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Howdy. Like my last game, my participation may fluctuate, but I plan to try to be fairly active and actually voice my thoughts.

Which, so far, of course, is that I'm just going to have to wait and see what happens. :P

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I was going to wait until I'd written a bit of RP before making a post, but am sufficiently worried by the trend already emerging here that I'm going to comment now.

It's all very well saying you're going to reserve thoughts until something has happened, but if we don't vote on players, or create conversation, there won't be anything valuable to write thoughts about. These games are short as is - let's not waste too much time this cycle.

On which note, Lopen. I've seen you in this thread before - and you're normally an outspoken person - care to get involved in the conversation?

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Richelle hacked the last letter into the soft flesh, yanked the knife out one last time, and then stood up to assess her handiwork.

Words emblazoned on the forehead to show that the Nobility couldn’t hide among the skaa. A hand cut off to show that the Lord Ruler’s protection could not save the Nobility anymore. A foot taken off to show that no matter how far they ran, the Nobility couldn't run far enough.

Richelle stood up, satisfied with her work. She wiped her knife clean and then turned her back on the mutilated Noble’s body.

She sang softly as she walked through the alleyway, a song that she’d heard at a tavern. It echoed and magnified in the darkness.

“Do you hear the Nobles scream?

Screaming a song of fear and pain.

It is music to a people who will not be slaves again…”

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1 minute ago, OrlokTsubodai said:

I was going to wait until I'd written a bit of RP before making a post, but am sufficiently worried by the trend already emerging here that I'm going to comment now.

It's all very well saying you're going to reserve thoughts until something has happened, but if we don't vote on players, or create conversation, there won't be anything valuable to write thoughts about. These games are short as is - let's not waste too much time this cycle.

On which note, Lopen. I've seen you in this thread before - and you're normally an outspoken person - care to get involved in the conversation?

Sorry, was getting some clarifications from the GM about some stuff and organizing my thoughts.

I don't have much to say yet, but I have been thinking about some different ideas on how to use certain abilities.

Rioters - So, seeing as Seekers can only scan players who are Burning Metals, I think it's probably a good idea to use your ability each Cycle(that goes for all abilities) so we minimize the chance of a failed Seeking. It's a little dangerous to use Rioting, since you could move a kill or a protection, or even a Seeking, but I was thinking it might be a good idea to target a quiet, yet active player with any redirects you do, so it's less likely to do too much damage if you accidentally kill someone or move a scan(because it would be sad to scan an inactive who dies, which is why I didn't suggest targeting one of them). Thoughts on this?
Oh, and Rioters count as Burning even if they hit someone not using an Action.
Seekers - As far as I know, there's no way to fake a scan, so don't claim to anyone until you've scanned them.
Tineye - I was thinking it's probably a better idea to target other players rather than yourself, given there's not a ton of info you can learn by who targets you.
Smokers - Joe told me it is possible to just Smoke yourself. So, it's probably a good idea to just do that for now.
Thug - Protect yourself to begin with? Unless you really don't think you're gonna be killed, in which case it could be a good idea to protect someone who you think is more of a target.

Lynches - Tied lynches result in both players death, or, if there's multiple players with 2 votes on them, all of them dying. This is a dangerous mechanic. We need to be very aware of this, especially late game.

I'll get a vote down later, I've gotta go for now.

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Gibbs tripped.

He tended to trip on everything it was possible to trip on, and even some things it wasn't possible to trip on. As he hit the ground, his briefcase fell from his hand and hit the ground hard, spinning away. It did not come open. In fact, no one had ever seen it opened before.

Gibbs rubbed his side, which still ached from the last time he had fallen, then slowly got up and made his way over to the briefcase. After fumbling with it and dropping it once more, he managed to pick it up and stroll away from the scene, little the worse for wear. Quellion choosing me to hunt the rebels? Gibbs thought. Ridiculous. No one needs a duralumin misting for anything. It's like having a--

Just then, Gibbs's foot hit another rock. The briefcase did not open this time, either.


Lopen because he sounds like he's trying too hard to sound like a villager.

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12 minutes ago, Ecthelion III said:

It doesn't help that Aman always does what you just did, especially in games when he's an eliminator..

Just here to point out the fallacy in this statement. If someone always does something, how can they especially do it in specific circumstances? Also that the reason I do it never has anything to do with alignment, but just that I like to think strategy and have policy on being open with my thoughts.

Edited by Amanuensis
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Ecthelion. I disagree. It doesn't feel to me like Lopen is trying too hard to be village. He actually feels quite genuinely village to me. So I'd side with him. 

Second, posting advice for different roles is something not constrained specifically to Aman, and definitely not something he does especially when he's evil. He's done it equally as a villager. (LG23 comes to mind specifically, and he certainly wasn't evil then.) And I disagree that Aman's overthinking this. He made a perfectly valid point. 

None of that's strong evidence against you, but then, it's D1. 

RP will hopefully be coming tonight. :) 

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1 minute ago, Ecthelion III said:

And I hardly think me voting on you is a justafiable reason to accuse me.

@Amanuensis you're overthinking this ;)

Okay, this thing sends up red flags for me. It seems very defensive and a little patronizing. Could be a village reaction, though.

Ecth, what exactly is Lopen doing that makes him seem like he's trying too hard to be a villager? Also, I agree with Lopen. Just because one player does x when they're an eliminator doesn't mean that another player doing x is an eliminator. Two players might not have the same tells. Sometimes they might even have completely opposite tells.

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12 minutes ago, Elbereth said:

Ecthelion. I disagree. It doesn't feel to me like Lopen is trying too hard to be village. He actually feels quite genuinely village to me. So I'd side with him. 

Second, posting advice for different roles is something not constrained specifically to Aman, and definitely not something he does especially when he's evil. He's done it equally as a villager. (LG23 comes to mind specifically, and he certainly wasn't evil then.) And I disagree that Aman's overthinking this. He made a perfectly valid point. 

None of that's strong evidence against you, but then, it's D1. 

RP will hopefully be coming tonight. :) 

On one hand, I'm glad you're defending me, but on the other hand, it's a little surprising you'd read me as village so strongly when I've barely said anything.

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A common eliminator tactic is to post a bunch of information at the start of the game which makes it seem like they're helping the village but really the information is mostly self-explanatory based on general role strategy.

But naturally the guy who accuses people early is accused himself.


Let's look at excerpts from Lopen's first few posts in MR17, when he was an eliminator. Hmm, does the style of handing out tips without reasoning through who might be an eliminator look a bit familiar?


My advice would be to mostly go for the information gathering items. I don't have time to give advice on each item right now, but I might in a little while.


I think it's important for the Faithful to try and get connected right from the start. You may want to save your Merit for cool items, but PM's are a very valuable information gathering mechanic in games apart from items/roles.


That's what I was hoping for, yes. By bringing attention to it, I'm hoping that everyone will participate in the lynch in a way that can help us determine alignment, rather than just appearing to be discussing.

I'll admit, I enjoy having some form of protection as well. I think the benefit of getting a pulseShield is that it's passive, so you always have protection rather than just the one use of a ghostCloak or fleshMask. I think the ghostCloak is a better defensive and information gathering item than the fleshMask, but the fleshMask allows you to take other actions. So there are benefits to each of these items, but if you just want defense, a pulseShield is almost definitely the best(which is why it costs the most).


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I was about to slap another vote on Ecth for acting strangely, but seeing as RippleGylf just did I'll hold off on that for now.

Right now I'm on mobile, so when I have access to an actual computer I'll post tactical suggestions and RP.

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5 minutes ago, Ecthelion III said:

A common eliminator tactic is to post a bunch of information at the start of the game which makes it seem like they're helping the village but really the information is mostly self-explanatory based on general role strategy.

But naturally the guy who accuses people early is accused himself.

Let's look at excerpts from Lopen's first few posts in MR17, when he was an eliminator. Hmm, does the style of handing out tips without reasoning through who might be an eliminator look a bit familiar?

Since I was the GM for that game, I'll go ahead and chime in again. If that's from D1 or D2, he wasn't an eliminator, but a neutral role with an executioner-style win condition at the time. So not really valid for the point you're trying to make. Additionally, I wouldn't really label it as a common eliminator tactic. It's just something some people do. Usually it's luckat, Lopen or I, and usually it depends on which one of us has the time to get to it first.

Anyway, leaving for the theater now. Doctor Strange isn't going to watch itself.

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