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3 minutes ago, Kynedath said:

Oh! Here we go, what if Arinian made a mistake due to their inexperience (i recall them saying this was their first game) and then you had to do something to save them.Your call to change the vote and Arinians vote swap seem to line up with each other suspiciously. It would be possible for you to have told them what to do in a doc and then shortly thereafter give them an out. You couldn't just vote for me, because that just would have proved the point that I made. You had to somehow keep me from dying and convicting your teammate, so you tried to swing the vote completely. Ballsy move, but I would expect nothing less from the mighty STINK.

You guys are all going to accuse me of trying to deflect attention away from myself, but honestly, at this point, if I die and prove to you that I'm innocent, and therefore give you guys proof that these guys are eliminators (if they are) then I'd call that a win for me. I could be wrong in every aspect of this, but if I'm not, then I'd be proud of myself.

I am going to keep my vote on Arinian. If my theory is correct, then they are still an eliminator, and they are a lot closer to a lynch than STINK is.

Don't see any mistake. I put vote on you without any reasoning I'm didn't thought to keep it on you just as I said earlier "make you nervous" start some discussion because I just don't like when nothing happenes... If I was assassin I'm just kept my vote on Stick(and I wanted to keep my vote on Stick but as I see there no way that someone gonna throw vote on her) and that would be much better for me. Rae's vote for me looks like try to assure that you will be lynched.

And I have dagger but that not means that I'm traitor :D

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7 minutes ago, Arinian said:

Don't see any mistake. I put vote on you without any reasoning I'm didn't thought to keep it on you just as I said earlier "make you nervous" start some discussion because I just don't like when nothing happenes... If I was assassin I'm just kept my vote on Stick(and I wanted to keep my vote on Stick but as I see there no way that someone gonna throw vote on her) and that would be much better for me. Rae's vote for me looks like try to assure that you will be lynched.

And I have dagger but that not means that I'm traitor :D

So from what I got from that, you put a vote on me to make me nervous and create some discussion because you want to make the game interesting. You claim that if you were an assassin that you would just leave your vote on Stick but you figured that wouldn't do anything since nobody else was going to vote for her. And you find Rae suspicious because it looks like she just wants to make sure i die.

Is that all correct?

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Just now, Kynedath said:

So from what I got from that, you put a vote on me to make me nervous and create some discussion because you want to make the game interesting. You claim that if you were an assassin that you would just leave your vote on Stick but you figured that wouldn't do anything since nobody else was going to vote for her. And you find Rae suspicious because it looks like she just wants to make sure i die.

Is that all correct?

Yeah looks like that.

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20 minutes ago, Kynedath said:

STINK, What you are saying about Rae could also be a good lead, but it also seems like something is off there.

Don't know if you've realised yet, but this whole lynch is 'off'. Too many people going gung-ho.

21 minutes ago, Kynedath said:

I know that I can't count anything out with you since you're the most erratic player I know of, but that seemed like a deflection. Besides, yes, Rae did have the same reasons to vote on Alv as for me, but I am the one on the chopping block and I hadn't played very well before that either. I kind of expected the heat that I received. I'll probably get accused of trying to save Rae, but I'm not. I just don't see your logic in this.

Wanna know the logic behind this? Rae's voting for you primarily because of the reasons that Alv can also be voted for, but seeing as Alv is much more experienced than you, I don't see why Rae would focus specifically on you. Unless there's an ulterior motive or something. As for you not playing well, I'm seeing mistakes that others have made, so again, I don't see why you're being focused on. I can see how you expected the heat though, seeing as there were mistakes :P

And I'm not erratic.

23 minutes ago, Kynedath said:

But why would you all of a sudden defend me?

 Because the lynch C1 was a total mess, and now you seem to be blamed as the primary contributor to that mess. Just unfair, is all.

24 minutes ago, Kynedath said:

Would you be trying to distract people from something I said? Did I strike a flaw in the logic of your teammate?

If I was an elim, I would like to think that I'd do something so heroic for one of my teammates C2, but I actually wouldn't. Now I'm gonna get analysed for saying hi to people.

26 minutes ago, Kynedath said:

Oh! Here we go, what if Arinian made a mistake due to their inexperience (i recall them saying this was their first game) and then you had to do something to save them.Your call to change the vote and Arinians vote swap seem to line up with each other suspiciously. It would be possible for you to have told them what to do in a doc and then shortly thereafter give them an out. You couldn't just vote for me, because that just would have proved the point that I made. You had to somehow keep me from dying and convicting your teammate, so you tried to swing the vote completely. Ballsy move, but I would expect nothing less from the mighty STINK.

You know your whole theory could also apply to you too, right? And if our votes line up with each other suspiciously, then it's still nothing compared to the blatant bandwagon votes on various people. Also why couldn't I vote for you? I can do whatever I want to :P 

As for swinging the vote completely, I'm gonna repeat myself here yet again, but it's because the lynch as it is right now is supposed to be how we get discussion and all this stuff, but instead it just seems like everyone is going round and round and round the same thing, with the elims recording it and about to post a youtube video entitled 'Greatest Prank of 2016'.

30 minutes ago, Kynedath said:

You guys are all going to accuse me of trying to deflect attention away from myself, but honestly, at this point, if I die and prove to you that I'm innocent, and therefore give you guys proof that these guys are eliminators (if they are) then I'd call that a win for me. I could be wrong in every aspect of this, but if I'm not, then I'd be proud of myself.

You're wrong. That looks blunt, doesn't it? But I'm not one for flowery language.

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@STINK, I'm focusing on Kynedath because I found him suspicious last Cycle, too. Sure, I could vote for Alv. In fact, you've inspired me to reread the C1 thread again, so I can take a closer look at him. I might even vote for Alv next Cycle. But I'm voting for Kenedath because he stands out more than Alv for pinging me off twice in two cycles.

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3 minutes ago, Arinian said:

Yeah looks like that.

In that case, How would leaving your vote on Stick help you as an eliminator?

@STINK Storms! I am not used to you actually making organized arguments like this. I don't know if it's just me, but whenever I played with you before, you never said anything like this. It was more like "You know what, I'll just vote for myself this turn. Just for the damnation of it!" Is that something new or am I just delusional? Or did your playstyle change with your alignment?

7 minutes ago, STINK said:

Don't know if you've realised yet, but this whole lynch is 'off'. Too many people going gung-ho.

No, I haven't realized it yet. But I think that going "gung-ho" is a good thing in this game. We have no roles to work with. Only discussion. I am actually glad that people have so many suspicions from the discussion that has gone on.

10 minutes ago, STINK said:

Wanna know the logic behind this? Rae's voting for you primarily because of the reasons that Alv can also be voted for, but seeing as Alv is much more experienced than you, I don't see why Rae would focus specifically on you. Unless there's an ulterior motive or something. As for you not playing well, I'm seeing mistakes that others have made, so again, I don't see why you're being focused on. I can see how you expected the heat though, seeing as there were mistakes

Yes, but Rae had no chance to kill Alv. I had already been voted on and they had a good chance of lynching someone they thought were suspicious. Either that or what you are saying is true. I'm not trying to say that it's an invalid argument, I'm just saying that it's not entirely condemning. It's completely plausible. I just see other reasons as to their actions.

13 minutes ago, STINK said:

 Because the lynch C1 was a total mess, and now you seem to be blamed as the primary contributor to that mess. Just unfair, is all.

Yeah, a bit, but that is how the game works. It's unfair to soooooo many people. Of course, it makes sense that you want to defy the natural unfairness of the game. It's just a STINK thing to do.

14 minutes ago, STINK said:

If I was an elim, I would like to think that I'd do something so heroic for one of my teammates C2, but I actually wouldn't. Now I'm gonna get analysed for saying hi to people.

Who knows. You might be desperate. This is a game where the village is abnormally disadvantaged compared to normal so it would make sense for there to be fewer eliminators in the game. If you were desperate enough then you might just need to do something to save your teammate.

22 minutes ago, STINK said:

You know your whole theory could also apply to you too, right? And if our votes line up with each other suspiciously, then it's still nothing compared to the blatant bandwagon votes on various people. Also why couldn't I vote for you? I can do whatever I want to

Yeah, it could, but it's a lot less viable since Rae is currently voting for me. True, but it looks to me like a new player following an experienced one's instructions. As for that last point . . . yeah, you can do whatever you want to. You're a free man. I have no control over you. 

26 minutes ago, STINK said:

As for swinging the vote completely, I'm gonna repeat myself here yet again, but it's because the lynch as it is right now is supposed to be how we get discussion and all this stuff, but instead it just seems like everyone is going round and round and round the same thing, with the elims recording it and about to post a youtube video entitled 'Greatest Prank of 2016'.

I dunno, it seems like just another game of SE to me.

26 minutes ago, STINK said:

You're wrong. That looks blunt, doesn't it? But I'm not one for flowery language.

I called it.

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Just now, Arinian said:

How? It's obvious It's not gonna put me in position where I can gain suspicions on myself.

Not quite 100% true I think. People would question why you weren't doing something else. Kind of like STINK is doing with Rae right now.

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14 minutes ago, Kynedath said:

Storms! I am not used to you actually making organized arguments like this. I don't know if it's just me, but whenever I played with you before, you never said anything like this. It was more like "You know what, I'll just vote for myself this turn. Just for the damnation of it!" Is that something new or am I just delusional? Or did your playstyle change with your alignment?

:) Not an alignment causing playstyle change, if you were wondering.

14 minutes ago, Kynedath said:

I am actually glad that people have so many suspicions from the discussion that has gone on.

Look, the whole suspicions thing isn't actually that great, 'cause all of them for the most part are like 'When he's evil, we know that A and B are also evil!', which makes most suspicions fall apart when it turns out you lynched an inno. I mean, we've had people seem to focus on Arinian and stuff for what, most of the cycle?

14 minutes ago, Kynedath said:

Yes, but Rae had no chance to kill Alv. I had already been voted on and they had a good chance of lynching someone they thought were suspicious. Either that or what you are saying is true. I'm not trying to say that it's an invalid argument, I'm just saying that it's not entirely condemning. It's completely plausible. I just see other reasons as to their actions.

There's always other reasons to people's actions. And as for Rae having no chance to kill Alv, that's a lie. There's always a chance, especially if you're pointing out that an experienced player just blatantly bandwagoned and then everyone else is under suspicion for it except him.

14 minutes ago, Kynedath said:

Yeah, a bit, but that is how the game works. It's unfair to soooooo many people. Of course, it makes sense that you want to defy the natural unfairness of the game. It's just a STINK thing to do.

Well yeah, but it's not unfair to so many people. It's more of 'everyone is focusing on these two people for the whole cycle when they shouldn't be wonder what's going on there oh look rae just continued to do so for like no reason at all'.

14 minutes ago, Kynedath said:

Who knows. You might be desperate. This is a game where the village is abnormally disadvantaged compared to normal so it would make sense for there to be fewer eliminators in the game. If you were desperate enough then you might just need to do something to save your teammate.

Desperate enough to risk having two eliminators die on C2? That's reaching for straws, and very thin ones at that.

14 minutes ago, Kynedath said:

Yeah, it could, but it's a lot less viable since Rae is currently voting for me. True, but it looks to me like a new player following an experienced one's instructions. As for that last point . . . yeah, you can do whatever you want to. You're a free man. I have no control over you. 

Maybe you're evil and you want us to think that you're not working with Rae, as Rae the experienced player told you about this great way to gain trust or at least hide connections between each other and this whole time has been instructing you on what to do and what not to do. Oh wait that looks weird doesn't it? Let's not continue with this whole experienced line of thought. The elims are gonna be randomised.

Might as well make a trust list while I think of it:


1. Kynedath


1. Everyone not mentioned.


1. Rae


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2 minutes ago, STINK said:


1. Kynedath

Well, you know what, since you trust me, I'll just drop it.Arguing isn't going to get us anywhere except with you not trusting me. And since I want to survive, I'll let you think what you want. But I'll give you fair warning that I don't trust you.

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Stink.  Ari.  While I do still think that at least one of Stick, Stink and Orlok is evil, there is little chance of any of them being lynched this round.  So instead I'll go for the one that was second in the past cycle.

Since I know everyone is wondering what my motivations are, I'll try and explain them.  I have played over 30 games yet I still have this inability to find eliminators via discussion.  Sure, I've gotten lucky a couple of times but that was luck.  I am using this game and the past MR to test out a possible way for me to overcome my lack of discussion reads.  And before you ask, no I'm not going to tell you what that is.

Vote Tally:
Stink (0): Alv
Ari (4): Kas, Nyali, JUQ, Kyne, Alv
Stick (0): Ari
Joe (0): Kas
JUQ (1): Kas
Kyne ((3): Doc, Mage, Ari, Rae
Cloud (2): Sart, Joe
Rae (2): Stink, Ari

Non voters (9): Darkness, Len, Assassin, Kipper, Elodin, Orlok, Cloud, Stick, Burnt

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1 hour ago, Kynedath said:

Uhhh . . . I'm not sure what to think right now. You could be telling the truth, but flipping your vote like that sets off a lot of alarms in my head. It doesn't seem right.

STINK, What you are saying about Rae could also be a good lead, but it also seems like something is off there. I know that I can't count anything out with you since you're the most erratic player I know of, but that seemed like a deflection. Besides, yes, Rae did have the same reasons to vote on Alv as for me, but I am the one on the chopping block and I hadn't played very well before that either. I kind of expected the heat that I received. I'll probably get accused of trying to save Rae, but I'm not. I just don't see your logic in this.

But why would you all of a sudden defend me? Would you be trying to distract people from something I said? Did I strike a flaw in the logic of your teammate?

Oh! Here we go, what if Arinian made a mistake due to their inexperience (i recall them saying this was their first game) and then you had to do something to save them.Your call to change the vote and Arinians vote swap seem to line up with each other suspiciously. It would be possible for you to have told them what to do in a doc and then shortly thereafter give them an out. You couldn't just vote for me, because that just would have proved the point that I made. You had to somehow keep me from dying and convicting your teammate, so you tried to swing the vote completely. Ballsy move, but I would expect nothing less from the mighty STINK.

You guys are all going to accuse me of trying to deflect attention away from myself, but honestly, at this point, if I die and prove to you that I'm innocent, and therefore give you guys proof that these guys are eliminators (if they are) then I'd call that a win for me. I could be wrong in every aspect of this, but if I'm not, then I'd be proud of myself.

I am going to keep my vote on Arinian. If my theory is correct, then they are still an eliminator, and they are a lot closer to a lynch than STINK is.

To be blunt, most of your criticisms of Stink are shoddy at best, and feel like a very unreasoned attack. I'm not going to make any comments on your alignment based off of this, because both townspeople or Eliminators can and have done this. However, I would suggest putting a stop attacking people like this (asking leading questions and osik hypotheticals [apologies for language @Kasimir] relating to their alignment), or you'll soon receive suspicion for it. Beware your own mind and the too-compelling narrative.

That's the only comment I have for now! No vote at present. I have some vague suspicions of certain peeps, but I'd prefer they not know yet.



Song of the cycle. It's good to be done with finals, y'all! FIRST SEMESTER OF COLLEGE DONE WOOOHOO!!!!

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3 minutes ago, Alvron said:

Vote Tally:
Stink (0): Alv
Ari (4): Kas, Nyali, JUQ, Kyne, Alv
Stick (0): Ari
Joe (0): Kas
JUQ (1): Kas
Kyne ((3): Doc, Mage, Ari, Rae
Cloud (2): Sart, Joe
Rae (2): Stink, Ari

No one pays attention to poor little Mage.  -sigh-

1 hour ago, Magestar said:

I'll kick myself if you turn out to be an Elim, but I don't think I want to be part of a Kynedath lynch RN.  I'm also not seeing a Rae lynch, but I need to look at that more closely.

So the tally looks more like this:

Vote Tally:
Stink (0): Alv
Ari (4): Kas, Nyali, JUQ, Kyne, Alv
Stick (0): Ari
Joe (0): Kas
JUQ (1): Kas
Kyne ((3): Doc, Mage, Ari, Rae
Cloud (2): Sart, Joe
Rae (2): Stink, Ari

Technically I'm also a non-voter RN.

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1 minute ago, Magestar said:

No one pays attention to poor little Mage.  -sigh-

So the tally looks more like this:

Vote Tally:
Stink (0): Alv
Ari (4): Kas, Nyali, JUQ, Kyne, Alv
Stick (0): Ari
Joe (0): Kas
JUQ (1): Kas
Kyne ((3): Doc, Mage, Ari, Rae
Cloud (2): Sart, Joe
Rae (2): Stink, Ari

Technically I'm also a non-voter RN.

:( I even had that in my main Tally but somehow it didn't transfer.  Must be because I'm missing a hand eh Mage? :P 

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7 minutes ago, Alvron said:

Stink.  Ari.  While I do still think that at least one of Stick, Stink and Orlok is evil, there is little chance of any of them being lynched this round.  So instead I'll go for the one that was second in the past cycle.

Since I know everyone is wondering what my motivations are, I'll try and explain them.  I have played over 30 games yet I still have this inability to find eliminators via discussion.  Sure, I've gotten lucky a couple of times but that was luck.  I am using this game and the past MR to test out a possible way for me to overcome my lack of discussion reads.  And before you ask, no I'm not going to tell you what that is.

Vote Tally:
Stink (0): Alv
Ari (4): Kas, Nyali, JUQ, Kyne, Alv
Stick (0): Ari
Joe (0): Kas
JUQ (1): Kas
Kyne ((3): Doc, Mage, Ari, Rae
Cloud (2): Sart, Joe
Rae (2): Stink, Ari

Non voters (9): Darkness, Len, Assassin, Kipper, Elodin, Orlok, Cloud, Stick, Burnt

Looks like your inability to find elims still here. So I will just try to save myself Rae Kyne

And I'm still think that Stick is elim.

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1 minute ago, Alvron said:

Non voters (9): Darkness, Len, Assassin, Kipper, Elodin, Orlok, Cloud, Stick, Burnt

I'm here now; I was in classes and didn't have time to post this morning. I also have work in just a few, so I'll try to do something more substantial after that.

But until then, JUQ. His voting last cycle seems off to me, like he had thought of what he wanted to do first and then tried to justify it, but the justification didn't quite fit. I'll post more in about 75 to 90 minutes.


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7 minutes ago, Alvron said:

:( I even had that in my main Tally but somehow it didn't transfer.  Must be because I'm missing a hand eh Mage? :P 

It's gotta be so hard to type! :P 

6 minutes ago, Arinian said:

Looks like your inability to find elims still here. So I will just try to save myself Rae Kyne

Aaaand, the vote is tied.  Did we ever get confirmation about what that does?  While I'm not sure either of the main lynchees are evil, I get the feeling a no-lynch would put us in a bad place.  We need info. 

Also, @Kipper, did you mean to spoiler your whole post? :P On a completely unrelated note, I was just listening to that song. :D If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go through the whole playlist.

edit;  Aaand, you fixed it.

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1 minute ago, Magestar said:

It's gotta be so hard to type! :P 

Aaaand, the vote is tied.  Did we ever get confirmation about what that does?  While I'm not sure either of the main lynchees are evil, I get the feeling a no-lynch would put us in a bad place.  We need info. 

Also, @Kipper, did you mean to spoiler your whole post? :P On a completely unrelated note, I was just listening to that song. :D If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go through the whole playlist.

Wait, I thought that I only have three people voting for me while Arinian has four. Did I miscount?

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It's meant to be in the rules, but it's possible I neglected to put them there this time. A tied lynch results in one of the tied players being lynched at random - only way of not having a lynch is having no one vote.

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3 minutes ago, Haelbarde said:

It's meant to be in the rules, but it's possible I neglected to put them there this time. A tied lynch results in one of the tied players being lynched at random - only way of not having a lynch is having no one vote.

Well thats good news.  

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Boris came back from whatever he was doing (now that you mention it, that wine bottle was looking a little lower than it was before) and chimed in, "The thing with criminals is that they're usually not the brazen type. They stay alive by subterfuge and manipulation. Both Arinian and Kynedath sound to me like they're not assassins, just because I don't think an assassin would have been as high-profile as each was yesterday. But while I'm not going to help you guys kill one of them, I'm not going to try to stop you, either. But if any of you have the same feelings that I do, then please inspect [vote on] JUQ with me."

[OOC: I'm not reading village on either Kynedath or Arinian, but they wouldn't be my first lynch choices either. I think both just made slips since they're relatively new players.]

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My apologies for the lack of response so far. A lot has gone wrong at work today, and my manager is overseas, so I've had to resolve it myself.

Consequently, my thoughts are rather less detailed than I'd been hoping, and I would only ask that Alv elaborate and justify his suspicion of me. As far as I can recall, the only justification he's given for his accusation is a very tenuous attempt to link this game to the QF.

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1 hour ago, OrlokTsubodai said:

Consequently, my thoughts are rather less detailed than I'd been hoping, and I would only ask that Alv elaborate and justify his suspicion of me. As far as I can recall, the only justification he's given for his accusation is a very tenuous attempt to link this game to the QF.

I can't elaborate and/or justify my suspicions.  As I said, the past days lynch and kill felt too similar to the MR game.  As such you and the others named went up in terms of my suspecting you.  There is nothing more to it.

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