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Second Annual Sanderson Tournament Discussion


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I don't think you should actually include Stick :P I mean, it would be a shame if Stick doesn't win the tournament, and unfair to the actual characters if Stick does win (which is very unlikely)

I'm no one to decide though :P it's up to you 

And as for the character teams, I think solo would be fine if the teams prove to much work for you 

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For what it's worth, I nominated Stick because I thought it would make the tournament more fun and interesting. I really don't know how well Stick would do, but I expect its battles would be a lot of fun.

Edited by Zizoz
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Thinking of starting tournament on Friday. Nominations would probably end Wednesday, and I'd reveal the bracket (whether or not it's teams or singles is undecided) on Thursday. Matches would last about a day, and I'll try and notify you all if I'll be unable to update the standings for whatever reason.

For the story so far we have this: Some being brings our favorite characters to duke it out in a cosmic tournament. Hoid may or may not be involved. Upon defeat, a character is returned to their world with no memories of the tournament. Any further ideas are welcomed with open arms.

I'd also like to figure out if there will be teams or not. If not, we'll take the top 32 nominations, and if there is a tie for the final few spots, I'll randomly select who goes on. If we do teams, I'll probably do something to where the top character (Marsh as of this moment) gets paired with the sixty-fourth character, and so on and so on. Or teams could be randomized as well. Just lemme know what you think!   

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Szeth x5! Take that, Marsh!

(Nothing personal, I just like Szeth better).

2 hours ago, Patar said:

I'd also like to figure out if there will be teams or not. If not, we'll take the top 32 nominations, and if there is a tie for the final few spots, I'll randomly select who goes on. If we do teams, I'll probably do something to where the top character (Marsh as of this moment) gets paired with the sixty-fourth character, and so on and so on. Or teams could be randomized as well. Just lemme know what you think!

I'm for no seeding, because then characters #33-64 would be overshadowed by their big-name companions. I think the best option is just 1v1 with the top 32.

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Randomized would be best.  It allows for more varied match ups.

And to insure at least one of my nominations makes it:
Gaz x5.
I suspect he's going to be revealed as a surgebinder in Oathbringer.  Characters aren't given POVs for no reason.

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