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Naara froze. Her eye twitched. Again. And again. “What. Did. you. Say?!?” Her jaw clenched. “Pancakes?!? Pancakes after 10?? THAT. THAT’s. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH” She briefly ran around in a circle of about 3 metres diameter waving her hands around, screaming in rage. When she was again facing Anelin she stood still again, her expression suddenly cold. “You will not have pancakes. If you are going to stay here, you will not have pancakes. After. 10. Is that clear?”

Anelin nodded her head stiffly. She could have done without the pancakes, but this was beyond rude. "You gave me a list of food. You shouldn't have included pancakes if you didn't want me eating them," she said.

The moment I leave, Anelin vowed, I'm sending Naara a gift of pancakes after 10.

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I'm with Lopen: I think that since Straw survived we really don't need to waste another lynch on him; but I'd be fine if some Chay-Shan vigilante had an itchy trigger finger, since I still think he was suspicious and we should learn his role.

Also, @TheMightyLopen, the thread is quiet because all of the humorous non-game stuff is going down in the OOG PM.

It appears that the overwhelming majority supports the shorter cycle, so I place my previously-heasitant vote on that. #bandwagon

Another thing: I did some vote analysis and this is what I got.

  1. Only one Duke vote was cast, and it was the one that Lopen predicted here. Either there's one duke, someone was role-hiding, or a duke is inactive.
  2. A Noble vote was placed on Burnt. Since I know a role-claimed Noble who told me they weren't voting on Burnt, there is at least one other noble out there to have made it a tie, or two or more others working as a team, or that Noble was lying to me.
  3. No Merchant nega-votes were cast. Since any village merchants appear to have had no reason not to reveal anonymously by placing their ability on a misc target with 1 vote, any merchants appear to be either are nonexistent, role-hiding, or inactive.
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A list of all the players and the last time they were on, for reference:

  1. Alvron                  right now
  2. Amanuensis        right now
  3. Antgrgmn            Thursday at 2:14 PM
  4. Aonar                  10 hours ago
  5. Araris                  20 minutes ago
  6. Arraenae             48 minutes ago
  7. Burnt Spaghetti   5 hours ago
  8. Conquestor         1 hour ago
  9. Ecthelion III          right now
  10. Elbereth              53 minutes ago
  11. Elenion               right now
  12. Emerald              46 minutes ago
  13. Eolhondras         2 hours ago
  14. Jaime                  31 minutes ago
  15. Kipper                 27 minutes ago
  16. Lopen                 1 hour ago
  17. Magestar            26 minutes ago
  18. Mailliw                 1 hour ago
  19. Master Elodin     52 minutes ago
  20. Orlok                  2 hours ago
  21. Renegade          20 hours ago
  22. Sart                    47 minutes ago
  23. Silverblade         5 hours ago
  24. Stink                   19 minutes ago
  25. Straw                  6 hours ago
  26. The Silver Dragon right now
  27. The Young Bard 2 hours ago
  28. Wilson                18 minutes ago

Edit: Can I be added to the OOG PM?

Edited by Ecthelion III
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  1. Burnt Spaghetti   5 hours ago

.... really? ..... thats.... curious tbh. That would mean i was on at 5am.... did i sleep and SE? o_O' im sure i wasnt awake after 3:30.....

Edit: unless it was like, 5.9 hours ago and you grabbed the number like half an hour ago. Cause that would bring it to 3:30am.... lets go with that cause i dont like the idea of my body checking SE in my sleep.... :[


Edit 2: rp!

"You gave me a list of food. You shouldn't have included pancakes if you didn't want me eating them," Anelin said after a stiff nod.

Naaras face changed from stone cold to a beaming smile in an instant, “Haha what a funny  thing to say~ :)  it will be biscuit time within the next…. 3 minutes so that's an acceptable option if you can wait 3 minutes!” she giggled slightly. “You’re so funny sometimes cousin!~ pancakes after 10? What a funny little joke! Heheee. Next you'll be telling me you want pudding for breakfast! Haha what a hilarious thing that would be! :D” she giggled to herself a little more.


Edited by Burnt Spaghetti
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Yeah, but it's been 23 and a half hours now. That one is over half written though, and will be edited in tonight. This time I'm promising it.

EDIT: Speaking of which, Mods, please don't lock this thread until the writeup has been edited in.

Edited by The Only Joe
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The Second Day

The Night was cold, and dark, the half moon covered by a stormfront that had rolled in from the ocean. The flickering light of the street lamps provided enough illumination for Straw to see that the streets were empty as he hurried from doorway to doorway.  He was fairly certain that he was being followed. The lack of noises from behind made it obvious. There were cats and insects ahead of him, where no one had walked recently. But they stayed silent for far too long behind him.

He turned the corner of Etu Street onto Koi street and saw Aeleus waiting for him up ahead. Good. He needed allies among the nobility if he wanted to live another day. His chest still hurt from where Ashkelon had shoved the spear through it. He had managed to avoid the mobs for a week or so, but he hee wouldn’t survive another one.

Aeleus pushed himself upright form where he had been leaning as soon as Straw reached him. “You wanted to meet with me?”

“You were part of the mob that accused me of conspiring against Iadon a while back. And yet, your fellow Nobility told Iadon to arrest Naara.”

“I don’t have to agree with them. We work together, yes, but we’re not a collective, Pirate."

Straw grinned at the loathing in the word. “Pirate indeed. Retired, because I had enough wealth to live the rest of my life quite comfortably. And, as you well know, oh newly appointed lord, money is power in this city.”

Aeleus raised an eyebrow, and gestured for him to go on.

“Name your price to support me, both publicly, and in the ranks of the nobility.”

“An, interesting, proposal to be sure, but I can claim your money once you’re dead as well, can’t I?”

“Or I could snap your-” His threat was interrupted by a clear voice coming from behind him.

“A Monk and a Gambler had a debate. They discussed the concepts of God Chance and Fate. The Gambler decried the existence of two, while the Monk scoffed at the idea of the other. Tell me good sirs, does Domi have a plan for this night? Or is it all up to Man?”

Straw couldn’t see anyone from where the voice was coming from. Aeleus stepped up next to him, peering into the darkness. “Who are you?”

“A God among men.”

Something dropped from the sky onto Straw, and he pitched forward onto the ground. He rolled sideways, throwing his assailant off his back. Aeleus stepped forward and held out a dagger to him, keeping his eyes on the cloaked man. “Truce?”

“Acceptable.” He grabbed the dagger by the blade and threw it underhanded at the man in one motion. The man caught it, then sprung to his feet. “The answer my friends, is, Huh? Who are you?”

Something hit Straw in the back of the head, throwing him into the brick wall next to him. It was followed up with two more blows to his face in rapid succession. He slumped over, his vision blackening. His last sight was that of Aeleus’ corpse hitting the ground next to him.

Straw was killed! He was a Citizen Retired Pirate!

Ecthellion III was killed! He was a Citizen Noble!

Retired Pirate and Noble are now available for Beggars to take.

The Day will end in twenty-four (24) hours. PM's are once again open!

Edited by The Only Joe
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Well, saw that one coming. I would prefer to lynch Elenion today. A lot of the discussion was focused on him yesterday, and it would greatly reduce our eliminator targets if he was evil. Of course, there might be another team out there, but it would still be a good place to start.

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Ashkelon cleaned the blood off of the wooden spear. He hadn't wanted to stab Straw. It wasn't in the Plan. But when Straw had come to his door asking for donations to the poor (oh, the thought of them made Ashkelon's blood run cold!), Ashkelon had been enraged, a feeling which he was all too accustomed to. He could still hear the voice in his head:

Tips? You expected me to give you a tip for the poor? For all I knew, you were a stinking thief! Tips and Thieves! Tips and Thieves!

And so he had stuck a spear through his chest. And now, news that some assailant had killed Straw and saved Ashkelon the murder rap? He wished to meet the assassin and shake his/her hand. And if she turned out to be female, Ashkelon kept a wedding ring in his back pocket, just in case.

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I'm back! :D I've been reading through. It's not as hard as I thought it would be (because it's 50% fluff...), so I'm currently as of this writing about here. I picked that as a stopping place because it's also an interesting point regarding today: I see no reason we couldn't engineer a tie so that someone else died alongside Maill. If someone does move votes, it'd be illuminating (because it'd be onto Maill, obviously. I hope. If he didn't die because of some stupid vote manipulation, that would be very sad.), and if not we have a secondary lynch. Not sure whether that's actually a good idea or not, but I thought I'd put it out there.  

Other than that, I have a lot of comments that I haven't written out yet, but essentially: 

  • strong gut evil read on Emerald. 
  • We don't know how to strategize for this game but we can certainly try things (i.e. act as if this is a normal non-conversion one evil team game and who's suspicious in that circumstance? What if it's conversion? etc. I know it'd be kind of tedious to think that way but it's better than anything else I can think of.). 
  • While immediate reactions are useful, they're definitely not unforgeable (as I know from personal experience :P ). 
  • I tend to believe Stink's claim. 

That's about it for now, until I find the time to actually write out everything I want to say. I seriously doubt I'll be able to finish reading the thread before the end of today (since I see it's going to be 24 hours and I have cousins and a rather busy day at my internship during those 24 hours), but I'll do as much as I can manage. I'll definitely be caught up by the end of D3. 
And back to reading... (and PMing. I'm making some PMs for those people I have specific things to say to. If I don't PM you tonight, I'd welcome a PM from you! :D Saves me the work of making it later. :P

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So it looks like there'll be no telling the difference between a ChayShan kill and an Eliminator's. At least, not visibly. I'm guessing that of the two, Straw's killer was a villager, and thus Ecth's was the Eliminators. I'm trying to figure out why he would be their first target though. My initial guess would be because there wouldn't be much to read into the death that might reveal them. Can anybody who had a PM with Ecth, or received third party information regarding him, summarize it for the thread?

Also, what the storms, Merchants :( I was really disappointed to see that no votes were negated. I severely doubt there's not a single one of you out there, and now I have no way of knowing. Pretty much everyone should have saw my pleading. I suppose ya'll could be inactive but there aren't very many (Ant, Elbereth and Elodin are the only two that I don't think saw it in time). So yeah. I'm definitely sad.

Speaking of, did Ecth claim Noble to anyone? And if so, who did he say he was going to vote for in his PM? I mean, he's obviously innocent so, either he was the only one who voted at all (and chose Burnt, by why?) or two other "Nobles" picked Burnt to overrule him. What I don't get is why, regardless of their alignment, they didn't put their vote on me like I asked. I mean, I get it. I can't and shouldn't control everything, but my plans for the votes were harmless and would have got us a lot of information without putting any specific players at risk.

Anyway, I'm a bit sad that people didn't try to get some lynch discussion going since we knew this turn would be shortened. I would have said something myself but thanks to an anonymous Legionnaire I was arrested. I really need to go to bed because I have to wake up for work in 5ish hours, but I just wanted to bring up these things first. Also, Mailliw. I agree wholeheartedly in this scenario that we should have a tie between him and a player we are actually suspicious of. I personally feel extremely uncomfortable about voting for him myself, but someone's got to start it, I guess. @Mailliw73 if you are a Jester like we talked about, please, please, pleaseee do not choose me.

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I know I signed up for this game specifically to lynch Maill, but I'm fairly sure he's a Jester and if I vote for him, he'll kill me. I'm, like, 98.6% sure that's what's going to happen if I vote for him and I'm right about his role. Soooo, yeah. I'll probably come up with a satirical essay tomorrow to send him off, but it won't contain my own vote. For now, I'm voting on Emerald.

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59 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

Speaking of, did Ecth claim Noble to anyone? And if so, who did he say he was going to vote for in his PM? I mean, he's obviously innocent so, either he was the only one who voted at all (and chose Burnt, by why?) or two other "Nobles" picked Burnt to overrule him. What I don't get is why, regardless of their alignment, they didn't put their vote on me like I asked. I mean, I get it. I can't and shouldn't control everything, but my plans for the votes were harmless and would have got us a lot of information without putting any specific players at risk.

Ecth claimed to me, and told me he would put his vote on Straw. I don't know about the rest, though, but my best guess is that they all voted for different people and the tie was RNG'd into Burnt.


New in edit: I'd love to send Maill off with a happy bouquet of lynch rope, but I'm feeling a little paranoid of what Joe would have done in preparation for that. That said, I'm not voting on anyone else, either.

Edited by Elenion
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