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Mid-Range Game 16: War of the (Cosmere) Worlds


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28 minutes ago, The Only Joe said:

How certain are you that Burnt was rb'd because I can't see Bugsy lying to me about trying to save Burnt via vote manip, which is what he claimed to be doing. Burnt also claimed to be reviving Dani, and I can't see Bugsy doing it as well.

So, did you RB burnt, or did you tell Stink to?

I'm 99.9% certain Burnt was RB'd. Someone used the Detonator Glass on her. But that's a good point about Bugsy manipulating the vote. That reminds me that my vote was moved from Burnt to Stink last cycle, and Bugsy's the only one that could've done it (since Con moved Burnt's vote from Stink to herself and Jack's can only cancel a vote, not move a vote).....so that means that someone else used a Reviver on her. That's....odd.

EDIT: Unless, of course, she picked it up in the lottery.

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Round Seven: The Inevitable Eight

The waiting is over Sennti fans.  This in Al Vron reporting live and boy do we have a slugfest in store for you.  It’s been a good game so far and the combatants on the field are ready to give it their all so sit back and enjoy the action LIVE.

I hear one of the combatants down there is Keira’s cousin.  She’s been training with her quite a bit which is unusual for Keira.  Keira has always had a bit of a bloodthirsty image and a lot of times people go after her for it.  But despite her bloodthirstiness, she’s a heck of a player on the field.  I wonder if her cousin has picked up some of Keira’s touch.  If so, we will probably see a lot more blood spilt today.

Looks like some of our fighters are ready to fall.  Any moment now and things will really pick up.

Dunquaivel is still standing.  She’s had one heck of a game.  Everytime she get knocked down she just gets back up and is ready for more.  She’s a real battler.  We could do with more like her.

Man, look at them go.  This game has some of my favorite things.  Knifes, backs and blood.  My partner sometimes says the strangest things. “Al” she says, “there’s more to life than Sennti.”  I swear it’s like she speaking another language or something.  I mean the words make sense individually but put them together and it’s complete nonsense.

Ryth.  A strange person to be sure.  He hasn’t done as much as others but his presence has been felt by all.  Anonymity is good for a while but the longer you last the less places there are to hide.  Farewell Ryth.  Better luck next life.

And Dunquaivel is down.  There seems to be some zombie prejudice here folks.  Why, it almost seems that these contestants know what happened last season.  Will she stay down?  Will others rise?  See it here first  in the Arena.

Well Keira’s cousin is history now.  Personally I think she was pushing too hard and it backfired. Regardless she knows how to play the game.  I see a lot of Keira’s arrogance in her cousin but none of her skill.

And so dies Jonly.  Our latecomer.  You know Sennti fans, Jonly almost didn’t make it into these games.  Can you imagine what these games would be without Jonly?  Well, I guess we will find out.

Dunquaivel - Daniyah was lynched.  They were from Sel.
Ryth - Silverblade has been killed.  They were from Sel.
Keisha - Little Wilson has been killed.  They were from Scadrial.
Jonly - The Only Joe has been killed.  They were from Sel.

Round Seven has begun.  47.75 hours to get your orders in.

Vote Tally:
Dani(7): Wilson, Len, Con, El, Stick, Stink, Lopen
Wilson(4): Silverblade, Ec3, Joe, Nyali

Edited by Alvron
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Okay so I got back from work and no-one has still done anything so there better be some scheming going on between El and Scadrial about how Roshar has to be taken out so that El can try and win the game with Elenion. 'Cause that's what's happening, and I mean El hasn't approached me yet about killing someone like she did last cycle with a suggested target of Wilson (although im guessing Wilson already knew she was killed 'cause of El).

So the 8 players left are the 3 Rosharians, 2 Nalthians, 2 Scadrians and then Nyali. So, to put it simply, let's just lynch Nyali for this cycle. After all, she is basically a Selian still.

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Impatient Brits. >> :P We were asleep, Stink. Except for Stick, possibly. Who is quiet. But no. There was no scheming. There was no one around to scheme.

I agree about lynching Nyali. One, I agreed to lynch her for Wilson if she died. Two, that is the last point of the alliance - all of Sel and Nyali must be dead. We can start killing each other in secret if we'd like, but can we at least keep the alliance functioning on the surface for one more cycle? And three, I'm a little annoyed at her too for not acting independent. 

Do you still want that list, or did you find it? Basically:
Scadrial - Lopen, Stick
Nalthis - Len, El
Roshar - Stink, Ecth, Con
Independent - Nyali

And while yes, I am still trying to win, I don't think I can. My faction has a double-life and a bodyguard (and no, Ecth, I am not the Nalthis Jack; I wish) and no items. Every other faction has at least one, and Roshar has a kill. Roshar's in a far better position than us right now, given three members and Cuddles. Unless Lopen or Stick got something useful in the Lottery (if Wilson comes back, for instance), Roshar's pretty well set to win. I was able to arrange all of last cycle with a lot of work and the alliance to build off of, because I had to rely on others for all my kills. Can't do that anymore. So I'm a little screwed. 

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Killing me doesn't get you any closer to winning, you know. Wilson only wanted me to die so she could get revenge on someone from some old game who had my role. That's a weird reason, if you ask me. Also, I broke with Sel a while back. That's why I didn't revive Burnt last turn, and won't be reviving any of them this turn either.

Sel is dead. Wilson is dead. Continue your game.

Edited by Nyali
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...What? That is definitely not why Wilson wanted to lynch you. There wasn't even a Paranoid Arms Dealer in MR5! The only indepent in the entire game was Hoid, and as far as I can recall Wilson wasn't irritated all that much (if at all) with Ren. She didn't want to kill you for revenge on someone else. That's ridiculous. She wanted to lynch you because you were not acting Independent, for all that you professed to be. And the combination of that and Con's defection rather unbalanced the game enough that it took three factions working together for three cycles to get everything back on track. There's a reason people weren't happy with you. Lynching you doesn't get anyone closer to winning the game, no, but it's important for the meta-game. If you don't act neutral when you are, there should be consequences for that. So I still think lynching you is more important. 

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28 minutes ago, Elbereth said:

...What? That is definitely not why Wilson wanted to lynch you. There wasn't even a Paranoid Arms Dealer in MR5! The only indepent in the entire game was Hoid, and as far as I can recall Wilson wasn't irritated all that much (if at all) with Ren. She didn't want to kill you for revenge on someone else. That's ridiculous. She wanted to lynch you because you were not acting Independent, for all that you professed to be. And the combination of that and Con's defection rather unbalanced the game enough that it took three factions working together for three cycles to get everything back on track. There's a reason people weren't happy with you. Lynching you doesn't get anyone closer to winning the game, no, but it's important for the meta-game. If you don't act neutral when you are, there should be consequences for that. So I still think lynching you is more important. 

I think it was more of a mix between inactivity and Sel being well organized for why the game got so unbalanced, IMO. Con and Nyali didn't actually end up doing much. I guess, Nyali did get Bard killed. Not that I really care about that though. :P The fact that she voiced her allegiance with Sel probably did more harm than good for them.

Anyways, I'd prefer to lynch Conquestor, since he's vote manipulation and with him around, it's basically impossible for anyone besides Roshar to win.

Does anyone know how there were 3 kills this past Cycle? I thought only Wilson and Stink had kills.

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53 minutes ago, Elbereth said:

...What? That is definitely not why Wilson wanted to lynch you. There wasn't even a Paranoid Arms Dealer in MR5! The only indepent in the entire game was Hoid, and as far as I can recall Wilson wasn't irritated all that much (if at all) with Ren. She didn't want to kill you for revenge on someone else. That's ridiculous. She wanted to lynch you because you were not acting Independent, for all that you professed to be. And the combination of that and Con's defection rather unbalanced the game enough that it took three factions working together for three cycles to get everything back on track. There's a reason people weren't happy with you. Lynching you doesn't get anyone closer to winning the game, no, but it's important for the meta-game. If you don't act neutral when you are, there should be consequences for that. So I still think lynching you is more important. 

I can't quote her PM to me directly, but she said what she said. It didn't make much sense to me. When I'm at a computer, I'll elaborate. Can't cross reference her PM easily from here on phone.

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Agreed with Stink. Not because Con's my teammate, but because I think we literally can't lynch him right now. Best case scenario, five votes for Con, three votes for Nyali (or whoever), and Con shifts a vote to Nyali making it a tie and no one dies. That's not very useful. 

And the problem with Nyali was more that she was a vote than anything else. (And she got Doctor killed, not Bard. :P Which, to be fair, was not her or even Joe's fault.) Until we got Con back, we literally couldn't win the lynches because of Con and Nyali. It only did more harm to Sel because it was one more thing that Sel could boast about and get everyone else even more desperate. 

...Maybe kind of referencing Stink in LG24? Because he said he was being neutral in that game, and he wasn't at all. But she wouldn't have wanted to kill you in revenge for him. It's more that he did something he shoudln't have been allowed to get away with, and you're doing the same thing, so you shouldn't be allowed to get away with it either. 

EDIT: Lopen, I'm guessing that Joe had the Syphon and saved it for last cycle instead of using it the  cycle before because he (correctly) thought Wilson would be protected that cycle. Only thing I can think of, anyway. 

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What? It's true. That's why Wilson was annoyed at you, anyway. Because you said you were being neutral, when you were working with the eliminator team quite a lot. You helped them a lot more than you ever helped the village. That's not being neutral. And Wilson thought you were really truly being neutral, so she was very irritated to find out otherwise. (I was far less convinced, but I kinda died before I had time to say anything about it. :P)

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11 minutes ago, Elbereth said:

What? It's true. That's why Wilson was annoyed at you, anyway. Because you said you were being neutral, when you were working with the eliminator team quite a lot. You helped them a lot more than you ever helped the village. That's not being neutral. And Wilson thought you were really truly being neutral, so she was very irritated to find out otherwise. (I was far less convinced, but I kinda died before I had time to say anything about it. :P)

He only helped the eliminators by accident, if I recall correctly, and he helped the village a lot by revealing the eliminators that claimed to him(except for Alv of course :P).

The third kill may have been Daniyah, if she was the Jack.

I didn't realize tied lynches were a no lynch. Darn. Well then, I guess I'm fine with lynching Nyali. :P Conquestor.

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