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Good bye, ginormous post I was making. Hope you enjoy your stay in the refresh monster's stomach. Hello, ineloquent summarization.

Lopen. Aman, I don't quite trust you to truthfully scan the person who is accusing you. Sorry, but I'm suspicious of both of you. Don't count on my action tonight. I don't have the brainpower to deal with the fourth coming of Outed Eliminator Aman or the first coming of Outed Eliminator Lopen. Unfortunately, that's inevitable at this point.

If Aman is Jeskeri, I claim first torch. If Lopen is Jeskeri, I claim his stuff. (Has he even RPed his character having stuff? Don't care very much. Just toss out the sacrifical knives and give me the rest please.)

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8 minutes ago, Arraenae said:

Good bye, ginormous post I was making. Hope you enjoy your stay in the refresh monster's stomach. Hello, ineloquent summarization.

Lopen. Aman, I don't quite trust you to truthfully scan the person who is accusing you. Sorry, but I'm suspicious of both of you. Don't count on my action tonight. I don't have the brainpower to deal with the fourth coming of Outed Eliminator Aman or the first coming of Outed Eliminator Lopen. Unfortunately, that's inevitable at this point.

If Aman is Jeskeri, I claim first torch. If Lopen is Jeskeri, I claim his stuff. (Has he even RPed his character having stuff? Don't care very much. Just toss out the sacrifical knives and give me the rest please.)

No torches are necessary :( For the love of Domi, what the Braize happened this game. I miss it when people stopped questioning my alignment all the time and just trusted me. It's making this so much harder than it needs to be.

Edited by Amanuensis
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8 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

No torches are necessary :( For the love of Domi, what the Braize happened this game. I miss it when people stopped questioning my alignment all the time and just trusted me. It's making this so much harder than it needs to be.

Hey, don't take it personally. :P I'm a suspicious person. Been like that since LG15b.

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Since you just revealed Orlok's role, the Practitioner and (Evil) Duke should theoretically be running out of room. So, I might as well role claim.

Introducing, Sarrrrr, the not-so-Retired Pirate.

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Just now, Sart said:

Since you just revealed Orlok's role, the Practitioner and (Evil) Duke should theoretically be running out of room. So, I might as well role claim.

Introducing, Sarrrrr, the not-so-Retired Pirate.

He revealed it in thread last turn, actually :P

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Rae, do you think you could post last second of this Turn and tell us who you're protecting? Just as a way of potentially proving your role. I'd love protection, but given I don't have any hard evidence to back up my villager status, I understand if you don't protect me.

I know that might sound a bit hypocritical coming from me(asking you to prove your role that is), but in this case, asking you to do that doesn't affect your decision at all, whereas in my case, asking me not to attack someone or to attack a specific person can possibly decide on the outcome of the game, depending on how close things really are. I'm too suspicious of Aman to attack anyone else. I have a few other suspects, but I'm just not as suspicious of them right now.

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Well if you're telling the truth Lopen then it looks like I'm dead. Aside from Rae, I don't know anyone capable of protecting me.

If it turns out Lopen is telling the truth and I die, I would recommend everyone lynch Aonar tomorrow. Wilson was confident enough about him that she ranked him as one of her most suspected eliminators for a reason. I think Sart might be good now, though. His post about trying to get me and Lopen to stop butting heads felt extremely villagery. Unless, of course, they're evil together and he doesn't want me to scan his teammate / him be proven a liar if he really isn't a ChayShan. But that won't be certain until the next write up is posted, and I'm starting to doubt I'll be alive anymore.

I think there's a good chance Kipper is Neutral-Evil or Evil, given the fact that aside from trying to lynch Elenion in the beginning of the game and helping lynch Mailliw on D2, he's pretty much been staying out of all of the discussion unless it directly has to do with him. Personally that feels like a pretty evil thing to do, like he doesn't want to add to the discussion and give people more reads on him, but he will speak up to defend himself if it looks like things are turning unfavorably towards him.

As for the other to Jeskeri... I don't know. Rae, maybe, since she's now trying to avoid protecting me despite asking if I wanted her to before the turn ended. If Lopen's good, Burnt might be a possible eliminator as well. I would really have to do more thorough analysis on players to add any more significant thoughts, and I'm way too tired to stay up and do that now, plus I'm pretty sure I don't have enough time to get it all down anyway.

Last turn I dumped all of the information I had to Stink, with the condition that he reveal it if / when I die. That way maybe the villagers will have a good chance at figuring out who the eliminators are. Goodnight everyone, and good luck.

Edited by Amanuensis
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12 minutes ago, TheMightyLopen said:

Rae, do you think you could post last second of this Turn and tell us who you're protecting? Just as a way of potentially proving your role. I'd love protection, but given I don't have any hard evidence to back up my villager status, I understand if you don't protect me.

I know that might sound a bit hypocritical coming from me(asking you to prove your role that is), but in this case, asking you to do that doesn't affect your decision at all, whereas in my case, asking me not to attack someone or to attack a specific person can possibly decide on the outcome of the game, depending on how close things really are. I'm too suspicious of Aman to attack anyone else. I have a few other suspects, but I'm just not as suspicious of them right now.

The thing is, I'm not even sure who I'm protecting yet. I don't quite trust either Lopen or Aman. I'm tempted to do a coinflip, but Elbereth wouldn't be happy if I did something potentially game-changing because of a glorified RNG machine. :P Maybe that's enough of a reason to do it, to annoy her.

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1 minute ago, Arraenae said:

The thing is, I'm not even sure who I'm protecting yet. I don't quite trust either Lopen or Aman. I'm tempted to do a coinflip, but Elbereth wouldn't be happy if I did something potentially game-changing because of a glorified RNG machine. :P Maybe that's enough of a reason to do it, to annoy her.

Well, you're going to end up sending in your order sooner or later, so regardless of who you choose, you should have time to do a last minute post(all you'd have to include is the name of the player you're protecting).

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  • Alvron: Retired Pirate
  • Amanuensis: Dula
  • Aonar: Beggar => Bodyguard (per Aman)
  • Arraenae: Beggar => ?
  • Burnt Spaghetti: Unclaimed
  • Conquestor: Retired Pirate
  • Elenion: Duke
  • Emerald: Bodyguard
  • Eolhondras: Unclaimed
  • Kipper: Unclaimed
  • Lopen: Chay-Shan
  • Orlok: Legionnaire
  • Sart: Sarrrrr!
  • Stink: Neutral with Defense Ability
  • The Silver Dragon: Noble
  • The Young Bard: Unclaimed

Is this up-to-date?

For the kills I'd suggest Burnt (only active who hasn't claimed = Jeskeri Practitioner or Acolyte?), with backups on Eol, Kipper, and Bard.

Edit: Optimized @Sart's role name :D

Edit 2: tagged Sart to resolve request in earlier post

Edited by Elenion
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2 minutes ago, Burnt Spaghetti said:

Ive claimed. Just only in pms. Im not one for public claiming.

That's suspicious to me: if you were a Jeskeri a PM-claim would be incredibly easy to fake.

Edited by Elenion
Misspelled "incredibly"
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Just now, Burnt Spaghetti said:

Ive proven my role to some people ive told already. Which i guess i cant prove in thread right now. Pm me tomorrow.

PM coming right after rollover.

Speaking of rollover, wasn't that supposed to happen 2 minutes ago?

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To pass the time, why don't we all speculate on who the Philosopher will kill next?

I'll start: I think he/she will kill SD, because SD hasn't been active recently but has roleclaimed, so killing him won't reveal anything that might help us.

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Day 5: No rest for the wicked.

The man clenched and unclenched his fists as he stalked down the middle of the moonlit street. Finally, it became too much for him once again. He ripped his knife out of it's pocket, turned, and slashed it through the girl behind him. She folded her arms and raised an eyebrow at him.

"Haven't we established that I'm a ghost?"

He panted, staring at her, then dropped the knife and continued walking. "Well, stop following me, I have enough ghosts as is."

It irritated him that he couldn't hear her steps, or feel her breath. There was nothing to indicate where she was except by looking over his shoulder and see- Where was she?! He spun around, and the street was empty! She was gone!

"I just don't want to be forgotten, and since you're going to be remembered by everyone apparently, sticking around you will ensure I'm remembered as well."

She was behind him again. His chin fell to his chest as he sighed. He turned around and looked at her, pleading in his head for some god to smite her. "Please, girl, what do I need to do to get rid of you?"

"Using my name instead of calling me 'Girl' might make me more agreeable."

"I don't, uh, you see, well, I meet a lot of people, and. . ." He left the sentence hanging, not wanting to say anything to risk her wrath.

Her pursed lips and folded arms told him he had failed in that. "I took you through my graveyard. I showed you statues that haven't been seen in years. I told you all the stories I knew. And you murdered me. And in all that, you never learned my name?"

"Well, I'm sure i knew it at one point, I just for- wait no!"

But it was too late. She was suddenly right up in his face. "Forgot? Is that what you were going to say? What did I tell you about being forgotten?" She jabbed her finger into his chest, passing through his clothes and skin, to emphasize her words. "No one. Deserves it.

"And yet, what was it that you whispered to me? As I lay there, bleeding, and with my back broken? What was it?"

He mumbled it under his breath, almost ashamed of himself. She cupped one ear. "I'm sorry?"

"I said, that not everyone deserves to be remembered."

"That's right. Well listen here wise guy. Me? I deserve to be remembered. You're stuck with me until you die. But I'll make you a deal. If you can manage to remember my name, then I'll give you some alone time now and then."

That would be nice. She had been pestering him relentlessly for two weeks now. He smiled, and stuck out his hand to shake, She eyed it, then stepped forward, so that his hand was inside her. It didn't feel like anything, but he still yelped and pulled it back. "Don't do that!"

She giggled, smiling for the first time tonight. "But it's funny!"

"Well, it's not." It sounded lame, even to himself, and she only giggled harder. He shoved his hands into his empty pockets (Where had his knife gone?) and turned to walk away. "We have a deal. Now then, where can I learn someone's name?

No one died! (Trust me, I have checked, and double checked.)

Edited by The Only Joe
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