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I think all of the Jeskeri are dead and there's another eliminator left. If I remember right, the Jeskeri team was Bard, Aman, Aonar, and Kipper. That's already four people out of 28-ish, which is 1/7 of total players. Five Jeskeri plus a separate conversion team seems a little much. 

I'd be okay with the schedule change.

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4 minutes ago, Arraenae said:

I think all of the Jeskeri are dead and there's another eliminator left. If I remember right, the Jeskeri team was Bard, Aman, Aonar, and Kipper. That's already four people out of 28-ish, which is 1/7 of total players. Five Jeskeri plus a separate conversion team seems a little much. 

I'd be okay with the schedule change.

Eol was Jeskeri as well.

The only possible people who could be Jeskeri are Sart, Rae, and Elenion. Everyone else has literally been hard cleared from being Jeskeri.

So, with the schedule change, would that mean we have like, 3 and a half hours left in this Turn? @The Only Joe

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I'm with Sart on this one: Rae's claim of Neutral Bodyguard would be the perfect cover for another Jeskeri Monk. A starting Monk would explain why all of the Chay-Shan kills at the beginning have hit villagers: any Jeskeri that appeared to be targets would have been covered.

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4 minutes ago, Elenion said:

I'm with Sart on this one: Rae's claim of Neutral Bodyguard would be the perfect cover for another Jeskeri Monk. A starting Monk would explain why all of the Chay-Shan kills at the beginning have hit villagers: any Jeskeri that appeared to be targets would have been covered.

Bodyguards cannot influence who CSPs will attack. I couldn't possibly have made Lopen and Elodin target villagers, Jeskeri Monk or not. Neither Lopen nor Elodin would have changed their kills to villagers if I had gone up to them, revealed myself as a Jeskeri Monk, and asked them to please kill the villagers I told them to kill. Neither Lopen nor Elodin even knew I was a protective role at the time, since I hadn't even taken on the Bodyguard role yet!

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26 minutes ago, Arraenae said:

Bodyguards cannot influence who CSPs will attack. I couldn't possibly have made Lopen and Elodin target villagers, Jeskeri Monk or not. Neither Lopen nor Elodin would have changed their kills to villagers if I had gone up to them, revealed myself as a Jeskeri Monk, and asked them to please kill the villagers I told them to kill. Neither Lopen nor Elodin even knew I was a protective role at the time, since I hadn't even taken on the Bodyguard role yet!

Yes, but you can influence which of those attacks succeed. There were more kill roles than just the two (STINK comes to mind here), and most rounds there weren't three kills revealed. That could have been due to kill-stacking or unsubmitted actions (or, in STINK's case, lack of kill action), but I think at least one was blocked.

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1 hour ago, TheMightyLopen said:

Rae, either you or Sart is(are?) going to be lynched this Turn. I guess, I'm gonna vote on Sart. Sorry Sart!

If that isn't the post of an eliminator, I don't know what is.

Oh, wait, that's not the post of an eliminator, is it? That's the post of a neutral-evil who has been converted by an eliminator Alvron, along with Stink and Len. Alvron's win condition is the same as Con's win condition, but he's on a different team. And you, the lucky Lopen, have been converted by both of them, which gives you three possible win conditions to choose from (two if you consider that winning as a Korathi convert is impossible now).

I suppose you're trying to win with Alv now that Con didn't work out, huh? Or maybe you never intended for Con to win and were betraying us to Alvron the entire time. I suppose I'll only know after I die. So go ahead, kill me. I want to pester Joe to see if we've uncovered all the secret roles yet. Rae.

EDIT: 6 minutes ago, Lopen just confirmed that Alv had converted Orlok. Thanks for the confirmation, Lopen. Sart, do what you will with this information.You're the only living villager, so I doubt it'll do much good, but maybe you can pull something off.

Edited by Arraenae
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41 minutes ago, Arraenae said:

If that isn't the post of an eliminator, I don't know what is.

Oh, wait, that's not the post of an eliminator, is it? That's the post of a neutral-evil who has been converted by an eliminator Alvron, along with Stink and Len. Alvron's win condition is the same as Con's win condition, but he's on a different team. And you, the lucky Lopen, have been converted by both of them, which gives you three possible win conditions to choose from (two if you consider that winning as a Korathi convert is impossible now).

I suppose you're trying to win with Alv now that Con didn't work out, huh? Or maybe you never intended for Con to win and were betraying us to Alvron the entire time. I suppose I'll only know after I die. So go ahead, kill me. I want to pester Joe to see if we've uncovered all the secret roles yet. Rae.

EDIT: 6 minutes ago, Lopen just confirmed that Alv had converted Orlok. Thanks for the confirmation, Lopen. Sart, do what you will with this information.You're the only living villager, so I doubt it'll do much good, but maybe you can pull something off.

It sounds like you're upset at me. :( I'm literally the only one being open with my information and I tried to get you converted. I told you and Con about Alv and his team and I told Alv about Con and you and me. I was basically trying to keep things even.

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50 minutes ago, Arraenae said:

I suppose you're trying to win with Alv now that Con didn't work out, huh? Or maybe you never intended for Con to win and were betraying us to Alvron the entire time. I suppose I'll only know after I die. So go ahead, kill me. I want to pester Joe to see if we've uncovered all the secret roles yet. Rae.

He kept us up-to-date with every ability and action you guys had.


Since I'm outed, it's time for some RP:

Ashkelon gave the informant a coin and pocketed the map. Although he hated to pay others, Ashkelon found this particular use of his assets to be a good investment. Looking around the derelict building suspiciously, Ashkelon decided he was alone and started off.

The Derethi headquarters was concealed well; so well that anyone who wasn't invited had no way of finding it. Entering an antechamber, Ashkelon took a side door and used the room to change into long, flowing robes covered with the symbols of Jaddeth. Reentering the antechamber, Ashkelon took the large door into the council room. The council room was almost completely dark, even in the daytime, lit only by candles around the perimeter of the room and on the large council table. Ashkelon took his appointed seat and began his report.

"I have found the hideout which our assassins missed last night," Ashkelon said, "There were two who spent the night there, but only one remains. The other has gone."

"What do your spies report about the second?" a voice spoke in the darkness.

"I have had him followed. He is discreetly making his way to the docks."

"And the first?"

"She remains, unguarded."

The voice in the darkness uttered the terrible words, "Use our connections. Kill the one who remains."

"With pleasure, my master.”

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That's actually not true Len. I didn't tell you that Conq could protect his Converts. I was hoping to give him some sort of advantage through that, but he decided to reveal to the thread instead, something which I never suggested or advised.

And really, it was Stink's fault that Alvron ever learned about Conq.

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LG24: The Ninth Night

Anelin sat on the rooftop, kicking her heels against the stone. The street below was filled with people, ignorant, uncaring people. They knew of all the murders of course, but they knew nothing of the why’s. They didn’t know that Iadon would be following his son to the grave very soon. They didn’t know that very soon, Kae would have a new God, to replace the fallen Elantrians.

The flow of the crowd became nervous, and slowed. Anelin cupped her hands over her eyes and looked down the street, to where the disruption was coming from. Soldiers. Duke Ashkelon’s personal guard, coming for her no doubt. To execute her in the street, just like they had so many others.

She reached under her shirt, and drew out her pendant. Aon Omi. Love. Unity. Protection. Patriarch Lorien had given it to her before he was executed. Domi’s grace and love hadn’t done much to protect him. She reached behind her neck, and untied the knotted leather. It fell away and dangled from her hand.

It was identical to the other three she had seen. Mai and Eoltias both had one, as did the man who betrayed Lorien. Was she really the only one who tried to serve Domi in truth? Was she the only one who truly believed?

She slowly turned her hand over. The pendant slipped out and fell. It bounced once, twice, thrice, against the ground below before lying still. It couldn't save her. It hadn’t saved anyone. She stood up, standing on the edge of the roof as the guards reached the building.

One saw her, and pointed her out to the others. A portion of them entered the building, others surrounding it. She watched them, no longer caring. She had done her best. But that wasn’t enough. One of the guards strung a thick, wooden bow. Anelin closed her eyes. Better to not see what was coming.

There was a twang, and a whistle. Something hit her, right where her pendant had hung. Her back, right between the shoulderblades began to itch. Her knees gave way, and she fell forward, the air ripping past her was the last sensation she felt.



Arraenae was Lynched! She was a Citizen Beggar turned Bodyguard and a Korathi-Convert.


Arraenae:(4): Sart, Arraenae, Elenion, Duke

Sart:(1): Lopen

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13 minutes ago, STINK said:

Wait Lopen how was it my fault? The learning about conq thing

Because, when Eol was converted then Aman told you about it(that me and Rae were a conversion team) and then you told Alv(and me). That messed everything up, so I decided to just try and keep it even. That was ruined by Conq revealing himself in the thread. :/

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So... I'm the last villager? Well that's not good.

If I could make a request, can I just sail off into the sunset? I don't want your bloody mess of a town. I'll do just fine as a Pirate.

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5 hours ago, Sart said:

So... I'm the last villager? Well that's not good.

If I could make a request, can I just sail off into the sunset? I don't want your bloody mess of a town. I'll do just fine as a Pirate.

@The Only Joe Is there a way that Sart can choose to leave the story arc and win cons, sort of like suicide?

Edit: did anyone else see that the game tags imply that all Jeskeri are now dead?

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2 hours ago, Elenion said:

Edit: did anyone else see that the game tags imply that all Jeskeri are now dead?

Not necessarily.  It could be that Sart is the last Cultist but as everyone else is immune to the kill there is no way for there to be a Cultist kill.

Same as the 'only one kill left' 'before the end' tags could mean that killing Sart will end the game or it could mean that killing me will end the game.

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