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10th Anniversary Additions Question


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I have two different copies of Elantris (hard and soft) and with purchasing all the other Sanderson books in hardcover, I found it impossible to justify $100 more dollars to buy the anniversary addition for the small additions I have had described. Do you know of a short list of additional information we get from the anniversary addition that is not in the hardcover? I am aware of maps additions, and a short chapter with Hoid and a Skaze at the end where he does not turn to an Elantrian when lowering into the Pool near Elantris; but what I am looking for are any other details that are Cosmere-important, or Hoid-revelatory that people who have not got the new addition ought to know. Remember, we can't copy whole sections, and pictures are probably a copyright infringement, so please filter down to the information gleaned from them. I would hope that this becomes a good reference post, or that someone links me to one that may already exist. I spent 4 hours combing the forums and did not see one.


Edited by 1stBondsmith
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Aside from what you mentioned, the Ars Arcanum was the only other big item. There was a big fix to the geography, of where Raoden drew the chasm line to finish the city's Aon, but I don't remember the specifics of it. It either moved inside the wall or outside the wall, I don't remember which. There is a list of minor changes here.

The editing was more about minor continuity (making sure people weren't teleporting across the city), as opposed to major. Brandon wasn't adding anything to the story itself, just polishing the continuity to the same level his current books get.

As far as the new material, there was the Hoid story, and there are deleted scenes of the Mad Prince (Raoden's brother, I recall), which are non-canon. You might find them interesting, but there weren't any Cosmere revelations. The Ars Arcanum wasn't too mind-blowing, but it did give us the term Initiation for how a user was inducted into the magic system, and it seems to mention Vax as a planet.

By the way, $100 is the cost for the leatherbound 10th anniversary. You can get hardcover or paperback 10th anniversary, too, with most of the same content. (Leatherbound has international covers, where the other anniversary versions don't.) Looks like the paperback is going for $16 on Amazon.

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Sweet! Thanks. I hadn't heard the 10th was available in hard and soft.

What did we learn from Hoid's attempt to transform? He was surprised, but do we know if he was trying to change, or to travel through a perpendicularity? Pools can be tricky and Hoid has a good deal of pool time by current books. As far as we know officially, this is the first (Yolen likely, but not cannon)he has been seen entering. Raoden didn't change, but he didn't want to. Roeden did lose the Hoed state, but was still old Elantrian. Is your intent going into the pool critical to it's function?

What was the Skaze's response, and was it surprised by what Hoid did?

Do we know if the Skaze was bonded to Hoid? That would be something very interesting. Bonded to Dominion and trying to turn Elantrian by Devotion (I know there is a disagreement about which is which)... seems to be collecting again.

Vax as a planet where, or in what connection?

Again, thank you.

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He was trying to becoming an Elantrian and it did not work. Brandon has mentioned that the Hoid from back then knew a lot less than today, suggesting either that Hoid could pull it off now (or alternatively, perhaps not to waste time trying). 

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A note regarding Vax - we don't actually know it's a planet. It's very strongly suggested, but when I asked Brandon he corrected me by emphasizing that it's been strongly suggested it's a place. So while I still believe Vax is a planet, and Brandon is just being sly about it, it's worth mentioning this.

As for its mention in the Ars Arcanum, there is only a brief note about how initiation works there. I don't remember whether it works differently from most things we've seen, or similarly to another world (either way, no details were provided).

On 9/16/2016 at 3:02 PM, 1stBondsmith said:

What did we learn from Hoid's attempt to transform?

Nothing really. He tried and failed.

On 9/16/2016 at 3:02 PM, 1stBondsmith said:

He was surprised, but do we know if he was trying to change, or to travel through a perpendicularity?

He had, apparently, been trying to turn into an Elantrian for some time, and we see him decide to give up on that and (presumably) enter the Cognitive Realm through the pool

On 9/16/2016 at 3:02 PM, 1stBondsmith said:

As far as we know officially, this is the first (Yolen likely, but not cannon)he has been seen entering.

We don't actually know that. There could've been a dozen Shardworlds he has visited before Sel - Sel is the just the first one with a book in it.

On 9/16/2016 at 3:02 PM, 1stBondsmith said:

Do we know if the Skaze was bonded to Hoid?

We don't.

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