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1 hour ago, Amanuensis said:

I’m sorry to do this without your consent, Sart, but after Stink decided to betray me, I see no way that we can win this. He won’t budge, and since we now know that Rae is Neutral-Evil with Alv and Lopen, she's automatically going to take their side. I would not be surprised if they figured out you’re on my team based on what I've already posted today, and since Lopen has a kill I imagine that means he’d use it on you tonight. As people should know by now, whenever it becomes a sure thing that I can't win, I am willing to accept defeat and do whatever it takes to make sure the majority of players can win instead.

So, for context. Last night, Sart was “Converted” by the Patriarch and learned that the it is an Eliminator role capable of turning Citizens into Neutral-Evils, while Converted Eliminators retain their original win con. All Converted players are put in a PM together, while the Patriarch can send anonymous messages to them via the GM, and in return receives a transcript of what’s said that day turn at the start of the night. So far, Lopen and Rae have been converted. I am not sure if they need to be killed in order for the game to end, but if ya'll kill Alv and Sart after me and the game still hasn't ended, my best guess would be that that's why. We know for a fact that it's Alv because Alv was scanned by Bard as Unknown, meaning that he's a role that has not been revealed already, and everyone else has either been scanned by Bard or hard confirmed.

When I found this out, I decided to try lying about Bard actually finding out Alv was the Practitioner. I left him a PM asking him to please go along with it, since I had, like Stink, admitted I was evil to him and promised to help him win so long as he helped me in return. Since he has yet to betray me (unlike Stink) I ask that you guys leave him alone. He doesn't deserve to get dragged down along with me.

Here's a chart from my doc containing everything I know about the remaining players.





Jeskeri Practitioner





Aonar Faileas

Retired Pirate






Retired Pirate












Jeskeri Acolyte



The Mad Prince



ChayShan Practitioner


The Young Bard



This will be my last post this game, as there's really nothing else for me to comment on. For all of the Citizens I betrayed and killed to get this far, I know you're all cheering for my defeat right now from the dead doc. Take solace in knowing that your deaths were not for naught.

And thus Aman outs himself as an eliminator.

Proof, please? I know you're an outed eliminator, but still. Do you have anything to back up your statements besides the words of your teammate?

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Oh before I sleep and it basically turns into day, I'm not gonna talk about the lies in Amans post, unless I feel like it (but what if he didn't lie hm?)

However, I do feel like saying that I at least trust Aman when he talks about Rae's alignment.


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4 minutes ago, STINK said:

Oh before I sleep and it basically turns into day, I'm not gonna talk about the lies in Amans post, unless I feel like it (but what if he didn't lie hm?)

However, I do feel like saying that I at least trust Aman when he talks about Rae's alignment.


1 minute ago, Conquestor said:

Wow, I knew you were evil Aman! We win then, also, Lopen, Rae, because you are neutral evil, you can win with the village, yes?

... I'm a Citizen. Not a Patriarch convert. I'd think that people wouldn't trust an outed eliminator to give up correct alignments without lying.

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42 minutes ago, Conquestor said:

Wow, I knew you were evil Aman! We win then, also, Lopen, Rae, because you are neutral evil, you can win with the village, yes?

Neutral-Evil by definition cannot win with the village.

38 minutes ago, Arraenae said:

... I'm a Citizen. Not a Patriarch convert. I'd think that people wouldn't trust an outed eliminator to give up correct alignments without lying.

That's exactly what Aman would think you'd think, so it's possible he'd give correct information.

@Amanuensis Another thing: If Alv's the conversion role, then how did he survive that Chay-Shan attack?

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Alvron's claimed that he's not a Citizen and that he'd scan as an Eliminator to multiple people. I seriously recommend you lynch him along with me. You guys can't really lose anything but a Neutral if I'm lying, but since I'm not, it'll subsequently prove that Lopen and Rae are now Converted and get rid of another Eliminator before his team can get stronger. If you don't follow my advice, ya'll will likely keep wondering if I'm being honest or not, and that'll only make things more complicated from here. I don't care if you guys lynch me, I welcome it now with open arms, but I do care if you guys continue to stumble in the dark or not and be overtaken by another eliminator team than my own. Please, heed my advice.

1 hour ago, Elenion said:


@Amanuensis Another thing: If Alv's the conversion role, then how did he survive that Chay-Shan attack?


Stink is a Neutral Role and has multiple powers. I reckon that Alvron's role also has multiple powers. I'm just aware of is the Conversion and the Extra Life. If he has anything else I cannot say for certain. Lynching him is the quickest way to figuring that out.

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10 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

Alvron's claimed that he's not a Citizen and that he'd scan as an Eliminator to multiple people. I seriously recommend you lynch him along with me. You guys can't really lose anything but a Neutral if I'm lying, but since I'm not, it'll subsequently prove that Lopen and Rae are now Converted and get rid of another Eliminator before his team can get stronger. If you don't follow my advice, ya'll will likely keep wondering if I'm being honest or not, and that'll only make things more complicated from here. I don't care if you guys lynch me, I welcome it now with open arms, but I do care if you guys continue to stumble in the dark or not. Please, heed my advice.

"Your words sound fair but for the warning in my heart" -LOTR (approximate quote)

Aman, you're a crafty player who has proven numerous times that as an outed eliminator you serve only yourself. While you may on the surface appear to be helping us out, I think that the type of help you're suggesting will involve killing a few villagers as well as some (possible) converts. A few villagers and some converts dead and the Jeskeri will control the lynch. Thanks but no thanks.

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OK. Quick confirmation just to dispel any confusion: I scanned Alvron yesterday, and got "Unknown Role". The PM conversation with Alvron is a fallacy (in fact, I think Alv is the only person left in the game I don't yet have a PM with.

Aman's basically certain to take the lynch now whatever I do, so I don't mind voting for Alv. I won't be on at rollover, so it's up to the rest of you to decide whether to tie the lynch or not.

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3 minutes ago, Elenion said:

"Your words sound fair but for the warning in my heart" -LOTR (approximate quote)

Aman, you're a crafty player who has proven numerous times that as an outed eliminator you serve only yourself. While you may on the surface appear to be helping us out, I think that the type of help you're suggesting will involve killing a few villagers as well as some (possible) converts. A few villagers and some converts dead and the Jeskeri will control the lynch. Thanks but no thanks.

What? Do you not remember MR15, where it became impossible for me to win so I helped the village win? I'm doing the exact same thing here >.> but whatever. If you don't listen to me the village is going to lose. You probably don't care, though, because since you're so close to Lopen now, I wouldn't be surprised if he promised to have Alv convert you so you can win with them. Oh well. Sart and I have already decided to kill you tonight, anyway.

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Just now, Amanuensis said:

What? Do you not remember MR15, where it became impossible for me to win so I helped the village win? I'm doing the exact same thing here >.> but whatever. If you don't listen to me the village is going to lose. You probably don't care, though, because since you're so close to Lopen now, I would be surprised if he promised to have Alv convert you so you can win with them. Oh well. Sart and I have already decided to kill you tonight, anyway.

You prove your village-friendliness by killing a soft-cleared villager? A true village ally would attack Alv and kill a possible conversion role, plus whomever he was converting if he is one.

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2 hours ago, STINK said:

Mobile quoteboxes don't like me.

2 hours ago, Conquestor said:

Len has a point. If Alv really is the Patriarch, why not kill him? He's an eliminator, and the Jeskeri need to kill all the eliminators besides thenselves. Sure, killing villagers helps you win, but killing enemy eliminators also helps you and the village you're supposedly helping win even more.

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Because I already gave the village the tools to win. If people doubt I'm being honest about Alv, we're not going to kill him for you. Losing to him and his Converts will be the villages fault, not mine or the Jeskeri.

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Here's how we're going to have to analyze this tonight:

  • If Alv is killed by the Jeskeri and is a conversion role, the Jeskeri are on our side (so long as it suits them, which doesn't mean much) against another faction
  • If Alv is killed by the Jeskeri but is not another faction, then the Jeskeri are deceiving us and must die
  • If me or another villager are killed by the Jeskeri, this means war.

I hope for all of the Jeskeris' sakes that Aman is telling the truth.

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It's already war, Len, except I'm willingly surrendering my team because Sart can't beat Alv and his Converts alone, meaning there's no way that my team can win now. It's up to the last remaining villagers to decide if you win or not. Either way, you need to kill us and Alv to win.

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Just now, Amanuensis said:

It's already war, Len, except I'm willingly surrendering my team because Sart can't beat Alv and his Converts alone, meaning there's no way that my team can win now. It's up to the last remaining villagers to decide if you win or not. Either way, you need to kill us and Alv to win.

We can't handle the converts if you're killing our people, just like you can't handle the converts if we kill Sart. Kill Alv and we can handle his goons, which works in both of our best interests.

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35 minutes ago, Elenion said:

We can't handle the converts if you're killing our people, just like you can't handle the converts if we kill Sart. Kill Alv and we can handle his goons, which works in both of our best interests.

Isn't it obvious? Aman can't kill Alv. Alv is protected by Domi the same way Burnt was protected by Jaddeth. Which blows, because it basically means we (the village) get to choose who we lose to. The Korathi have (if we believe Aman) at least three votes, and the Jeskeri have two, (again, if Aman is to be believed) and a kill that can only affect villagers. We villagers have five votes. Then there are two neutral swing votes.

Let's lay out the scenarios here, yes? (I'm writing things out as if Aman is telling the truth, which he probably isn't, but I'm thinking we're screwed regardless of his veracity.)

1: We let the lynch play out, and kill Aman. Sart becomes Practitioner, kills at least one villager. More like than not, another player is converted. (Unless maybe it's something that can only be done on odd cycles? Hard to say without killing one.) Now we're 3:4:1, with two swing votes; in other words, the Converts win unless the neutrals decide to be contrary. (This ignores the potential of Lopen's kill hitting a villager, which it is liable to, assuming he is a Convert.)

2: We lynch Alv. Aman kills at least one villager. No conversion occurs. Now we're 4:2:2, with two swing votes. If neutrals side with village, we win. If not, the game is still up in the air. (Less so if Aman is lying, and there is a third Jeskeri; that would put things pretty firmly in their favour, which might influence neutral swing.)

...So. Hrm. Crap. Laying things out like that makes things a heck of a lot crappier than they were before. I'm willing to bet Aman is telling the truth about Alv. I'm not so certain he's telling the truth about his teammates; who or how many of them there are. So we have two options. Take scenario one, and basically hand victory to the Converts. Or take scenario two, and pray that Aman isn't lying, o the neutrals (looking at you, Stink) decide to help the village out.

Personally, I'll take semi-certain death over absolutely certain death any day of the week. :P Time to go, Alv. (Trust me, I'm well aware of how late in the day it is to be deciding this. :P)

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6 minutes ago, Aonar Faileas said:

Personally, I'll take semi-certain death over absolutely certain death any day of the week. :P Time to go, Alv. (Trust me, I'm well aware of how late in the day it is to be deciding this. :P)

So you're saying that you would rather be killed and lose than be Converted and win?  Assuming Aman is telling the truth that is.

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5 minutes ago, The Only Joe said:

Late? Really late. 20 minutes left.

(5) Amanuensis: TheMightyLopen, Conquestor, STINK, Alvron, Arraenae,
(1) Eolhondras: Sart,
(1) The Young Bard: Elenion,
(2) Alvron: Amanuensis, Aonar

I think you missed Elenion's vote switch to Aman and Bard is also voting on Alv. I think.

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6 minutes ago, The Only Joe said:

Late? Really late. 20 minutes left.

(5) Amanuensis: TheMightyLopen, Conquestor, STINK, Alvron, Arraenae,
(1) Eolhondras: Sart,
(1) The Young Bard: Elenion,
(2) Alvron: Amanuensis, Aonar

I switched my vote here.

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Just now, Alvron said:

So you're saying that you would rather be killed and lose than be Converted and win?  Assuming Aman is telling the truth that is.

I'm saying I like to play with a measure of integrity. Throwing the game for the village in hopes that I'll be converted instead of killed? Screw that. It's dishonest, self-serving gameplay that I would never recommend to anyone.The village only has one shot, and as long as I'm a villager I'll be going for it. 

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Night 6: The Unfeeling Moon.

Father Mai reached under the collar of his robe and withdrew his Amulet. The Aon Omi, as worn by all members of the Korathi faith. At least, all True members. He had his problems with the church, and had left it secretly years ago, for a god that actually answered, even if it didn’t care for him as Domi was supposed to.

He reached into his sash next, and pulled out a sacrificial dagger. One he had used just three weeks ago, to kill poor Sheeo, in a ritual. It hurt, that he wouldn’t be able to participate in another sacrifice. That was all he wanted. One last communion with the Great Lord. A scarce twelve hours, before the moon would rise fully, and he’d be able to see his Lord again.

Now, he supposed, he’d see the Lord in a different fashion.

He pulled the amulet away, tightening the cord around his neck, then slashed through it with the knife. He placed the amulet on the Lectern, and stabbed all the way through it. The blade vibrated from the power of the strike, but remained in the wood. Good.

He left it there, and left the Chapel. In the Anterium, there was a ladder, that led to the top of the church’s Bell Tower. It was a short, perhaps half a minute climb, and then he was above most of the buildings in Kae.

He could see a crowd forming, coming towards the church. Coming for him no doubt. They didn’t see, didn’t understand. They stood against The Lord, and they stood against the King. He wouldn’t give them the satisfaction of killing him.

Mai stepped onto the wall around the tower, so that he could see the ground far below him. He raised his arms in supplication, as the sun just slipped beyond the horizon. “By Blood, by Bone, by Cold, by Stone. Uncaring Moon, Welcome me home.” He intoned.

He closed his eyes, and took his final step.



Amanuensis was a Jeskeri Acolyte turned Practitioner!


(8) Amanuensis: TheMightyLopen, Conquestor, STINK, Alvron, Arraenae, Elenion Duke, Duke

(1) Eolhondras: Sart,

(3) Alvron: Amanuensis, Aonar, Bard

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...Is that a funeral bell I hear tolling in the distance? :P I think it is.

Alv will convert, the new practitioner will kill, Lopen will kill, heck, Stink will probably kill too, and barring an extremely unlikely scenario where all of those for some reason fail, the village draws it's last breaths. Whatever's left of the Jeskeri will fall next cycle, and the game will end. While it's a little cheap since no one knew about you till this cycle, it was, I suppose, masterfully done. Good game Converts.

@TheMightyLopen@AlvronDon't you dare convert me. I'd rather die a villager than live as a convert.

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Hey guys, I was supposed to say some stuff as like this is Amans last words go here, but he told you guys about the convert team during the day.

But, obviously he switched some names around. You guys wanna know the real convert team? I mean, the Jeskeri won't attack them cause one of the Jeskeri was converted, but the village can at least use the Lynch to kill them.

I'll only give the names if you ask though :P

Also I got no kill tonight sad times.

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