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Mid-Range Game 16: War of the (Cosmere) Worlds


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2 minutes ago, little wilson said:

I'm aware. But you're the one betraying his faction. This is a faction game. People who completely go against their win con and then refuse to admit it don't get a free pass from me, even if I'm not the one they're betraying.

Oh, I know I am going against my faction, for know. I was hoping to get the item at some point during the lottery, but it will appear that I will die before that. @STINK I am not the type of person to sit still and let everything pass me by, so, because I was rejected, I asked if I could join another faction for the ride.

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But you're not on the faction, so you're not on the ride. You're the body shield on the front of the ride for protection, or you're like Mad Max near the beginning of the latest film. They have to kill you, okay. You were never with them.

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6 hours ago, little wilson said:



31 minutes ago, little wilson said:

There's only one little problem with your thought process: Conq isn't Selian. He's Rosharan. Technically, I could do something to you and it still wouldn't be breaking my alliance with Joe. And also, technically, my vote on Joe wasn't even breaking that alliance, since "targeting" is referring to actions. I cannot act towards any Selian until one more Rosharan is dead. I'm simply wanting that Rosharan to be Conquestor because he's a dirty, lying traitor to his faction and even though I'm not on his faction, I don't condone dirty, lying traitors who won't even fess up to the fact that they're dirty, lying traitors.

Wow. If you have to use the word 'Technically' to justify an action, that should be a clear sign that you're doing the wrong thing.

First off, you're Dead wrong Wilson, As Alv has confirmed, there is an item that can change his alignment. So he is completely acting towards his win condition. Maybe don't accuse people of being Dirty liars until you have prove? (I'll concede that he is technically a traitor.) Second off, you all act like we're trick Conquestor. The original terms of our alliance with him was literally Me promising to kill him last. He's not bait, or a meat shield. He is a valued member of the team. 

Ecthellion Wilson

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Ect Wilson.

33 minutes ago, little wilson said:

The terms of the agreement were that we can't target the other until the cycle after the last Rosharan is dead. So if Conq dies, and is indeed Rosharan (as he is), then next cycle I can target Selians, just like the Selians can (and will) target me.

Bolded by me. You seem to have forgotten this rather important detail, Wilson. Also, to all you Rosharans out there, it might be more beneficial to lynch a Jack with the confessed goal of killing every last one of you before targeting anyone else, even if the other person has made you upset. Just sayin'

Plus, Wilson, even if a person has acted contrary to how they should in a game, that is no reason to personally attack them. I've come to expect more from this community, and especially the moderators

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When I said "last" Rosharan, I was referring to the "last Rosharan before the deal is off". Not literally the last Rosharan.

Also, Alv, when there's a secret item in the lottery, will it be announced before the lottery?

If the answer to this question is yes, then Conq's win condition is still that of Roshar, and therefore, he did lie about not being Roshar and acting like his win condition had changed. Now he is actually admitting to still being Roshar. This is good. I'd like to also add that just because there's an potential item in the lottery that changes your faction does not mean that it will go to Con and that he will become Selian. For one, we don't even know if Alv will put it in the lottery, and two, we don't know when he will put it in. For all we know, it might be planned for the Cycle 8 lottery and we might well all be dead by then. To help a team that is not your own on an if is a terrible idea.

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1 minute ago, little wilson said:

Also, Alv, when there's a secret item in the lottery, will it be announced before the lottery?

It will be announced at the same time as other Lottery items.  At the start of the cycle it's drawn for.

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7 minutes ago, TheMightyLopen said:

Shouldn't we be trying to balance the playing field a bit by lynching a Selian? They have a clear advantage at this point. Daniyah, I've heard that you're from Sel.

Point. And now that Conq has admitted to being Roshar, I'm hoping he'll go back to helping his faction. Daniyah.

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2 hours ago, Nyali said:

So, what you're saying is, if we lynch a Rosharan, you'll kill a Selish tonight and won't be breaking the alliance? Also, if your vote on Joe wasn't breaking the alliance, then neither is my vote on you.

This logic makes sense to me. 


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After a fourth day in this death hole and being in the middle of all the action, The High Prince decided he wanted to be known as the hero of Roshar! He shouldn't have turned his back on them in the first place. He still felt bad for betraying the Sel after saving him from the other worlds, but Roshar was his home. Wilson , you will live to RP another cycle, Sel, I am sorry, but though shalt not pass! Ending with Daniyah's death.

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Mandos peered down at the Sel encampment, flanked by a spirit on either side of him. Nonel and Ashkelon each held swords and Mandos himself held Ashkelon's spare crossbow, which glinted eerily in the low light.

"Are you ready to die, my friends?"

"Rather hard to die if you're already dead."

"Good. No worries then."

They walked slowly down the hill, and as they did, they broke into a slow and eerie chant.

Slay the darkness, bring forth the light. They'll fall against our strength and might.

Our foes await, our blades are bright. Prepare thee now; we bring the fight.

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Round Five:  Balancing the Scales.

This round is one of the most exciting in years.  This is Al Vron reporting live from Sennti.  Some of the rounds before were real nail biters.  There have been a few surprises along the way but everyone seems to be taking their game to another level.  So sit back and enjoy some great Sennti action.

The local favorite is Sel’s own Dunquaivel.  This is her first Sennti match and she’s been groomed by some of the greats.  She is rumored to have lightning reflexes and expert training.  I know she’s one of the crowds favorites but you got to think that all the attention gets to her.  When there are no expectations on you, you can just relax and enjoy the fight but we’ll see how well she does.

I was in the Elysium Club last night and someone asked me “Hey Al, when are you going to retire?”  I’ll tell you the same thing I told him.  When they drag me away.  I love Sennti.  Ever since I watched my first game as a kid, I’ve been hooked.  So until the Sennti execs give me the boot,  I’ll keep giving you the play by play and they better come armed because I plan on putting up one heck of a fight.

And there goes Dunquaivel.  I really think that Sel is pushing her too hard.  Being a rookie is tough enough but if you have been flagged as the one to bet, it really adds to the pressure.  One of the advantages of being a rookie is that the hot shots ignore you until later but she doesn’t have that luxury and she’s now out of the running.

Dunquaivel - Daniyah has been lynched.  They were from Sel

Round Five has begun.
You have 47.5 hours.

Vote Tally:
Dani (9): Stink, Len, Wilson, Dani, Ec3, Con, Elb, Lopen, Stick
Wilson (4): Nyali, Joe, Burnt, Bugsy
Ec3 (1): Silverblade

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