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Helchon put a hand to his head and sighed.

Humans. Tsk. What was it with them? They never really seem to take the time to think, do they? Well. He supposed he couldn't blame them. Their lifespans were notoriously short, after all.

He sighed. "If you must sully my name with your lips, human, at least make your question worth my time."

He turned and mounted the stairs, gazing down imperiously at the gathered crowd. "My...friends. Associates. It is clear that there are murderers among us, those here with less than noble intentions. I have this to say, that they will have a very easy job of this. It does not look like they will have too hard a time carving a path through you lot. Fortunately for you, I am here, and I shall have to be the one to save your miserable lives. These depraveds will rue the day they accepted the invitation to kill one of the Altmeri!"

He leveled each of them a glare, watching with satisfaction as they turned away, unable to meet his gaze. "This...human's vote is sheer idiocy. She does not ask a question, she has no point to make, she merely screams my name without justification. Perhaps to see if I am aware, girl? Your shouting serves. no. purpose. If you have nothing to say, do not say it." He turned and gazed at his fellow elf with barely veiled disgust. Sartinia may have been Altmeri, but his appearanced shamed his heritage. "Sartinia, at least, has a question to ask, if a question that has utterly no bearing on what we do today. Try to think better, brother Elf. You do not have the excuse of slow wit that the other races have."

He finally turned, his piercing eyes searching out a character huddled by the sides. "Tu/Cloudjumper! Tell me. What do you think of an execution today?"

Yes, I am also trying to play in full RP. Word of warning, I will be significantly less active for the next four days, so please be patient if I cannot immediately respond to your votes. I will be on a family retreat.

So what I meant by the RP was this. Don't poke vote just for the sake of it. Ask a question. Force a player to take a stance on something. This was something I learned last game. 

Also, forgive the insults :P It's all character only stuff, but if it offends you, I'll turn it down.

Edited by Doc12
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Innocent searched the house for a piece of paper. Upon finding one, he ripped it up into twenty-three exactly identical pieces, wrote the name of a different guest on each piece, and then placed the pieces into his hat and shook it. Then, Innocent randomly chose a piece and held it up. "A Joe in the Bush," he said, "what are your thoughts on"--he rifled around in his hat for another piece of paper--"Stick?"

He set the hat down on the table, only to find most of the guests staring at him. He couldn't describe their expressions, but they were expressions he had received many times. Ehh, whatever. They'll get used to me eventually.

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Ugh. Helchon was apparently one of those High Elves. He reminded Sartinia of her father. So, basically, Helchon was a pompous prick.

"Okay. First off I am a Lady, not a brother. Get it right. Second off, what do you mean my question has no bearing? How are we supposed to interrogate anyone if we don't have any alibis! We need to figure out who is actually supposed to be here, and who just snuck in."

She blithely ignored the fact that it was her father who was supposed to go, but those were minor details.

"More important though, is your question about the lynch. Of course there's going to be a lynch. What do you think will happen? We'll all just start a sing-along? One of us is a murderer, and I am not going to let them murder me! We're going to come up with excuses, we're going to argue, but we are going to kill someone tonight. That is not a question. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go gather alibis."

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John decided there was no point in picking people at random. Just because someone hasn't said anything yet, it doesn't mean they're guilty. The best option is to wait until suspects came forward.

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Helchon sucked in a breath and smiled at Sartinia. Somehow that elf had the ability to get under his skin more than any other person here. Perhaps it was because she was actually on a status recognizable by him. He could afford to look down on all others except her. Which made her mistakes so much more...noticeable. 

"Sartinia. I did not ask whether there should be a lynch. I asked what Tu thought of a lynch. Would she enthusiastically choose a person to die? Or would she hedge her bets and watch and wait? This information is valuable, and I expected you to know that. For example", he gestured vaguely to...someone who was skulking (Echtelion) That commoner has made his stance clear, he does not like the lynch. That is good to know. We shall watch, and we shall gather information." He sighed. "And just what do you think you would gain by asking for alibis?" 

And casually, he turned to...the person who had just spoken (JUQ). "And would you expect the guilty to just step forward and talk? Do think a bit. The only way to stir the guilty is to force them out by making them pick a stance. Leave them alone and they'll happily skulk in the shadows watching us bicker. No. Today, we shall point fingers. we shall call out names and we shall ask them questions. Do try harder."

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49 minutes ago, Ookthelion III said:

Innocent searched the house for a piece of paper. Upon finding one, he ripped it up into twenty-three exactly identical pieces, wrote the name of a different guest on each piece, and then placed the pieces into his hat and shook it. Then, Innocent randomly chose a piece and held it up. "A Joe in the Bush," he said, "what are your thoughts on"--he rifled around in his hat for another piece of paper--"Stick?"

If you read Stick's posts carefully, you'll notice that none of them are helpful to the village. He hasn't done anything to help the village yet! Mostly because he hasn't posted yet. If you're going to randomly ask someone about someone, ask them about someone who has posted. Wait to grill the non poster for a cycle or so.

Edited by A Joe in the Bush
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Boris was one of the last to inspect the corpse. Why? He was too busy secreting a bottle of whiskey under a chair. It wasn't a full bottle--in fact it was mostly empty--but it was enough to soothe his fears that he wouldn't have any for later. Most of the bottle was in his stomach: it helped him sleep.

The necessities attended to, he then walked over to the corpse. The first order of business when dealing with a corpse is always to check its pockets for loose change determine what made this a corpse and not a person. The knife sticking in its chest had to be a distraction, so he rolled the body over and checked for more wounds. Nothing. What a creative killer this one was! And... he had even left his handprint!

"Hey! Does anyone here have a hand that matches this print?"

The guests were surprisingly forthcoming: the accusations flying around had usually been met with quick responses, and so it wasn't long before everyone had compared their hands to the handprint. None matched. But what all of these accusations did do is establish a pattern . . .

"I suspect that you, Innocent (Ecth III), are not so innocent. I've seen your kind before [you in previous games], and you're talking awfully much. My inspector's instinct [gut read] tells me that you're hiding something."

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Announcement that I have finals for the next two days, so don't expect from much me. Considering that I'm writing this at 3am my time, that should speak to how little sleep I'm getting during this week.

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Rhea woke up to a scream. She sighed as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes. "Can't a lady get some sleep around here?" she muttered. Perhaps it wasn't wise what she did last night - staying up until nearly dawn to look for clues. She has promised herself she would only stay awake until she found one clue, and she would then work on it in the morning. But after hours and hours of futile searching, perhaps she should have given up earlier. Much earlier.

She took her time getting out of bed and putting on clothes for the day. She wasn't likely to get back to sleep, so she might as well go see what all the fuss was about. As she entered the main hall, she was surprised to see the body. She had expected the scream to be someone accidentally hurting themselves, or maybe a fight between two guests. She paled and nearly fainted. She had never seen a body before, and... wait, what was that symbol stuck to the deceased's chest? The assassin's guild?! Was someone hired to murder the guests so they couldn't find the treasure? Perhaps it was one of the other guests, eliminating the competition with an assassin's guild contract?

Rhea hurriedly stepped past the corpse to where other guests were milling about, likely also awakened by the scream. She turned to the small crowd. "It was probably one of those mangy Khajit," she said, sniffing in disdain. "You can't trust them, you know. They'd kill their own mother for a coin. I can't think of any other reason they'd be invited to join in festivities such as these. Perhaps the one called Fjord (Assassin in Burgundy)? Unless he has some kind of alibi?" She waited to see if anyone in the crowd would speak on his behalf, or if the Khajit would join them and speak in his own defense. Perhaps he would redirect the blame elsewhere.

Regardless, this was an irritating development. She has been so looking forward to searching the house for clues again. She hadn't even made it to the third floor of the manor yet in her methodical sweep of the mansion.

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Kjartan and Mus tramped over the Manor, searching for any sign of malign activity. Occasionally, Mus would squeak; when he did, Kjartan drew to a halt and inspected the area. Some of the paintings were strange, Kjartan decided. Mus seemed to take a dislike to them, but why, Kjartan was not sure. The Voice of Stendarr had spoken, however, and he drew himself back, ready to give the painting the punishment of its canvas life, when--


Kjartan ran - away from the evil painting - towards the landing of the first floor, where a body lay, spread-eagled, obviously dead because of the protruding knife. There was a note, too, however: one with a red handprint on it. Mus squeaked emphatically, wriggling about his perch on Kjartan's pauldrons. "I see it too, Mus!" Kjartan declared. "The evil is among us!" He glanced suspiciously at the others. Surely there must be a sign, something that would set them apart - that would set Mus off, and then the Boot of Stendarr could get to work, meeting evil - hard - in the rear.

Most of them were speaking, pointing fingers at each other. Kjartan snorted contemptuously. They were speaking, thinking. The Boot of Stendarr did not trust in such things, for surely evil had a silver tongue, and they barely knew each other. "What do you think, Mus?" he whispered.

Mus was silent for the moment, burrowing into the hollow between pauldron and cuirass. Kjartan was, for the moment then, alone and bereft of guidance. Still, the Boot of Stendarr shouldered on the best he could. "You point them, Mus," he murmured. "And I will kick them in the rear!"

There! Was that a squeak? Kjartan shouldered through the crowd, eyes narrowing. In Stendarr's name, he was going to put the Dunmer to the boot.

I'm placing a vote on Kynedath.

Edited to add: Before any confusion ensues, I should note that I tend to keep my RP and gameplay separate. Don't expect me to be voicing views in my RP - I RP because I enjoy RPing, that's all there is to it.

Edited by Kasimir
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Cycle one lynches always victimise villagers. Which is why it's fun to vote. You can vote on whoever you suspect without rising suspicions on yourself later on when that suspect turns out to be a villager bc 'it was just C1 and no-one had any solid reads'. Well, I suspect that's fun when you're an elim anyway...

I'm going to place my vote on Arinian who was online an hour ago but hasn't posted yet.. @Arinian

mysterious white text: I'm an Elim.      Jk. Lol.

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I figure it's probably worth clarifying here, seeing as a number of people asked - I'm sure most of you have noticed that I included an inventory of items in your PMs. I added them as a flavour/RP thing for people to have fun with. They were all decided before alignments were worked out, and have no bearing on the players alignment. They also have no gameplay affect. So no, if you have a weapon, you can't kill people with it. You can still try and use stuff and maybe some fun stuff will happen. ;P

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6 hours ago, JUQ said:

John decided there was no point in picking people at random. Just because someone hasn't said anything yet, it doesn't mean they're guilty. The best option is to wait until suspects came forward.

Well, we gotta start somewhere. Such as what Stick posted below.

2 hours ago, I_am_a_Stick said:

Cycle one lynches always victimise villagers. Which is why it's fun to vote. You can vote on whoever you suspect without rising suspicions on yourself later on when that suspect turns out to be a villager bc 'it was just C1 and no-one had any solid reads'. Well, I suspect that's fun when you're an elim anyway...

I'm going to place my vote on Arinian who was online an hour ago but hasn't posted yet.. @Arinian

mysterious white text: I'm an Elim.      Jk. Lol.

White text alert. :P

Here's everyone who's been online but haven't posted: Arinian, Kynedath, cloudjumper, Alvron, Orlok, and Burnt. Sorry, not sorry.

Glad you're playing Skaa Bro! :lol: It's been a while.

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5 hours ago, Kasimir said:

I'm placing a vote on Kynedath.

@Kasimir I assume that this is a day one baseless vote to promote discussion?

1 hour ago, TheMightyLopen said:

Here's everyone who's been online but haven't posted: Arinian, Kynedath, cloudjumper, Alvron, Orlok, and Burnt. Sorry, not sorry.

Yeah, I was on to check  my alignment, but I really needed sleep and so I put off posting until today.

As for rp, I enjoy it, but I'm not going to let myself do it. I don't have the time lately. Maybe in some later games when I have less to do, but I just can't afford it right now.

For those who remember games played with me, I was strongly against first day lynches. I felt that they were counter-productive and that if there was no basis for the accusations, that they shouldn't be killed for doing nothing. However, since this game is based on discussion, I believe that a day one lynch would be useful to us since we need the info as soon as possile.

It might also be useful to have a list of players new to SE if there are any. Even just players who have played less than five games. They tend to act differently than veteran players so it would be nice to know what to look for in them. Since I have been gone for some time, I'm not in a position to make that list, but if anyone else would be kind enough to do that, I would highly appreciate it.

I vote Lopen for now. You shifted suspision from yourself to others with your list of who had been on but hadn't posted. It's not much, but like I said above, we need to lynch someone and you are my best guess.

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5 minutes ago, Kynedath said:

@Kasimir I assume that this is a day one baseless vote to promote discussion?

No, Kynedath, it's the first cycle, but I have a dossier full of reasoning which supports my claim of your illicit, ahem, activities! If you'll step this way... :P 

You know what? Ookthelion III. Why mention the Five Tenets?

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18 minutes ago, Kynedath said:

@Kasimir I assume that this is a day one baseless vote to promote discussion?

Yeah, I was on to check  my alignment, but I really needed sleep and so I put off posting until today.

As for rp, I enjoy it, but I'm not going to let myself do it. I don't have the time lately. Maybe in some later games when I have less to do, but I just can't afford it right now.

For those who remember games played with me, I was strongly against first day lynches. I felt that they were counter-productive and that if there was no basis for the accusations, that they shouldn't be killed for doing nothing. However, since this game is based on discussion, I believe that a day one lynch would be useful to us since we need the info as soon as possile.

It might also be useful to have a list of players new to SE if there are any. Even just players who have played less than five games. They tend to act differently than veteran players so it would be nice to know what to look for in them. Since I have been gone for some time, I'm not in a position to make that list, but if anyone else would be kind enough to do that, I would highly appreciate it.

I vote Lopen for now. You shifted suspision from yourself to others with your list of who had been on but hadn't posted. It's not much, but like I said above, we need to lynch someone and you are my best guess.

No one had even mentioned me when I posted, so I'm not sure exactly what you mean.

And because I don't really expect my vote on Burnt to do anything(I'd just remove it as soon as she posted anyways :P), I'll move my vote to cloudjumper.

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A cage. Again. No matter how nice it was, it was still a prison. Fjord realized this. Others didn't. But they hadn't been imprisoned in a perfect prison. He still remembered the days, back when he was trapped in that house. The collector, that treated him as a house cat. He was a Khajit. And he would escape this cage. He'd done it before, and he would do it again. Even if he had to claw his way out of it. 

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2 minutes ago, TheMightyLopen said:

No one had even mentioned me when I posted, so I'm not sure exactly what you mean.

Yeah, I didn't really word that well, but you still drew attention away from yourself and tried to gather trust by giving out that list. You didn't have any suspicion, but you were setting yourself up to be more trusted and less likely to be accused later on.

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Tu lay slouched against the wall when he heard his name. "Tu! What do you think of an execution today? " Tu raised his head. In front of him was a Naka, or an Altmer as they called them in these lands. Ugh. It hurt his tongue to speak their backwards language, so he replied in his own. "I think they're barbaric, but necessary for the good of society. Have one if you must, but don't pick me". Of course, they would probably hear that as gibberish, but what did it matter? 

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20 minutes ago, Kynedath said:

Yeah, I didn't really word that well, but you still drew attention away from yourself and tried to gather trust by giving out that list. You didn't have any suspicion, but you were setting yourself up to be more trusted and less likely to be accused later on.

Ah, I see. I still don't really see the cause for suspicion though. As a villager or an eliminator, you want to be trusted and you don't want to be lynched.

11 minutes ago, cloudjumper said:

Tu lay slouched against the wall when he heard his name. "Tu! What do you think of an execution today? " Tu raised his head. In front of him was a Naka, or an Altmer as they called them in these lands. Ugh. It hurt his tongue to speak their backwards language, so he replied in his own. "I think they're barbaric, but necessary for the good of society. Have one if you must, but don't pick me". Of course, they would probably hear that as gibberish, but what did it matter? 

Well you are tied with Ecthelion and Arinian for the most votes right now.

Vote tally(from memory - feeling lazy):

Arinian(2) - someoneSart, someone elseStick
Ecthelion(2) - Elenion, Kasimir
Cloudjumper(2) - somebodyDoc, Lopen
Assassin(1) - Nyali
Lopen(1) - Kynedath
Doc(1) - Arraenae
Joe(1) - Ecthelion

Edit: Stopped being lazy and finished the tally(added Rae and Ecth's votes and put Sart, Stick, and Doc's names in).

Edited by TheMightyLopen
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2 hours ago, TheMightyLopen said:

Well, we gotta start somewhere. Such as what Stick posted below.

White text alert. :P

Here's everyone who's been online but haven't posted: Arinian, Kynedath, cloudjumper, Alvron, Orlok, and Burnt. Sorry, not sorry.

Glad you're playing Skaa Bro! :lol: It's been a while.

Ahaha. Its been a while since you got in first eh? :] good to know your traditional "poke burnt to post d1" thing is still happening :P im here now. Birefly. Probably. Well. Its 2am.  it should be briefly.


Adarjmei looked around. This should be an interesting change of event. Higher risk, but boots are easier to take from a dead body than a living. Some other guest would make tempting targets though. Adarjmei had started making a list using an inkwell she found and a blank page in a book she found. Was dull book. History book. Pah. Adajmei not care for history. Adarjmei care for gold and riches. Whether from pockets or chests she did not care. But, if this cat is to feel somewhat safer, she needs to make a friend or too. Trust is a good thing. Adarjmei think it not safe to wander into dark rooms alone. But then, Adarjmei is khajiit. Her eyes are powerful in night. Eyes do not protect backs though. No....

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