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2 hours ago, Kipper said:

It did happen once that I recall. Somebody used a term wrong (I'm describing badly; but quite similar to this instance) and got lynched for it. They turned out to be good in the end. Maybe it was @The Young Bard?

I've king of done that a couple times. I said there were Darkfriends in QF16 (I was playing that and LG22 at the same time, and I was a villager in both.) However, that doesn't really apply to secret factions.

Oh, by the way, Silverblade. Because I forgot to do it before (though I'd still like to hear them speak about their opinion of todays events.

Could a Dula in the thread please scan Elenion, and find out if he's an eliminator or not? PM your results to the player you trust most, and have them reveal it to the thread, if you don't want to reveal. I don't want to risk him being a Jester this cycle, but he has been acting a little suspiciously (in thread and in PM's. I'm fairly certain he's attempted to lie to me once already.)

And, I suppose that leaves me to solidify the lynch on Straw, to prevent any vote manips.


Oh, also: I want to get off this wild ride - into an even wilder one of an OOG PM led by Stink. Eh, sanity was never one of my strongest goals in life.

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Oh guys, if those of you who already trust me could like PM me what your situation is through the night seeing as I won't be able to respond/ask questions then that would mean that in the day if one of you was killed then I could say what the situation was for you, and then everyone can do analyzing stuff. Obviously don't respond to this post with a yes or anything but you know who you are :P

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32 minutes ago, The Young Bard said:

I've king of done that a couple times. I said there were Darkfriends in QF16 (I was playing that and LG22 at the same time, and I was a villager in both.) However, that doesn't really apply to secret factions.

Oh, by the way, Silverblade. Because I forgot to do it before (though I'd still like to hear them speak about their opinion of todays events.

Could a Dula in the thread please scan Elenion, and find out if he's an eliminator or not? PM your results to the player you trust most, and have them reveal it to the thread, if you don't want to reveal. I don't want to risk him being a Jester this cycle, but he has been acting a little suspiciously (in thread and in PM's. I'm fairly certain he's attempted to lie to me once already.)

And, I suppose that leaves me to solidify the lynch on Straw, to prevent any vote manips.


Oh, also: I want to get off this wild ride - into an even wilder one of an OOG PM led by Stink. Eh, sanity was never one of my strongest goals in life.

Or you could PM me the results, since I'll be lynched that day anyways and thus you can know immediately that I didn't lie about it.

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Well, Day 1 votes are always a bit of a wild guess, but at least there’s been enough discussion today to make a semi-educated guess.  And at this point, my best guess (by a small margin) is Ecthelion.  Though, I am inherently suspicious of all the players who have barely posted anything, or anything of importance to the discussion.

Ecthelion accused Elenion of bandwagoning, everyone who voted for Elenion for bandwagoning (Emerald in particular for tunneling), and Elenion for being arrogant.  This last accusation in particular is rather suspect, because none of Elenion’s posts have struck me as pretentious or anything of the like.  It sounds a bit like something of a fear tactic to get us to distrust Elenion, while in the same post acting noncommittal towards Elenion. Other than that, I find Ecthelion's focus on bandwagons to be a bit suspect, especially since the eliminators would have no reason to bandwagon onto anyone this early in the game.

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Apparently there's some behind the scenes stuff that has Straw getting a couple extra votes. So I believe he's currently in the lead for being lynched.

Edit: I'm not too sure about the vote tally. Was he already in the lead or what?

Lynch vote leaders:

Straw(5): 5 people
Elenion(3): 3 people
Mailliw(2): 2 people

That's the public votes, not any hidden secret votes or anything. :P

Edited by TheMightyLopen
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What do you mean by behind the scenes stuff?

This is the current vote tally. Would still really like more people not participating to vote for random players for my Merchant plan.

(5) Straw: TheMightyLopen, Elenion, Ecthellion III, Magestar, The Young Bard

(3) Elenion: Kipper, Sart, Straw,

(1) Elbereth: Amanuensis,

(1) Master Elodin: jaimeleecee,

(1) The Young Bard: Mailliw73,

(1) Mailliw73: Arraenae,

(1) Emerald101: Stink,

(1) Ecthellion III: Renegade

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You literally just ninja'd me editing my post to tag you and @TheSilverDragon to help. Thank you. Plus, the PM clearly says "Aman's Harem" and you're in it, soooo....

Also, here's a countdown timer again. I think it's right.



And to finish, a friendly reminder to the local Legionnaire to Arrest me.

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10 minutes ago, little wilson said:

So you're saying any male can create a PM with titled "[male's name]'s Harem" and lay claim to whichever females he wants? How comforting. >>

Hmm... yup, that's basically it :P I mean, we both know that I have no real claim on anyone in there. Just an amusing circumstance, imo

10 minutes ago, TheMightyLopen said:

I mean that apparently a Duke is planning on voting on Straw and... I think that's actually it. >.> I was thinking there was something else, but now that I think about it, I think that's all.

@Straw, are you not going to defend yourself any more? o.O This lynch seems so easy...

Yeah, this is a part of the reason why I think Straw is innocent. It's basically just been accepted that he's going to be lynched and no one's really made an effort to stop it from happening. I'm mainly not interfering because of my Merchant plan, and that I don't like to lynch someone without me having a serious reason to think they're evil. I'd rather use my vote in a way that can help the village without killing someone.

4 minutes ago, Arraenae said:

@little wilson, are there any names for groups of many males centered around a female?

I don't think there is. I've done a little research into it since that's a huge thing in one of my worlds, and have yet to find an answer. Could probably just call it a Merah.

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4 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

Yeah, this is a part of the reason why I think Straw is innocent. It's basically just been accepted that he's going to be lynched and no one's really made an effort to stop it from happening. I'm mainly not interfering because of my Merchant plan, and that I don't like to lynch someone without me having a serious reason to think they're evil. I'd rather use my vote in a way that can help the village without killing someone.

Yeah, I understand that logic. What confuses me most is that Straw hasn't said anything since his last post responding to me, which was like 20 hours ago and since then he's picked up a couple more votes that are mostly just on him to keep any vote manipulation from happening(and because apparently the people are a bit more suspicious of Straw than Elenion). My tunneling mind can explain the lack of any type of defense as him being an elim and his buddies told him that they'd just leave the lynch alone completely and hope we'd back out of it simply because of the lack of defense, but I realize that I do tunnelmake mistakes on occasion :P and that might be more of me trying to convince myself I'm right about Straw rather than him actually being evil.

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Don't worry guys. I organized a rebellion and have now founded the Free Republic of Amania. Slavery is illegal here, and my first act as ruler will be to execute the once-slavedriver, Mailliw. Anyone who wishes to join my nation can apply for a working visa via PM.

7 minutes ago, TheMightyLopen said:

Yeah, I understand that logic. What confuses me most is that Straw hasn't said anything since his last post responding to me, which was like 20 hours ago and since then he's picked up a couple more votes that are mostly just on him to keep any vote manipulation from happening(and because apparently the people are a bit more suspicious of Straw than Elenion). My tunneling mind can explain the lack of any type of defense as him being an elim and his buddies told him that they'd just leave the lynch alone completely and hope we'd back out of it simply because of the lack of defense, but I realize that I do tunnelmake mistakes on occasion :P and that might be more of me trying to convince myself I'm right about Straw rather than him actually being evil.

Yeah, it's definitely a possibility that he's evil but, I'm leaning towards not. Once I see the results for sure I'll go ahead and analyze everyone who voted for him to see if I think any of them are likely evil. Issue is with a lynch like this, there's a pretty good chance the eliminators are just sitting back laughing at the village killing one of their own.

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