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Mid-Range Game 16: War of the (Cosmere) Worlds


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Round Eight: One falls while another rises.

You know what time it is Sennti fans?  Arena time.  It’s a fine day here at the Ruins as long as you stay clear of the carnage.  People are piled in to see the latest match in the Arena and as always Al Vron will bring you all the play by plays as they happen.

The field is clearing up a bit and it has been a great game so far.  I’m sure some of the others are still surprised to see Parth still up and running.  At this point you would think that these guys would know that this rookie is the real thing.  You don’t last this long without something up your sleeve.

I like a fight that has a break in the middle of it.  Some fights are so fast and furious that by the time you realise what’s happened the match is already over.  I much prefer matches like these where you can ooh and ahh at the victories.

Unbelievable.  No matter which way Parth turned, his opponent was already there.  I don’t think he made any mistakes but was simply outclassed by the other.  Absolutely amazing.  I’m on the edge of my seat over here.

Beware.  A player has returned from the grave.

Parth - Conquestor has been killed.  He was from Roshar.

Vote Tally:
Elbereth(3): Ec3, Nyali, Stink
Con(3): Elb, Len, Stick

Another even round means another Lottery.
Today we have 2 items up for grabs.

Double-barrel Shotgun:  This handy shotgun can be used to either attack two players at once or to attack one player twice.
Shard Plushie: This Limited Edition Plushie is one of only sixteen in existence.  Throw it at another player to distract them so they are unable to take any actions.  The person hit by this item then picks it up to use themselves.  Warning: This Plushie may Shatter on contact when thrown, driving Slivers into the target.  Players with Slivers embedded in them gain an additional  role based on what planet they are from.

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The more that I think about it, the less that Wilson was actually the one revived.

Now, who to lynch? STINK wouldn't have attacked his own teammate, so Conq's death must have been due to a kill item. STINK must have Cuddled Stick or Lopen last night, and given Cuddles to one of them due to Stick's protect. I'm betting it was Stick himself; that would explain why Ecth is so hastily voting on him. And since not being threatened by Cuddles is a Nalthis priority, I vote Stick.

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I think it was a Selian who Revived themselves. Not that I really care which one it is. They've got to post before the end of the Cycle otherwise they'll die. So we'll know soon enough.

I think we should lynch either Stink or Ecthelion. They've both claimed to have extra lives and if that's true, we need to take those off to be able to kill them and with the lack of kills around, I'd say they've got a unique advantage because of that. Also, and this is the most important reason for why they should be lynched over Stick, they're not on my faction. :P

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1 hour ago, TheMightyLopen said:

I think we should lynch either Stink or Ecthelion. They've both claimed to have extra lives and if that's true, we need to take those off to be able to kill them and with the lack of kills around, I'd say they've got a unique advantage because of that.

You aren't going to get this lynch done without Nalthis. And Nalthis would much rather kill a Scadrian than kill a Rosharan who isn't going to stick a sword in us at night. Sorry, but when you got Cuddles you became Nalthis enemy no. 1.

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13 minutes ago, Elenion said:

You aren't going to get this lynch done without Nalthis. And Nalthis would much rather kill a Scadrian than kill a Rosharan who isn't going to stick a sword in us at night. Sorry, but when you got Cuddles you became Nalthis enemy no. 1.

And the fact that Stick and I just saved your factions chances of winning by helping Elbereth not get lynched means nothing to you? :(

Also, the fact that 3 out of 4 non-faction players left alive have some sort of protection means we're not really all that dangerous to you. It's a risk to attack you since Elbereth can block the attack and then get Cuddles.

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9 hours ago, Ecthelion III said:

The problem is, if we lynch someone other than a Scadrian, you guys + Nyali will have undisputed voting majority.

If it wasn't Wilson who was revived, what is it now, 2v2v2v1 (+1)? And who has Cuddles now? Just trying to get a feel for the current situation. Are there even any twolifers left with an extra life? Whichever group it is who has an extra life left has a nice advantage.

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it's probably a Selian since four people got voted off the previous round, one Scadrian, and three Selians. Wilson isn't the returned, so it has to be a Selian

Whoever's it has to post this round, right? we'll get to know soon enough then


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Just now, I_am_a_Stick said:

it's probably a Selian since four people got voted off the previous round, one Scadrian, and three Selians. Wilson isn't the returned, so it has to be a Selian

Whoever's it has to post this round, right? we'll get to know soon enough then


That's what I said xD 2v2v2v1, plus me.

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7 hours ago, Nyali said:

If it wasn't Wilson who was revived, what is it now, 2v2v2v1 (+1)? And who has Cuddles now? Just trying to get a feel for the current situation. Are there even any twolifers left with an extra life? Whichever group it is who has an extra life left has a nice advantage.

Revived is most likely either SB or Joe; the night they were killed both were likely in the lottery.

As for Cuddles, Stick is misdirecting you. He has it after STINK failed to kill him last night.

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