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Hi Lopen! I'm actually trying to work out why I'm still around - it's 03:30, and I should be asleep.

I've always been an advocate of the day 1 lynch - which I think allows us to make a much more informed judgement about the night 1 eliminator kill, rather than having nothing of note to draw conclusions from.

On roleclaiming in a conversion game, further than just being careful, how about just not doing it? Is the reward really worth the dramatically increased risk?


Yup, Day 1 lynches are definitely worth it, imo.


And I figured I could go the "Don't roleclaim you fools!" route, but eh, figured El would do that soon enough. ;)


Also, I agree with all of Wilsons points against Sart. I remember her calling out an eliminator on Day 1 for suggesting almost that exact same thing in an earlier game. Might not be the case here, but it's something to look closely at, I think.


Edit: Just realized Burnt's not even playing in this game. *facepalm*


Edit2: Oh yeah. Vote Jak for Mayor! :D

Edited by Gamma Fiend
Fixed color ;)
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Birgitte awoke gasping, sweating for what seemed like the 100th time. She dropped her head back on her pillow, the sun was up, she felt as though she hadn't slept at all. Those dreams. The destruction. The pain. She hoped to the Light it was just her exhaustion and worry, but a part of her knew there was more.

She took her time bathing and dressing before entering the kitchen in search of breakfast. Cook was hard at work and barely even noticed her coming and going. She could have sworn she heard her say "burn them, burn them all" under her breath while she worked over the boiling pot.

Entering the common room, Gitte notices an eerie silence to the usually loud and bustling room. She saw everyone looking at a man with his head in his hands, "is that the mayor?" She wondered what would make him act like that?

Suddenly the door burst open, having such unfortunate timing Gitte had been walking in just the right direction at just the right time, to be hit right in the back of her head with the door. Just before she lost consciousness she thought she saw the gleem of a dagger right near the Mayor, is that Inkeepeer Keland , but why would he....


Sorry Wilson, I don't have a reason for voting for you other than the fact that no one has, to keep it even for now and it went nicely with my story :) Just keeping the discussion going. Also I had this page open for a while before actually posting, and hopefully I didn't miss anything that would make my RP inconsistent!

Edit: correcting punctuation/spelling etc. I'm tired...

Edited by jaimeleecee
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I thought we had finally moved on from discussing D1 lynches... Guess not.

We will do one. I'm not going to vote yet, as I don't suspect anyone yet, but I do plan to vote this cycle.

On roleclaiming in a conversion game, further than just being careful, how about just not doing it? Is the reward really worth the dramatically increased risk?

Too late. I'm the Forsaken. Or the Village Warder, in which case it's pointless to kill me as I'll die if my Channeler does anyways.

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A quick couple rule updates I just want to make sure everybody sees!

The Ta'veren can not redirect actions to themselves, or have the player target themselves.

Padan Fain's ability goes on The Stack after Roleblocks, but before Kills take place

Thief-taker and Wolfbrother are indeed Village-only roles, but can be Corrupted by Padan Fain

One action is submitted per player, per cycle

If you are not placing an action during the Night, still let me know with 'No Action' (if you have actions to submit, that is)
Submitting a Dragon's Fang does count as an action and a target (For thief-taker and roleblocks)

Mayors can be voted in with 1 vote if there isn't anyone else with a Vote for them.
And Mayor votes can be placed in Orange. (I will not count any that aren't, as I won't be able to see them when tallying up votes)


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I should be going to bed, but I want to address Wilson's points.


First off, when was the last time we actually lynched an eliminator on Day 1? I was curious so I skimmed through some of the previous games. I got as far as QF13, but not once did we successfully lynch an eliminator. That's why I'm against this type of lynching. We don't have enough to go on, so we start chasing our own tails. We start seeing suspicious words that weren't intentional. The eliminators fuel this paranoia, pointing out 'evidence' that we might have missed. It generally leads to a mis-lynch, which is not a good thing.


I understand that Day 1 is needed for discussion. I also understand that not having the threat of lynch could slow discussion. However, there are other ways to start discussions. For instance, you can talk about not having a day 1 lynch. I know the subject's been done to death. I was curious whether our opinions about it had changed. It hasn't. Regardless, this topic has started discussion. I didn't expect that discussion would make you vote for me. I understand why you did, and I think you raised some good points. But please, don't say that the discussion was bad. Any discussion is good discussion.


However, you want me to focus on game specific mechanics, which are definitely important. The most pressing issue is electing a Mayor. A mayor can be a great asset for the town. It's the only vote manipulation in the entire game. Since there should be more good players than bad, I think we should elect a random mayor each cycle. That way, the town is more likely to have someone powerful on the good guy team, and Padan Fain can't corrupt them for free vote manipulation. If we all use a random number generator, we should be able to find a good candidate. I used one right now and ironically, it landed on Jak. I guess his dream is coming true.

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Mezal stomped out of his workshop still only half dressed. When he saw everyone milling about and carrying pitchforks and torches and causing a commotion, he rubbed the sleep from his eyes, sighed deeply, and went right back inside. 


He came out only a few seconds later and he was carrying his hammer. He banged it against the side of his forge a few times, causing an extremely loud gonging sound. Once he had everyone's attention, he glared at each of them in turn.


"Would you all bloody shut up for just a second? You white-livered sons of goats would struggle to pour water from a boot even if it had instructions on the heel!"


"But the Mayor has been murdered!" Someone shouted from the crowd. 


"Is that so?" Mezal asked sarcastically. "And what does that have to do with the lot of you all running around like flaming chickens with your flaming heads cut off? You ain't going to find the killer by running amok and ruining people's sleep! Yall want to find the light-forsaken killer, you'd best be looking for clues! Find out where everyone was at the time he was killed. Blood and bloody ashes! We ain't some bloody Aiel that just go stringing people up!"


Mezal just continued to glare at the crowd as they stood there dumbfounded for a moment. 


"Well? Off with you then! Go on! Find the bloody killer and bring them back here and I'll bash their boneheaded brains in! 'Cept for you, Lorien. You stay put while I go get your bloody helmet." 



There. Now we have an in-game reason for suspecting people as well. :)


It's good to be back in the swing of things.


This is probably a dead horse, but we should discuss the pros and cons of a day one lynch.



  • Potentially killing an eliminator.
  • Generating useful discussion.


  • Investigative roles haven't had a chance to act yet.
  • Possibility of lynching a villager.

In my opinion, a day one lynch is fairly random. However, we still need to put votes out. Without them, we practically waste a day that could have been productive. The ideal day one is a day with lots of discussion, but in the end, no one is lynched. A tie is the best result. This puts several suspicious people into the spotlight for viewers to invest, and it doesn't lead to a villager death.


With that out of the way, I might as well do a poke vote to say hi to the new players. RubiksCube, what do you think about day one lynches?





There is nothing to be learned from the discussion of if a D1 lynch is a good idea or not. Yes, some people agree with a D1 lynch. Others don't. I personally adhere to Kas' points of a D1 lynch, with the caveat that so long as good discussion has taken place, lynching a person is not critical. But discussion with the intent to lynch is what actually brings real information, by showing what people think. Other people do not think the discussion is very beneficial. It is their prerogative to think that. Discussing the merits of a D1 lynch gets us nowhere. Instead, we should be getting people to talk about anything game related and go from there.


The D1 discussion is what kicks the game off. To spend it discussing if we should even have a lynch will cause the day to end with no one lynched because we were all discussing if we should lynch at all rather than who. We end the gameday with no info learned about anyone. And if we do lynch someone at the end of it, it will probably be due to a small bandwagon because the villagers who want to lynch panic and pile onto someone. Which is a terrible idea and usually ends with a villager dead--sometimes a rather important villager.


You've done the most eliminator-y thing so far, by trying to steer the village in a direction that is entirely unhelpful. Prove that you're trying to actually do things to benefit the village and perhaps I'll consider removing my vote, but for now, it's staying.


I agree with this; though agreeing with Keland so early always worries me. :P Beyond that, it almost feels like you're trying to feel out whether or not there will be a lynch, Sarah (I will be using everyone's character's names to hopefully get them to associate more with their characters. Sorry if that gets confusing). Seems like that would be a pretty beneficial thing for the Darkfriends to know. If they didn't have to worry about a lynch, then they could spend more time trying to distance themselves from each other rather than worry about whether they're going to get one of them lynched because of it. 


I'll say this much, if there's a tie at the end of the day, I'll break it. I 100% believe in lynching on the first day. We shouldn't be wasting turns because of a role. We can find the Darkfriends without any roles as long as we're clever. So let's all be clever. :)



Edit2: Oh yeah. Vote Jak for Mayor! :D


Three things:

  • One for Gamma- Will this vote count since you only clarified about Orange for Mayor votes afterwards?
  • Two- I see no reason to start the Mayor vote until we've at least had a little bit of discussion to go off of to determine the likelihood of someone being a Villager. The fact that you want it so bad as to start it off already makes me a bit suspicious.
  • Three- Since it'll only take one vote to become Mayor (as Gamma just recently and "coincidentally" considering your vote for yourself) clarified, then it should be for someone that can keep his cool under pressure. Mezal for Mayor! :P

EDIT: and Now Sarah votes for Jak too. I don't tend to believe that heavily in coincidence like that. You're both on my list to watch. 

Edited by Metacognition
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Wilson, you beat me to it there. And even linked Kas' post. (It's seriously the best thing on the subject I've ever read. I was sad when I saw you beat me there)

Since you've already voted for him, I'm just going to note my concern about Sart's comments. That's not a productive line of conversation; we've hashed that out so often that there's nothing new or interesting to say about it.

In the interest of generating discussion, I'm going to vote on conquestor. What do you have to say today?


EDIT: Removed vote

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Three things:

  • One for Gamma- Will this vote count since you only clarified about Orange for Mayor votes afterwards?
  • Two- I see no reason to start the Mayor vote until we've at least had a little bit of discussion to go off of to determine the likelihood of someone being a Villager. The fact that you want it so bad as to start it off already makes me a bit suspicious.
  • Three- Since it'll only take one vote to become Mayor (as Gamma just recently and "coincidentally" considering your vote for yourself) clarified, then it should be for someone that can keep his cool under pressure. Mezal for Mayor! :P

EDIT: and Now Sarah votes for Jak too. I don't tend to believe that heavily in coincidence like that. You're both on my list to watch. 


I did ask Gamma how many votes were needed to become Mayor in my PM with him right after I voted on myself. And I think you're overstating how much I "want" to become Mayor. I was actually thinking about voting for someone who actually is gonna do RP this game, since I'll be on mobile and don't generally do much RPing throughout the game. Still thinking about where I want to put my official vote. I think I'll hold off right now since I don't know if you can retract that vote or not. I might vote for myself just for the power I'd get, but I'm not sure if we can elect a new Mayor each Cycle or not, so I don't know what I plan to do at the moment with my Mayor vote.


Gamma, can we elect a new Mayor each Cycle, whether the old one has died or not?


And can you retract Mayor votes somehow?


Haelbarde, okeydokey!


Edit: okay well, mod power was used and I'm voting for myself as Mayor now. I'll roll with that then! :P It does feel right to have my name be in orange! :D

Edited by TheMightyLopen
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Gamma, can we elect a new Mayor each Cycle, whether the old one has died or not?


And can you retract Mayor votes somehow?




Edit: okay well, mod power was used and I'm voting for myself as Mayor now. I'll roll with that then! :P It does feel right to have my name be in orange! :D


Heh apologies if you weren't trying to vote for yourself right there! I just saw Meta's post asking if that would've counted or not and went ahead and colored it to not miss it later, just in case!

And Mayor Votes work the same as lynch votes, and can be retracted or changed as need be, just make sure you fix the coloring. I only count Orange votes for the Mayor.

And the Mayor can be changed everyday, if that's how the vote goes. Remember that the Mayor can use their powers on the cycle they get elected. (So I'll have the Mayor's vote automatically count for extra -- just in case somebody's not on when they get voted last second in the cycle and can't get an order in -- or they can place the order during the day if they want to change a vote.

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Well, I multiquoted seven posts, but I don't have time to address them all individually since I'm travelling, so I'll summarize. General thoughts:

1. I was also going to link to that post of Kas'. :P (Although I will thank you for doing it first, Wilson, since I would have had to go find it in the dead doc again, which might have taken a while.) I agree with Wilson. Lynch discussion is good regardless of whether someone dies at the end. Discussion of whether to have a lynch is never useful. And in this case, I'd say not all discussion is good discussion, almost, because this just enables eliminators to declare their already well-known and well-established opinions about a D1 lynch, which tells absolutely nothing about their alignment. So... yeah. Not useful.

2. Roleclaiming! Lopen already mentioned I'll be on everyone's case about this. :P There has been far too much claiming and trust in recent games, and it needs to stop. It really, really does. (I don't have the time to devote as much effort to this as I'd like, but I'll definitely try to speak my piece before the day ends.) So. Unless you are fakeclaiming (i.e. Maill), do not claim to anyone you do not trust completely. And fyi, "trust completely"≠"think might be good because of a gut read maybe?". Please.

3. Kind of corollary to that, kind of separate - One secret role has already been revealed. Obviously, Gamma is trying to make us paranoid about how many more secret roles there are in the game (which is right and proper). For all we know, there aren't any! But... that seems like a risky and not very useful assumption to make. So I'm going to start with the assumption that secret roles do exist. And for all we know, there's something like... PM spying, for instance. Unlikely, but possible. So keep that in mind? Please? Even basic PM safety like not starting your message with "Hey Joe, it's Hellscythe!" is worth it, in my opinion. It's not like it takes much effort to leave that kind of thing out, and there is certainly a good deal of potential gain.

4. Yes, I'm turning into Kas temporarily. Sorry. :P Hmm, maybe I'll officially make that my playstyle this game... could be interesting. Anyway.

5. Sart, successfully lynching an eliminator is not the only advantage of a D1 lynch. We may not have lynched one successfully in a while (Shallan? I think? Not sure what game that was... LG17 maybe?), but we have certainly gotten close, and that can tell us a good deal later. (For instance, Aman was pretty close to being lynched in LG21. The circumstances of that lynch were one of the main things that put Rae under suspicion.)

6. May or may not put down a vote on Sart later; for now I should probably go to bed (not putting a vote down now because 1. I don't really trust myself to make that kind of decision when I'm this tired, and 2. I do suspect him, but I'm not sure another vote would do all that much since he's already got a lot of pressure on him. 3. I dislike voting. Habit I'm trying to break. Don't really feel like trying right now. :P).

7. I should be on around this time to post every day while I'm travelling (i.e. until Sunday). So at least once a day, hopefully, although possibly not as long (or coherent) as I'd like. Sorry. :(

8. Gamma, how do you retract mayor votes? In green, or some other color?

Okay, that's enough for tonight. Maybe I'll wake up early and post before breakfast. No promises, though. I need sleep.

Good night.

Edited by Elbereth
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Just landed in California  ^-^ it's so nice to be home. Uh I unfortunately hate my writing as well as have never read Wheel of Time so I sincerely apologize for the lack of RP throughout this game and well here in Sanderson Elimination in general.


Hellscythe clearly has this whole Mayor thing under control and there's just no better option at this point in time as I, Hellscythe, can confirm that, Hellscythe is indeed a village aligned role that will vote for the people, and by the people. No seriously. I'll literally be voting for the people. Come now everyone. I've already put in actions as the Mayor so we might as well make me Mayor right? That's how that works mhmm.


Deathclutch Poke vote because I have thoughts on any of the players yet. Oh we don't need to discuss day one lynches. They happen whether people like them or not unless you orchestrate a tie lynch and even then most games nowadays go to a coinflip. So as unfortunate and annoying as dying day one is, let's try to make an educated guess with what we have!

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No problem Gamma, I'll leave my vote on myself for now. And thanks for the clarifications.


Really, I'm not sure how important the Mayor is, since it's only an extra vote/cancel a vote power. I'm thinking I'll likely either vote for myself or another player that participates in the lynch often(like Wilson, Meta, Aman, Hellscythe etc.) to give their vote extra weight in the thread. Another thought I had was that we could make a newer player Mayor to both get more insight on them by seeing how they use their power and to possibly get leads by seeing who might try to control where their vote goes(because if a new player has the power of 2 votes, I imagine players might try and convince them over other players).


Either way, I don't think the Mayor mechanic is very crucial at this point in the game, so Meta trying to draw conclusions and cast suspicion on me just for voting on myself when I did seems off as well as him trying to draw a connection between me and Sart due to Sart voting on me for Mayor. Do you really think 2 eliminators would do something like that just to get an extra vote? It feels like you're trying to cast doubt on my alignment more than you really think that would be an actual possibility.

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2. Roleclaiming! Lopen already mentioned I'll be on everyone's case about this. :P There has been far too much claiming and trust in recent games, and it needs to stop. It really, really does. (I don't have the time to devote as much effort to this as I'd like, but I'll definitely try to speak my piece before the day ends.) So. Unless you are fakeclaiming (i.e. Maill), do not claim to anyone you do not trust completely. And fyi, "trust completely"≠"think might be good because of a gut read maybe?". Please.

3. Kind of corollary to that, kind of separate - One secret role has already been revealed. Obviously, Gamma is trying to make us paranoid about how many more secret roles there are in the game (which is right and proper). For all we know, there aren't any! But... that seems like a risky and not very useful assumption to make. So I'm going to start with the assumption that secret roles do exist. And for all we know, there's something like... PM spying, for instance. Unlikely, but possible. So keep that in mind? Please? Even basic PM safety like not starting your message with "Hey Joe, it's Hellscythe!" is worth it, in my opinion. It's not like it takes much effort to leave that kind of thing out, and there is certainly a good deal of potential gain.

You think that's fake? Well, obviously one is. The other isn't.

I will encourage the second point though, as I don't have a spying role. I did in MR14 and every single PM I spied on started with "Hey ___!" Telling me immediately who the Anonymous player was. Not the best way to be stealthy.


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Either way, I don't think the Mayor mechanic is very crucial at this point in the game, so Meta trying to draw conclusions and cast suspicion on me just for voting on myself when I did seems off as well as him trying to draw a connection between me and Sart due to Sart voting on me for Mayor. Do you really think 2 eliminators would do something like that just to get an extra vote? It feels like you're trying to cast doubt on my alignment more than you really think that would be an actual possibility.


I pointed out that you were the first person to vote for Mayor and then someone else also votes for you. You're making this into an I Know You Know situation.


"No two Darkfriends would work together like this!" Except for when they would expect that the Villagers wouldn't think that two Darkfriends would do so. Then it spirals into chaos, as if the Darkfriends knew that people would suspect that the Villagers could expect the Darkfriends to work together, then they wouldn't. But, then they could. And on and on it goes. 


Point is, saying that they wouldn't do something because it's expected isn't a very good defense, IMO. 


Along those lines, with as few votes and as close as the votes have been in recent games, I could totally see the Darkfriends doing something like that. Directing the lynch is a very valuable tool. So yes, I consider the Mayor mechanic to be plenty crucial. Why are you down playing it? Is there a reason you want everyone to discount its potential? It's the only vote manipulation in the game (that we know of). That makes it pretty powerful in my eyes. 


Also, me saying that you're suspicious doesn't mean that I automatically think you're a Darkfriend. Just means that you're someone I'm keeping an eye on. If given more evidence, I'd be more willing to consider you a Darkfriend. If everyone were to start at 50%, you're at 40% type thing. You seem to make it sound like I'm already considering you a Darkfriend. 


I'm a bit more suspicious of you now though, because you didn't even bring up me voting for myself for Mayor. For as much weight as you're putting on me for putting suspicion on you for voting for yourself, you failed to even mention that. Makes me think that you looked for a reason to vote for me more so than any actual suspicion. You're reacting to my suspicion of both of you (Sarah and Jak) as if it's strictly suspicion on you. Seems a bit defensive to me. 

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Lopen seemed slightly more uptight and more like he was avoiding definites in his posts than he was in LG21, IMO. Not enough to put his name in red just yet, though. If I had to put a name in red tonight, though, it probably would be Lopen, simply out of a lack of suspicion for everybody else.

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1. I pointed out that you were the first person to vote for Mayor and then someone else also votes for you. You're making this into an I Know You Know situation.


"No two Darkfriends would work together like this!" Except for when they would expect that the Villagers wouldn't think that two Darkfriends would do so. Then it spirals into chaos, as if the Darkfriends knew that people would suspect that the Villagers could expect the Darkfriends to work together, then they wouldn't. But, then they could. And on and on it goes. 


Point is, saying that they wouldn't do something because it's expected isn't a very good defense, IMO. 


2. Along those lines, with as few votes and as close as the votes have been in recent games, I could totally see the Darkfriends doing something like that. Directing the lynch is a very valuable tool. So yes, I consider the Mayor mechanic to be plenty crucial. Why are you down playing it? Is there a reason you want everyone to discount its potential? It's the only vote manipulation in the game (that we know of). That makes it pretty powerful in my eyes. 


3. Also, me saying that you're suspicious doesn't mean that I automatically think you're a Darkfriend. Just means that you're someone I'm keeping an eye on. If given more evidence, I'd be more willing to consider you a Darkfriend. If everyone were to start at 50%, you're at 40% type thing. You seem to make it sound like I'm already considering you a Darkfriend. 


4. I'm a bit more suspicious of you now though, because you didn't even bring up me voting for myself for Mayor. For as much weight as you're putting on me for putting suspicion on you for voting for yourself, you failed to even mention that. Makes me think that you looked for a reason to vote for me more so than any actual suspicion. You're reacting to my suspicion of both of you (Sarah and Jak) as if it's strictly suspicion on you. Seems a bit defensive to me. 

Numbered to respond easier.


1. I guess I made it into a bit of an IKYK, but my point was that I thought your trying to connect me and Sarah like you did was a bit too much of a stretch, given how early in the game it is and how I personally think it probably wouldn't be a good idea to connect like that just to try and get me an extra vote, which I don't view as good enough of a reward to try something like that. So you saying you didn't think it was coincidence that Sarah Mayor voted on me felt more like a play to get me suspected so that my voice/opinions in the thread wouldn't be as effective. As for my defense not being very good, I don't think I have much to defend against. It was much more of an attack on you than it was a defense for my own actions.


2. Yeah, lynches have been pretty close lately I guess, but the Mayor role is completely out in the open and we'll all know how it will play into the lynch and so will vote accordingly, making it a lot less useful for the eliminators to use imo, since they'll have to take full credit for their vote(s) if they used it in a seemingly suspicious way. I'm downplaying it because I don't think it's worth as much as lynch discussion, because I don't believe the eliminators will care about it very much right now and so we won't be able to use the interactions about it as evidence as accurately as we could interactions about the lynch. I view it as more of a late game role, because that's when numbers start to become that much more crucial and so electing a village Mayor will be of more importance.


3. Well, I think I did overstate how suspicious you were of me, but I do tend to get defensive/suspicious when players cast any sort of suspicion on me.


4. That because I think it's a perfectly logical thing for you to do(vote for yourself as Mayor) and I didn't think that your reasoning for suspicion against me was very logical(because, obviously, I think it makes perfect sense for me to vote for myself as Mayor as well). I guess I could have pointed out that it was a bit hypocritical of you for doing both of those things in the same post(cast suspicion on me for voting for myself/vote for yourself), but I don't really see that as being the suspicious part(just the logic behind your suspicion of me). And I don't care if you cast suspicion on Sarah, I'm a bit suspicious of...her too. >> So I don't feel the need to react to the suspicion in any other way than as if it's an attack solely on myself.


Honestly, I've changed my opinion on you due to this last post of yours. The last time you cast suspicion on me(MR12), it didn't seem genuine, but this feels a little different, I think. Mezal(Meta).


Lopen seemed slightly more uptight and more like he was avoiding definites in his posts than he was in LG21, IMO. Not enough to put his name in red just yet, though. If I had to put a name in red tonight, though, it probably would be Lopen, simply out of a lack of suspicion for everybody else.


I'm not sure why avoiding definites is suspicious. We don't know anything at this point and there's only been a handful of posts and no PM's, so I'm very hesitant to make any kind of definite statement.

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I meant that you seem to be avoiding definites more than you were in LG21. It's definitely possible, even probable, that it's just early game unsureness, which is why I didn't red your name.


Hmm, well, I did comment in the LG21 dead doc that I felt I was too arrogant in that game, so that could factor in. Both DC and Aman were a bit upset at me for how I voiced my suspicion of them(edit: DC in LG21 and Aman in MR14), so I'm trying to be careful with how I word stuff. I think the main thing is though, that I was actually very confident about most of my suspicions in LG21 and so far I haven't gotten any solid reads like that, since it's so early.

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[ Eryn ]


I like what Elbereth is saying.

I really should have something more insightful/useful to say, but it's 5:30am and I'm having trouble thinking coherently. Just wanted to post something before going back to bed. Will post sometime tomorrow, but company from out of town is visiting this weekend, so I won't be as verbose as usual.




(EDIT: Removed mayoral vote on Lomion, see later post for details)

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I like what Elbereth is saying.


Lomion hasn't posted at all... What are you trying at? Between you and Amaiya, you're pushing a Mayor vote on someone that hasn't even spoken up yet. You have no reason to think that they'd be a Villager or a Darkfriend unless you have some outside knowledge (like being a Darkfriend yourself) to base this off of. So at least explain the reasoning behind your vote please. 



And we're off!


Beating the REALLY REALLY REALLY dead horse (save the horses!) is annoying and suspicious, and I think Sart would know better than to try to start a pointless discussion. However, I think an instant lynch train isn't a good idea. It's strange how you guys did that. Anyway, I'm going to refrain from Orange voting for now.



Sounds like a defense of Sarah to me. Two votes isn't an instant lynch. It's still too early to call that. Thus why I think you're being a bit defensive. Why?

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However, you want me to focus on game specific mechanics, which are definitely important. The most pressing issue is electing a Mayor. A mayor can be a great asset for the town. It's the only vote manipulation in the entire game. Since there should be more good players than bad, I think we should elect a random mayor each cycle. That way, the town is more likely to have someone powerful on the good guy team, and Padan Fain can't corrupt them for free vote manipulation. If we all use a random number generator, we should be able to find a good candidate. I used one right now and ironically, it landed on Jak. I guess his dream is coming true.

I'm not sure this is a good idea. That means close lynches can be decided by a last-minute mayor vote, even when the player in question has no idea they've been made mayor. Then again, that's true any time we vote one in.



Lomion hasn't posted at all

Yes she has? I don't think her Kas impression is worthy of two mayor votes, but she's definitely posted.

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Woah now, I can do my paranoid thing if that's what gets mayor votes :P

So clearly people are gonna focus on the mayor more than who is gonna die. Cool.

Also, if you want a mayor that won't really vote much so it doesn't make that much of a difference and neutralises the role a but then vote me. Also I vote for evil people most of the time. Off the top of my head I've done it at least 2 times with reasoning which is clearly amazing.

That is all I guess

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@Lopen: Ended up being out all evening too :/ But in the morning, it will be Saturday, so I'll have plenty of time to actually read what people say. 


Re: Mayor - I believe I'm obligated to vote Wilson for mayor, should she want the title.

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