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Long Game 23: The Siege of Luthadel


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23 hours ago, Alvron said:

Maybe next time she will be a lying murdering traitor instead.  Or a traitorous murderer who lies.:o

Or maybe I’ll be a murdering treacherous liar! So many different combinations to play with. :P Or maybe I won't lie next time. Or I won't murder anyone. (And I won't be a traitor, either. Traitor implies that you start out one side and then betray it. Which isn't the case in non-conversion games. :)

23 hours ago, zas678 said:

Bravo Elb. You did a great job of fooling us all. Bravo indeed. 

Even though you're going down in a blaze of glory, you brought down someone else with you- a coinshot even.

That was the idea. :P

Sandhya and Thanata: The Rest of the Story, Pt. 1

The Alleyway

Sandhya turned to walk out of the alley. She had an Inquisitor to kill.

Then, before she reached the main street again, she paused. Had she heard something? 

The sound repeated, and she whirled to see a figure vanishing around a corner at the other end of the alley. Had it been watching her? She didn’t remember anyone standing down there, but she hadn’t exactly been paying attention to anyone but Thanata.

The Inquisitor. Without another thought, she ran after the figure. It didn’t matter that she had no way of taking on such a powerful being, that she was almost certainly about to die. All that mattered was that it had killed Thanata, and she would make it pay.

She reached the end of the alley to see it halfway down the block… running toward a dead end. 

She cried out in triumph and ran faster, pulling her long skirts out of the way.

The Inquisitor glanced back, steel spikes glinting where its eyes should have been, and seemed surprised to see her. He glanced forwards again just in time to see the wall, but instead of crashing into it he simply walked up for a few steps, then flipped and landed facing her. 

She drew to a stop, staring, and they both froze.

It smiled. “You’ve seen me, little girl. I was content just ruining your world, but now you’ve actually seen me. And no one gets away with that.” He pulled something from beneath his robe. A spike, still dripping with blood. Thanata’s blood, she noted dispassionately, although a distant corner of her mind shuddered in horror. 

“You saw me, little girl. And for that you must be punished.”

She stared at him defiantly for a moment, but couldn’t help but scream when the gleaming spike came down, directly into her chest.


Edited by Elbereth
I didn't transfer the italics. Oops. >>
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I don't get what you are saying Elb. One moment you are saying that you are not and will never be a servant of Ruin, the next, you are admitting to being spiked! <_< So which is it?! Parth Resnuren knew that Tram was telling the truth, he just didn't know if Sandya was a spiked or not! He was the only one that hadn't fallen for her trap and for that he was grateful. "We should use all the coinshots we have, to kill her. She should die the way Tram killed the Inquisitor." Parth said

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Patience. All shall be revealed in time. 

And correction: you weren't the only one who didn't fall for it. Bugsy didn't either, not for a while. Definitely congrats to him on that as well. He got exactly what was happening. 

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Storms. Should have trusted my gut. Not that it would have actually done anything, of course :P 

Bravo, Elb. Very well played 

59 minutes ago, Conquestor said:

I don't get what you are saying Elb. One moment you are saying that you are not and will never be a servant of Ruin, the next, you are admitting to being spiked! <_< 

I think she was saying Ruin appeared to Sandyah (Her RP character) as Thanata (her earlier, now deceased, RP character), so she didn't realize she was serving Ruin. She didn't realize she was being turned evil, since Ruin manifested as a sort of guardian angel in the form of a deceased family member

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3 minutes ago, Elbereth said:

Shh, don't spoil the surprise. :P (Nah, it's fine. You're very on point this game, though. Just saying.)

Thanks! Sorry for guessing the plot of your story... :P 

Oh, and you're going to make people suspicious of me at this rate. I mean, a revealed eliminator publicly endorsing a villager as having accurate guesses? You migh as well put my head directly on to the chopping block :P 

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Thanks for posting again so I didn't have to doublepost! :P 

Sandhya and Thanata: The Rest of the Story, Part 2

Sandhya awoke, later. Her eyes opened first, staring up at the sky, occasionally blinking away ashes. She lay there for a time.

Then, other sensations. Hearing, though there wasn’t much to hear in the deserted alleyway in which she still lay. Smell, on the other hand, was plentiful and not very appealing. 

And then touch, and with it, pain. When she finally managed to lift her neck slightly off of the cold stones, she saw the gleaming end of a spike sticking straight out of her chest.

Her head collapsed back down to the ground. No wonder it hurts, she thought wryly. But, amazingly, it hadn’t looked like she was bleeding, and the pain didn’t seem to be getting any worse. 

She lay for a moment more, then with a grunt of effort sat up and looked around. It was probably afternoon by now, but no one was around any more than they’d been this morning. The market was a distant hum, but nothing else stirred. 

She examined her wound more closely. The very end of the spike stuck out an inch or so above her chest, but where it pierced her skin the dried blood brushed off easily to reveal a seamless join with the spike, as if it had been there for years. She tried tugging it to see if it would come out, but the pain intensified and she stopped immediately. 

With nothing else to do, she got to her feet, slowly. As far as she could tell, the spike hadn’t gone all the way through, so she looked perfectly fine from the back except for a bit of ash. So she simply bundled up her cloak in her arms, high enough to cover up the spike in her chest, and began heading back to Keep Fanui. 

Edited by Elbereth
Bah. Formatting.
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Sandhya and Thanata: The Rest of the Story, Pt. 3

The Ballroom

Sandhya got up abruptly, not caring at the stares she was attracting, and walked out onto the nearest balcony, closing the doors firmly behind her and cutting out the noise and light of the ballroom.

“How is this helping me find the Inquisitor?” she asked aloud to the mists in frustration. “All I’m doing is listening to petty squabbling and nothing of use! No one knows anything about the inquisitor killing people in our midst, not even this so-called informant who can’t even see that I’m not a lovesick fool looking for her crush’s name.”

She sighed, staring out at the shifting mists. “We have to ally together,” she said decisively. “There’s no way we can find the Inquisitor if we’re all working against each other. We’ll just end up killing each other, doing the Inquisitor’s work for it.”

She turned to go back inside, but froze and turned slowly back towards the mists. Was that…

It was. Hanging before her in the mists was Thanata, just as she had died, the same haunted expression on her face. 

Sandhya couldn’t speak for a minute. “Thanata?” she said cautiously, as if uncertain that Thanata’s face wouldn’t blow away the moment she spoke. 

But it didn’t vanish. It simply hung in the mists, staring past her. “What did you see, sister?” Sandhya asked softly. “What did you see that made you so horrified?”

Death, Thanata whispered in her mind. Sandhya jumped. “Thanata?” The face in the mists shivered and looked like it was trying to form a body for a minute, then dissolved altogether. 


I can’t sustain a body, Thanata said in her mind faintly. I’m sorry, sister.

“But you’re here! You’re alive!” Sandhya exclaimed. 

Not quite. And I don’t know how much time I have to talk to you, so I’ll make this fast.
What I saw, as I died, was death. I saw the factions allying together to go after the Inquisitor who killed me and putting aside their own problems. They were all slaughtered mercilessly. 

“No,” Thanata said. “There has to be some way to defeat the Inquisitor!”

I don’t know. Perhaps there is. But I do know that whatever happens, the factions cannot ally. If they do, they die. While they’re fighting each other, the Inquisitor is happy to leave them alone. When they ally, they’re a threat that must be destroyed.

You have to do this, Sandy. I can’t do anything but watch, and even then I have a hard time seeing things sometimes, when I’m trying to hold myself together in one piece. I don’t know how much I can help.

You have to keep the factions fighting by whatever means necessary. Alone.

Sandhya shivered. “Whatever means necessary”, in Thanata’s mind, could mean a lot. She unconsciously touched the knife she’d tucked into her dress, just in case, looking back at the bright ballroom. 

Just in case. 

Edited by Elbereth
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Day 6: Kolossal Trouble

Of course, when the night fell, as it always did, the faction warfare continued…


Rima woke to the sounds of loud grunts and screams outside.  Rubbing her eyes, Rima Pulled a knife from across her tent into her hand, and stumbled outside.

Fires danced across several of the tents as a horde of giant, blue-skinned beasts charged right past Rima.  Oh, that’s great.  Rima slashed her knife at one of the koloss that charged by, causing it to shriek and stumble to the ground.  Several swordsmen quickly overcame their terror and attacked the wounded koloss, severing its enormous head.  A few of the koloss that had charged past slowly turned around, faces contorting into something beyond a sneer.  They roared,

charging back towards Rima and the gathered swordsmen.  The swordsmen faltered.

Rima pulled a rope from one of the nearby tents and wrapped a knot around the hilt of her knife, making it taut.  She then hurled the knife into the air until it wrapped around a wooden archway, standing between her and the koloss.  The knife secured itself onto the archway, and Rima Pulled, using one of the tent poles to keep herself stable.  The archway quivered, and just as the koloss charged beneath it, it collapsed, hitting several of the koloss square in the head.

The fallen archway did little damage to the koloss, but it halted their progress enough for the swordsmen to close in and strike.  As soon as those koloss were defeated, more poured in, charging from down the same alleyway.  They would not be so easily taken down, with the archway now laying as little but a minor roadblock.

Rima Pulled the knife at the end of the rope into her hands, preparing for the attack.  She certainly couldn’t manage to kill these koloss, but she could probably flee, if necessary.  Rima ran to the side and fled down another passageway, one that would quickly take her out of the encampment.  However, blocking the path was a trio of koloss.  Rima huffed, then charged at the koloss.

Before the koloss could manage to notice her in the darkness, Rima had already thrown out her rope-knife at one of them, striking the koloss in the neck.  The koloss roared, but collapsed to the ground.  The other two koloss immediately charged at Rima, who Pulled the knife back into her hands.  Rima frowned, looking at one of the koloss’s enormous swords.  She Pulled on that, making it only barely budge from the koloss’s grip.  She pulled harder, and ended up flying towards the koloss.  However, she had prepared for this, and struck her knife upwards into the koloss’s head as she collided with it.  The koloss immediately fell, but Rima suddenly felt a pain in her legs where she had hit the koloss’s chest.

The final koloss seized the opportunity and swiftly brought his blade down, chopping through Rima’s back.

- - - - -

Rima (Mailliw73) was killed by a koloss horde!  She was an unspiked Lurcher.

Day 6 begins now and will end in 47 hours.  Good luck!

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Oh, look. I'm not dead. Fancy that. 

Sandhya and Thanata: The Rest of the Story, Pt. 4

The Ballroom, cont.

Note: I am aware that this contradicts Rae's death writeup. I also don't really care, because I like this version better. :P 

The door opened moments later, and Ri emerged cautiously. After a few moments of exchanging apologies and pleasantries (and finally getting the name she had wanted), Thanata spoke in Sandhya’s mind again.

She wants the Houses to ally. Sandhya started shaking her head, knowing what was coming in her gut and dreading it. 

Informants don’t like war. They’re too concerned about dying themselves.

Rightly, it seemed. Sandhya turned to look out at the mist, though Thanata showed no trace. “Please…” she whispered.

She cannot be allowed to live.

Sandhya closed her eyes, warring with herself for a moment. She could not kill this innocent young girl, who couldn’t even tell that she was mourning rather than lovesick. But she had to. The Inquisitor was using her as a tool for its own ends. It had to be stopped. 

“I’m sorry,” she said to Ri, choking out the words, as she gently touched the hilt of her knife.

Then she opened her eyes and pulled the knife from her dress, striking Ri’s unprotected neck in one fluid movement. 

She watched dully as Ri’s face faded from confusion into death. At Thanata’s urging, she heaved the body over the balcony - it fell with a wet thud onto the ground below - and walked back inside to mingle and smile hollowly at the beautifully clad figures dancing or conversing. 

She sat at the same table where she’d begun the night, before any of this had happened. Her pens and paper were still laid out there. 

And with a heavy heart, she picked up the pen and began slowly tracing out an R.

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Well, fine then, if that's how you want to do it. Elbereth it is. :( Tell me you'll talk some today other than lynching me, though? I mean, I know I'm evil and don't want people to discuss and all, but a dead thread is just sad, no matter what side you're on. And I need people to talk between my RP posts, after all! (That's probably what I'm enjoying most about being outed, actually. Didn't think I'd be able to post all these until after the game ended. This works much better. :D)

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5 minutes ago, Elbereth said:

Well, fine then, if that's how you want to do it. Elbereth it is. :( Tell me you'll talk some today other than lynching me, though? I mean, I know I'm evil and don't want people to discuss and all, but a dead thread is just sad, no matter what side you're on. And I need people to talk between my RP posts, after all! (That's probably what I'm enjoying most about being outed, actually. Didn't think I'd be able to post all these until after the game ended. This works much better. :D)

I'll talk.  Just as I have all game.  In the Penrod Doc.:P  I wouldn't have voted for you this early if it wasn't for MR15 though.  Keeping track of that game is now at the top of my list.  At least until Mckee comes back and I can't guarantee that I'll be aware enough to vote later on like normal.

I'm not surprised that you are enjoying the outed eliminator RP.  It really fits your style.

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I'm curious, however, as to who the other spiked are. We know that dowanx chose Elb. Does that mean he chose similar players for the other factions? Or did he pick a few lurkers who are trying to wait out the game?

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Well, Lekal is out for the count now. Mailliw was our only really active player. He basically did everything. Our Doc title is literally Rima Lekal and Co. Also, the fact that we were attacked by Venture's koloss tells me that we're still unspiked, since I'm the last member of our doc who's active enough to warrant spiking.


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2 hours ago, The Only Joe said:

Well, Lekal is out for the count now. Mailliw was our only really active player. He basically did everything. Our Doc title is literally Rima Lekal and Co. Also, the fact that we were attacked by Venture's koloss tells me that we're still unspiked, since I'm the last member of our doc who's active enough to warrant spiking.


Ouch. True, but ouch. Anyways, I'll be pretty inactive for the next 3 weeks or so, since I'm at an all-day camp.

EDIT: Sorry. All 24 hours is what I meant.

Edited by Master Elodin
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Did anyone target Elb last night? She's a confirmed spiked and she still didn't die. I am now rying to foin in the RP action now that I am active again, so, let's see. Parth understood that Sandhya is evil, but why is she evil? He wanted to understand, he has been looking into her past. "The farther back I look, the more insane she sounds." Parth said to BLANK (This spot is for anyone who would like to join in). "If we found out what happened to her, maybe we can use this as a way to find other spiked,"

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Theory disproven. Someone is claiming they were blocked. Teams with a Coinshot. Mind posting in thread who your Coinshot targeted? If they didn't block a certain person than that person is probably spiked.

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