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Part of me wants to vote Mezal for mayor, because I like the way you gained control of the situation in your RP and sometimes you need an angry blacksmith to set crazy people straight.....

But you seem to be overly paranoid about everyone right now and that doesn't seem to be safe, accusing people of voting for someone who hasn't posted (even tough Lomion did write a very well thought response to many arguments) makes me think you're jumping the gun and not being careful, I feel like you might be trying to stir the pot a little and it has me uneasy....


Edit: I know I'm new so I am not familiar with anyones past play styles or personalities outside of game and this is just my opinion/gut feeling at the moment. 

Edited by jaimeleecee
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@Sart. Like El said, not all discussion is good discussion. All discussion about this game is good discussion (some is better discussion that other topics though), but if we're discussing whether we want to have a lynch, that's meta discussion. That's discussion that is not central to this game. Even if we don't succeed in lynching someone, having discussed who to lynch and heard those people's statements gets us information. It's information on what those people think and how those people are playing the game. Heck, even just 3 pages into the game, we've got people saying that Lopen seems a little more uptight and defensive than usual and that Winter is also being a little defensive (and I find it interesting that she didn't have anything to say about the merits of the meta discussion of the lynch before I posted even though she'd posted and addressed that but now she does).


The point is, we have a start on figuring out a number of players and we're not even 24 hours into the game yet. That's pretty good, in my opinion.


@Hael. I'm not opposed to being the Mayor but after spending almost the entirety of LG6 as Mayor, I'm not going to seek the title either. I'll be voting Mezal Mayor for now. He's playing more like he does when he's good right now, and while he's full of paranoia, I don't think that's a bad thing. I don't think he's actually saying there's a link between Sart and Lopen. I think he's throwing the possibility out there to see how people react to it and if he can learn anything from that. And that's a very Good!Meta thing to do. He's my biggest hunch for village right now.

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Correct me if I'm wrong but this is what I am seeing so far:


Lynch vote:

Cubik Rube (1) - Sarah

Jak (0) - Bugsy

M'Hael (0) - Jak

Sarah (2) - Keland, Mezal

Keland (1) - Birgitte

Lorien (1) - Cenn

Trafalgar (1) - Tazrim

Mezal (0) - Jak

Ana-alline (1) - Eryn


Mayor vote:

Jak (2) - Jak, Sarah

Mezal (2) - Mezal, Keland

Tazrim Maim (1) - Tazrim

Lomion (2) - Amaiya, Eryn, Gladium




I'm glad i spoke my feelings about Mezal, because you were able to dismiss my feelings in a way I was looking for. I'm still just seeking to understand.  And Keland I will likely retract my vote against you if need be, like I said earlier I wanted to start some where and it just seemed like a reasonable place since I didn't think my one vote would hurt you (and it hasn't so far). 

@winter lol there is no winning at trying to defend not being defensive >.>


Edit: fixing character names and adding votes.

Edited by jaimeleecee
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You think that's fake? Well, obviously one is. The other isn't.

I will encourage the second point though, as I don't have a spying role. I did in MR14 and every single PM I spied on started with "Hey ___!" Telling me immediately who the Anonymous player was. Not the best way to be stealthy. Elbereth

I like what Elbereth is saying.

I really should have something more insightful/useful to say, but it's 5:30am and I'm having trouble thinking coherently. Just wanted to post something before going back to bed. Will post sometime tomorrow, but company from out of town is visiting this weekend, so I won't be as verbose as usual.


o.O Um... okay? I'm... really not sure why either of you are voting for me. And- well, basically what Wilson just said. I'm not opposed to being Mayor, but neither is it something I'm particularly going to go after. Because I don't think I would use it to best effect, really. Partly because I don't vote all that often (I've gotten better than my nine consecutive cycles without voting in my first game, but that I even had that starting point tells you something about my voting tendencies), and partly because I've had a lot of vote manipulation roles, and I don't think I've put them to particularly good use. (LG16, LG17, MR11, and LG18, and maybe one more that I can't think of at the moment. Out of playing ten or twelve games total EDIT: actually apparently fifteen now. Should have checked before posting. Huh.) So... I would be willing to accept being Mayor (because at least then I know it's not in the hands of a Darkfriend/Corrupted), but I'm really not all that interested in the power itself. So I won't vote for myself for Mayor, at least not right now. I'll try to figure out who I want to vote for tonight.

Maill, forgive me if I still doubt your claims. It's you. :P But I'll keep them in mind, I suppose. Happy? :P

Edit: I know I'm new so I am not familiar with anyones past play styles or personalities outside of game and this is just my opinion/gut feeling at the moment.

Just wanted to comment on this really quick. This is absolutely fine. In fact, having a perspective of ignorance about everyone can actually be a good thing. Is knowing someone's previous playstyle better and easier to catch eliminators? Probably, yeah. But a new perspective can see a lot of things that a player influenced by the past can't. Things like, say, accusing players with high threat levels - which is something I, at least, am very careful about doing and don't do without fairly solid evidence. But you made me look at Meta more closely, for instance, by accusing him basically out of the blue. And that's a good thing. (I tend to fall a little on Lopen's side of the IKYK argument, actually. Maybe I'll write out my opinion on that tonight. For now this post is already too long, unfortunately.)

And don't worry. People will tell you when something you've pointed out is just part of someone's normal playstyle. That's totally fine. So go ahead, throw accusations around like frisbees! That's how you find eliminators, after all, when you get back down to fundamentals. Throw in some accusations and see what bubbles to the top. :)

Edited by Elbereth
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[ Eryn ]


First of all, I'm having some trouble mapping character names to forum names. If people happened to put their character name at the start of their posts, I certainly would appreciate it (though of course it's up to you). But, that's why my name is up there, and will be from here on out.


Mezal, I'm a little concerned at your aggressiveness toward people who are voting for mayor for reasons you don't agree with. As I said in my prior post, I didn't have the time or brainpower to explain coherently and was waiting for the morning to post a followup post. Also, Lomion DID post, only once but substantially, and I thought the points made were sound. Yes, Keland made some of the important points too (and first), but I don't really want to vote for her.


I agree with Lomion's second point, the one about roleclaiming (or rather, not roleclaiming). I half-claimed to two people in LG21 day one to see their reactions because the eliminators already knew who had the town power roles at gamestart, and it went rather poorly for me. The eliminators have more information and it's better shared by their very nature, and other players have little reason to keep your roleclaims to themselves, and eliminators can use knowledge of roles to manipulate the game and control it.


I don't like the way Sarah started out, but I like that Lomion did not vote for her immediately. To me, that shows that she's putting more thought into her votes. She also had a vote already. That's pretty much all of the reasons I voted for her. And, it's not like the Mayor role is super important on day one. I've only been in two games before here, but in neither would one extra vote have mattered on day one. Day two, sure, but we can apparently vote a new mayor every turn. I voted just as a way of expressing agreement and hoping it would spurn more conversation.


The Mayor mechanic is kinda weird, honestly - wouldn't the people who already have the majority on a person vote one of the people voting with them as mayor, extending their lead and having no real effect since they would have won anyway? Am I missing the purpose of this mechanic?


So, I don't really see the purpose to the mechanic and don't think it's that powerful, because if you don't agree with the way someone is voting, you can just remove your mayor vote before the end of the day. If I'm wrong though and there's some reason why it is crucial, I still stand by my vote.




Now, regarding D1 lynches, I know this subject has been beaten to death, so I'll make it quick -- Lynching is the way the town gains information and has a chance of catching the eliminators. In general, it's our only way of catching the eliminators, barring games with excessive numbers of town-aligned/accessible vig powers. Sure, the chance that, with no information, a random vote will be on an eliminator day one is ~5 in 26 for this game, but you know the chance the eliminators will select an eliminator to kill tonight? 0. Lynching someone truly random gives us a ~20% chance of killing an eliminator, though in actuality it's a bit less since the eliminators can manipulate that. But, that's a heck of a lot better than the chance we have if we don't, which is 0% (barring town abilities, of course). /deadhorsesubject






I'm finding I'm not really liking Mezal's aggressive stance against mayoral candidates who are not Mezal. But, reading through Mezal's posts again, I also don't think Mezal comes across as an eliminator. I want to place a preliminary vote, so I think I'll target an inactive, and switch it before the day ends if a solid target presents themself. How about... Ana-alline - what does the Man Alone think about the current discussion?

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Was going to make this an edit, but Nyali posted so I don't have to! (Why am I saying more things instead of going to eat breakfast? ...Not really sure...)

Other thought regarding PM spying: So, I know the situation I described is very unlikely. It would require there being a secret PM spy role, and that role not seeing the names of the players involved. Both of those are unlikely, and together they're quite improbable. So I'm not going to be putting too much effort into people not being able to identify me/whoever I'm PMing. But really, not saying a name isn't a ton of effort. If someone's going to spy on you, at least make them deduce who you are. Don't give it to them on a silver platter. And besides, they can always get it wrong (someone did in MR14 for quite a while). If you use names, there's no chance of that.

That said, general PM safety rules still stand. It is still unlikely, but much less so, that there's PM spying at all, in which case roleclaiming is a very bad idea. (It's also a bad idea in normal circumstances. PM spying just makes it much, much worse.) So please don't. Not without good reason.

Couple of minor points:

[ Eryn ] First of all, I'm having some trouble mapping character names to forum names. If people happened to put their character name at the start of their posts, I certainly would appreciate it (though of course it's up to you). But, that's why my name is up there, and will be from here on out. 

Another good way of telling people your character name if it doesn't particularly fit your username is putting it in parentheses after your username at the top of posts (as I have just done). Obviously, if you do this for every game you'll have problems because 1) multiple games happening at once and 2) you can only change it 5 times a month, but usually nowadays we don't have this much naming of characters in a game, so for the most part that's not going to be a problem.

I half-claimed to two people in LG21 day one to see their reactions because the eliminators already knew who had the town power roles at gamestart, and it went rather poorly for me.

To be fair, that half-claiming had nothing to do with your death, and in fact somewhat helped with finding eliminators later. Not that I don't agree with your point, but the example doesn't show your point particularly well, I think.

Okay, I was going to talk about the Sart/Lopen/Meta IKYK discussion in this post, but I'm hungry, so it can wait until tonight. For now, I'm going to get breakfast.

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@Lopen: Ended up being out all evening too :/ But in the morning, it will be Saturday, so I'll have plenty of time to actually read what people say. 


Re: Mayor - I believe I'm obligated to vote Wilson for mayor, should she want the title.


No problem. I figure you'll post when you've got the time. :)


Here's my reads so far, since I'm around:


Village reads:

Meta - like Wilson said, I think he's acting like village!Meta does. I'll stay wary of course, since he's Meta, but it feels like a true read.

Wilson - also reading as village. Probably because I've agreed with everything she's said so far and her suspicion of Sart seemed perfectly justified as well as her reasoning for trusting Meta(because I feel exactly the same way).

Hellscythe - gut read as village. Honestly though, I'm not sure what his evil playstyle is, since he's hardly ever been evil, so that's a shaky read.

Young Bard - might sound a bit weird, but him saying he's suspicious of me seems more like something he'd do as village, since I was so on point in LG21, which might mean he'd be less likely to confront me like that because I might catch something off about him. Tentative village read. Would like to hear a bit more from him.

Jaimeleecee - since she's new, hard to really say, but she sounds like a villager to me right now at least.

Orlok - gut village read. He's pretty hard to read though.

Stink - kinda thought his posts sounded like village!Stink. He's not someone I've been able to read too great in the past though, but figured since he'd posted once or twice, I had to put him somewhere. :P


Suspicious players:

Sart - Wilson explained why he's suspicious. I agree with Wilson. Might move my vote over there if I don't see any better suspects by the end of the Day.

Nyali - totally gut read. No reason to think she's suspicious at first glance or even if I read what she posts :P, but I'm feeling paranoid about her.

Twei - posted a short post. Kind of felt like an evil post somehow, like she was just trying to post something rather than actually searching for an eliminator.

Mailliw - more paranoia than actual suspicion for him. His posts seemed really neutral to me, like, he hasn't joined in much lynch discussion, but posted a couple times.


Neutral players:

Winter - not really suspicious of her. I remember her being extremely against lynch trains before she left, so I think I can understand her voicing that concern if she really thought it was turning into a lynch train.

Elbereth - maybe one day I'll take a wild guess at her alignment. So far, I'm getting village vibes I guess? Really, my inability to get a solid read on her is funny to me. :P I thought it would change as we played together more often, but it feels like it's just gotten worse. :/ Nice color change for your profile pic though El. Really cool looking. I'm thinking of changing mine to a WoT one, maybe. And I think I'll just put my RP character name as my member title, so everyone can see it that way.


I think that's all, since those are most of the players who have posted so far.

Edited by TheMightyLopen
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While I share Wilson's concern about Sarah, I can't be so sanguine as she is towards Meta.

Meta's very quick jump towards placing a second vote on Sarah so early in the cycle is suspicious to me. Not extremely suspicious, but it feels off to me. I don't think a smart eliminator would do what he did, which means that is entirely possible that a very smart eliminator would do so.

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Yay for breakfast places with wifi. :D

Elbereth - maybe one day I'll take a wild guess at her alignment. So far, I'm getting village vibes I guess? Really, my inability to get a solid read on her is funny to me. :P I thought it would change as we played together more often, but it feels like it's just gotten worse. :/ Nice color change for your profile pic though El. Really cool looking. I'm thinking of changing mine to a WoT one, maybe. And I think I'll just put my RP character name as my member title, so everyone can see it that way.

Just be happy with the fact that I have the exact same problem with you. :P And thanks! I was really excited when I realized this morning: I'm not GMing anymore! I can change my profile pic again! I really like this one too. I think I'll keep it for a while.


I agree with Elbereth!

...What the rusts? Seriously. ??? I'm getting paranoid that at least one of the people voting for me is a Darkfriend trying to implicate me for getting so many votes so quickly, because obviously the eliminators would want to be Mayor as much as they could. But even then, why not actually vote one of their own in? It's the first cycle, sure, so it doesn't matter that much, but still. What the storms.
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I agree with Elbereth!

Dude, come on... >> Do you have nothing else to post?


Yay for breakfast places with wifi. :D

Just be happy with the fact that I have the exact same problem with you. :P And thanks! I was really excited when I realized this morning: I'm not GMing anymore! I can change my profile pic again! I really like this one too. I think I'll keep it for a while.


...What the rusts? Seriously. ??? I'm getting paranoid that at least one of the people voting for me is a Darkfriend trying to implicate me for getting so many votes so quickly, because obviously the eliminators would want to be Mayor as much as they could. But even then, why not actually vote one of their own in? It's the first cycle, sure, so it doesn't matter that much, but still. What the storms.

Nice! :)


Well, that does actually make me happy a little bit. :P Haha, you have been GM'ing a ton lately. I thought I'd change mine over to a picture of Mat, since he's my favorite character in WoT so far(only on book 6 people, no spoilers).


Hey, I'd just take the votes if I were you. :P But I guess if you don't vote very often, it won't really be of much use and so it's kind of pointless to make you the Mayor...

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Well, that does actually make me happy a little bit. :P Haha, you have been GM'ing a ton lately. I thought I'd change mine over to a picture of Mat, since he's my favorite character in WoT so far(only on book 6 people, no spoilers).

Hey, I'd just take the votes if I were you. :P But I guess if you don't vote very often, it won't really be of much use and so it's kind of pointless to make you the Mayor...

I like it. :) Also, if you don't want spoilers, don't read the LG2 evil doc. Not that you were going to (because why would anyone do such a thing? :P), but I thought of you when reading through it.

Yeah. I mean, I will vote if I'm Mayor. I'll use the power. Because it gives more credence to my own vote, which is nice because I know I'm innocent. (Although, as always - confirmed good does not mean confirmed right. Even when it's applied to yourself.) But I don't think I would be the person to most effectively use it, so I'm really not sure electing me is the best decision. :unsure:

Also, this is actually going to be the last post until at least 12 hours from now, as far as I'm aware. I mean it this time. Bye.

EDIT: Oh, also, forgot to say. Putting your character in your member title is good, too. Arguably better than in your username. Follow Lopen's example, not mine. His idea is better.

Edited by Elbereth (Lomion)
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[ Eryn ]


To be fair, that half-claiming had nothing to do with your death, and in fact somewhat helped with finding eliminators later. Not that I don't agree with your point, but the example doesn't show your point particularly well, I think.


Oh, was Burnt not actually ever Odium's champion? I didn't really look back that closely at the game. Still, I think the point is fair, even if my example isn't a good one.


And LG20's still going, so I'd prefer not changing my name. I also post a bunch on other sections of this forum, and a name change would be confusing to people who don't follow SE.



I still like Lomion's posts, but I'm retracting my mayoral vote on her. Gladium's post just worries me.



I'm not sure why Jak is finding me suspicious. My behavior here is pretty standard for me so far. But, I can't directly reference my own behavior in other games yet (or other people's behavior in games I played), since LG20 (my first SE) is still ongoing and LG21 was (hopefully) an a-typical situation (nearly every role was public knowledge by Day 2, and I was a writeup-confirmed villager for nearly all of the game).


But, I will say that I like targeting inactive players early on. In theory, they have just as much of a chance of being an eliminator as anyone else, and we have less information on them than we do on the people who post, even if they don't post much. Sure, highly active eliminators are much more of a threat in the long run, but highly active villagers are much more of a boon in the long run too, and we're more likely to hit a villager than an eliminator.



My gut supports Mezal being town, but I'm of the belief that the people who add second votes on Day 1, especially early in the Day, have a greater chance to be eliminators because of how mob mentality and voting work out.


I'm a little suspicious of Jak, not for his suspicion of me, but because of the number of people that he has giving him village reads. That's a lot of trust to be spreading out this early.


I don't have many reads at this point, but I'll likely compile a list later (or, more likely, early on Day 2 when we have far more information).

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Yeah, Eryn(Nyali), my reads aren't all that strong yet. To give a little more insight, on a scale from 0 to 100(0 being evil and 100 being good), I'd say Meta is around 65(pretty high for a Day 1 read, but I feel like Wilsons endorsement of him makes me more confident in my read, since if she's evil, she'll know if he's good and probably wouldn't say that about him unless he really is good(insert paranoia here) and if Wilson is good, I think her opinion of Meta is worth a fair amount), Wilson is around 58-60, then every other village read on there is like, 54 or something very close to being neutral. I don't give a lot of weight to my reads on Day 1, because they are waaaay more often wrong than right. I figured I'd just get my initial thoughts out there and see what others thought.


As for my suspicions, they're similarly weak reads. Even for Sart. While he could be an eliminator hiding behind a topic of discussion that's not very useful for the village, I'm not very confident that's the case. I think I'd put him at about 40. You're around 47 or 48 I guess, so still very neutral(Mailliw is basically the same). I don't have any logic for suspecting either of you, but I just feel like you could be Darkfriends(or Padan Fain). Twei's probably about 40 as well actually.

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All the mayor/lynch voting has been nothing but a huge mess of assumptions and allegations. For now, I'm not going to vote on anyone for anything probably until cycle 2, so that some information can get into the posts. However, this is what I am picking up from some people so far: 


Wilson: feels like a villager whose just kind of laid-back, waiting for things to progress

Nyali: hard to tell. Maybe villager? Makes a good point about D1 lynchings. 

Mailliw: sets everyone else on edge. Impossible to tell true alignment. 

Elbereth: really seems to be playing on innocence. Not enough substantial evidence to place on either side

Winter Cloud: absolutely no idea

ThatTinyStrawMan: 0 evidence of anything

Sart: somewhat suspicious. Some evidence pointing towards being an eliminator


However, these are nothing more than gut feels and analyzed text. Everyone seems on edge, so suspicious things could be nothing but paranoia. 

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Stink - kinda thought his posts sounded like village!Stink. He's not someone I've been able to read too great in the past though, but figured since he'd posted once or twice, I had to put him somewhere. :P



I'm pretty easy to read, I'm sure. I mean in my evil games they've like always ended pretty quickly for me :P So check on me in like Cycle 3 and you'll be good :P (Like, there was obviously that game that ended on C1, and then Ada's QF where I managed to die in C1 or C2, and actually a game where I survived for a while was the one where Lopen was converted and for a while my whole team was dead around me and that was not fun actually but hey technically its still a win and ill take it anyway i gotta go back to either revising or watching some youtube while revising id recommend it Orlok what's your revision strat?)

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You're doing GCSEs, right, Stink?

You'll be fine - learn the spec - literally, get the spec from the examiner's website, and then do every available past paper.

Now, I'm going to make myself unpopular, and speak up for a moment to defend Sart. Now, it's all very well following Kas' excellent tenets, but not everyone does - and I think it is as such necessary to establish that we're going to have a lynch.

Beginning this conversation isn't, in my mind, a lynch-worthy offence. I can recall a great deal of conversations about this in previous games, many of them insitgated by villagers.

If anything, having the conversation creates subject matter for discussion, which enables a more informed lynch.

Now, let's be clear - I think that having a day one lynch as a matter of course is better - and does gain more information. But I don't think it was possible to assume at the start of the game that we were going to have one, so starting a conversation isn't a tactic for diverting conversation - rather, for creating conversation.

Now, regarding the mayor. I'm not sure I support giving more power to a player like Meta or Wilson. Both are widely respected in this subforum, and have illustrious reputations. Hence, we give their views a great deal of thought and value anyway - and also scrutinise them perhaps further. I would advocate giving the mayoralty to a lesser heard player, on the basis of increasing the exposure they receive in the thread, and not giving yet more power over the lynch to already influential players.

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All good points Orlok


Personally, I was intrigued by the conversation about D1 Lynch... because I'm new and I think its important to understand the pro's and con's of something like this when you have never played before.  For you veterans of the game I could see how it would be annoying or seem like a distraction, but for me (and maybe anyone else new?) it wasn't really beating a dead horse so to speak....


I've noticed that several people have remained silent so far, and I'm wondering who is lurking in the shadows watching people pointing their fingers at each other, laughing to themselves as they plot the villagers demise.... 

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Now, regarding the mayor. I'm not sure I support giving more power to a player like Meta or Wilson. Both are widely respected in this subforum, and have illustrious reputations. Hence, we give their views a great deal of thought and value anyway - and also scrutinise them perhaps further. I would advocate giving the mayoralty to a lesser heard player, on the basis of increasing the exposure they receive in the thread, and not giving yet more power over the lynch to already influential players.


I'm with Orlok on this one. Why give more power to the people who already set others on edge with just their rep? 

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But I don't think it was possible to assume at the start of the game that we were going to have one


This is a game of mafia. The village doesn't win if the village isn't willing to lynch. I think it's pointless to go into a game of mafia wondering "Hm. I'm not sure if I want to lynch on the first day. I mean, I just don't know anything!" If you have that attitude, you'll never know anything.


There have been games where the entirety of Day 1 was taken up by conversations of if a lynch should even occur, with people arguing back and forth about the merits of lynching someone or not. Do we gain information? Do we not gain information? Is it worth it to most likely kill a villager? Guess what? In most of those games, the eliminators got an early lead on the village because the village didn't get organized as fast as it could've. For me, this discussion is a moot point. I am and always will be in support of a Day 1 intent to lynch. Always. I don't see the point in talking about it because no one is going to be swayed. The people for it are always going to be for it (or at least claim they're always for it) and the people against it are always going to be against it. We can say it's to help the people on the fence, but I'm pretty sure the people on the fence would figure out if they support a day one lynch by having a day one lynch and seeing if they vote or not.



As for the Mayor role. I agree that it would be best for the Mayor to not be someone with a reputation, but I'm not voting for Meta because of any rep or his intelligence as a player or anything like that. I voted for Meta purely because he's my best lead for a villager. That's it. That's what I care about when it comes to voting people for Mayor. I don't care to make the same mistake I made in the first run by voting the Darkfriend Channeler as Mayor, even if it's only for a cycle. Could we vote in a newer player that we don't know as well? Sure, we could. Want to know the kind of team Gamma had as eliminators in the first game? None of them had played more than 2 games. I don't trust Gamma because he's a troll. So no, I'm not going to vote on someone willy-nilly just to see what they'll do with the mayor position. I'm voting on my best guess for a villager.


Want my reads right now? I use a scale of 1 to 100 where I start everyone at 50 and the closer you are to 100, the more village I think you are, and the closer you are to 1, the more evil I think you are. Anyone I don't list below is still at 50.


Meta - 58

Stink - 55
Hael - 52

Hellscythe - 51

jaime - 51
Orlok - 49 - mostly paranoia, and very, very minor gut read

Twei - 48 - gut

Elbereth - 47 - can't read her. At times, she'll say something that seems villagery, but then she'll follow it up with something that reads a little false. The fact that I can't read her makes me wary.

Sart - 47 - already addressed this 

StrawMan - 45 - His enthusiasm to vote for a Mayor and provide nothing else is distinctly unhelpful.

Gunshy - 45 - pure gut

Nyali - 44 - a rather strong gut feeling. If you wanted, I could do an analysis of her posts so far to show where the gut feeling is stemming from, but I don't have time right now and won't for another 6-7 hours (I'm driving to Idaho as soon as I get off work), but if people want it, I'll do it later tonight.

Winter - 43 - Got a little defensive of Sart (as Meta pointed out), I also already mentioned the inconsistency with the meta lynch discussion, and a couple of her posts have been trying to cast a lot of doubt on Meta, but also trying to seem like she's not trying to really cast doubt on him by following it up with "But I haven't played with him for a while!"....Now, perhaps Meta isn't a villager, but he's my biggest hunch for it, and if I'm right, the fact that the Darkfriends would know that I'm right would make them panic over the idea of Meta and Wilson working together so quickly. So what would they want to do? Start casting doubt on one or both of us and hope that it drives a wedge and makes us less likely to work together, or gets one of us killed. I guarantee that the one thing they don't want is village!Meta working with village!Wilson.


If I were to retract my vote on Sart, I would vote for Winter. However, I'm keeping my vote on Sart for now because I want him to continue speaking up. He has a habit of falling silent.

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I looked over the rules again, and I have a lot of questions about the Ta'veren.

  • Do people know when they're being controlled by the Ta'veren?
  • What happens if a Ta'veren controls a Chaneller?
  • What happens if they control the Forsaken?
  • What happens if Padan Fain is controlled?
  • Are Thief-Takers and White Cloaks affected by Ta'veren?
  • If you're vanilla, do the Ta'veren control your dragon fang?

This role could be extremely dangerous, so I don't want anything left to chance.


In regards to Day 1 lynches, it's clear that I beat a dead horse. Sorry. I wanted something that would start discussion, so I chose a traditional topic. It has kick-started discussion, but I see where Wilson is coming from. The positions were pretty dead-set on the matter. Therefore, we should focus on other aspects of the game.


Speaking of other aspects of the game, let's talk about the mayor. In regards to the mayor, I doubt Darkfriends would actually want to be the mayor. It thrusts them into the spotlight, and it makes every action they do more suspicious. Plus, it's only one more vote, which isn't that powerful in the long run. My strategy this game is to use the mayor position as a random hot seat. If a darkfriend or padan fain is elected mayor, they're more likely to panic, and start contradicting themselves. That's why I proposed a random system for the mayor position. It allows everyone an equal chance at the hot seat, which allows us to find Eliminators that are trying to go under the radar. With that being said, Stawman, why are you just voting for the popular choice? Just like a bandwagon on the lynch vote, a bandwagon on the mayor vote doesn't help us either. At least give some reasoning for your vote. Since I'm voting for him, I have to retract my vote for Rubik. I don't like taking a poke vote off before the person responds, but I feel like knowing Strawman's reasoning is a little more pressing.

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Maill, forgive me if I still doubt your claims. It's you. :P But I'll keep them in mind, I suppose. Happy? :P

I guess that's all I can ask for. :P Though, considering something I was told recently in a dead doc, I was considering playing this game 100% openly and honestly. So, I'll start now: That role claim was a lie. From now on, I will not attempt to mislead or lie to anyone. I may refuse to answer some questions though. Sound good? Good.

Lopen, I'm on mobile most of this weekend, so I won't be posting as much or as long as normal.

I actually agree with Orlok's post almost entirely.

Also, I have decided where my vote for this cycle will go. You should see it before rollover time today.

Gamma, if I green El's name here, does that work or do I have to green out the original post?

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