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Woah you guys are taking this whole PM situation way too seriously. I mean, you should at least give Orlok the benefit of the doubt, I would prioritize learning the results of important tests and celebrating them over what is in the end an internet game. Also, you can see if he's evil after we kill Bard, 'cause you really wanna kill Orlok for some reason Len. 

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I have had my suspicions about Bard for a while now.  And I'm more than willing to give Orlok another chance at locking up Lopen for the night.

Edited by Alvron
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1 hour ago, STINK said:

Woah you guys are taking this whole PM situation way too seriously. I mean, you should at least give Orlok the benefit of the doubt, I would prioritize learning the results of important tests and celebrating them over what is in the end an internet game. Also, you can see if he's evil after we kill Bard, 'cause you really wanna kill Orlok for some reason Len. 

That's why I didn't vote on Orlok when asking about the situation. :)

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6 hours ago, Arraenae said:

I see.

Bard, what's your win con?

Lopen didn't tell you? Interesting.

Win con: survive + reveal all Unknown roles in the game (So far, the Jeskeri Acolyte, Jeskeri Practitioner, Jeskeri Monk, Derethi, Korathi Patriarch and the Mad Prince have been revealed.) There is at least one Unknown Role left in the game (or else Meta forgot to tell me once the KP died), because I should have been informed once all unknowns have been revealed.

And I tried to lynch you Lopen because I believed you were planning on killing me last night, which would have made me lose. So I was still going for my win con.

2 hours ago, Alvron said:

I have had my suspicions about Bard for a while now.  And I'm more than willing to give Orlok another chance at locking up Lopen for the night.

Actually, I was wondering about whether you were the last Unknown, Alv. Conq revealed himself as the Patriarch to try and lynch you - why do you think that is unless he was lying? In addition, you claimed Miller to some people early in the game - why would you do that unless you were going to show up as an evil scan? I'll help you with your win con if it doesn't contradict with mine once you post it in thread, but until then, I'm pretty sure I can only win with your death.

Edited by The Young Bard
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I just got to thinking: didn't Aman claim Dula? And then he ended up being an Acolyte/Practitioner. He had to have been getting the information from somewhere, and knowing Aman that somewhere wasn't himself. Orlok Bard

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Yeah, actually, just thought of something. Burnt told me that a Jeskeri targeted her the same Turn that Bard "scanned" her and Alv said a Jeskeri targeted him the same Turn that Bard "scanned" him. So unless Acolyte's can target people, a Jeskeri other than Aman, Kipper, Aonar, or even Eol(because why would Eol protect Burnt and Alv?) targeted them. Bard is pretty much the only person that could be the last Jeskeri(or at least, probably the last one). Elenion is a Day role. Arraenae is a protection role(almost certainly). Orlok is a Legionnaire and it doesn't make much sense for him to arrest Burnt or Alvron I don't think. Sart appears to be a Pirate and even if he's not, I doubt he has a power that could target people. So it lines up that Bard is the last Jeskeri.

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22 minutes ago, Elenion said:

I just got to thinking: didn't Aman claim Dula? And then he ended up being an Acolyte/Practitioner. He had to have been getting the information from somewhere, and knowing Aman that somewhere wasn't himself. Orlok Bard

So... let me get this straight. The Jeskeri needed a role scanner to tell him who the other Jeskeri were? He couldn't have checked in his doc? That makes no sense whatsoever.

7 minutes ago, TheMightyLopen said:

Yeah, actually, just thought of something. Burnt told me that a Jeskeri targeted her the same Turn that Bard "scanned" her and Alv said a Jeskeri targeted him the same Turn that Bard "scanned" him. So unless Acolyte's can target people, a Jeskeri other than Aman, Kipper, Aonar, or even Eol(because why would Eol protect Burnt and Alv?) targeted them. Bard is pretty much the only person that could be the last Jeskeri(or at least, probably the last one). Elenion is a Day role. Arraenae is a protection role(almost certainly). Orlok is a Legionnaire and it doesn't make much sense for him to arrest Burnt or Alvron I don't think. Sart appears to be a Pirate and even if he's not, I doubt he has a power that could target people. So it lines up that Bard is the last Jeskeri.

The thing is, from what I understand, Jeskeri actions would fail on Alv and Burnt. My actions didn't fail - they succeeded. Had they failed, I wouldn't have known that Alv and Burnt were Unknown roles. They could have been protected by Legionnaires. They could have been immune to night actions. I could have been roleblocked. But I knew. How else could I have done that?

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18 minutes ago, The Young Bard said:

The thing is, from what I understand, Jeskeri actions would fail on Alv and Burnt. My actions didn't fail - they succeeded. Had they failed, I wouldn't have known that Alv and Burnt were Unknown roles. They could have been protected by Legionnaires. They could have been immune to night actions. I could have been roleblocked. But I knew. How else could I have done that?

Well at that point, I'm pretty sure almost everyone's roles were out(assuming you're Jeskeri and knew pretty much everything through Aman), so you knew that they weren't Arrested(and I'm pretty sure that Burnt posted the Turn you scanned her, so that's complete confirmation she wasn't Arrested) and if they were immune to night actions, that meant they were an unknown role. I think you're usually told if you get roleblocked, whereas I'm guessing that you were told your action failed. So it's very possible you could have known they were an Unknown role from having your action fail.

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35 minutes ago, TheMightyLopen said:

Well at that point, I'm pretty sure almost everyone's roles were out(assuming you're Jeskeri and knew pretty much everything through Aman), so you knew that they weren't Arrested(and I'm pretty sure that Burnt posted the Turn you scanned her, so that's complete confirmation she wasn't Arrested) and if they were immune to night actions, that meant they were an unknown role. I think you're usually told if you get roleblocked, whereas I'm guessing that you were told your action failed. So it's very possible you could have known they were an Unknown role from having your action fail.

That's a lot of if's there. And think about it this way. Say I attacked a Convert, and I were a Jeskeri. I wouldn't have known their role was Unknown when I was roleblocked, only their alignment. However, when I called out Alv, I specifically said that they had an Unknown role, and I was right. That would be a big leap to guess if he had been a village role, because I would have had no way of knowing. But I knew that Alv had an Unknown role, because my action was successful.


I'd just like to add that Alv was online "1 hour ago". I made my post accusing him, as it stands, "2 hours ago" (or 10:57 am AEST time, to be precise.) Any reason why you didn't respond, @Alvron

Edited by The Young Bard
Added online time shenanigans.
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53 minutes ago, The Young Bard said:

That's a lot of if's there. And think about it this way. Say I attacked a Convert, and I were a Jeskeri. I wouldn't have known their role was Unknown when I was roleblocked, only their alignment. However, when I called out Alv, I specifically said that they had an Unknown role, and I was right. That would be a big leap to guess if he had been a village role, because I would have had no way of knowing. But I knew that Alv had an Unknown role, because my action was successful.


I'd just like to add that Alv was online "1 hour ago". I made my post accusing him, as it stands, "2 hours ago" (or 10:57 am AEST time, to be precise.) Any reason why you didn't respond, @Alvron

It wouldn't be all that big a leap given that Aman had already told the thread that I had claimed an unknown role.

I didn't respond as they was no need to respond.  However seeing as you wish a response I shall give you one.

2 hours ago, The Young Bard said:

Actually, I was wondering about whether you were the last Unknown, Alv. Conq revealed himself as the Patriarch to try and lynch you - why do you think that is unless he was lying? In addition, you claimed Miller to some people early in the game - why would you do that unless you were going to show up as an evil scan? I'll help you with your win con if it doesn't contradict with mine once you post it in thread, but until then, I'm pretty sure I can only win with your death.

Of course I'm Unknown.  I have told several people that and even had it revealed in thread.  Why Con revealed himself I can't really say.  He says it's because he was worried/scared of me but he also wanted my help so I'm not sure which is correct.  I claimed Miller because I will show up as Eliminator.  That's what the Miller sub-role does.  My win condition requires the death of all Cultists.  I have said this several times.

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On 8/20/2016 at 1:45 PM, Alvron said:

1. It wouldn't be all that big a leap given that Aman had already told the thread that I had claimed an unknown role.

I didn't respond as they was no need to respond.  However seeing as you wish a response I shall give you one.

Of course I'm Unknown.  I have told several people that and even had it revealed in thread.  2. Why Con revealed himself I can't really say.  He says it's because he was worried/scared of me but he also wanted my help so I'm not sure which is correct.  3. I claimed Miller because I will show up as Eliminator.  That's what the Miller sub-role does.  4. My win condition requires the death of all Cultists.  I have said this several times.

1. I must have missed that post. I'm going searching for it now - if I'd known that you'd show up as Unknown, I'd never have bothered scanning you.

2. I'm sure he wouldn't have revealed himself unless he were certain that what he was saying is true. The fact that no-one even raised an eyebrow makes me suspect that the Converts are already so close to winning that they'll have a majority with my death. Killing a neutral won't help that. Even if you don't want to lynch Alv, any Convert at all would be good if you want to win...

3. You could also have claimed Miller because you wanted to make sure that if someone scanned you, you'd have an excuse ready...

4. This is your Convert win con, if I'm not mistaken. What's your alternate win con from before you became a Convert?

On 8/20/2016 at 1:52 PM, Elenion said:

@The Young Bard The Jeskeri would need a scanner to find the best kill targets, as well as to identify if any players have powerful unknown roles.

They wouldn't need one - it might help, yes, but a lot of the time Eliminators can win even without a role scanner through role claims in PM's and so forth. Plus, I suspect Joe set up my win con so that I could work with the eliminators if I chose (their roles would be revealed upon a Jeskeri victory).

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41 minutes ago, The Young Bard said:

4. This is your Convert win con, if I'm not mistaken. What's your alternate win con from before you became a Convert?

This has been my win con from when the game started.  I am not a convert.

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Night 8: Mysteries Revealed

[write up to be edited in]

I know I'm running a bit behind. At least it's not hours late! 

Bard was a Jeskeri AdeptEach Night the Adept may target one person. At the start of the next day, you are told their role, if it is a known role.

The Young Bard(5): Arraenae, Alvron, Elenion, TheMightyLopen, Duke
Alvron(1): The Young Bard

You all have 24 hours to get any orders in.

Edited by Metacognition
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1 hour ago, Elenion said:

Hmmm... we got another Jeskeri, but no sign as to whether or not they're all dead.

Fairly sure there is at least one more given that Bard wasn't a Practitioner.

List of suspects are:
Alvron - Fairly sure it can't be me given that Aman, Aonar and Bard have all tried to get me lynched.
STINK - The Mad Prince.  Highly unlikely.
Lopen - Possible.
OrlokTsubodai - Undergoing Cultist test at moment.
Sart - My top suspect.
Elenion - Highly unlikely given how many he's lynched.
Arraenae - Possible.  Second on my list.

Stink, if you happen to have a kill this night, care to attack Sart for us?
Lopen/Orlok please post in thread if able.

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7 hours ago, Alvron said:

Lopen/Orlok please post in thread if able.

Lopen is captured. We had a system going where we could identify if the other was Legionnaired. Lopen read the indicator PM that I sent right before turnover, but didn't post in thread; so I know that he's been on but unable to post.


Alvron: Unlikely Jeskeri; too many of them have tried to get Alv killed. Not high on my suspect list but still theoretically possible
STINK: Practically hard-cleared Neutral Mad Prince
Lopen: Confirmed Chay-Shan to me; Korathi per my information; possibly a Jeskeri double-agent
OrlokTsubodai: The reason Lopen can't post; going through Lopen's protection as a Korathi means that Orlok's not Jeskeri
Sart: Since I have reason to trust mostly everyone else, Sart is my number-one suspect
Elenion: Me
Arraenae: I have information that proves that Rae is a Korathi. While a double-agent is possible, I think it's very unlikely.

Right now I'm most suspicious of Sart, given that Jeskeri are known to have extra lives. Next is Lopen and Rae with the possibility that they're double-agents. Fourth up is Alv given that the Jeskeri have done their best to get him killed. Orlok is next because he appears to have passed the test. Most trusted is STINK, because the Mad Prince is hard-cleared Neutral and STINK has proved to me that he is, in fact, the Mad Prince.

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Where was it confirmed that the Jeskeri had extra lives? We know that an Acolyte is a Beggar equivalent, but we don't know if they had someone steal an extra life. If I was changed to Practitioner, would that waste an extra life? It seems confusing to me. I know I'm not an Acolyte. Do you really think Aman would list me as his teammate in his list if that was the case? I know you don't have any reason to believe me, but it's the truth.

Since I know I'm not Jeskeri, I can see where the last one is hiding. It's Rae. Think about it. She claimed Neutral Beggar early on. That was a half truth, since she was an Acolyte at that time. She was converted to Korathi, which didn't do anything to her alignment. She then claimed to have become a Bodyguard. She also claimed that she protected Aman. That seems highly unlikely to me. We know Eolhondras was a Monk. I think it's likely that he protected Aman that night, and gave Rae a nice cover. We've almost won this game, so I really want to survive. I know you'll probably lynch her after I'm dead, so I won't be too mad.

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1 minute ago, Sart said:

Where was it confirmed that the Jeskeri had extra lives?

I thought Aman admitted somewhere that Acolytes had extra lives... I can find it if needed, but I'd prefer not to sort through the massive thread.

5 minutes ago, Sart said:

It's Rae. Think about it. She claimed Neutral Beggar early on. That was a half truth, since she was an Acolyte at that time.

Good point; Rae does seem more likely than Lopen, given that the night-kills have gone in our favor recently.

6 minutes ago, Sart said:

We've almost won this game, so I really want to survive. I know you'll probably lynch her after I'm dead, so I won't be too mad.

Lopen's locked up, but if there's any other kill roles (like STINK) then you're probably dying tonight. But if you die Village, then Rae's next.

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Lopen is almost hard-cleared as a villager. He pushed for Aman's death and killed multiple Jeskeri. Elimimators sometimes might bus their teammates, but I doubt they would bus their entire team.

3 hours ago, Sart said:

Where was it confirmed that the Jeskeri had extra lives? We know that an Acolyte is a Beggar equivalent, but we don't know if they had someone steal an extra life. If I was changed to Practitioner, would that waste an extra life? It seems confusing to me. I know I'm not an Acolyte. Do you really think Aman would list me as his teammate in his list if that was the case? I know you don't have any reason to believe me, but it's the truth.

Since I know I'm not Jeskeri, I can see where the last one is hiding. It's Rae. Think about it. She claimed Neutral Beggar early on. That was a half truth, since she was an Acolyte at that time. She was converted to Korathi, which didn't do anything to her alignment. She then claimed to have become a Bodyguard. She also claimed that she protected Aman. That seems highly unlikely to me. We know Eolhondras was a Monk. I think it's likely that he protected Aman that night, and gave Rae a nice cover. We've almost won this game, so I really want to survive. I know you'll probably lynch her after I'm dead, so I won't be too mad.

Sart, let's assume I was an Acolyte and I had my pick of whatever role I wanted. Let's assume that as a Jeskeri, I had decent communication with my team. Let's also assume that I was not a protection role.

If Eol was the one to protect Aman, and got the notification that Aman was attacked, why would I, who according to your theory wasn't a protection role of any sort, claim to have protected Aman? Why not have Eol step forwards to say he had protected Aman because he thought Aman was village?

Why does it seem unlikely to you that I had become a Bodyguard and had protected Aman?

N4, Aman expected protection from a Bodyguard here:

I told him not to count on my action tonight here:

What other action could I have been referring to, if not a protection role?

And Aman says outright that I had claimed a protection role to him here (that post helped guilt me into protecting him when I was trying to decide whether I believed Lopen or Aman more):

Lopen asked me to make a last-minute post of who I was protecting, which I did here:

Let's assume I was a Jeskeri non-protection role. What benefit would I get if I claimed Bodyguard and publicly waffled between whether I should protect Aman or not? Why not have Eol claim Bodyguard and do the public waffling? Eliminator teams lie, but why would I make up a needlessly complicated lie that probably would have a hole somewhere that a particularily astute villager might spot, especially if Eol died early?

I wouldn't make up such a lie. I'd tell the truth instead, which is that I am a Beggar who became a Bodyguard N3.

Also, this is a Night cycle, so votes don't count.

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Day 9: Deals in the Dark

Anelin carefully peered over the edge of the roof where she lay. The street below her was empty. She wriggled backwards, staying flat against the ground, to prevent anyone from easily targeting her. She crawled back to the trapdoor in the roof, and dropped through it. She landed in a crouch on the stone floor in the dusty room. One of the two doors was barricaded shut, to prevent anyone from sneaking in the back way. The windows were all boarded over except for a small slit at the bottom for looking through.

Sart crouched at one of the windows, watching the alley that contained the only entrance to the building. It wasn’t visible from the roof, so he watched it whenever she went up. “Has Locke shown up yet?”

Sart glanced over his shoulder, lips pursed, and shook his head before returning to his vigil. Muttering curses under her breath, Anelin took up her position in the corner of the room, where she could see every door and window at once.

“What if he doesn’t come?”

She focused on Sart, and considered how best to answer his question. She knew he wasn’t really asking that. They both knew exactly what it meant if Locke didn’t come here tonight. It would mean they were the last.

“If he doesn’t come, we continue without him. We protect the King. We don’t let his mad conspiracies be proven true.”

“They’re already true.” Sart stood up, and slotted a board into the viewing slot in the window. “We already know he was working with the Jeskeri, and that Father Lorien was plotting his downfall. And now, well, his own son. The conspiracies are all true. And he doesn’t deserve to be king for his crimes.” He walked to the only working door, and pulled it open. “We never had a chance.”

“Where are you going?”

He paused, still holding the door. “I think I’ll head North. To Ato. To the ocean. It shouldn’t take too long to get there. I still have a boat. I’m not going to die on land. Tell the Derethi where to find me please. I’ll be waiting for them.”

The door slowly swung shut after him, leaving Anelin alone in the empty room.

Nothing happened (publicly)

I’m back! Hi!

People have asked for an extension before, but we’re getting to low enough numbers that I’m also going to offer to shorten the day by 24 hours, if enough people want it.

Living Players:

Alvron   Arraenae   Elenion   Lopen   Orlok   Sart   STINK

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