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Not just that...let's just take a look at all your posts since the game started: Lopen first asked your opinion on the game to which you reasoned by asking me my opinion on the game (and not really giving your views on the game). After that you just prodded me a bit more for my inactivity before voting on me. Then, in C2, you defend JUQ (okay, let's just ignore that XD). You say how you're suspicious of Stink, with a hint of hesitation, but along with a vote too. The you take your vote off Stink and place it back on (very suspiciously :ph34r:), after which, you become fixed on lynching Stink. And then you say that you admit that JUQ's posts are suspicious (despite that post of yours I chose to ignore above^) and how you hope for him to turn out to be a traitor (which he wasn't :-P Sorry JUQ, I didn't vote for you). Then, C3, you vote for Stink. After that, you admit how you want Stink dead bc of your stubbornness. And then you decide to attack me again...

So..yea. I find all that suspicious enough to vote for you (and no, it's not stubbornness or maybe it is XD). But as I said, I'll change my vote if I feel the need to. 

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14 hours ago, Amanuensis said:

So the way I see it, killing STINK can either clear most of the players who voted for him, if not all, or cast suspicion on them after.

Yes.  I could see this.  The reason I'm hesitant to lynch STINK is because you're saying that if he's an Elim, than I'm the next lynchee.  Which is scary for me, for obvious reasons.

But at the same time, I think that STINK's lynch will probably get us more info than any of the current lynches.  So, Wonko.  Another scary thing is, if we're wrong this cycle, then we will have lost 6 villagers, and I wouldn't be surprised if almost half of the players left are Elims.  Not quite half, but maybe 4-7 or 5-6, which is still pretty scary odds, especially when we only have one way of killing Elims.   However, STINK's lynch should throw plenty of things into the light.  For instance, if STINK is an Elim, it basically clears Aman.  And I'm not so sure about STINK's innocence anymore.  I'll be happy if he is an Elim, but I'm not sure.  However, I will add my vote to STINK for now.  I'm also up for the Dani lynch, but Wonko and STINK are my two preferred lynchees.

However, I think we should look at people like Doc, Jondesu, and Dani more closely.  Even if STINK ends up being village, Doc and Jondesu still are on my radar, although Dani becomes pretty much cleared.

STINK, I'll be really sorry if you're a villager. :unsure:

edit;  Hael, you're taking all the fun out of it. :P  


Edited by Ookla the Indubitable
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^ That guy's Magestar, btw.


Guess I kinda have to, yet again. Appreciate everyone trying to kill me again and again and again. Almost like the elims don't want discussion on anything else. But eh, clearly what I say doesn't matter right? 

EDIT: Thought I'd already done Daniyah.

EDIT2: You may know me as STINK.

Edited by Ookla The Bard
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When placing or removing votes on players participating in Ookla season, please place votes using the username they signed up with, not their Ookla name.

I will not accept any votes or kill orders that don't follow these rules.

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Cycle 4 - Snackbreak

The next day’s slog through the jungle was harder than ever. They lost two men to a particularly poisonous thornweed, and another to some sort of large feline that must have been following them. Everyone was exhausted, and on edge, by mid afternoon, and they had stopped more than usually through the day. It didn’t help that they’d lost some of their supplies in the sandstorm the previous day, and more of the food had been spoiled. If people kept eating every time the party stopped, they could well run out of food. They would probably have to ration it more, but Idoya had other things on her mind for the moment. From what notes she had on where they were headed, and the suggestions of their two trappers, they should be no more than 4 days out from their destination, and so she was hoping to find more evidence that they were going the right direction. All day she had looked, but there seemed to be no clues for her to find. Although, she did find something odd that evening. When they set up camp, she set up her gear under a tree she was assured wouldn’t kill her by the trappers, and when moving around it, she found an odd circular design carved into one of the roots. The carving was nothing like she’d seen before, but for all she knew, it could just have been a random carving from a bored trapper. But she couldn’t help wonder if it could be a clue to their destination.

“Alright everyone, think we’re all getting a bit too heated, so I’m gonna say we all take a snackbreak” was shouted by either the guy on the outskirts of the discussion or the guy in the middle of the discussion. Didn’t really matter much, seeing as everyone seemed to also want some snacks to break (is that not what a snackbreak is?)

One of the people that was especially happy for a snackbreak was Charlie, who always seemed to be eating the weirdest sandwiches. For the first day, it was just your normal chicken sandwich, ya know? Then no-one really knew what he had on the second day, or any of the time really. But no-one really cared about it, or at least that’s what Charlie thought.

So it was a surprise when someone that Charlie had never even seen before came up to him and smacked his sandwich right out of his hands and into the ground, ruining the contents of the sandwich for the rest of time, never to be seen again, never to be loved and treasured, but left to the tiny ants that would never be able to appreciate such a fine work of art.

Charlie distantly heard someone say “I prefer pie anyway, like is he about to start crying about a sandwich?” And he was. It was just too much, trying to manage killing unsuspecting villagers, making a sandwich, disposing of the rest of their bodies, and choosing the next villager to kill. But what did it matter if no-one would appreciate the sandwiches?

And that was what broke the camel’s back. Charlie left, walking this way or that way. What was the point? The sandwich was left on the ground, ants slowly taking a quick munch before passing on.

STINK was lynched. He was a Traitor.

Vote Tally:
Assassin (1): Wonko
Stink (5): Dani, Aman, Ecthelion, Mage, Nyali
Dani (1): Stick
Wonko (3): Doc, Jondesu, STINK


1. Sean (polkinghornbd) is up for a Get Rich Quick scheme
2. Szeth-daughter-daughter-Neturo (Assassin in Burgundy) has a death wish
3. Rumberry (Ecthellion III) has a hand glued to their face
4. Doc (Doctor12) is criminally late to the party
5. This could also be you (Darkness Ascendant) is also a human gossiping  fungi at parties
6. Svetao (Daniyah) is eerily cheerful
7. Sherlock (Magestar) can't understand why the planet is named "First from the Sun"
8. Nyali (Nyali) will rest when she's dead
9. Stick (I_Am_A_Stick) is resentful of gingers
10. Dr. Bres Kalei (Wonko the sane) is abundantly proficient at doctoring papers
11. Third of the Storm (Jondesu) is proud of his heritage
12. Nannyberry (JUQ) leaves posters on trees
13. First of the Twilight (Elbereth) comes from the stars Researcher
14. Charlie (STINK) is functionally mute Traitor
15. Link (TheMightyLopen) has an aviar that tells tales of a legendary princess Researcher
16. Locke (OrlokTsubodai) is inexplicably faceless
17. Yazava (Alvron) is shrouded in shadow  Researcher


Edit: A reminder:

If you participate in Ookla season, please sign your posts with the username you signed up under. This is particularly important if you are placing, changing, or removing votes, as I will ignore any posts that aren't signed.

When placing or removing votes on players participating in Ookla season, please place votes using the username they signed up with, not their Ookla name.

I will not accept any votes or kill orders that don't follow these rules.

Edited by little wilson
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Woah.  He had me fairly convinced, enough that I pushed for us to try not to lynch him.  Eek.

Aaaand, once again, that's probably going to make me look suspicious to some people.  Oh well.  I can truthfully say that I had no idea that STINK was a traitor, and that I am not, but it might be hard to convince some of you now.  I don't think I'll offer any other accusations just yet, though, I'll have to reassess.

EDIT: @Amanuensis, you said that if STINK was a traitor, you felt Mage almost certainly would be as well.  I'm not sure I followed the reasoning for that, though, can you explain a bit?  Mage did vote for STINK, late sure, but he could have forced a tie instead, giving the Elims a 50/50 chance that STINK would survive at least.

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Well, this makes my life somewhat more difficult.   However, I'm no longer suspicious of Dani, really.  I mean, she still could be an Elim, but it just seems unlikely.  So my main top suspects are still Jondesu, Wonko, and Doc.

15 hours ago, Jondesu said:

Mage did vote for STINK, late sure, but he could have forced a tie instead, giving the Elims a 50/50 chance that STINK would survive at least.

Actually, I tipped the scales.  Nyali bandwagoned on at the end, but even if she hadn't, STINK would have died anyway.  It makes me wonder about Nyali, actually.  

I'm actually really happy that STINK was an Elim.  It get's killing him off my conscious.  However, I don't think that killing STINK frees Wonko from suspicion.  Does anyone else agree? 

Finally, I still think that Jondesu is suspicious.  Plus, lynching him RN would help me firm up my other suspicions.  Doc is being unusually quiet, and none of my suspicions about them have gone down yet.

edit;  Gah, I'm Mage.  I thought I made that clear.

Edited by Ookla the Indubitable
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So we finally got a traitor! Great!

Now let's see.

9 hours ago, Haelbarde said:

Vote Tally:
Assassin (1): Wonko
Stink (5): Dani, Aman, Ecthelion, Mage, Nyali
Dani (1): Stick
Wonko (3): Doc, Jondesu, STINK

Let's start with what we learned from Stink's lynch.

First of all, Amanuensis is almost definitely cleared, having been the one of the earliest votes on STINK, and his post being the main reason that people started voting on STINK later. Also, Dani is cleared in my mind, for having gone after STINK almost every cycle. I'm also reasonably sure that Nyali and Ecth are good. Nyali is still ringing faint bells in my head because she keeps promising analyses, but continues slapping votes without them, but she was one of the fairly early votes on STINK, so I'm willing to trust her for now.

EDIT: Hold up, I've just reread the last cycle, and it seems that Nyali was the one that hopped on, not Mage... Bah. I'm going to have to change that last paragraph... Sorry Mage...

Onto suspicions!

I am still rather suspicious of Wonko the Sane. I will attempt to explain. First I want to see, what has he done in the game?


To that end, Doc: What do you think about El's behavior this game? I personally feel that she is being distinctly more aggressive than usual. What are your opinions?


I'm not a fan of the way Jondesu's been acting, but I don't have any amount of time to confirm that suspicion. That's sort of been a running problem this game; I'm not running as much analysis as I usually do, so I'm hesitant to apply any firm suspicions. So, rather than waste time worrying over that, I'll work to get something new for you active players with a poke vote:

Assassin, I'm not seeing much from you right now. What do you think of Jondesu? Do you think he's an Elim? Why or why not? Who is your strongest suspicion right now

So these were the two times he voted in the game, and the only times he has contributed. Now, I understand that he is busy, he has given his reasons, and I trust that he is actually busy, and not just lying low. However, there is still the fact that he has, to me, been trying to redirect attention. The poke vote on me served to bring the focus back on Elbereth, and after removing that vote, he did not vote for that cycle. The cycle after that, instead of participating in the current lynch, he decides to poke vote an inactive. Again, I feel that he is neatly ducking contributing to the main discussions at hand, yet participating by throwing a few poke votes around. What he contributes are suspicions. Suspicions of Elbereth, suspicions of Jondesu. But he is unable to commit to them. 

But didn't STINK, a confirmed eliminator, vote on Wonko? Yes, STINK did vote on Wonko. But that was when STINK had already been guaranteed to be lynched, and I feel that it might have been a distancing tactic if Wonko is an eliminator. Also suspicious is Magestar Nyali, who switched her vote from Wonko Polking to STINK. Those two votes happened near the end of the cycle, when STINK was still in the lead in the lynch. Now we could also say that the Elims were trying to force a tie, in which it could mean that Wonko is innocent, and they were hoping that Wonko died instead of STINK, but if it was a tie they wanted, the Elims had ample time to force a tie, as there was almost no discussion for the ten or so hours leading up to rollover. So no, I still think the vote on Wonko was a distancing tactic, and he is still one of my suspicions. 

Now, I still want to lynch Wonko. If nothing else, it would prove Jondesu and me innocent if he is a traitor. But what Magestar Nyali did in the last cycle has increased my suspicions against her. And as stated even before my edit, I was already wary of how Nyali was promising analyses without delivering on them and voting. So.

Magestar Nyali, what are your thoughts on Wonko the Sane?

@Ookla the Indubitable (Mentioned you to get you to respond to my vote...buuut... Yeah, give your thoughts anyway? :P)

@Nyali. What's your response?

So, for conclusions, Aman and Dani are good, Ecth and Nyali I'm reasonably sure are good, Jondesu I'm willing to trust for now, at least until Wonko is lynched, Wonko and Mage Nyali are my highest suspicions, Clanky, Stick, Assassin and Polking need to talk more before I can get reads on them. The Jury's still out on Mage.

Doc out.

EDIT: Have changed the target of my vote after rereading last day and realizing that Mage was the one that tipped the scales, as he claimed, and Nyali was the one who bandwagoned. This makes me inclined to trust Mage a bit more. It doesn't change that I am still very suspicious of Wonko, and most of my reasoning is still exactly the same, just directed at Nyali now instead of Mage.

Edited by Ookla the Watcher
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Nyali and Mage, sorry to hear that you're still suspicious of me, though as I said, I'm not surprised. My unfortunate mistakes must make me seem like a liability at best, and I can't blame you.

I do echo Doc's suspicions of Nyali, though she's not my main worry. I do still feel Wonko might have been Elim, with the explanation that it could have been a distancing tactic trying to clear Wonko when they felt one of them was going down either way. Doc, you still worry me too, in fact, though if Wonko is Elim, you're almost certainly in the clear.

For now, in fact, since I still feel strongly about him, and because it would help clear me, I'm going to vote again on Wonko the Sane.

Edit: Mage, I checked and I think you're right about tipping the scales. Because of the idea that Wonko might also be Elim, I don't quite think that clears you, but I'm withholding that suspicion until Wonko is cleared or confirmed.

Edited by Jondesu
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14 hours ago, Jondesu said:

Woah.  He had me fairly convinced, enough that I pushed for us to try not to lynch him.  Eek.

Aaaand, once again, that's probably going to make me look suspicious to some people.  Oh well.  I can truthfully say that I had no idea that STINK was a traitor, and that I am not, but it might be hard to convince some of you now.  I don't think I'll offer any other accusations just yet, though, I'll have to reassess.

EDIT: @Amanuensis, you said that if STINK was a traitor, you felt Mage almost certainly would be as well.  I'm not sure I followed the reasoning for that, though, can you explain a bit?  Mage did vote for STINK, late sure, but he could have forced a tie instead, giving the Elims a 50/50 chance that STINK would survive at least.

To be fair, there wasn't anything STINK had specifically done that made me think he was evil, other than the fact that he was so against Alv's attempt to put the lynch in the hands of fate. Stink has a habit of giving up on games relatively early. There's at least two games where he's voted to lynch himself, and another where he literally committed suicide for no explained reason. His response to Alv was mainly what tipped me off, and combined with the events of that same day, I was convinced that one of the players who voted for JUQ was a teammate. Considering that Mage and Ecth were the only ones who voted on JUQ after STINK had accrued a ton of votes, it was most likely one of them.

That being said, both Mage and Ecth voted on STINK with me last turn. Some players might consider them cleared but I personally do not. Between the two, I am more suspicious of Mage. Given how much later in the turn Mage voted on STINK (the same can be applied to Nyali), I believe that STINK realized he was going to die, and he asked his team to help kill him in an attempt to gain some more trust. This makes a lot of sense for Mage in particular since he was a player I had already had said we should lynch this turn if STINK turned out to be a Traitor. Thing is, I am willing to give them a benefit of the doubt for now, because this previous turn has made me more certain of your guilt, Jondesu. It's still possible Mage is evil with you, but as you stated, your support of STINK does look suspicious.

13 hours ago, polkinghornbd said:

Maybe STINK was the elim tasked with the kill?  And since he died it didn't happen?

You're also on my radar, polking. Earlier in the game I had thought favorably of you because you had made a couple statements that were extremely close to my same thoughts, but to quote the almighty GM, "Eliminator kills will happen before the lynch." What you're suggesting is impossible. There are only three explanations for why there was no kill last cycle: lack of coordination, inactivity, or deliberate misdirection. The first is certainly possible, depending on who STINK's teammates are. The second is just as likely, and since your last post this game was on cycle 2, I wouldn't be surprised if you had a part in either. The third I personally doubt given the fact that a teammate of theirs was just lynched and missing the opportunity to kill a villager in retaliation would generally be considered silly.

Anyway, since both Nyali and Mage are voting for Jondesu, if it turns out he is an elim too, than it'll pretty much disprove my busing theory, as either one of them pushing to kill a second ally in a row is pretty unreasonable, especially since there's quite a few other options for the lynch right now, imo.

On the subject of Wonko, I don't think he's one of STINK's teammates, though it is a possibility. The reason I don't think he is a Traitor as well is because it looks like he was presented as an alternative to STINK, hence why votes began to shift towards him. I find it more likely that STINK was hoping to save himself by lynching another villager, but this does conflict a bit with my Mage-or-Nyali-bus-STINK theory, since they both had the opportunity to vote for Wonko instead. Sure, it could have been distancing, but I don't find that very likely, considering the fact that he was literally the only option STINK had of saving himself.


(3) JondesuNyaliMagestarAmanuensis,

(1) NyaliDoctor12,

(1) Wonko the SaneJondesu,

Edited by Amanuensis
Edited for vote tally
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After Wonko, Mage, Nyali, and Doc are my top suspects right now. If ya'll lynch me, which I'm sad to see is headed that way, pay attention to them. I'm innocent, and the way they vote could help you nail down who isn't.

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Now that Stink's gone, I don't know who to put my vote on :P. I don't think anyone is cleared in my mind, not even Aman, since with the paranoid thoughts I have right now I could see anyone's behaviour as eliminator-y, which is not very helpful. :P 



@STINK, should I point out that moving your vote to Wonko instead of Dani will save you (barring more votes from others)? :ph34r:

This comment from Jondesu is what's making me think that he's probably not an Elim. I mean, why say something like this so openly when you could just say it in the doc? (...But maybe that's what he wanted us to think.) 


5 hours ago, Ookla the Watcher said:

Also suspicious is Magestar Nyali, who switched her vote from Wonko Polking to STINK. Those two votes happened near the end of the cycle, when STINK was still in the lead in the lynch.

Doc, if I'm not mistaken, before Nyali voted on Stink it was a tie between him and Wonko. Nyali's vote made certain that Stink got lynched. (...But maybe that was just busing as there was a chance that Stink got lynched so they thought why not just get him lynched themselves and gain some trust?) 

If one of Nyali and Polking turn out to be evil, the other could be cleared (...Unless they both are elims and Nyali was trying to distance herself from Polking so that if, later, one of them got lynched the other would be cleared. Seeing that Nyali didn't give much reasoning for voting on Polking all those times, no one got convinced to put their votes on him too, thus keeping Polking from getting lynched and also distancing both of them from each other)

Wonko says that he has been busy in RL, and so hasn't posted much. Though from what he has posted, I'm getting the same impression that Doc is getting. So I'm not sure whether to vote on Nyali or Wonko. 

Oh, and Stick's votes on me for the past two cycles... Stick, are you still going to vote on me? :P  

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I will point out that Stink was second on my suspicion list, so my vote for him, while it did come late, wasn't out of nowhere. i still think Polking is guilty, but last cycle Jondesu moved up in my suspicion list, so I'm voting for him instead this turn. My top three for a while have been Stink, Jondesu, and Polking. Because of the holidays, I have not had enough time to really pay attention to SE, so I don't have much evidence to point toward. I'm mostly going off of impressions from quickly reading posts. I don't really have much to say about Wonko - I'd have to look back over his posts.

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8 hours ago, Amanuensis said:

Given how much later in the turn Mage voted on STINK (the same can be applied to Nyali), I believe that STINK realized he was going to die, and he asked his team to help kill him in an attempt to gain some more trust.

TBH, I'm not sure what to make of this.  The lynch was tied, and I was on the other end.  I literally made the lynch.  Without me turning, the worst that could have happened was a tie.  So...  I'm the reason the lynch worked.  

(I had written a rather long post, and the internet killed it.  I'm not sure what to do now but I'll try to rebuild it as best I can.)

8 hours ago, Amanuensis said:

I was convinced that one of the players who voted for JUQ was a teammate. Considering that Mage and Ecth were the only ones who voted on JUQ after STINK had accrued a ton of votes, it was most likely one of them.

I hate to keep having to bring this up, but you seem to be forgetting that every single one of the votes on STINK, with the exception of maybe Dani's, has no reasoning given.  Even Dani didn't give a lot.  The only person who had a really solid reason, was Alv.  And his reason was given after I placed my vote.

6 hours ago, Ookla the Obsessed said:

Doc, if I'm not mistaken, before Nyali voted on Stink it was a tie between him and Wonko. Nyali's vote made certain that Stink got lynched.

No.  I broke the tie, STINK made it closer, and Nyali just added a vote onto the already finalized lynch.  See below.  Or the top.

21 hours ago, Haelbarde said:

Vote Tally:
Assassin (1): Wonko
Stink (5): Dani, Aman, Ecthelion, Mage, Nyali
Dani (1): Stick
Wonko (3): Doc, Jondesu, STINK

Moving on, I'm honestly more suspicious of Wonko or Doc than Jondesu RN.  So... I'm not sure what to do.  I'm going to temporarily take my vote off of Jondesu, but I'm not going to place another one just yet.

Ack.  I'm really, really frustrated that my original post was deleted.  It was much longer, and much more thought out.  Hopefully, I'll be able to work out my thoughts and post again later.

Also, this is Magestar.  Sorry Hael.

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5 hours ago, Ookla the Indubitable said:

No.  I broke the tie, STINK made it closer, and Nyali just added a vote onto the already finalized lynch.  

Oh yeah, you're right. I forgot to count the fact that you had retracted your vote from Wonko :P.

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Aaaaand what you did just made my suspicions flare up again, Mage.

11 hours ago, Ookla the Indubitable said:

TBH, I'm not sure what to make of this.  The lynch was tied, and I was on the other end.  I literally made the lynch.  Without me turning, the worst that could have happened was a tie.  So...  I'm the reason the lynch worked.  

I guess I could be reading too much into it, and no, it was not just that one post which made me tunnel on you, Mage, although your post did make me go through your other posts more thoroughly and sort of, was the tipping point to me suspecting you?  

Let's start with your rationale for voting on Wonko.


Now, a lot of this hinges on STINK not being an Elim.  A lot of parts of this idea are hanging on that, and on certain things I'm either taking for granted or are pieced together.  However, I think that the most information would be gained by lynching Jondesu or Wonko.  Seeing as Aman has expressed suspicions of Wonko, I feel like he is the most likely person to actually get lynched is Wonko.  However, I would also be open to a STINK lynch, seeing as that would also aid my fact finding mission.

So, now that I am reading more closely on your posts, I see that you yourself had no actual suspicion of Wonko, and was more acting on Aman's analysis. Which I find pretty suspicious. But not enough on it's own, perhaps. What made me slightly uneasy was what happened after.

Jondesu says this, and Mage replies.


EDIT: If either Mage or Doc drops their votes from Wonko before the end of the round, I'll be more suspicious of them, and I'll also be suspicious if he turns out to be village (though I know that might make me look suspicious to some as well).  Again, I'd prefer not to see this come down to a random choice, because despite the passionate plea for letting the roll of the dice be a part of our games, I tend towards action and certainty instead of gambling.  Must be why I didn't like Mat Cauthon. *hides


Yes.  I could see this.  The reason I'm hesitant to lynch STINK is because you're saying that if he's an Elim, than I'm the next lynchee.  Which is scary for me, for obvious reasons.

But at the same time, I think that STINK's lynch will probably get us more info than any of the current lynches.  So, Wonko.  Another scary thing is, if we're wrong this cycle, then we will have lost 6 villagers, and I wouldn't be surprised if almost half of the players left are Elims.  Not quite half, but maybe 4-7 or 5-6, which is still pretty scary odds, especially when we only have one way of killing Elims.   However, STINK's lynch should throw plenty of things into the light.  For instance, if STINK is an Elim, it basically clears Aman.  And I'm not so sure about STINK's innocence anymore.  I'll be happy if he is an Elim, but I'm not sure.  However, I will add my vote to STINK for now.  I'm also up for the Dani lynch, but Wonko and STINK are my two preferred lynchees.

So...this. This feels wrong to me. Mage seems to be removing his vote from Wonko, after Jondesu pointed out that he would be suspicious if Wonko turned out to be a villager. Am I reading too much into this? Perhaps. Look below. 

And again, if Mage wants to say that he made the lynch, I can't help but wonder if, as you said above, the worst that could happen was a tie, and you wanted that tie. If that's true, well, then perhaps my suspicions of Wonko were wrong. This combined with the fact that you were the first to vote on Wonko...well, more on this below.

15 hours ago, Amanuensis said:

Anyway, since both Nyali and Mage are voting for Jondesu, if it turns out he is an elim too, than it'll pretty much disprove my busing theory, as either one of them pushing to kill a second ally in a row is pretty unreasonable, especially since there's quite a few other options for the lynch right now, imo.

And what tipped me over was Mage removing his vote on Jondesu this cycle. After Aman said something about if Jondesu was an eliminator, then Mage and Nyali were cleared because he didn't think they would be bussing another ally. Now this is interesting, because why would Mage remove his vote then? Was he afraid, possibly, that Jondesu would be a villager, and him participating in the vote would only incriminate him more? Once is weird. Twice sets off alarm bells. 

This, combined with what I think about Jondesu now, namely as Dani pointed out, him asking Stink to save himself in thread instead of a potential doc, and how he reacts to being lynched, makes me trust Jondesu a bit more than Mage. I have searched Aman's post for his reasoning for suspecting Jondesu, and what I've found was his behaviour on day 1, as well as possibly not voting on STINK the previous cycle. @Amanuensis feel free to correct me if I've missed something. 

13 hours ago, Ookla the Obsessed said:



@STINK, should I point out that moving your vote to Wonko instead of Dani will save you (barring more votes from others)? :ph34r:

This comment from Jondesu is what's making me think that he's probably not an Elim. I mean, why say something like this so openly when you could just say it in the doc? (...But maybe that's what he wanted us to think.) 

Aman says that he doesn't think Wonko is an eliminator, due to him being presented as an alternative to the lynch by Magestar. Well, if Magestar turns out to be an eliminator, then we can clear Wonko for sure. So how's this? @Amanuensis, @Jondesu. We lynch Magestar this cycle. If he is village, then Jondesu and I are eliminators and can be lynched. If he turns out to be an eliminator, however, then I would continue to suspect Wonko the Sane, and trust Jondesu. 

In terms of pure information getting, Magestar would be my first choice for the lynch.



EDIT: Mentioned @Ookla the Indubitable so he can at least respond.

EDIT 2: Also, this is Doc. Sorry Hael :P 

Edited by Ookla the Watcher
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