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Gotcha. Well, my first thought is that, as eliminators, either Meta or Wilson or both, they're devious enough to throw one of their teammates under the bus, knowing it could soft-clear them for most people. I don't know what it is, but the lynch seems to be being pushed really hard for the terrible foundation it has.


You seem to feel pretty confident that Sarah will show up as a Darkfriend. You're already trying to implicate Kendal and I for something that hasn't even happened yet. Why is that? 


Now I'm thinking that when I posted this bit: 



In fact, because we have so few people voting recently, we've lost the ability to learn as much from the votes. If a bandwagon had formed, we could feel a bit more secure in the idea that the Darkfriends were okay with our lynching choice and could start searching elsewhere. 


The Darkfriends might have taken that to heart. That's the problem with stating things flat out like that. The Darkfriends are capable of seeing it and trying to use that to their advantage. 


Considering that we haven't seen a bandwagon like this in a very long time, I feel that there's something different about this one. Between that and Amaiya's confidence that Sarah will turn up as a Darkfriend, I'm willing to leave my vote right where it is. 


As far as the Mayor thing goes, Lomion seems to have it in the bag. But, considering that I don't trust her much at all at this point (her last post was basically just filler about PM safety again), I'd like to offer up another candidate in Lorien

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You seem to feel pretty confident that Sarah will show up as a Darkfriend. You're already trying to implicate Kendal and I for something that hasn't even happened yet. Why is that?

Now I'm thinking that when I posted this bit:

The Darkfriends might have taken that to heart. That's the problem with stating things flat out like that. The Darkfriends are capable of seeing it and trying to use that to their advantage.

Considering that we haven't seen a bandwagon like this in a very long time, I feel that there's something different about this one. Between that and Amaiya's confidence that Sarah will turn up as a Darkfriend, I'm willing to leave my vote right where it is.

As far as the Mayor thing goes, Lomion seems to have it in the bag. But, considering that I don't trust her much at all at this point (her last post was basically just filler about PM safety again), I'd like to offer up another candidate in Lorien.

Uh, what? That's not at all what I said. Like completely wrong. I said I don't really suspect Sart all that much. Bringing up D1 lynches is the only reason I've seen people voting for him and I think that's, honestly, a terrible reason to lynch some own.

The only reason I said what I did is because Seonid said that if Sart is a Darkfriend, it'd softclear you and Wilson. I disagreed with that point is all. Not sure where you're extrapolating all of this from.

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Sorry to confuse you - I think my typing had a fail in there (should have been a question mark in there after elaborate).


Just asking you to elaborate on your bad feeling about this, noting that you and I might be seeing the same thing and that if we talk it out, we might figure out what feels so off. And asking Wilson if she had any thoughts.


Gotcha. Well, my first thought is that, as eliminators, either Meta or Wilson or both, they're devious enough to throw one of their teammates under the bus, knowing it could soft-clear them for most people. I don't know what it is, but the lynch seems to be being pushed really hard for the terrible foundation it has.

Uh, what? That's not at all what I said. Like completely wrong. I said I don't really suspect Sart all that much. Bringing up D1 lynches is the only reason I've seen people voting for him and I think that's, honestly, a terrible reason to lynch some own.

The only reason I said what I did is because Seonid said that if Sart is a Darkfriend, it'd softclear you and Wilson. I disagreed with that point is all. Not sure where you're extrapolating all of this from.


I'm not seeing anywhere in what Cenn asked you had to do with asking if Sarah was a Darkfriend or not.

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When Nik finally arrived at Drell’s Crossing he found it falling apart at the seams. At the north gate he was approached by a young town guard conducting a patrol. Though he reeked of paranoia he did not hesitate to offer his name; Lorien. Nik did his best impression of caring - which, needless to say, was far from convincing - though he did at least give his name in return. Lorien seemed a talkative fellow from the start, and Nik was in desperate need of information. So, despite how much he loathed talking to strangers, he put up with the guard’s every tangent and eccentricity as he took him on the tour of the village.


Lorien mentioned a monster outside the city walls and asked if Nik had seen it during his travels, to which he replied with a curt no and followed it up by a question of his own. “So who died this morning?” he spoke loud, blunt even, watching the guard’s face carefully for a reaction. Lorien coughed as if surprised, and Nik, who considered himself more than proficient at determining guilt from a man’s expressions, decided it was genuine. The likelihood that he was involved seemed low, though he did take note of how uncomfortable it made him when Nik asked to be shown the place where he died.


Just as he expected the mayor had been the target, and the kill had been made in plain sight. At a tavern, no less, frequently populated by strange wanderers and the village’s louder, more violent residents. Unoriginal certainly, but efficient at inciting chaos. Typical for Sightblinder's servants.


Of those involved Nik recognized no one. Padan must be disguised, he thought, but he’s definitely here. He could smell Mashadar’s taint beneath the scent of spiced ale and salted meat. To his displeasure the Mayor’s body had been taken away and the blood he left behind had long been cleaned up. It was at that moment that Nik realized that if he wanted to find his father he’d have to start getting to know these people.


For a long while he watched from the shadows, and though some people mentioned his presence they mostly left him be. A local widow by the name of Sarah was being ganged up on for bringing up whether or not someone should be strung up for the Mayor’s death this day or not. It seemed a ridiculous reason to suspect someone a murderer to Nik, but he couldn’t help but chuckle at the irony of it. Sadly that chuckle brought attention on himself, and he was forced to speak up.


“What? You want my opinion? I don’t even know you people, let alone your rotting mayor. But if you insist then fine, I’ll tell you. No, I don’t I think either the widow or that thin stick-of-a-man are Darkfriends. I could be wrong, for I’ve certainly been fooled before, but trust me when I say I know what Darkfriends think and how they act. If either of these two serve the Lord of the Grave I’ll be surprised. As for the rest of you lot, I’m uncertain. Give me time to sort through all this nonsense everyone has been spouting and I’ll see if I can glean anything useful from it."



Hey guys. So, I think I'm going to have to not do only RP like I originally wanted, as there's a lot of thoughts I've had that I really can't express in character. Though I think I did do a decent job of it on a couple of things above. Which, if you don't feel like reading because overall the RP is garbage, I mentioned how I don't think that Sart or Strawman are Darkfriends.


For Sart it's because this isn't the first time he has brought up the subject of day one lynches at the start of a game, and overall I think doing so is a silly reason to kill someone. I don't believe he had an ill intent in mentioning it, even if I do agree the subject isn't really worth discussing. Personally I think people need to not talk about it and just do what they feel is right. If you advocate day one lynches then participate. If you don't, then don't vote at all or even try to intervene by inciting a tie. For either of these things it's important you explain why, though. Voting without explanation is a personal pet peeve of mine, regardless of who the target is.


I do think that bit where Sart voted Lopen for Mayor using an RNG is weird though, and will pay close attention to anything else he might do from now on for it (if he lives), but otherwise I don't really get the bandwagon and if anything I think that should be taken as an immediate sign he's innocent. And while the point about needing to confirm that to get reads on other players is valid, I am pretty confident I've used that exact excuse before as an eliminator, so I'm a bit wary of Seonid for doing it now. At the surface it seems like a really smart reason to solidify a lynch, which is great for an eliminator when they already know a person is innocent. EDIT: Do I mean to imply Seonid is evil? No, not necessarily. I'm just saying what's on my mind.


Tangent aside, I strongly discourage some things Strawman has done, and I know that some players like to lynch others for doing something that harms the game rather than for actual guilt. I would like Strawman to invest himself in these games more and personally find that killing a player for that reason won't really help. Positive reinforcement is always better than dishing out punishment, in my opinion, and it worries me how many people are swift to pursue the latter rather than the former.


I have some more thoughts but I'm going to read through everything again and take notes. I'll also get a vote tally up if no one else does it. Sadly I have a lot to get through so it's likely going to take a while. Sorry for not being around more, but it actually makes me happy to see we're on page 8 already without me.

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I'm not seeing anywhere in what Cenn asked you had to do with asking if Sarah was a Darkfriend or not.

You completely missed this context:

But, finding out his alignment will be the most useful thing that this day could end up with, just because of the insight it will give us into the other players and the way that they have defended or attacked him. In particular, if Sarah is evil, than this will soft-clear Meta and Wilson, and that's a huge benefit to the village. I feel like a jerk for doing this, but Sarah.

First off, if Sart is evil, that would clear Wilson and Meta not at all in my eyes.

That's where he brought up you being soft clears and I explained my view. Then it goes to your quotes where he asked me to elaborate.

I'm sorry, but does no one else see Meta misrepresenting people this cycle? Not just me either? Something's up and there's no way you just failed to understand me and Seonid completely.

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Hello all.  Aye Lopen, I did log in earlier - I saw how long the thread was and then went back to stressing over exams.


I'm also suspicious of Lopen for two reasons.  He, like Sart, downplays the important of the Mayor, yet votes for himself?  This could very easily get him the role (by making people less wary of voting for him as Mayor).  He also uses the defence of "If I was X I wouldn't do A, and I've done A, so I can't be X".  Which is an awful defence, seems incredibly suspicious, and I last saw used by Aman in LG21, who was an eliminator.


Yes, I said why I downplayed it and even said I wasn't sure who I was gonna vote for, but then my earlier vote on myself was made official and I was like "what the heck, why not" because I don't think it matters very much. I'm not sure how me downplaying the importance of the Mayor role will make players vote on me. And the reason I don't think it matters very much is that it's a public vote manipulation. Public. Everyone knows how it will affect the lynch. It's not even close to being the same situation as LG21, where the eliminators had like, 2 or 3 hidden vote manipulations. If the eliminators want to use it to try and control the lynch, they have to take responsibility for their Actions to every single player.


Also, I already explained that "defense." It wasn't really me defending myself as much as me asking Meta if he really thought that or was he just trying to cast doubt on my alignment by suggesting something like that. It's possible for an eliminator to vote on one of their teammates for Mayor, but in that situation and for how early it was and how much suspicion Sart was under, I thought it was unlikely Meta would genuinely suspect that me and Sart were eliminators together based on that. That's basically how I search for eliminators. I ask "does that suspicion of so-and-so seem genuine?" or "could that person logically get to that conclusion from the evidence we have so far?" It's why I have a any kind of read on Wilson. She previously called out a player for starting the "should we have a lynch" discussion in a different game as a villager and I agreed with her statement that Meta was acting like his normal self and had reached the same conclusion about Meta just before she posted that(and so had removed my vote from him).


Along that train of thought, you saying my defense was "incredibly" suspicious doesn't seem genuine to me. Although of course I'm biased, but I just don't think it is suspicious(mostly because you misconstrued what I said) and Meta is the only one who commented on it and said it was a bad defense to which I already replied and explained, but you seemed to ignore my explanation on that point. So, Twei. Sheep.


I'm also getting suspicious of Elodin, who's moving his vote around quite a bit, plus the point that Meta and Twei brought up were valid and I agreed with them(plus I don't like his voting on me directly after Sheep like he did :P).


There's been a lot of posts since I last posted and I just skimmed over them, but I'll try to comment on anything I think is out of the ordinary once I read through more carefully. I just wanted to comment on this since it related directly to me.


Edit: I'll try to get a vote tally up. Give me a minute or so.

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I'm with Seonid here - I highly doubt that Sarah is a Darkfriend, and even if he is, we've just got lucky - there simply isn't the evidence to support it at this stage, but it does give us the most information by a long shot.

I'm going to put a vote behind Maill for the mayoralty - I think his arguments have largely been sound, I'm not inclined to trust Meta with any more influence right now, and I don't think giving it to Elb is going to pay dividends in terms of delivering additional scrutiny, or voting power for the village if she's not going to use it, as she has suggested.

Not only this, but, in my mind, Elb is actually a little suspicious - she's been really helpful - in putting forward the village advice, but not in a way that necessarily implicates her with anyone - it's a lovely position whereby she gains trust without having to risk any links with potential teammates.

To be very clear, I don't think it's worth voting for her to be lynched for this, by any means, but on top of the reduced use for the role, it's enough for me to suggest she not be made mayor.

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Vote tally:

Sarah/Sart(5-6): Keland, Mezal, Lomion(2 votes?), Cenn, Gladium

Llewella/Sheep(3): Ruon, Phil Bill, Jak

Gladium/Strawman(3): Sarah, Birgitte, Bugsy

Trafalgar/DeathClutch(1): Tazrim

An-alline/phattemer(1): Eryn

Cenn/Seonid(1): Alain,

Ba'Alzaman/Elodin(1): Douza

Eryn/Nyali(1): Lorien

Jak/Lopen(1): Llewella

Mezal/Meta(1): Amaiya


Mayor vote tally:

Lomion/Elbereth(5): Amaiya, Gladium, Ruon, Lomion, Ba'Alzamon

Jak/Lopen(3): Jak, Sarah, Phil Bill

Mezal/Meta(2): Keland, Lorien

Tazrim/Hellscythe(1): Tazrim

Amaiya/Mailliw(1): Locke

Eryn/Nyali(1): M'Hael


Just a sec. I'll be right back and edit in the rest of the Mayor votes in just a minute. Edit complete. I'm 90% sure that all of the above is 100% correct. :P


Edit2: If you didn't notice, if Lomion is elected Mayor, her vote will count as 2(unless she says otherwise), so Sarah will actually have 6 votes on her as it is.

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Hi. I just got beck from a fishing trip and had a lot of  catching up to do.  Sarah,  To answer your question way, way, way back on first page, I support first day lynching, but I don't quite know who to vote for yet.



Edit: Gamma, how much time do I have, or should I just go with my gut feeling from binge reading all of the pages?

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If I'm correct we only have an hour left or less?

I'm ready to throw down a mayoral vote for Amaiya I feel less sucpisous of him than the others, most of his arguments have been sound and well thought out and at this point that's the most I can go off of.

Edit:I realized I wrote the wrong name I truely meant Mailliw but confused character names for a minute there

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Hey now, I provided some pretty in depth reasoning for voting for Sheep. Also constantly complaining about meta stuff at this point is pretty pointless tbh, unless you're an eliminator and it's your excuse to try and not contribute as much :P

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Because I don't like Sheep's inconsistent suspicions, I will vote for him.

I'll admit there were problems with my suspicion of Lopen, which he has helpfully pointed out and I am going to go back through and check (though probably after turnover because it is late and I must retire to bed soon). In addition, they weren't inconsistent.  They were misinformed, yes, but each fed into the other. However you said you agreed with everything else I'd said in my post.  What do you disagree with me on now?

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Day One Notes


Sart (Sarah) brings up the dreaded D1L Discussion. Personally I see little harm in this due to the fact that we have three brand new players. As Jaime (Birgitte) states later she is not familiar with the meta and therefore seeing people’s stances on it is helpful for her. Yes, it sucks for people who think we’ve talked about it enough, but I don’t see what’s so hard about answering the question while also bringing up other topics of discussion. Most of us talk about multiple subjects in a single post, not just focus on one. On that note I do think we as a community would benefit from a thread exclusively dedicated to the subject where every play can post their thoughts are on D1L’s and even vote yes or no in a poll so that people can instantly see what the majority thinks. That way instead of having to say our thoughts on the matter to fill in new players we can just have a link to our own post in our bio so they can click it and bam, context.


Lopen (Jak) brings up Padan, which for in-character reasons is something I’m taking a personal vested interest in. I haven’t seen anyone bring it up already so I think I’ll mention it in case other people haven’t realized it. This conversion is not like Autonomy’s in the last LG. He can convert more than just one player to his side, a number that we do not know for certain, but is fortunately limited. With it being limited, however, he is likely going to be a lot more careful with his conversions, unless... I have a question, Gamma (not sure if it’s been asked or answered before, but just in case it hasn’t): If someone corrupted by Padan dies can he fill their slot with someone else or is it lost for good?


Wilson (Keland) gets aggressive with Sart. Aggressive Wilson, and aggressiveness in general, makes me sad. Doesn’t really affect my view on her alignment in this post since it’s so early in the game. As a reminder to myself for later, however, Aman (Nik) make sure to look back on the first day of LG15b to compare her posts because that game you got an immediate evil read on her and the reasoning might still apply.


Sart defends himself from Wilson, which I agree with and am personally am on the side that killing him for bringing up D1L’s is ridiculous. However he then brings up that voting for a new mayor is “the most pressing matter” which I disagree with. I think there are more important things then empowering another player for mostly weak reasoning. Thinking on the idea of passing around the mayor role every cycle, I think it will make the role irrelevant for the eliminators because using it to their advantage (at least in an obvious way) will implicate them. More likely than not we aren’t going to learn anything from this, however, as I think that they’re just going to do whatever makes them look most innocent with it, which is actually bad for us, in a way. Now that I’ve thought about that I don’t really care much about him using the RNG to vote. If his intent was to get Lopen more power because they’re both evil it seems extremely counter productive to advocate him, and no one else, keeping it for long. So yeah, at this point I’m still leaning towards Sart being innocent.


Bad feeling about Meta right off the bat. But that’s typical because he’s always aggressive and as I stated earlier aggressiveness leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Doesn’t really mean he’s good or evil though, so I’ll have to explore my feelings about him beyond that. Think he blew the thing with Sart out of proportion, but he did the same thing with Mark in LG16, and it turned out he was good and Mark was evil. Granted that was a fluke and I doubt it’d happen again, but either way it shows that it’s impossible to judge his alignment from this. I understand and respect where he’s coming from about guaranteeing he’ll break a lynch if there is one. I also think he took the wrong approach with Lopen on him voting himself for Mayor, but that’s just Meta being Meta. All this being said I have not seen any eliminator tells from him so far so I’m leaning towards villager. I think I would prefer him not to be elected mayor, however, at least not long term. This connects later on to what Orlok suggests about letting less spoken players get the chance at it. I’ve never been a fan of popularity contests personally, and that’s kinda what I feel like is going on with some of these mayor votes.


Onward to Elbereth (Lomion)! To be completely honest she is the player I am most suspicious of right now. One reason in particular I don’t want to mention yet, because if she does it again then I’ll be as close to certain of her evilness as I can be of anyone this early in the game. Don’t want to tell her what that is as it might discourage her from doing it again. I know that’s vague and would probably be better for me not to mention, but it’s always interesting seeing people’s reactions to vague things like that. Anyway, with this first post in particular, my relevant thoughts are… I agree that roleclaiming should be only done strategically, her use of “obviously” when talking about Gamma intentionally trying to make people paranoid about secret roles when she is the first person to bring it up suggests to me that either she is a secret role / trying to claim a secret role for when she’s not for some odd reason or that she is an eliminator trying to distract us with what ifs (Winter did it in MR12, which may or may not have been because of her alignment, but I personally feel there’s no point in discussing it beyond that everyone needs to be aware of the possibility and act accordingly), and that’s all for that.


Ahh man this is getting long and I’m only on page two and the cycle is about to end. Humph. Think I’ll just post this and continue taking notes so that people can get a feel for where my head is. I have one more question for Gamma though. What are the political laws in this village? Like, can someone only serve as Mayor once? Is there a limitation to how many times they can be elected? Or is it just whatever? I’m curious if a player is elected Mayor and then taken out of office for someone else if they can become Mayor again, ultimately.

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On that note I do think we as a community would benefit from a thread exclusively dedicated to the subject where every play can post their thoughts are on D1L’s and even vote yes or no in a poll so that people can instantly see what the majority thinks. That way instead of having to say our thoughts on the matter to fill in new players we can just have a link to our own post in our bio so they can click it and bam, context.


Judging by all of the conversation about this, I agree with this idea completely.  Who could we ask to get permission to do this?


Edit: forgot to put in blue

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 Don’t want to tell her what that is as it might discourage her from doing it again. I know that’s vague and would probably be better for me not to mention, but it’s always interesting seeing people’s reactions to vague things like that. 


Why do you always say something like this at the beginning of like every game? It's a bit stale now :P In fact, the last time you said something to me along the lines of 'I wanna wait to get more information', it turned out to be a good move for me to not listen to you. Hmmmmmm.

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Orlokand Lopen, could I ask what your opinions on Meta are?


Still leaning village.


I originally suspected him because I thought his suspicion of me wasn't justified(same with Sheep), but his follow up reply to my voting on him made me read him as village. That, combined with Wilson saying she got the same feeling makes me more inclined to trust that read, but it's still Day 1 and I believe Meta is a good enough player by far to fool me and even Wilson if she's village. His big post about every single player I also thought was more of a village!Meta thing to do, but given he hasn't been an eliminator very often(and only once when I've played with him), I'm thinking it's definitely possible he'd do all that work if he's a Darkfriend. So basically, small village lean, with paranoia. I think I understand what you were saying earlier about Meta misinterpreting your posts, but I think that was due to him misreading rather than him purposefully trying to twist your words.


Gah, so many ninja's. I think the Day ends in 1 hour and 15 minutes.


My suspicion of Elodin is rising. His vote on Sheep gave me eliminator vibes.

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Orlokand Lopen, could I ask what your opinions on Meta are?

Mixed. I certainly don't trust him as much as players like Wilson seem to, but I'm not prepared to commit either way at this stage - I'll have another look over everything he's said tomorrow, and let you know - it's quite late now, and I'm not sure how much stock I'd put in my own reasoning at this hour!

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You're suspicious of me for unbandwagoning, and then Straw for bandwagoning.

Yes, because of the individual circumstances behind them.  That being, I was suspicious of Straw for voting the same as you immediately after you with literally no reasoning provided.   Seonid pointed out bandwagoning and you immediately switched your vote.  Of course, in further reflection, this seems like a tad overreaction on my part however it does feed into something more interesting which is how often you've switched your vote.  First for Sart, and then Lopen, and then myself.  Three vote switches aren't inherently suspicious, however what's interesting about them is that each time the vote has occured soon after another vote for said player  Voting for Sart is a possible exception to this, however Seonid did vote for Sart two posts afore, with you voting to solidify the vote (which really didn't need to happen with so much time remaining in the cycle).  You voted for Lopen immediately after myself and for me quickly changed your vote for me after Lopen voted for me - despite agreeing with some of my suspicions.  Your reasoning seems fairly minor, but I'm not one to really judge on what is and isn't lots of evidence.


Having written that, the points don't seem the strongest.  The vote for Sart did seem a little iffy, but not overly such, though you didn't put a lot of reasoning into the vote, besides citing solidification and the information, the former of which I've already stated I judge to be iffy and the latter of which was reasonable, I suppose, but again not the strongest.  The vote for Lopen was, skipping Orlok's post, a post after my own, and was mostly you agreeing with everything I said (aside from the disagreement over Straw, which was minor, and little else).  The vote for me is perhaps the least indicative, though I've explained my reasoning behind being suspicious of you.


This post has turned into a ramble, it seems.  If you need any clarifications, just ask.  This was half-defending half-accusing so if you get lost... yeah, don't be surprised.

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Why do you always say something like this at the beginning of like every game? It's a bit stale now :P In fact, the last time you said something to me along the lines of 'I wanna wait to get more information', it turned out to be a good move for me to not listen to you. Hmmmmmm.


I just brought it up then because it's the main reason I'm paying any attention to her, and I didn't want to say I'm suspicious of Elbereth and not provide any insight as to why as that directly contradicts my thoughts on people voting without providing reasoning.


Anyway, why you gotta bring that up, mate? You know how much I regret that decision, as it inevitably cost my team the game, which obviously bothers me a lot because in every other game I was evil I survived until the end and won.

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