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12 minutes ago, Aonar Faileas said:

1: Bard. I'm not sure how feelings run right now, but early in the game, people found Bard suspicious. (As reflected by his relatively central position on the Diagram.) If he is evil, and on an Eliminator team, I'd place a very high probability on Eol or Kipper also being an Eliminator as well. They've been rather consistently grouped together so far. (Although part of that has to do with the fact that Eol and Kipper are both background players, [Eol more so] and as such do not have many connections to work with. So this particular guess may change.)

Here's my thoughts on that:

  • I started with a bad gut feeling about Bard, that's why I told him I was a Pirate
  • After I gave Bard a bit of information in PM about someone who was targeting him, he turned around and accused me. The whole thing smelled suspicious.
  • As for Kipper, Kipper for some reason always targets me. He has in MR15, QF17, and this one, the only three games I've played with him. I was confirmed village in MR15 and QF17 is ongoing, but accusing me seems like a quirk of Kipper's playstyle that hasn't changed from when he was village in MR15.
  • As for Eol, I have no feelings for or against him.

And I do think we need to get more active players. I voted Kipper earlier to spark some discussion, and almost nobody even weighed in.

Also, I just died in QF17 so now have more time to play this game, so I no longer need to be lynched for schedule conflicts, @STINK.

Finally, I'd suggest lynching Silverblade (and not me :ph34r:)

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@Arraenae It's how you're grouped in my diagram. You're all part of a cluster that contains both Conq and Ecthelion, and each of you are grouped with at least one of the two. (Groups are from algorithms that search for hidden connections; clusters are groups that are apparent from only visible connections.)

That doesn't mean that any of you are the killer; but right now you're where my bet would be.

Edited by Aonar Faileas
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Night 3: Getting a head in Life.

The King’s council met behind closed doors, to maintain the privacy of their interactions here, they needn’t put on a show for the commoners. They could be honest, and forthcoming. They cut cut to the chase. Thus it was that Antonio found himself alone with Ryth and the King.

He noted in the privacy of his mind that the King was unusually confident today. Normally, he was nervous, suspicious, snapping at his nobles and making pointed accusations. Today, he sat back in his chair, holding his wine glass off to the side and smirking like a panther. It made him want to check his wine for poison.

Antonio cleared his throat and nodded his head to Iadon from across the table. “Your Grace, Ryth and I are here, and you have told us that the others are not coming. When will we be allowed to know why?”

“You, of course, know about the conspiracy against me?” He gently swirled the wine in his glass.

The non-existent conspiracy? The conspiracy made of lies and whispers? The one that had already killed several of his friends and would likely kill more before Iadon realized he was wrong? And they called his son mad. Must be genetic. “Of course Your Grace. Lord Ryth and I have been investigating, and have given you the fruits of our investigations already.”

“Indeed.” Ryth interjected, pouring himself some of the same wine. “As we said earlier today, we, as a whole, believe that Anelin is a conspirator.”

“One of us believes that.” Antonio muttered, loud enough for Ryth to hear, but not for Iadon.

The King shot upright, his wine glass falling to the floor in his haste. “What was that?!”

The two nobles shared a worried glance. “What, M’Lord?”

Iadon pointed a finger at Antonio. “That! What did you just say to him! Whispers! Whispers and lies!”

Well, he was well and truly Kayana for saying that. “Nothing my lord! I simply expressed my disagreement with Lord Ryth, sir.”

“A likely story.” The King snarled. “This is exactly how I knew you two were against me! Guards!”

They couldn’t even finish standing up before the doors burst up, and guards in full armor poured in. Far more than were usually stationed at the doors. Iadon had planned this. He wasn’t nearly as Mad as Antonio had thought.

“Guards, execute these men immediately! I want their heads on spikes before the full moon is risen!”

Ryth fell to his knees before the table side, his hands clasped before him. “Please Iadon, have mercy! I never plotted against you! I supported you against the others! Please!”

Antonio didn’t bother. He simply let the guards grab him. He could tell by the gleam in his king’s eye. He wouldn’t survive, no matter what he said. You cannot fight men with power answerable to their own rage. All you could do was hope to go unnoticed. And apparently, he hadn’t.

Silverblade and Antgrgmn were both Citizen Nobles! Antgrgmn's role should be given to a noble, not revealed, but. . . 

The Night will last 48 hours. (Why? Because I'm getting to work at 7 am on Friday, and staying at work until 3 pm on Saturday. RIP me.)

Aonar (1): Lopen

Araris (1): Amanuensis

Arraenae (2): Silverblade, Noble

Elenion  (3): Sart, STINK, Aonar

Jaime (1): Araris

Kipper (1): Wilson

Silverblade (4): Arraenane, Elenion, Young Bard, Duke

Antgrgmn (4): Inactivity vote.

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Quite interesting how that's the third lynch attempt you've survived in three cycles, Elenion.

I don't think that Duke vote came from someone whose win con involves killing a lot of people. Without the Duke, three people would have died -- Len and Silverblade from the lynch, and Antgrgmn from the inactivity filter. With the Duke, only two people have died.

Note: disregard the entire bit above if Len is the Duke, or Len is an alignment with teammates.

I know that I look very suspicious right now, since Silverblade turned out to be a Noble. (Joe, you lied when you said no villager would dodge that question. :angry:) I blundered big time, and I don't know if there's a way to fix my mistake.

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46 minutes ago, Arraenae said:

Quite interesting how that's the third lynch attempt you've survived in three cycles, Elenion.

I don't think that Duke vote came from someone whose win con involves killing a lot of people. Without the Duke, three people would have died -- Len and Silverblade from the lynch, and Antgrgmn from the inactivity filter. With the Duke, only two people have died.

Note: disregard the entire bit above if Len is the Duke, or Len is an alignment with teammates.

I know that I look very suspicious right now, since Silverblade turned out to be a Noble. (Joe, you lied when you said no villager would dodge that question. :angry:) I blundered big time, and I don't know if there's a way to fix my mistake.

Len is claiming to be a Duke. He's claimed as such in thread since the 2nd Day and he'd claimed to multiple people on Day 1 as well.

Edit: Since we have a long Night, we might should try and discuss Night kills, like people have suggested to do before but we haven't hardly done. :P I'll nominate someone once I've had a good look through of all of the players.

Edited by TheMightyLopen
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7 hours ago, Arraenae said:

I know that I look very suspicious right now, since Silverblade turned out to be a Noble. (Joe, you lied when you said no villager would dodge that question. :angry:) I blundered big time, and I don't know if there's a way to fix my mistake.

Na, you look suspicious cause you did loads of dodgy stuff then tried to say that it would all turn out cause you'd found an elim. Who was actually a noble.

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Sorry for being MIA I was at an amusement park with my family all day and had to drive there and back so I was not really able to keep up with anything.  

Rae, I wasn't entirely convinced by your post but you made some good arguments and had I been active yesterday I may have followed suit to lynch Silverblade but the results are very dossapointing... I agree with Stink.. It's not the fact that you were wrong that makes you look suspicious it's what you did to try and supposedly catch Silver in a lie.

Edited by jaimeleecee
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11 hours ago, Arraenae said:

Quite interesting how that's the third lynch attempt you've survived in three cycles, Elenion.

I don't think that Duke vote came from someone whose win con involves killing a lot of people. Without the Duke, three people would have died -- Len and Silverblade from the lynch, and Antgrgmn from the inactivity filter. With the Duke, only two people have died.

Note: disregard the entire bit above if Len is the Duke, or Len is an alignment with teammates.

I know that I look very suspicious right now, since Silverblade turned out to be a Noble. (Joe, you lied when you said no villager would dodge that question. :angry:) I blundered big time, and I don't know if there's a way to fix my mistake.

I'm the Duke and pretty much everybody knows it; I was just trying to put some humor in the situation.

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5 hours ago, jaimeleecee said:

Sorry for being MIA I was at an amusement park with my family all day and had to drive there and back so I was not really able to keep up with anything.  

Rae, I wasn't entirely convinced by your post but you made some good arguments and had I been active yesterday I may have followed suit to lynch Silverblade but the results are very dossapointing... I agree with Stink.. It's not the fact that you were wrong that makes you look suspicious it's what you did to try and supposedly catch Silver in a lie.

I thought that method would work, because it worked on me in LG21.  :( Looking back, I tunnelled way too hard on Silver and didn't try to consider the situation from a Village!Silverblade perspective. That's something I'll need to work on next time.

I know you don't have much reason to trust anything coming from me, but I don't expect to live to see the next Night. I might as well spend this time cramming in last thoughts.

I started out as a village beggar, not a neutral one. However, I claimed neutral to almost everyone I roleswapped with. Why? Because I wanted to try phishing, specifically the type of phishing Joe did on me in LG21. He was a villager who claimed to be neutral who tricked me into making a frustration claim. I thought that if I pretended to be a neutral beggar, I might be able to get information out of the eliminators that they never would give to a villager.

It worked, kind of. Before he left, Maill told me about a faction called the Jeskeri, which have a conditional kill. Every time they kill somebody, a Jeskeri gets outed. The Jeskeri win when they sacrifice the last non-Jeskeri player. Maill told me to do what I wanted with the information. I gave it to Wilson, Orlok, Amanuensis, and now all of you. I don't know how true this is, but I see no reason for Maill to fabricate a faction and give the information to a "neutral".

Obviously, pretending to be a neutral so I could steal information from an eliminator Silverblade didn't work. Silverblade wasn't an eliminator. I think the eliminator(s) let the Silverblade lynch go through because they knew that once you found Silverblade was village, everybody would want to kill me, thus getting rid of two villagers. Later this Night, I'm going to go through the thread again and take a look at the people who voted on Silverblade, or declared no opinion either way.

If I survive this Night, I'll become a Bodyguard. I can't use a role on the Night I take it, so if someone wants to kill me, I'm vulnerable this Night. If I somehow survive this Night and tomorrow's lynch, I'll probably protect myself until I die. I know I'm a villager, even if I led everybody on a wild goose hunt and have no way to prove my alignment without dying.

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15 hours ago, Arraenae said:

I know that I look very suspicious right now, since Silverblade turned out to be a Noble. (Joe, you lied when you said no villager would dodge that question. :angry:) I blundered big time, and I don't know if there's a way to fix my mistake.

Quote is from the last post I made on mobile. Can't get rid of it cause new system.

Rae, sorry to burst anything special going on, but you know Mailliw told me the same thing about the Jeskeri right? So, in the end what you're saying is that you did something because it worked on you but it's done nothing but give you suspicion.

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1 hour ago, Arraenae said:

Before he left, Maill told me about a faction called the Jeskeri, which have a conditional kill. Every time they kill somebody, a Jeskeri gets outed. The Jeskeri win when they sacrifice the last non-Jeskeri player. Maill told me to do what I wanted with the information. I gave it to Wilson, Orlok, Amanuensis, and now all of you. I don't know how true this is, but I see no reason for Maill to fabricate a faction and give the information to a "neutral".

Really?  Maill lies the most when he's a villager.  And he was leaving for two years.  You think he wouldn't take the opportunity to give us one last troll.  Or more than one.  How many other landmines has he left us?  Even if what he said is true then the Jeskeri team would have to be larger than normal otherwise there is very little chance of them winning and I don't see Joe messing with the Meta that much.  Thankfully Stink got the same message so I doubt you're lying but Maill instead played you very well.

Edited by Alvron
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Rae, we also have a conversion every two cycles. We're willing to work with the village for a time at least. We also have a Forsaken-type (not in abilities really, just an ace in the hole type) Jeskeri leader, but we're not telling what she does yet. That, Alv, is why we don't need to be larger than the village.

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2 minutes ago, Arraenae said:

How would a village/Jeskeri alliance work?

We convert one of you and we kill everyone else. We both win. If you guys feel uncomfortable about that we can convert a Bodyguard so they can keep themselves alive. You just need to find someone you all can trust.

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1 hour ago, Master Elodin said:

We convert one of you and we kill everyone else. We both win. If you guys feel uncomfortable about that we can convert a Bodyguard so they can keep themselves alive. You just need to find someone you all can trust.

Who is this "everyone else" that would need to be killed? Do you know of another elim faction?

Also, so a Jeskeri is "outed" every kill you make. Does that mean one of you is killed? If so, why haven't we seen any Jeskeri deaths? Or is it they are returned to village alignment and so know all about you?

Finally, if we do decide to make an alliance, I have strong village reads on Lopen and Aman, as well as currently-inactive Silver Dragon and, of course, myself.

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3 minutes ago, Elenion said:

Who is this "everyone else" that would need to be killed? Do you know of another elim faction?

Also, so a Jeskeri is "outed" every kill you make. Does that mean one of you is killed? If so, why haven't we seen any Jeskeri deaths? Or is it they are returned to village alignment and so know all about you?

Finally, if we do decide to make an alliance, I have strong village reads on Lopen and Aman, as well as currently-inactive Silver Dragon and, of course, myself.

1. We have been confirmed to be a neutral/ neutral evil faction and not the primary opposition to the village in doc.

2. It means that we get revealed. As of now we have opted to only convert and kill later. 

3. Noted.

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1 minute ago, Master Elodin said:

1. We have been confirmed to be a neutral/ neutral evil faction and not the primary opposition to the village in doc.

2. It means that we get revealed. As of now we have opted to only convert and kill later. 

3. Noted.

Hmmm... does conversion over-write previous alignment, or only be an alternate victory condition?

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