you, but in an open role game like this, minimizing village kills is the key to victory. You can also just Roleblock Alv every night. My method of Roleblocking is a little limited though.

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I disagree. Since Odium supposedly no longer has a Champ, he can kill at most one person per cycle. The Hoidities on the other hand can kill two thanks to having Ruin as well as their faction kill. Plus their vote manipulations would make them the bigger threat. Teaming up with Odium might be the better choice for the village.

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Day 6: Winds of Fortune


Nijza awoke from a troubled sleep. Her dreams had been violent of late, with the very powers of the Shards themselves coming undone in them. At least she wasn't in Hallandren, where her priests would try and force her to interpret them. She was quite happy enough to leave them in her memory, undisturbed. The waking hours had more than enough distress of their own.


Her silent travels through the Cosmere on this day brought her to the council chamber of the Shardic Coalition - currently vacant. Odium was there, veiled but laughing irrepressibly. On the floor lay the body of a worldhopper she knew - Hadrian Penrod. His corpse was blackened, as if entropy itself had eaten it up and discarded it. Which, she mused, it probably had. Ruin had almost certainly been here.


"Welcome, Returned." Odium's voice was deep and resonant. "Have you come to witness my victory over another of my rivals?" He indulged in another mocking laugh. "One would have thought that once was enough for you. After all, if I remember right, you didn't survive the first experience." A form suddenly resolved in the air between his outstretched hands - a familiar form, one of the Vessels. With a start, she realized that Odium was gathering his power to strike from afar at another of her friends.


Her mind was suddenly clear, for the first time in months. Revelation flowed through her. This was it - this was the moment for which she had Returned. And immediately, she knew what she had to do. Drawing the Divine Breath that animated her, she flung her power between the Lord of Hate and the form of the Vessel. With her last breath, she cast a curse his way. His shriek of rage followed her as her mind fled.


And, in a faroff garden, the body of a dead Vessel quivered with new life.



Nijza (Nyali) has died! She was a Returned, and also a Vessel holding the Shard of Dominion! She may not be Returned again.

Hadrian Penrod (Araris Valerian) has been killed! He was a Vessel.

Vathir (The Young Bard) has been Returned!


All PMs made by Devotion are now closed! No PMs other than World PMs or the PMs between Agent/Champion and their Shard can be used until Devotion opens new PMs.

Day 6 has begun!




Player List:

1. Par Degaton (Master Elodin) Vessel; Suicidal Analyst
2. Jonly (The Only Joe) - A Sliver of Preservation, and a Feruchemist
3. Hal Heatherlock (Parodium Haelbarde)
4. Seznith Seridanon (Kynedath) Knight Radiant
5. The Nameless (Trelagist) Worldhopper
6. Gorl (cloudjumper)
7. Alkazar (Zephrer) - an exiled Sand Mastrell from Taldain Mistborn
8. Hadrian Penrod (Araris Valerian) - a Scadrian nobleman Vessel
9. Miani (Mailliw), Maw's latest apprentice
10. Kelen Taldar (AliasSheep) Hoid; Stick and Scapegoat
11. Tindomë (Elbereth) Mastrell; Agent of Autonomy; Stick and Suicidal Analyst
12. Amanuensis (Amanuensis) Poisoner; Outed Player
13. Nijza (Nyali), a world singer of small renown; Vessel holding Cultivation Returned and Vessel holding Dominion
14. Bernte Ghetti (Burnt Spaghetti)
15. Gon Freecs (DeathClutch19) Worldhopper
16. Brian (Paranoid King), a lowly soldier Vessel holding Ruin; Scapegoat
17. Exisa (phattemer), the original Seventeeth Shard
18. :) (MarkIV)
19. Parth (Conquestor)
20. Jimmy (TheMightyLopen), a Lifeless hamster Knight Radiant; Vessel holding Honor
21. Nila Hamming (Arrenae), an enthusiastic Hemalurgist

22. Left of Space (leiftinspace)

23. Valan Quivar (Quiver), a Rosharan dudebro highprince; Vessel holding Honor

24. Second of the Sky (Alvron), on his last chance with the Collective.

25. Vathir (The Young Bard), a Nalthian Rambleman Vessel holding Devotion Returned

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