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Lopen, those evil reads on me from other people might have been because I was deliberately trying to play as if I was a Neutral Beggar. I thought that if I was convincing enough, I might get someone to ask me to take the role and alignment of their dead eliminator teammate, or something similarly incriminating. Then I thought I'd caught an eliminator, and infodumped everything in my PM with Silverblade to Aman. I also told him I was a villager. He wasn't convinced that SB was an eliminator (even accused me of having a win con of lynching a specific player). Then Silverblade voted on me, so I dumped everything inthread and stopped with the Neutral act.

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@STINK I know his PM habits for at least this game, seeing as I'm probably his biggest PM-er.

2 hours ago, Arraenae said:

Lopen, those evil reads on me from other people might have been because I was deliberately trying to play as if I was a Neutral Beggar. I thought that if I was convincing enough, I might get someone to ask me to take the role and alignment of their dead eliminator teammate, or something similarly incriminating. Then I thought I'd caught an eliminator, and infodumped everything in my PM with Silverblade to Aman. I also told him I was a villager. He wasn't convinced that SB was an eliminator (even accused me of having a win con of lynching a specific player). Then Silverblade voted on me, so I dumped everything inthread and stopped with the Neutral act.

@Amanuensis Can you confirm the infodump?

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You do know putting trust in PM habits is like just a bad idea seeing as everyone can change their 'PM Habits' for each individual person no matter the game, right? I mean, in one PM it's like constant game talk for me but the other PM is mostly just random talk. So to be honest, you saying you know his PM habits does nothing in terms of evidence for me.

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On 8/10/2016 at 4:44 PM, Sart said:

Since Rae is now claiming to have healed Aman, we can edit the role to chart to include that claim. However, that still leaves four people without role claims. I suspect that not all of them are eliminators, but I would bet that one of them is. I would like to hear from Kipper first. He hasn't posted since Monday, which could imply that he is the Philosopher.


As I said earlier, I have been abnormally inactive because of work and college shopping. My last day at work is this Saturday, and I'm busy training people and approving peoples' training even when I'm not at work.


23 hours ago, TheSilverDragon said:

Ok, I don't have a pm with you, and I doubled checked. I am really confused right now and want an answer why you would blatantly lie about being in a pm with me!!? 



...okay now I'm confused. Why are you lying about lying? It's literally a PM that we've been talking in for the entire game and now you're denying having it. That pretty much confirms your guilt to me, and I really don't understand why you would lie about this, since it will only get you killed tomorrow if I get lynched today.

22 hours ago, Arraenae said:

Kipper, what happened in your PM with SD?

I gave him my role after he asked. That's why this is so amusing :P


22 hours ago, Elenion said:

I want to hear @Kipper's account of the PM with SD before I decide who it is, but one of Kipper and SD is lying, and I want to kill whoever that is. At this point the village needs transparency, seeing as the Jeskeri probably know what we all are anyway (with the possible exception of Phil the Philosopher).

Your advocacy of lynching Aman is tactically sound, but only for you. We really don't need another dead villager.

Reep a deep doop dop just quoted this post because it had my name in it, but the "account" is above.

21 hours ago, Sart said:

Alright, someone's lying about a PM. I'm going to do an analysis of Kipper.

  1. First post, supposedly without looking at his role, is a condemnation of Elenion. Also says he lies as villager, which might explain what is happening now.
  2. His post hadn't been approved, so two votes on Elenion were uploaded while he waited.
  3. Accuses Elenion of using Gambler's Fallacy. Agrees with Wilson that Emerald is suspicious.
  4. Jokes with a terrible bad pun to STINK. Boooooo...
  5. Explains that STINK's actions are abnormal, even for him. Also, says he has become "more of a lurker, and more aggressive"
  6. Doesn't want to summarize the thread. Fair enough.
  7. Encourages bandwagon on Elenion
  8. Doesn't like strange question marks from Rae.
  9. In retaliation, reveals that Rae is supposedly a Neutral Beggar
  10. Kipper likes hashtags.
  11. More banter with STINK
  12. Suspects Magestar for using inferences
  13. Strongly advocates for off-topic discussion
  14. Argues that slip-ups are important clues
  15. Doesn't understand why Straw was lynched
  16. Votes for Mailliw, claims he is a master manipulator
  17. Understands why he was listed as Eliminator
  18. Argues against killing Stink
  19. Asks who was contacted by the Dula
  20. Does not want to be scanned, claims Mailliw's list is completely false
  21. Really goes after Wilson in this post:
    1. Wants a web of trust, relevant due to the Practitioner
    2. Claims he hardly asked for information
    3. Argues that outing the Dula is a good thing
  22. Defensive after being accused of bandwagons by Elenion
  23. Argues he wasn't bandwagoning, he was the first vote on Elenion.
  24. Oh boy, another long post:
    1. Would not say an info dump is wrong if a teammate is on the list, said it was wrong because it was factually wrong.
    2. Argues against Aman suspecting him as well

Well, there's three things that strike me about his posts thus far. One, he keeps bragging about his powers as an eliminator. That's never a good sign. Two, he really attacked Elenion. If he's a Jeskeri, it's highly doubtful Elenion is. His post attacking Wilson's Dula (later to be revealed as Elb) really strikes out at me. He's arguing for a web of players, that theoretically would be targeting each other. That's a prime target for the Practitioner. He's really on my radar now, especially since we never got a role from him.

5. I think we can all agree on both of these points. :P
7. I still do out of principle.
16. I claimed Mailliw was a master manipulator, not me.
17. Yes :P 
19. Asks "was anyone" contacted by the Dula. You're rather misinterpreting the tone of a few of my posts.
20. Wait what? I don't want to be Scanned? When did I say that? Quote me.
21. No, no, and no. My argument was that people (Lopen in particular) shouldn't just trust Wilson because she said something in thread and it sounded nice. It would have been nice if the Dula had outed to one or more other people, but I was not asking for information.
22. How was I defensive about it? I strongly advocated a bandwagon on Elenion, as you noted in #7.
23. Also true, but I did support a bandwagon.

Don't recall "bragging about my powers as an Eliminator" and don't see it on your list. Yee, Elenion should perish, and people should stop saying that "No Eliminators" would "do that." I didn't attack Wilson's Dula, I made comments about how we shouldn't believe an unverified, unknown, and possibly made up Dula. Oh you'll get my role alright. :)

21 hours ago, Elenion said:

That itself is lynching material. :P

This I find strange for Kipper to do; he told Maill during the farewell posts that he had been using Maill's strategy for draining players of information. Slip-up>

He couldn't have saved me because I was never in much danger due to my Duke vote. If I was allowed to quote our PM I could actually quote a post where I jokingly accused him of messing up my plans for dramatic lynch intervention. But yes, there is a chance that I've been played. However, I think there's a higher chance that he's Village.

Sigh. More and more deliberate misinterpretation. In that situation, with the Dula, I did NOT ask for information. I made comments. 

6 hours ago, Elenion said:

I'm not sure where you're getting this from; at the time you logged on there were 2 on SD.

Eol. Kipper. Suddenly SD is up to 4 votes from what appears to be little more than a Kipper smear tactic. I'm not liking the look of this.

Considering that I didn't even post in my defense, I'm not entirely sure what "smear tactic" you might be referring to.

Also, I can definitely see Elenion and Sart as a tag team here with SilverDragon.

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Kipper. SilverDragon. When SD first posted about not PMing Kipper, I thought the tone of their post felt a little forced, but I voted on Kipper to encourage elaboration. Kipper has elaborated now, and I believe him a little more than SD.

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Also note that Elenion will put his Duke vote on Kipper, and if SD is the last Noble, his vote will also go on Kipper.

Kipper, I understand my analysis may have been too biased, but you still haven't addressed my primary concern. What is your role? I've been suspecting for a while that the Eliminators have some sort of PM spying. It would make sense of one strange rule: PMs only during the day. I can see a night action that allows you to read a target player's PMs during the day. It would be a balanced mechanic that Joe's been working on for a while now.

Therefore, I think it is in the thread's best interest to publicly role claim. If we can get the Eliminators to claim powers they don't have, we can expose the contradictions. While I suspect some Jeskeri have duplicates of village powers, I highly doubt the Practitioner does. We need to get all the information out in the open.

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If anyone wants to point fingers at me for going quiet, no, it's not because I'm a Cultist. It's because I was certain Lopen was a Cultist and that was proven wrong to me, and no matter what I say or do he's still going to try to kill me, so I ultimately don't see the point in trying anymore.

To answer your question, Sart, Kipper's claimed Hrovell Alchemist to a few players now, including me. I asked him about it, and it's not exactly a Jester, but is supposedly a Neutral-Evil kill role, who's kills only activate with his death. I've been hesitant to talk about it because if he's telling the truth, multiple players are likely going to die (he told me he tagged Len N1 and Wilson N2, but hasn't said who he's poisoned N3 or N4, yet), and that eliminators knowing that might make him a sweet target for them to kill multiple players at once. Assuming that the other players he's used his power on so far are villagers and still alive, I feel lynching him right now would be a mistake, at least until we kill a Jeskeri for sure. I am willing to scan him tonight to call his bluff though (if he's lying about being Neutral-Evil, it'll tell me he's an Eliminator, in which case we can lynch him tomorrow for sure).

That's one half of the reason I'm not going to vote for him. The other half is that I made a promise to Stink to help him kill SD if he helped save my life last cycle. From what I understand, Stink is a Neutral role that needs all Nobles to be dead in order to win. Now, my theory is that SD is a Jeskeri Noble, because if a player had a win condition tied to killing all of a specific role and at least one of them wasn't on team evil, I feel like that'd be unbalanced against the village. That and I haven't interacted with SD at all in a meaningful way, and am not very appreciative of lurkers. Supposedly, once all of the Nobles are killed, Joe will reveal Stink's role to the thread just like he did with the Jeskeri Practitioner, and that besides fulfilling half of his win condition (the other half being to survive until the end), Stink will gain a power up of some kind.

Edited by Amanuensis
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So now the vote is tied. It would be okay if both players died, since at this point, one of them has to be lying. However, I'm worried about the second Noble vote. Some people believe that a Jeskeri is controlling it, which would be problematic. Still, I'm interested to see what happens.

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Night 5: Madness

King Iadon had to suppress his excitement, lest he skip down the hall. Another Conspirator, dead! Of course Lord Ryth had been conspiring against him, all the other Nobles had been! Thank Jeskar that he had been done away with. Almost, he was almost safe, he was certain of it.

He stopped outside of Raoden’s room, and knocked on the door. There was no answer. He knocked again. “Raoden? Are you in there?”

A young girl stuck her head through the door and looked at him.

Iadon screamed and jumped backwards, hitting the wall. The girl frowned at him, then called back over her shoulder. “Hey mister! The king is here! He’s not going to be happy with you.”

“Jeskar and Domi protect me!” The king swore, desperately tracing bloodrunes and Aons both on his chest. “What manner of spirit are you?”

The girl blinked. “You can see me? I thought it was only my killer. Maybe it’s just mad people in general?”

There was a muffled voice from the other side of the door. The girl popped back to the other side. Before Iadon could decide whether or not to flee, she appeared again. “He says to come in, but I don’t recommend it. I’ve never seen him this happy, and Raoden,” she paused. “Well, I hope he’s not stuck here like I am.”

She vanished through the doorway again. Iadon hesitated, but then opened it. The familiar smell of blood filled his nose, but he ignored it. Raoden was sprawled in the middle of the floor, a dagger stuck out of his chest. The little ghost girl was sitting on his bed, looking over at another man in Raoden’s favorite chair.

A man Iadon had never thought he would see again.

“Did you miss me father?” The man asked, a note of teasing in his voice. “I’m sure you did, girly here showed me the nice grave you built for me.”

“Eton.” whispered Iadon. “My son, Eton, the Mad Prince. You’re, Alive?”

Eton grinned, and stood up. “As alive as you are father. More alive than dear, dear, brother.” He snarled and kicked Raoden’s corpse. “More alive, than my younger brother, the heir to the throne. But what now father? Every eligible heir, is dead. All the nobles, all the princes, except me.”

Eton crossed the space between them in a slow walk. “Very soon father, someone will come for you, and then, I will be king. Until then, Toodle-oo.” He waved cheerfully and walked out of the room.

The ghost girl walked up to him and held out her hand. Iadon gingery stretched out his own so that they occupied the same space. “Nice to meet you your highness. I’m Liadan. Our names Ryhme!” She smiled softly at him. “Don’t worry, I’ll try to keep Eton from killing you. Bye now.” Liadan hurried out the door, and left the Mad King with his Corpse Son.



SilverDragon (7): Kipper, Young Bard, STINK, Arraenae, Burnt Spaghetti, Aman, Duke

Kipper (5): SilverDragon, Sart, Elenion, Noble, Duke

Elenion (1): Eolhondras

Amanuensis (1): Lopen

SilverDragon was a Citizen Noble!

The Mad Prince has been revealed! They are a neutral player with a two part win condition. All the Nobles must die, and they must survive until the end of the game. Each day, they can either participate in the Noble vote, place a Duke vote, or cancel a player’s vote. During the night, they are randomly granted access to either a Chayshan kill, a Bodyguard Protect, or a Pirate Extra Life.

Edited by The Only Joe
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Stink gets the crazy role. Fitting.

What should we do with Kipper, assuming that his role really is what he says it is? I'd rather not protect him every Night to save him from any eliminator who might potentially want to kill him. Just because Aman claims that Kipper claimed a certain ability and win con doesn't mean that's Kipper's actual ability and win con.

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Unless something weird happened, no, he can't be. He was attacked on the same night as a Philosopher kill. Unless anyone wants to own up to protecting him, he's unfortunately in the clear.

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2 minutes ago, Arraenae said:

Stink gets the crazy role. Fitting.

How could it be any other way.

Well done Stink.  Now you just need to survive the game.  Thankfully you shouldn't have anything to fear from either the Village or the Cultists.

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1 minute ago, Elenion said:

When the Practitioner kill comes around, doesn't that mean that they can kill Kipper through our protection role? If so, RIP the village.

[Stupid quotebox]

Uh... hope that doesn't happen? Protective roles should protect themselves, to minimize loss of life. At least then protective roles won't die from the attack.

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2 hours ago, Elenion said:

When the Practitioner kill comes around, doesn't that mean that they can kill Kipper through our protection role? If so, RIP the village.

Could have a Legionnaire lock Kipper up, just in case.  We will lose the Legionnaire but Kipper will live and we gain another three days to lynch the Cultists although by that stage it's most likely that we're all dead anyway.

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Hi, I'm the Philosopher. Can't get rid of this ghost though, which slightly ruins the shock factor of my sudden appearance.

So now all I need to do is survive, and I wasn't lying to people when I said that if they killed SD then I'd do them a favour, seeing as I know all the people that need to die from a village perspective. Alas, I had to just randomly start a lynch on SD, though I'm glad that others did help.

It was pretty fun getting a kill role three times in a row though.

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7 hours ago, Alvron said:

Could have a Legionnaire lock Kipper up, just in case.  We will lose the Legionnaire but Kipper will live and we gain another three days to lynch the Cultists although by that stage it's most likely that we're all dead anyway.

Seeing as I'm almost positive Kipper did poison me N1 (for some reason we always end up going at each other any game we play), I guess I'll be signing off next night. Before I do, though, I'll post in a master list of all of my gut reads, etc, that can be used once I'm hard-cleared dead.

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10 hours ago, STINK said:

Hi, I'm the Philosopher. Can't get rid of this ghost though, which slightly ruins the shock factor of my sudden appearance.

So now all I need to do is survive, and I wasn't lying to people when I said that if they killed SD then I'd do them a favour, seeing as I know all the people that need to die from a village perspective. Alas, I had to just randomly start a lynch on SD, though I'm glad that others did help.

It was pretty fun getting a kill role three times in a row though.

So you did kill my sister, then. Just saying, but I knew you were lying when you said you didn't have any power. Can you tell me why you chose to attack El? Or rather, was it your idea, or did someone ask you too? That being said... I am pretty glad I helped you. Wondering if you were truly Neutral or Neutral-Evil was a large concern of mine. What ability did you get tonight, by the way?

6 hours ago, Elenion said:

Seeing as I'm almost positive Kipper did poison me N1 (for some reason we always end up going at each other any game we play), I guess I'll be signing off next night. Before I do, though, I'll post in a master list of all of my gut reads, etc, that can be used once I'm hard-cleared dead.

Theoretically you should be fine if we make sure Kipper is protected every third night. Of course, the problem with this is that the Practitioner can just attack him and kill whoever is protecting him. Considering that's the only kill they should have access to (unless Stink is working for them, in which case we'd know immediately), it shouldn't be too much of an issue. We really don't have many suspects left.

I've got the order in to scan Kipper now. If it confirms that he's not an eliminator, then we can decide tomorrow what to do with him. Unless someone else has talked to him about it, all I know is who he marked on the first two turns. One of those is dead, the other alive (and very likely village). He'll also be able to mark someone else tonight, and I can't imagine it's protectable by anything but the Legionnaire (so Orlok should be safe). There could be anywhere between 2 and 4 players who die with him at this point (Len and whoever he marks tonight, at a minimum).

We know for a fact that Practitioner is a unique role. Acolyte, however, might just be the evil flavor name for a village role, so it could be pretty much anything except ChayShan. I currently know everyone's roles right now. Aside from Kipper and Stink, there's three more players claiming Neutral. One of those I trust absolutely... I won't say anymore than that; the other two, I don't feel similarly about. One has claimed he's just an ordinary survivor, except that if he gets scanned, he'll come back as an eliminator. It's not unheard of it mafia games (google "Miller + mafiascum" if you want an example), but I don't know if I buy it. The second has claimed a Neutral role that allows them to scan other people's roles. The catch is, if he scans a role that hasn't been revealed in a write up yet, it will come back unknown. If this player is telling the truth, we could use him to check if someone else we think is suspicious is the Practitioner / not what they say they are.

I'm thinking about revealing in thread the identity of the "Miller" and having the role-scanner give him a look. If he's telling the truth, the role-scanner would receive the "unknown" notification, and we can leave him to fulfill his win condition like we did for Stink (apparently he can only win if the Cultists all die, so that might be good to know as he's guaranteed to be working in the village's interests). If he's lying and he's actually the Practitioner (or the Acolyte? @Neutral Role Scanner, can you ask Joe in your PM if Acolyte counts as revealed or not?), he will get told that and we can lynch said player tomorrow. With me also scanning Kipper to find out if he's actually just an eliminator lying about his role to discourage people from killing him, we have the potential to figure out two cultists in one night and thus can put a tie on them tomorrow. If we're lucky, one will be the Practitioner and the other the Acolyte, so we won't have to worry about any more kills that night from them unless there's multiple Acolytes, in which case we should be looking at players who share the same role.

Right now, I think the only role that has multiples left is the "pirates." Considering there were 4 non-elim kill roles in this game, that makes a lot of sense for the Acolyte, in my opinion. It would allow the Acolytes to survive long enough that they still have a chance to pick up Practitioner (I imagine they'd lose the extra life after ascending rank, as otherwise that might be OP). If that's the case, at least two of Alvron, Conq and Sart could actually be Acolytes claiming Pirate.

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