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33 minutes ago, STINK said:

Know what, I'm in one of those moods where I wanna just be free to do whatever I want. Last time I felt like this, Hellscythe kept quoting something I said from what I think was an MR :P

I'm a Neutral role, basically my goal is to survive until the end of the game. Sadly, I get no protection from this, so if everyone could like just let me do all my fun stuff then I'll just have some fun and still work towards my win con :P

Oh, and for the quotable version, " Neutral Role. Survivor. " That's like the most TLDR version there can be. So yeah, I won't spread any information I get in PMs because why would I? Now if you could all send me in some roleclaims :P

5 minutes ago, STINK said:

It's not applicable, I'm not a neutral team, I'm STINK. 

So now you're contradicting yourself. Hmm.

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1 hour ago, Emerald101 said:

Dunno where I got LG 23 from, MR15 is what I meant. I know he said it was to produce discussion, and that's what I just did, I helped discuss something. I would like to note that discussion promotion was not the only reason I posted that. I genuinely think that his post was slightly suspicious, and I would appreciate other's input on it.

List of those who haven't posted so far, in case anybody's wondering.

This is based off of the Official list by Joe on page one. If your name is on here and doesn't deserve to be, let me know and I'll fix it. Note that this counts any post at all, regardless of content value.

Nope, my name totally deserves to be on that list, I just am an S class lurker.


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Yeah, I'm not a Team. I could be the last person standing with one Villager/Eliminator and win, and it wouldn't be multiple neutral people getting my win, but just me. I'm not making a Neutral alliance or anything :P

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1 minute ago, STINK said:

Yeah, I'm not a Team. I could be the last person standing with one Villager/Eliminator and win, and it wouldn't be multiple neutral people getting my win, but just me. I'm not making a Neutral alliance or anything :P

Neither did I. 

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So the vote totals right now appear to be:


Elenion (5) Maill, Kipper, Stink, Emerald, Lopen

Sart (1) Elenion

Silverblade (1) Bard

Araris (1) Ecthelion III


Honestly, what is this bandwagon on Elenion about? I think Kipper is just salty about last game when Elenion got Kipper lynched (even though Kipper never posted a reason why not to).   Kipper, remember last game when you were suspicious of Elenion for using certain words like "us"? You can't instantly judge a new player as suspicious because of certain words. Also, the *groan* was in response to Stink's joke, which I thought was rather good.

Emerald, what do you mean Elenion is overreacting? I think 5 votes would elicit a strong reaction, don't you? Bard wasn't exactly happy last game when that exact same thing happened. Stop tunneling so hard D1.


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8 minutes ago, Mailliw73 said:

Just a note for you guys: Last time I played a game with multiple teams where one was neutral, they sided with the eliminators. Just keep that in mind. :)

That was me in LG21. 

Yeah, once Mark proved he was Survival to me in LG21, I immediately recruited him to the 17th Shard, and we won in the end. Neutrals cannot be trusted, as they will always end up siding with whoever has the best chance of winning, and they're allegiance can easily change mid-game.

Are you referring to when you were Survival in the 2nd Shard game, or when you were the Troll in the last one? Either way, my point still stands.

7 minutes ago, STINK said:

Don't talk to me about it! Joe's the one making the secret roles!

Yeah, except, Joe isn't the one claiming you're a Neutral role who only needs to survive the game, particularly when you're in no danger of being lynched or killed by eliminators. Not only is that pointless, but you're effectively claiming something I predicted an eliminator would claim from the start.

6 minutes ago, jaimeleecee said:

Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought this meant his alignment is neutral and his win-con is just to survive, not that he has a survival role.. that would make his win con too easy :P I do remember Joe saying there would be neutral roles with their own win-cons, but he could still just as easily be making it up from knowing that alone :rolleyes:

Survival is a reoccurring role in some of our games, where it's a neutral role that can win with anyone, and almost always has some kind of passive protection like a limited number of extra lives. The problem isn't necessarily that Stink is claiming it as a role, it's the circumstances surrounding his claim. It's completely pointless, and for me in particular, absolutely frustrating.

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Okay, the only thing I have right now is a minor comment about something Aman mentioned. He talked about the mechanics for both tied lynches, and for filtering inactive players. But he never mentioned that we could use the lynch to kill 2 people intentionally, 1 person that has been implicated by discussion, and another that, for whatever reason, we don't want to focus the lynch on but still want to kill. Maybe it isn't so relevant to inactives, since we do have a filter, but we can deal with Pirate or other claims with extra lives by using a double lynch.

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Welcome to the Everyone Suspects Elenion Game Show, which seems suspiciously like what happened to Village @The Young Bard in MR15. Bard, I'm having a little sympathy for you right now.

Okay, let's get down to business, and that business is this massive lynch train. Presenting:

Elenion's Conspiracy Theory: LG24 #1: The Great Lynch Train

Sequence of Events:

  1. Elims wait for the right opportunity to misdirect the D1 lynch
  2. Len (me) bandwagon-pokes on STINK, a strategy that I have used before, but that apparently still panics people
  3. @Mailliw73 responds with a cautionary vote, nothing too suspicious there
  4. @Kipper drops a vote on me for unspecified reasons other than what I said. Funny, considering he spent all of MR15 doing the same, and I was village.
  5. @Emerald101 puts a vote on me for overreaction, although any veterans of the Senate Wars of MR15 could testify that I was "overreacting" then, too
  6. @TheMightyLopen puts another vote on me. Why would he want to do that, since the wagon needed no help?
  7. These votes have little logical reasoning attached to them, but they keep growing. Possible doc involvement?

Possible motivations for each:

  1. Maill's vote appears reactionary, not aggressive
  2. Kipper's vote does appear to be retribution for MR15 D5 lynch, but I might be wrong on that point
  3. Emerald drops an overreaction vote. Seems logical for someone who doesn't know me.
  4. Lopen's vote is the strangest for him, although it seems like something I might try myself. Why help an established bandwagon with little evidence?

The Elenion Counter-Plan

  1. I stick with what I said. Yes, I am aggressive. Yes, I bandwagon. No, that doesn't mean I'm an elim. Yes, feel free to gather more evidence.
  2. I call for solid evidence to be presented against me. No more gut reads, no more bandwagons for the sake of the wagon.
  3. I am willing (and always ready) to roleclaim and prove such. However, I would not like to (for obvious reasons) unless absolutely necessary. I will admit that I have already role-claimed in one PM, although I'd prefer the player in question to hold that information back.
  4. I call for no counter-wagon as of yet, because I want an educated lynch. I'm all for causing fear with votes, but the final consensus should always be educated.


On another topic:

6 minutes ago, Araris Valerian said:

Okay, the only thing I have right now is a minor comment about something Aman mentioned. He talked about the mechanics for both tied lynches, and for filtering inactive players. But he never mentioned that we could use the lynch to kill 2 people intentionally, 1 person that has been implicated by discussion, and another that, for whatever reason, we don't want to focus the lynch on but still want to kill. Maybe it isn't so relevant to inactives, since we do have a filter, but we can deal with Pirate or other claims with extra lives by using a double lynch.

But you have to factor in the Noble and Duke votes. You'd have to find out how many of each there are, and where they will go.

Edited by Elenion
Clarified POV
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20 minutes ago, Ecthelion III said:

Emerald, what do you mean Elenion is overreacting? I think 5 votes would elicit a strong reaction, don't you? Bard wasn't exactly happy last game when that exact same thing happened. Stop tunneling so hard D1.

When he said the post that was an overreaction, there were only three votes on him (and mostly random pokes at that). As I noted in my first post, My intent was not to start a bandwagon, but to pursue a vote I considered somewhat suspicious, and to promote discussion. I would hardly consider one medium-strength poke and a request for a response "hard tunneling".

Given the response I had been awaiting, I'll go ahead and retract my vote on Elenion.

Edit: This is me, signing out. I probably won't be back on till tomorrow afternoon at like 1:00 MT, so don't be surprised if I'm not around to answer questions or whatever. 

Edited by Emerald101
better reasoning.
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I'm going to have to agree with Elenion here.  I just don't see a good reason to lynch him.  Also, I find Kipper's actions somewhat suspicious.  @TheMightyLopen's actions just seem like standard bandwagoning. But he is on now. Does he have anything to say about his vote?

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20 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

Yeah, once Mark proved he was Survival to me in LG21, I immediately recruited him to the 17th Shard, and we won in the end. Neutrals cannot be trusted, as they will always end up siding with whoever has the best chance of winning, and they're allegiance can easily change mid-game.

Are you referring to when you were Survival in the 2nd Shard game, or when you were the Troll in the last one? Either way, my point still stands.

When I was the Troll I had no way to survive a kill. 

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Elenion. It was just a bandwagon vote. I'm not all that suspicious of him. I'll look over the thread with a bit more focus in a bit and decide where I want to put my vote. So far, I haven't been able to get any solid reads. I don't agree with Ecthelion about Emerald tunneling. Looked over those posts and it didn't look like tunneling to me.

I would like to hear from the lurkers.

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Just now, TheMightyLopen said:

Elenion. It was just a bandwagon vote. I'm not all that suspicious of him. I'll look over the thread with a bit more focus in a bit and decide where I want to put my vote. So far, I haven't been able to get any solid reads. I don't agree with Ecthelion about Emerald tunneling. Looked over those posts and it didn't look like tunneling to me.

I would like to hear from the lurkers.


I too would like to hear from the lurkers.  They may at this point just be catching up on the thread, but I have seen quite a few people on who are not posting.

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2 minutes ago, Magestar said:

Ok. Ok. You got me.  Still, it would be nice if we could have some more info.

Sure thing.  More information coming right up.

In 1923, jockey Frank Hayes won a race at Belmont Park in New York despite being dead — he suffered a heart attack mid-race, but his body stayed in the saddle until his horse crossed the line for a 20–1 outsider victory.
Everyone has a unique tongue print, just like fingerprints.
The world’s deepest postbox is in Susami Bay in Japan. It’s 10 metres underwater.

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