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Long Game 23: The Siege of Luthadel


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1 minute ago, TheMightyLopen said:

Would also like to point out that I don't agree with how most everyone seems to be approaching the lynch. Faction wars are fun and all, but it's like no one cares about the Spiked. Alvron said so himself early on in the game, thread interaction is a very important part of finding the Inquisitor/Spiked, but no one seems to be putting the lynch to use in that regard.

Huh? How is trying to lynch Orlok, who a claimed Seeker claims is a Spiked, not pursuing the Spiked with the lynch?

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Just now, Nyali said:

Huh? How is trying to lynch Orlok, who a claimed Seeker claims is a Spiked, not pursuing the Spiked with the lynch?

I said how "most" everyone has been using the lynch. Obviously we're not gonna get a scanned Spiked each Day Turn, so if this Day is any indication of how we're gonna go about using the lynch, the Spiked can just relax and let us kill each other.

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Maill - I screwed up the cipher. I dropped a few letters somehow and it doesn't decode right. Here, let's try again?

Jjg st nhig vsr js Onrwdv. Rham zwqdhus Ammogam?

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Third times the charm.

Something has been wrong with my internet all day, and its not just me. II've tried to post this three times now. The internet is going off an on, and we haven't figured out why. If I can get to town, or somewhere with a stable wifi, I'll try to read the thread and doc so I can make a post, until then, assume I'm inactive.

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13 minutes ago, Nyali said:

Maill - I screwed up the cipher. I dropped a few letters somehow and it doesn't decode right. Here, let's try again?

Jjg st nhig vsr js Onrwdv. Rham zwqdhus Ammogam?

qz ob utru eoj df Wukslc. Dqov vokqpbl Wutapov?

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Night 2: The Accusation

Fortunately enough for us, as it were, the inclusion of this Inquisitor only served to spread the seeds of distrust between the various factions.  No one could any longer be sure of who to trust, or who could betray them.  Of course, it also meant that none of us could trust one another.  I pity Vin, who Elend had tasked to search for any traitors in our midst during those nights.  They were dark times indeed… any yet, they only got darker.


The guests from the previous night’s ball hurried into the keep -- the former Keep Hastings -- in order to enjoy the holiday.  The holiday was supposed to celebrate the Lord Ruler’s conquering of the Deepness, hundreds and hundreds of years ago, but honestly, who cared anymore?  The Lord Ruler was dead.  Business went on as usual.

“LOCKE!” a voice shrieked from across the ballroom.  “Show yourself!”

Locke winced at the sound, rolled his eyes, and hobbled over to the source of the shouting voice.  “Silk,” Locke growled.  “What do you want?”

“What do I want?” Silk chuckled to herself.  “Nothing much.  It’s only that I happened to get a drink at the punch bowl over there, and something seemed a bit off.”

Locke crossed his arms.  He could not stand such youthful and obnoxious nobles.  Talked like they owned the place.  Talked like they were the only ones who mattered.  “What is it?” Locke asked, struggling to keep the exasperation out of his voice.

“I was just wondering… did you happen to spike the punch bowl?”

Locke blinked.  “Uh… what?”  He looked around at the other nobles, who seemed equally as confused.  “Is this some kind of joke?”

“Of course, my dear Locke!” Silk laughed for several seconds, then went silent.  She tentatively put an arm on Locke’s shoulder.  “It’s only that… well, you know.”

“What are you even going on about?”

“Well… you’ve been influenced by the forces of the Deepness!”

“What in the name of the Lord Ruler are you even going on about?  There is no ‘Deepness,’ Silk.  Have you not figured that out yet?”

“On the contrary,” Silk said, smiling slyly.  “I’ve been mulling over what’s happened to the Steel Inquisitors after the Lord Ruler’s death.  If you haven’t noticed, they’ve been quite absent from Luthadel.”


“Ah, but haven’t you heard about the mists in the northern dominance?  The mists that kill?”

“Sure, but I don’t see where…”

“I’m a seeker,” Silk rolled her eyes.  “I followed a set of Allomantic pulses last night to a very peculiar location.  And I seemed to spy someone who looked very much like you helping to--”

“Enough!” Locke shouted.  “Have you gone mad?  I was sleeping in camp Penrod last night.  I don’t even have any Allomantic abilities, you fool!”

“Wait,” someone said from the side.  “Did that man just admit to being from that loser Penrod’s squad?”

“Ferson Penrod sucks!” another shouted, and several more rushed in towards Locke, carrying him towards the punch bowl.  “Let’s plunge him in the punch bowl!”

“Wait, what?” Locke shouted, thrashing wildly.  “What’s even wrong with Penrod, anyway?  You’re all ones to talk!  You… following the vile Straff Venture or Ashweather Cett… you are nothing but hypocrites!  We will not stop until you are all extinguished from this planet!”

The mob of partygoers threw the thrashing follower of Penrod into the giant punch bowl.  It wasn’t until the thrashing stopped that some of the partygoers finally realized that the punch bowl had not been spiked.

- - - - -

Locke (OrlokTsubodai) was lynched!  He was an unspiked non-Allomancer from the Penrod faction!


Vote Tally

  • OrlokTsubodai (11): Elbereth, Amanuensis, Arraenae, Straw, Araris Valerian, Nyali, jaimeleecee, dowanx, TheSilverDragon, TheMightyLopen, Conquestor
  • Amanuensis (6): OrlokTsubodai, Mailliw73, Alvron, Master Elodin, Kipper, STINK
  • The Only Joe (1): cloudjumper
  • Alvron (1): The Young Bard
  • Burnt Spaghetti (1): zas678
  • jaimeleecee (1): Burnt Spaghetti
  • dowanx (1): Sart
  • STINK (1): Bugsy6912


Night 2 begins now and will end in 47 hours.  Your faction information will be updated with the boxings you’ve received during the day shortly.  Good luck!

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Ren, if someone is targeted by two instances of flared steel and burned/flared iron, what happens? Does the iron protect from all kill attempts, or just one?

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Just now, Nyali said:

Ren, if someone is targeted by two instances of flared steel and burned/flared iron, what happens? Does the iron protect from all kill attempts, or just one?

Flared Iron protects from all attacks. Burned only protects from 1. I think.

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17 minutes ago, Nyali said:

Well, I think it's clear that Aman is spiked. He's likely the inquisitor. He probably has a way to survive a kill tonight.

That's a lot of false assumptions. While I did lie about scanning Orlok last night to save my own skin (because why would any sane player let themselves get lynched over a player in another faction who actually said suspicious things?), I did actually Seek a player: Alvron. Given that Spiking is an action that means it's impossible for me to know what metal he burned, otherwise (if Alvron wants me to reveal it to everyone I will, but I'm assuming with as many hits Penrod has taken already he would want to keep that card close to his chest). I could be Spiked and another member of Penrod could be as well, but I promise you that the former is not true. That being said, now that it is out in the open that I am a Seeker, I think it would be a good idea for us to propose a vote on who I scan. Consider it like a secondary lynch. Players we actually think are suspicious can be nominated to make sure they are not Spiked, and another Seeker can scan me to confirm I am not as well. This way we force the Inquisitor to attack me if they want to keep my results from becoming public knowledge. It'll also be impossible for the Inquisitor to smoke a player that we vote to scan on during the night because Smoker's have to put their orders in during the day.

Edited by Amanuensis
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Player list:

  1. Jonly (The Only Joe)
  2. Locke (OrlokTsubodai) Penrod Non allomancer
  3. Sandhya (Elbereth)
  4. Silk (Amanuensis)
  5. Rima (Mailliw73)
  6. Olvar (Alvron)
  7. Ranel (The Young Bard)
  8. Guilty (Master Elodin)
  9. MottelMusgreave (Mckeedee123)
  10. Ri (Arraenae)
  11. Straw (Straw)
  12. Kelron (cloudjumper)
  13. Kipper (Kipper)
  14. Hadrian Penrod (Araris Valerian)
  15. Zas (zas678)
  16. Shara (Nyali)
  17. Vela (Burnt Spaghetti)
  18. Jaena (jaimeleecee)
  19. Dominic (dowanx)
  20. CennCelverclogs Stimbers (TheSilverDragon)
  21. Sart Tram (Sart)
  22. Ganon (TheMightyLopen)
  23. -- (STINK)
  24. Louik (Bugsy6912)
  25. Skydall (Paranoid King) Penrod Thug
  26. ExisaErikell (phattemer)
  27. Parth Resnuren (Conquestor)






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16 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

That's a lot of false assumptions. While I did lie about scanning Orlok last night to save my own skin (because why would any sane player let themselves get lynched over a player in another faction who actually said suspicious things?), I did actually Seek a player: Alvron. Given that Spiking is an action that means it's impossible for me to know what metal he burned, otherwise (if Alvron wants me to reveal it to everyone I will, but I'm assuming with as many hits Penrod has taken already he would want to keep that card close to his chest). I could be Spiked and another member of Penrod could be as well, but I promise you that the former is not true. That being said, now that it is out in the open that I am a Seeker, I think it would be a good idea for us to propose a vote on who I scan. Consider it like a secondary lynch. Players we actually think are suspicious can be nominated to make sure they are not Spiked, and another Seeker can scan me to confirm I am not as well. This way we force the Inquisitor to attack me if they want to keep my results from becoming public knowledge. It'll also be impossible for the Inquisitor to smoke a player that we vote to scan on during the night because Smoker's have to put their orders in during the day.

So now you're saying I'm the Inquisitor?  You have something personal against Penrod or are you just trying to throw everyone off the fact that you lied about finding a Spiked?

I don't believe you are a Seeker.  You can reveal anything you want about me.  As far as I'm concerned you're playing purely for your faction and not to find the Spiked.

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9 minutes ago, Alvron said:

So now you're saying I'm the Inquisitor?  You have something personal against Penrod or are you just trying to throw everyone off the fact that you lied about finding a Spiked?

I don't believe you are a Seeker.  You can reveal anything you want about me.  As far as I'm concerned you're playing purely for your faction and not to find the Spiked.

No, I'm not saying you're the Inquisitor. I scanned you the previous cycle and it said you were Unspiked and that you burned Tin.

Also, I'm playing purely for my faction and not to find the Spiked? Everyone who voted for me before only voted for me because I was a different faction. Only a handful of players have actually voted for players for genuine reasons so far this game, and of them I am the only one who composed a post longer than a paragraph or two explaining my reasoning. Whether or not Orlok was a member of my House, the reason for my actions was nothing more complicated than I was suspicious of him and know without a doubt that I am Spikeless.

Edited by Amanuensis
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Well Aman, I just don't trust you anymore. I'm not really sure if there is anything you can say at this point to make me trust you. My suspicion of Orlok was similar to my suspicion of you (that is to say, somewhat low), since both of you had posted somewhat controversial ideas in an attempt to spark discussion. You wanted everyone to attack Penrod, and he wanted everyone to faction reveal. Both plans were eventually decided against, and it can be argued that both plans also favor the Spiked team more. Now, we know that he is confirmed good, and all we know about you is that you lied.

As a small side note, if you are actually the Inquisitor, and were going to have been lynched, then a lot of what you did makes sense (it also makes sense that you would lie to set your faction above another, since this is SE :D). If the Inquisitor can soothe, that would help him build his team. Alvron is a strong player, so knowing if he had a power worth converting would make sense, and the gambit you pulled off would let you live to spike another turn. Even if you are just a regular spiked, it totally makes sense to take another player down with you. If I recall, that worked in LG 1 and the fake seeker didn't even end up getting killed.

But yeah, I don't think anyone else could really do anything as suspicious as you at this point, although I would be happy if someone could prove me wrong!

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3 hours ago, Amanuensis said:

That's a lot of false assumptions. While I did lie about scanning Orlok last night to save my own skin (because why would any sane player let themselves get lynched over a player in another faction who actually said suspicious things?), I did actually Seek a player: Alvron. Given that Spiking is an action that means it's impossible for me to know what metal he burned, otherwise (if Alvron wants me to reveal it to everyone I will, but I'm assuming with as many hits Penrod has taken already he would want to keep that card close to his chest). 

First, you never again get to pull out the QF14 card on me again. :P 

Second, this is always the side effect of such plays when you are wrong. You receive all the suspicion. 

Lastly, I think you're either Spiked or playing the faction game much more than you say. 

@Nyali Did You see my last message?

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52 minutes ago, The Young Bard said:

Alv, is Aman telling the truth about your action last night? It might help solve this mess if he is.

You want the answer to that, kill Aman and find out.:P

Thanks Aman, you're latest scheme has finally allowed me to put a face behind the mask of lies.  I now know who it is you remind me of.

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3 hours ago, Araris Valerian said:

Well Aman, I just don't trust you anymore. I'm not really sure if there is anything you can say at this point to make me trust you. My suspicion of Orlok was similar to my suspicion of you (that is to say, somewhat low), since both of you had posted somewhat controversial ideas in an attempt to spark discussion. You wanted everyone to attack Penrod, and he wanted everyone to faction reveal. Both plans were eventually decided against, and it can be argued that both plans also favor the Spiked team more. Now, we know that he is confirmed good, and all we know about you is that you lied.

As a small side note, if you are actually the Inquisitor, and were going to have been lynched, then a lot of what you did makes sense (it also makes sense that you would lie to set your faction above another, since this is SE :D). If the Inquisitor can soothe, that would help him build his team. Alvron is a strong player, so knowing if he had a power worth converting would make sense, and the gambit you pulled off would let you live to spike another turn. Even if you are just a regular spiked, it totally makes sense to take another player down with you. If I recall, that worked in LG 1 and the fake seeker didn't even end up getting killed.

But yeah, I don't think anyone else could really do anything as suspicious as you at this point, although I would be happy if someone could prove me wrong!

First, I didn't want everyone to attack Penrod. I suggested it. Where was there ever a want, let alone a determination to see it through? I wasn't even the player in my faction that came up with the idea, just the one that was decided to bring it up because I had already taken enough flak as it is. It's another reason to support why I haven't been Spiked. On D1 a lot of players were making it clear they didn't want me around. I've also been stressing repeatedly how there's little chance I'd even survive N2. Also, besides killing more players quicker, I don't see how having all factions gang up on one faction helps the Spiked more. Every single faction wants the same thing, and you yourself even said that it is a good idea, but only if implemented through the use of PMs. The only real flaw you pointed out was that Penrod could just retaliate by going all out on another faction.

You're right. If I were the Inquisitor, that would make sense. But I just proved myself to every Penrod alive, unless one of you wants to admit that you're Spiked with me, as there is no other way I could have gathered that information at the start of D2. I could not have scanned a player at the same time of spiking another. I am proven not to be the Inquisitor by this fact alone, at least. I have no argument against not being Spiked other than the fact that I am free to scan yourselves. Granted, there's no guarantee that there is another Seeker in this game, though I'd hazard a guess that there is due to Smoking. You'll be able to tell instantly if I'm Smoked because I'm claiming a role, so if I appear roleless than you'd know that's a lie, too, that information can be revealed in the day and ya'll can feel free to lynch me. In killing me for this, however, you deprive yourself of an actual chance at finding a Spiked.

Also, I want you all to ask yourselves, what would you do in my shoes? You know you're not an eliminator and you know you're a very useful role for the village. People are trying to kill you for no other reason then they are afraid of you. You have an opportunity to tell a half lie to preserve yourself long enough to explain yourself more, and at the same time might be able to take a Spiked with you. Would you just accept your death? Or would you do everything you can to stay alive? Yes, I get it, a Spiked could be doing that to help themselves. But for the Love of Lady Vedel, that is not alignment indicative, so do not use that as a reason to condemn me.

3 hours ago, Mailliw73 said:

First, you never again get to pull out the QF14 card on me again. :P 

Second, this is always the side effect of such plays when you are wrong. You receive all the suspicion. 

Lastly, I think you're either Spiked or playing the faction game much more than you say. 

I have never used that card on you. I have brought it up in relevant conversations, but never to get you killed.

Which I don't really understand. You did it in the very same game and were innocent, right? Were you even up for the lynch that turn, or just bored? Either way I stand by the fact that I did the right thing. Killing a Regular over a Seeker regardless of the faction is a better trade, any day of any game.

Once again, how? How does this say I'm playing the faction game more than I say? Also, how can you even use that against me, Mr. War Propaganda? So far I don't think I've seen a single player making any serious efforts towards finding the Spiked. Not like I have, at least.

3 hours ago, Alvron said:

You want the answer to that, kill Aman and find out.:P

Thanks Aman, you're latest scheme has finally allowed me to put a face behind the mask of lies.  I now know who it is you remind me of.

Well, your non-answer just about proves I'm telling the truth and you don't want people to figure that out immediately. I false claimed to you in AG2 and you did not hesitate to call me out on my lies then. That being said, Peter Baelish is one of my favorite characters (in the books, especially), so I don't particularly mind that comparison.

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